TERRAFORMING TERRA We discuss and comment on the role agriculture will play in the containment of the CO2 problem and address protocols for terraforming the planet Earth. A model farm template is imagined as the central methodology. A broad range of timely science news and other topics of interest are commented on.
Monday, September 30, 2019
The Joe Biden Reveal
I cannot help but think that the whole DEM impeachment campaign now underway regarding the faux Ukraine issue is a planned setup on the DEMS. My reason for this is that former VP Joe Biden was clearly and even deeply compromised with the Ukraine. What took place there is surely one of the most public examples of outright corruption ever displayed by an US politician. For the DEMS to actually choose to use this as content is naturally counter productive.
Is it possible that the Mil Intel has captured all corrupt DEMs and are in fact calling the shots in order to utterly destroy the whole DEM establishment? We certainly think these guys are scripted. But by who?
All this is certainly making the DEMs unelectable 2020. We know that the patriots do have control and that they also have all the NSA data going back to inception. That means that all political corruption is fully understood for the past two administrations. That means sealed indictments and you now have a new handler if you want to stay in play.
Can we really say that what they are doing is otherwise rational? That is why I am positing what is otherwise a conspiracy theory.
What has happened here is that the whole Biden Corruption situation has now been made the public story of the DEM 2020 election campaign. It is completely known and Biden will have to finally withdraw and will obviously face real prosecution and publicity while the other candidates are trying to get air time.
It is also coming out the the Whistle blower report obviously crafted by legal professionals and was part of a George Soros implicated assault on the president.
In the end, it appears that DEEP STATE is becoming almost reckless and even desperate. They do not let up..
Groasis cup lids eliminates plastic lids
This is a wonderful innovation. It is a cup lid that
actually does its job up to our expectations and then easily breaks
down. They had the exact same problem with their Groasis lids as well
as those need to last around three years or so.
We really need to see the end of those plastic cap lids and this
does it. I am sure this will be adopted by the main chains in a
heartbeat. It just has to work and that does not actually include the
breakdown aspect as that is a bonus.
I do not know if this can be used to replace plastic cups as well
as that may well be a stretch. The lids are still a great start.
We have great news concerning this week’s World Cleanup Day.
According to the Earthday Foundation, over 16 billion coffee cups are used around the world every year. Each cup has a plastic lid that ends up as landfill or pollutes the oceans. Until now, nobody was able to develop a leakless lid that sticks to a paper cup. This week the world celebrates World Cleanup Day and cleans the environment. On World Cleanup Day Groasis - chosen as No 1 of the 100 Most Innovative Companies of the Netherlands in 2018 and famous for its water saving inventions - introduces a paper lid, called the "Rafiki". Groasis’ revolutionary invention will help avoid dumping 16 billion plastic lids. Groasis would like to share this invention with the world, to generate maximum impact. In order to quickly solve the plastic lid pollution problem, lid producers around the world can obtain the right to produce and sell the "Rafiki". The “Rafiki” lid is an evolution of the lid of Groasis’ Growboxx® plant cocoon. This intelligent bucket allows planting of trees in combination with vegetables (or other plants or bushes) in dry, hot and eroded areas, while using 90% less water than traditional drip irrigation.
Groasis spent 5 years to develop a lid that would stick to the
Growboxx®. The reason was that at our first planting trials in 2013 the
covers were blown away by the wind during storms, or by passing cars. Since
the cover captures rain and helps plant vegetables, which grow hydroponically
in the water inside the Growboxx®, we had to find a way to fix the lid to the
box. The solution developed by Groasis to fix the lid to the Growboxx® could
also be the solution for the immense pollution caused by plastic lids for
coffee cups and carbonated drinks.
We are extremely happy to show this solution to the world, and to our supporters, the Green Musketeers. For more information about the Growboxx® plant cocoon, please check this link. |
Can baking soda and the Arclein Diet eliminate Viseral Fat?
