What this item means is that
dolphins can actually speak to each other at any depth and probably do even
though the sound made is whistle like to our ears.
It becomes plausible that we can
design a sound conversion algorithm that will take the whistles and change them
into something our own ears can accept and possibly repeat with our own rich
The mere fact that the capacity survived
in the transition to the sea supports a robust interpretation.
It is time we figured out how to
directly communicate with the dolphins without exhausting their patience. In the end we will be able to speak into a
microphone and carry on a conversation.
Dolphins 'Talk' Like Humans, New Study Suggests
Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience Managing Editor
Date: 07 September 2011 Time: 09:32 AM ET
Dolphins "talk" to each other, using the same process to make
their high-pitched sounds as humans, according to a new analysis of results
from a 1970s experiment.
The findings mean dolphins don't actually whistle as has been long
thought, but instead rely on vibrations of tissues in their nasal cavities that
are analogous to our vocal cords.
Scientists are only now figuring this out, "because it
certainly sounds
like a whistle," said study researcher Peter Madsen of the Institute
of Bioscience at Aarhus University in Denmark , adding that the term was
coined in a paper published in 1949 in the journal Science. "And it has
stuck since."
The finding clears up a question that has long puzzled scientists: How
can dolphins make their signature identifying
whistles at the water's surface and during deep dives where
compression causes sound waves to travel
faster and would thus change the
frequency of those calls.

To answer that question, Madsen and his colleagues analyzed recently
digitized recordings of a 12-year-old male bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
truncatus) from 1977. At the time, the researchers had the dolphin breathe a
mixture of helium and oxygen called heliox. (Used by humans, heliox makes one
sound like Donald Duck.)
The heliox was meant to mimic conditions
during a deep dive since it causes a shift up in frequency. When
breathing air or heliox, the male dolphin, however, continued to make the same
whistles, with the same frequency.
Rather than vocal cords, the dolphins likely use tissue vibrations in
their nasal cavities to produce their "whistles," which aren't true
whistles after all. The researchers suggest structures in the nasal cavity,
called phonic lips, are responsible for the sound.
The dolphins aren't actually talking, though.
"It does not mean that they talk like humans, only that they
communicate with sound made in the same way," Madsen told LiveScience.
"Cetean ancestors lived on land some 40 million years ago and made
sounds with vocal folds in their larynx," Madsen said, referring to the group of mammals to
which dolphins belong. "They lost that during the adaptations to a fully
aquatic lifestyle, but evolved sound production in the nose that functions like
that of vocal folds."
This vocal ability also likely gives dolphins a broader range of
"Because the frequency is changed by changing the airflow and the
tension of the connective tissue lips in the nose, the dolphin can change
frequency much faster than if it had to do it by changing air sac
volumes," Madsen said. "That means that there is a much bigger
potential for making a broader range of sounds and hence increase information
The research is detailed this week in the journal Biology Letters.
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