This is a review of a book titled
Rat Island by William Stolzenburg that I have just read and consider it a must
read. We are presently fighting to
salvage as much of our remaining biodiversity as possible and we forget that
much of the damage if not most of the damage is not directly caused by humanity
at all.
It is all about rats and cats and
some cameos by weasels, goats and pigs. In particular, rats overwhelm densely
populated rookeries and the like. The
killing is grossly indiscriminant and hugely wasteful.
The take home it that invasive
creatures need to be removed wherever possible from every island refugia
available and where possible the original ecosystem needs to be restored. Conservationists following that program have
so far intervened on over 800 islands to date.
In time we will be able to use
DNA cloning to restore the extinct also to these restored islands.
Restoring the larger land masses
may simply be out of reach but perhaps not.
A simple fencing system may work to separate blocks of prime habitat for
restoration activity.
I would like to see fenced off
pieces of buffalo country set aside in order to fully restore the original
buffalo commons with the extraordinary grasses that went with it. Ten mile square fenced refugia is simple to
organize and if distributed properly will open future options for local
The difficult issue is the
classic problem of good husbandry demanding that the human intervener accepts
the power of life and death over the animal populations. That baldly means the outright extermination
of invasives such as rats and cats. It
is not even good enough to accept the vegetarian argument that we can simply
eat plant foods and accept that the animal kingdom will get on with its own
without us. In fact it is dangerous
It is the nature of a rat to eat
itself out of all food supplies, including ours and to then go into a serious
population collapse. The rat is quite
capable of driving a passive human population into extinction through its
mindless but utterly effective feeding strategies. It certainly has driven thousands of island
species into such extinction already.
The harsh truth continues to be
that we must act to contain populations of particular competitors that diminish
our efforts. Farmers have always known
this and are quick to kill pest animals that will become serious problems if
No one should want to do this,
but nature certainly leaves no choice.
Yet we should also look for better protocols. Allowing beavers to fill a valley bottom with
flooded meadows is good. Not trapping
out the annual surplus is stupid and bad husbandry. Making the best use of the carcass and fur is
also good practice. All this immediately
applies to the additional fur animals that come along with the beaver.
Again we have to relearn the art
of harvesting an animals life for the success of the whole and learn to be at peace
with it as the Indians taught.
Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 11 July 2011 Time: 08:00 AM ET
The rugged shoreline of Rat Island

In the late 1700s, a Japanese ship ran aground on a desolate scrap of
land in the Aleutian Island chain on what is now Alaska . Among the cargo spilled out of the
ship that day were common ship stowaways: rats.
From there, the story echoes that of countless islands
where the introduction of rats,
cats, weasels and other predators upends the ecosystem. The island's nesting
seabirds had no defenses against the predatory rats, which ate their eggs and
their young. The island's bird population was soon devastated and the 10-mile
(16 kilometer) square slip of land became known as "Rat Island ."

In a new book, "Rat Island : Predators in Paradise and the World's
Greatest Wildlife Rescue," (Bloomsbury USA , 2011), journalist William
Stolzenburg tells the story of what happened when conservationists decided
to take
the island back. In 2008, conservation groups The Nature Conservancy and
Island Conservation joined with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(FWS) to bait the island with enough rat poison to wipe out the whole
population of invasive rodents.
In August 2010, biologists declared Rat Island
rat-free. But the scheme didn’t come without costs, including the deaths of 320
glaucous-winged gulls and 46 bald eagles that had directly or indirectly
ingested the poison. Nonetheless, FWS authorities have said the eradication
effort will allow tens of thousands more birds to thrive.
LiveScience spoke with Stolzenburg about the controversy around reclaiming
islands and the importance of protecting these isolated ecosystems.
LiveScience: What drove you to write about Rat Island ?
I have been covering the field of wildlife conservation now for about
20 years. It's kind of, after a while, a depressing beat. Most of the stories
are about loss. This was a story that struck me as an incredible story of
success, of hope. The idea that with one swipe, you could essentially rescue a
million seabirds — you could take an island and by eliminating the rats, you
could resurrect the island, you could turn the clock back, you could right all
these wrongs. It was an incredible story of hope.
It was also an incredible story of controversy. I'm talking about the
invaders that need to be killed, including rats, cats, weasels, foxes. It's a
sad fact that we're having to kill them. That's the one downside, the
controversial side.
LiveScience: Why are these types of island reclamation projects often
There is another side to this issue: people who believe that we should
not kill the rats, we should let them be, that they've made it there, that we
should just let nature take its course. There's another argument that admits
the rats are making a dent in the seabird population, but we should find a humane
way to get rid of them, we should sterilize them or remove them all by live
Most of these ideas are pretty untenable, and it leaves the
conservationists in a bit of a quandary. They don't have the time to wait for
new [humane] technology. There are those that, although they are vocal about
doing better for the rats, they haven't really come up with a more practical,
workable solution.
LiveScience: Do these conservation efforts put other animals in danger
besides the ones being removed?
There are native rodents on some of the islands that are now being
defended. There's a chapter in the book about an island called Anacapa off the
coast of Southern California .
This island has a native mouse called the Anacapa deer mouse, a cute
little thing. When they went to eradicate the black rats that had been
introduced there, they had to deal with this native rodent and some other birds
that were going to be collateral victims.
They actually took hundreds of these mice and kept them in captivity
while they did the killing, and then they released them back. As I understand
it, that project has been a success.
I was very fortunate and I got to visit New Zealand . New Zealand is
the archetype of endangered islands, because this is the last great island
landmass to be settled. It was a kingdom of birds, many of them flightless,
half of them extinct since people and mainland predators arrived. [Editor's
note: The only land mammals native to New Zealand are bats.]
I got to visit there and see what an island with no native mammals is
like and see what happens when an island of these innocent walking birds is
invaded by mammals. It's a sorry tale.
I was also very fortunate to get out and visit Rat Island
and a neighboring island, Kiska. Kiska was not invaded by rats until World War
II. It took a few years for these rats to make their way over this very harsh
tundra, but they did, and they made it to this incredible seabird colony. There
are so many birds in this colony that even the scientists have thrown up their
hands. They can't estimate them. Some say there's a million, some have said
it's at least 10 million. It's just one of wildlife's most amazing spectacles.
Well, this spectacle in the past 20 years was finally invaded by those
World War II rats.
Scientists have been studying it ever since, and they've seen years in
which the rats were slaughtering these helpless seabirds. Worries for the
future of this world-class colony is what spurred the efforts to eliminate rats
on Aleutian islands . Kiska was too large and
complex to start with, but Rat
Island was a good
practice ground.
LiveScience: What is it important to understand what's happened on
these lost islands?
For one thing, it's a pretty good adventure yarn. This is a different
sort of conservation campaign. It's combining your egghead academics along with
professional hunters and even some semi-retired poachers.
But as for why we should care, Rat Island
is a good metaphor for what's going on in the larger world. If you've ever been
to an island that's mad with seabirds, you know the cacophony, the spectacle of
life. You go to Rat
Island , and you feel the
silence and the sterility. That's a good metaphor for what's happening on
mainlands around the world during this sixth
mass extinction that we humans are helping along.
There's probably a million and one practical reasons why we shouldn’t
be squandering biodiversity so blithely. I think there's also a case to be made
for the sheer wonder of it all. These species are works of art every bit as
valuable as the best van Gogh or piece of music by Mozart. If we don't do
something now, 20, 30, 40 years down the road we don't have the luxury to say,
"Oops, we goofed." Extinction is forever, and we need to remember
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