The answer in this item is no, but I beg to differ. Weight loss is possible if you are able to control your input. That means my Arclein Diet from ten years ago or what is now referred to as intermittent fasting. Yet this usually does not resolve internal gut fat.
Recent experimentation revealed that taking baking soda allowed me to eliminate cravings while fasting. Thus fasting becomes easier to sustain.
That is important.
I am making a conjecture though. It is that a small daily dose of baking soda ( say 1/2 teaspoon) will increase the ph of your entire gut flora. This will offset the imbalance caused by our modern diet that drives viseral fat accumulation and allow that fat to also retreat.
I do know that the Arclein diet eliminated the natural overhang of around thirty percent of body fat or about fifty pounds. This left around twenty pounds of viseral fat. It will be interesting to discover if this works.
Can drinking baking soda help you lose weight?
By -
Created: Jul 20, 2018, 12:04 ISTfacebooktwitterincom
Baking soda is a chemical compound also known as sodium bicarbonate. Now, it is being claimed that drinking baking soda can help you lose weight and we are not surprised. Read on to know if the claim is true or not.
Drinking baking soda with water reacts with the acid in your stomach and turns it into water, salt and carbon dioxide. Due to its alkaline properties, baking soda can help soothe symptoms of nausea and indigestion.
Ideally, the pH of your stomach is supposed to be low. But when you eat a meal high in protein, the gastric cells have to secrete extra acid in order to break down the food. And when there is too much pressure on your stomach, the acid can travel to your esophagus and can cause acid reflux and indigestion. Having baking soda may soothe the problem.
Baking soda and weight
Though baking soda may help you feel better if you have indigestion, it definitely cannot help you lose weight. Only one small way in which it can help is by making you feel fuller for some time and thus reducing your calorie intake. But this is temporary.
Weight loss is possible only when one follows the right diet and exercise routine. One also needs to create a calorie deficit (burn more calories than what you are eating) in order to lose weight.
Baking soda can increase your gym performance
According to a study published by the European Journal of Applied Physiology, athletes who consumed baking soda 60 minutes prior to their performance, did better with less muscle fatigue as compared to those who consumed a placebo before the performance.
Another study says consuming baking soda before gym can help increase the exhaustion time.
But having it can also cause abdominal distress which ultimately may ruin your performance.
GMO mosquito experiment goes horribly wrong
It was a nice promising protocol. The actual outcome was as bad as it could possibly be. It worked briefly and that was it. Then the rebuilt population picked up the foreign genes as well.
This was no one's plan at all.
What this does do is toss this whole biological protocol onto the trash heap. It looks good on paper, but appears easily thwarted by nature.
GMO mosquito experiment
goes horribly wrong: Insects adapt and overcome, transforming into super
“mutant” mosquitoes that could cause mass death across South America
Tags: bad science, badscience, genetic modification, GMO, mosquitoes, rational, skeptics, weird science
(Natural News)
Remember the two-year experiment to release genetically modified mosquitoes
into the wild to eradicate all the mosquitoes? For years, we were all
lectured by scientists and GMO pushers who insisted that genetically
modifying male mosquitoes to be infertile would cause the termination of
nearly all offspring as females mated with the GMO males. The result,
we were told, would be a mass die-off of the mosquito population at
large, saving human lives by avoiding the catastrophic effects of
mosquito-borne disease.
Science would save us, in other words. And if we didn’t believe the hype, we were labeled “anti-science.”
At first, the experiment seemed to work. For the initial 18 months of
the experiment carried out in Brazil — in which 450,000 genetically
modified male mosquitoes were released into the wild — mosquito
populations plummeted. But then something happened.
As published in the journal Nature, in a study entitled, “Transgenic Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Transfer Genes into a Natural Population,”
the very same modified genes we were told would never be passed to “in
the wild” mosquito populations has, in fact, done exactly that.
Powered by these new genes (and combined with some behavioral
adaptation explained below), the mosquito population surged back. Even
worse, now the wild populations of mosquitoes in Brazil have these
“mutant” genes which were combined from Cuba and Mexican mosquito
populations, meaning these new gene-enhanced mosquitoes are now a kind
of “super mutant” insect that may be resistant to all sorts of
As the Nature study reveals:
Evidently, rare viable hybrid offspring between the release
strain and the Jacobina population are sufficiently robust to be able to
reproduce in nature. The release strain was developed using a strain
originally from Cuba, then outcrossed to a Mexican population. Thus,
Jacobina Ae. aegypti are now a mix of three populations. It is unclear
how this may affect disease transmission or affect other efforts to
control these dangerous vectors.
Also from the same study:
Our data clearly show that release of the OX513A has led to
significant transfer of its genome (introgression) into the natural
Jacobina population of Ae. aegypti. The degree of introgression is not
trivial. Depending on sample and criterion used to define unambiguous
introgression, from about 10% to 60% of all individuals have some OX513A
genome (Tables 1 and E1).
However, it is clear from the data in Garziera et al.6 that the
effectiveness of the release program began to break down after about 18
months, i.e., the population which had been greatly suppressed rebounded
to nearly pre-release levels.
Also, introgression may introduce other relevant genes such as
for insecticide resistance. The release strain, OX513A, was derived from
a laboratory strain originally from Cuba, then outcrossed to a Mexican
population7. The three populations forming the tri-hybrid population now
in Jacobina (Cuba/Mexico/Brazil) are genetically quite distinct
(Extended Data Fig. E2), very likely resulting in a more robust
population than the pre-release population due to hybrid vigor.
GMO “science” just created a super mutant mosquito population that could kill millions of people across Brazil and South America
To summarize the findings of the study, this mad science GMO
experiment managed to create a super mutant population of mosquitoes
that now carry genes that are potentially tied to enhanced insecticide
resistance, making them harder to kill than ever before.
…[T]he Yale study showed not only that offspring from the
transgenic mosquitoes had reproduced but the population of mosquitoes in
Jacobina is now a mix of their original types plus those from Cuba and
Mexico, likely leading to a more robust population…
The experiment utterly failed to achieve its promised outcome of
wiping out mosquitoes, too. “…[F]emales had begun to avoid mating with
modified males, fueling a rebound in population,” writes Hathaway on
Yale News. In reality, this mad science GMO experiment has resulted in stronger, more adaptive mosquitoes that will likely kill even more humans in South America.
It’s also interesting to note that even among mosquitoes, females
don’t want to mate with weaker males that produce sterile offspring.
Even in insects, in other words, masculinity and virility have
recognized value for the continuation of the species. Yet somehow,
thanks to modern “progressivism,” masculinity is attacked among humans,
and the twisted pop culture keeps trying to feminize all the men into
sterilized transgenders and nullos who are incapable of reproducing.
Mosquitoes, in other words, appear to be smarter than liberals when it
comes to selection of a mate.
We warned about the risks of mad GMO science… and we got banned from every platform
In 2012, we published a warning about the risks associated with self-replicating science experiments
that are released into the wild. In one article, we wrote, “The human
race is gravely threatened by out-of-control science that has already
begun to reveal alarming unintended consequences across our planet.” We
also wrote:
Humanity has reached a tipping point of developing technology so
profound that it can destroy the human race; yet this rise of “science”
has in no way been matched by a rise in consciousness or ethics. Today,
science operates with total disregard for the future of life on Earth,
and it scoffs at the idea of balancing scientific “progress” with
caution, ethics or reasonable safeguards. Unbridled experiments like
GMOs have unleashed self-replicating genetic pollution that now
threatens the integrity of food crops around the world, potentially
threatening the global food supply.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Just Breathe
A set of interesting practices that also set the stage for a session of meditation as well. Again this is all from yoga practice and is helpful. A lot less is said here about meditation, but this breathing practice combines well with Yogic and Qi Gong stretching exercises that we are all well advised to at least become familiar with.
Engaging in a regimen is quite another thing for most, so i avoid recommendations. We all have our own path and this must be first welcomed.
Become open and it will arrive on your doorstep.
Just Breathe – Ancient Practice of Pranayama Can Help You Detoxify, Shed Excess Weight and Boost Overall Vitality
Forget the detox pills, fasts and other
painful cleansing techniques — instead, take a cue from the yogis of
India and look to the breath. Using yogic breathing techniques, we can
effortlessly detoxify, burn fat and increase metabolism. With the basic
act of bringing in more oxygen, vitamins and minerals are more easily
absorbed, white blood cells multiply and the lymphatic system is
enhanced. Through the exhale toxins are removed from the bloodstream,
which revitalizes the organs and clarifies the intellect. Techniques
range from a few deep breaths before a meal to more complex practices.
Either way, by using this free detoxification method daily, we can
easily (and economically) cleanse the body and mind.
The time-honored art of breathing
Yogis of long ago recognized the merit
in calming, cleansing and balancing the body and mind with the breath.
Developed over 5,000 years ago, pranayama (Sanskrit for ‘vital energy’
and ‘extend’) is an integral aspect of yogic practice. Below are several
examples of how to use the breath to keep the system healthy on all
Simple breath
Before each meal, take three deep
breathes. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Although
seemingly basic, this technique sharpens the senses of smell, taste and
texture while promoting clarity. When we are clear and focused during
our meals, digestion is improved and over-consumption minimized. The end
result: efficiency of digestion and weight loss.
Relaxing breath
Lie flat on your back with knees bent
together, bringing the feet close into the buttocks. Place hands on both
sides of the naval region. Breath in a slow, deep rhythmic manner for
20 repetitions. Since the naval region is dense with nerves, relaxing
this area calms emotions, strengthens the nervous system and fortifies
the immune system – ultimately aiding in the removal of unnecessary
thoughts and toxins from the body.
Bhastrika (Breath of Fire)
This technique helps to slim and tone
the belly, boost metabolism and detoxify the body. Sit cross-legged on
the floor and place both hands on the lower abdomen. Take a deep breath
then begin to ‘pump’ the breath rapidly through the nose, expanding and
contracting the entire belly. For visual instructions, see here.
Ujjayi (Victorious Breath)
Sitting in a comfortable position,
inhale through the nose and lift the chest. Hold for two seconds. While
exhaling through the nose, guide the breath to the back of the throat,
creating a ocean wave like sound (sometimes referred to as the ‘Darth
Vader breath’). When practiced properly, ujjayi pranayama should
energize and relax. It also oxygenates the blood, builds internal body
heat and removes toxins.
A note of caution: Pranayama is not recommended for those with high blood pressure.
Article Sources
Cows Burp Out Tons of Methane. Feeding Them Seaweed Could Help
WE already add around one to two percent of zeolite to feed in order to control ammonia. Adding a seaweed to reduce methane production is useful.
Harvesting it may be another mater of course.
The good news is this will find its way into our commercial feeds pretty quickly once we are sure of these results here.
The seaweed itself will have to be planted on sub sea fields, or perhaps in paddies on a beach somewhere in which sea water is held during the tidal retreat. It may turn out to not be that hard.
Cows Burp Out Tons of Methane. Feeding Them Seaweed Could Help
By Jennifer Walter | September 16, 2019 5:13 pm
Adding seaweed to cows’ diet would help tamp down their methane emissions. (Credit: Jan K/ Shutterstock)
morning, Breanna Roque goes out to the barn to feed the cows. But this
isn’t your typical farm – in fact, it’s a laboratory. The University of
California, Davis graduate researcher spends her time among bovines,
tweaking their diets so that they burp less. Why? Less burps means less
methane. And less methane, on a global scale, could mean slowing down
climate change.
Roque is part of a team feeding cows a special diet, one that includes small portions of a sticky, red seaweed called Asparagopsis taxiformis.
It’s not the typical fare for the grass-happy bovines, but the
seaweed-infused feed serves a specific purpose – keeping the cows’
prodigious methane production in check.
cow burps, (not farts, as often believed), release a considerable
amount of methane into the atmosphere. The EPA estimates that cows and
other ruminating animals, like cows and sheep, produce an estimated one third
of U.S. agricultural methane emissions. And although agriculture
accounts for a smaller percentage of greenhouse gas production than
other sectors like transportation and energy, it produces more methane,
which warms the Earth up to 84 times faster than CO2.
“People have been looking for a way to reduce methane for quite some time,” Roque says. It turns out seaweed, particularly A. taxiformis,
can help ruminating animals produce less gas. Curbing animal burps is
something researchers around the globe have tried to tackle in different
capacities. They’ve proposed feed additives, as well as more
far-fetched solutions, like an anti-methane vaccine.
But Roque is part of the first team to test the belch-quenching power of A. taxiformis in
actual cows, according to UC Davis ecologist and lead researcher Ermias
Kebreab. Prior studies demonstrated that the seaweed could reduce
methane production by up to 99 percent in artificial stomachs, but
questions remained about the seaweed’s effectiveness in the real world.
Roque and Kebreab are providing some of the first real answers.
Look to the Cows
probably heard that cows have four stomachs, which is half true – their
stomachs are divided into four chambers, the first being the rumen.
When they swallow, cows repeatedly burp food back up, chew it as cud,
and swallow it again until it’s reached the proper mushy consistency.
But during that process, which cows repeat dozens of times throughout
the day, the digestive process produces methane as a byproduct.
team at UC Davis wasn’t the first to test the idea that adding
substances to animals’ feed might help reduce their burps. In fact, it’s
a question scientists across the globe have been pursuing.
2011, a team in Iran tested the effects of garlic oil, turmeric powder
and an additive commonly used in feeds called Monensin on sheep’s
methane production. They found that all three had just mild effects
in aiding digestion, meaning it did little to reduce methane
production. Following suit, a team in Denmark announced in 2016 that
they would look into the impacts of oregano
on reducing methane emissions from cow burps as well, hoping to see
them decrease by as much as 25 percent. No results from that study have
been published yet.
And that same year, a team in Portugal tested
five different types of seaweed in artificial cow stomachs, though they
didn’t look at A. taxiformis. Finally, researchers in Australia in 2016 found that A. taxifomis cut emissions by nearly 99 percent in artificial cow stomachs.
Snacking on Seaweed
The UC Davis team has conducted two studies, with a third on the way. The first one,
which replicated former tests in artificial cow stomachs, found that
when seaweed made up just five percent of cows’ normal hay feed, methane
production decreased by 95 percent.
But the results were even more promising when the team tested A. taxiformis in the diets of lactating dairy cows. They reduced the amount of seaweed content in the cows’ feed to either .5 or one
Cows eating a diet with .5 percent seaweed saw a 26 percent
decrease in methane, while those with a one percent diet produced 67
percent less methane.
“To me, that means that the seaweed works in an animal better than it worked in a lab,” Roque says. “You don’t see that often.”
how does it work? Roque says the seaweed contains a compound called
bromoform, which inhibits the creation of an enzyme that produces
methane during digestion in cows. Still, further research is needed to
fully understand why this seaweed works best.
Now, the team is
testing the seaweed diet in beef steer, to see if they get results
comparable to dairy cows. Roque says the team also has yet to test if
adding seaweed to cows’ diets will affect the taste or quality of the
animal products we normally get from cows. In the future, they’ll run
trials to see if seaweed gives cow’s milk a funky flavor, or leaves
steaks redolent of seafood.
The Counterpoint
Simply adding
a bit of seaweed to cow food sounds like an ideal climate solution. But
some scientists are skeptical of how effective it would actually be.
In order for the seaweed to have a real benefit in reducing emissions, A. taxiformis would need to be produced on a global scale. It’s a challenge that divides scientists.
At the annual American Dairy Science Association meeting in June, two researchers from University of Pennsylvania argued that mass production of A. taxiformis might
not be a realistic solution to climate change. Despite the seaweed’s
potency, they say animal agriculture contributes just five percent of
greenhouse gas production in the U.S. The majority comes from the
transportation and energy sectors — places where adding seaweed is far
less likely to be a solution. Plus, burp-curbing compounds in seaweed
are sensitive to heat and light and may lose their effects over time.
And on top of it all, the long-term effects on animal health haven’t yet
been evaluated.
But many are still eager to see the seaweed in
action. Roque says her research has garnered interest from outside
groups who want her help to mass-produce the seaweed for global animal
“I have people reach out to me all the time,” she says. “Unfortunately I am an animal biologist and not a marine biologist.”
And just last month, researchers at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia announced they would be trying to find ways to farm A. taxiformis on a large enough scale to add to livestock feed in the real world.
the introduction of seaweed into cow diets won’t fix all our climate
change woes, Roque still thinks the efforts are worthwhile.
“I think it’s very important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
in the agricultural industry,” she says. “But I also think it’s important for
every industry to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.”
Edward Snowden prepares to release memoir
There is reason to suspect that Snowden's task was to educate the world regarding NSA data collection on behalf of the Obama administration to serve their ends. That is not too far fetched. He certainly made all the data freely available to folks wanting to use it.
This has been turned back on the perps and we now have over 100,000 sealed indictments out there.
This was not their intent, but it also made extracting Snowden impossible for John Brennan.
On the other hand, from this it appears likely that he finally understood patriotism and acted. The IC was an out of control surveillance monster utterly unable to police itself. Watching the FBI slow walk obvious and very public crimes is hardly reassuring.
Edward Snowden prepares to release memoir saying the US intelligence community 'hacked the Constitution' and the 18 years since 9/11 have been a 'litany of American destruction'
Edward Snowden is preparing to release the new memoir on Tuesday
Tells his life story and explains why he decided to become whistleblower
Says U.S. intelligence community 'hacked the Constitution'
By Associated Press
Published: 13:31 EDT, 13 September 2019 | Updated: 08:51 EDT, 14 September 2019
Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has written a memoir, telling his life story in detail for the first time and explaining why he chose to risk his freedom to become perhaps the most famous whistleblower of all time.
Snowden, who now lives in Russia to avoid prosecution in the U.S., says his seven years working for the NSA and CIA led him to conclude the U.S. intelligence community 'hacked the Constitution' and put everyone's liberty at risk and that he had no choice but to turn to journalists to reveal it to the world.
'I realized that I was crazy to have imagined that the Supreme Court, or Congress, or President Obama, seeking to distance his administration from President George W. Bush's, would ever hold the IC legally responsible - for anything,' he writes.
The book, Permanent Record, is scheduled to be released Tuesday. It offers by far the most expansive and personal account of how Snowden came to reveal secret details about the government's mass collection of Americans' emails, phone calls and Internet activity in the name of national security.
Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has written a memoir, telling his life story in detail for the first time
His decision to turn from obscure IC wonk to whistleblower in 2013 set off a national debate about the extent of government surveillance by intelligence agencies desperate to avoid a repeat of the September 11 attacks.
Intelligence officials who conduct annual classified assessments of damage from Snowden's disclosures say the documents will continue trickling out into the public domain for years to come.

The book (above) is scheduled to be released on Tuesday
Though the book comes six years after the disclosures, Snowden, who fled first to Hong Kong and then Russia, attempts in his memoir to place his concerns in a contemporary context.
He sounds the alarm about what he sees as government efforts worldwide to delegitimize journalism, suppress human rights and support authoritarian movements.
'What is real is being purposely conflated with what is fake, through technologies that are capable of scaling that conflation into unprecedented global confusion,' he says.
The story traces Snowden's evolution from childhood, from growing up in the 1980s in North Carolina and suburban Washington, where his mother worked as a clerk at the NSA and his father served in the Coast Guard.
He came of age as the Internet evolved from an obscure government computer network and describes how a youthful fascination with technology - as a child, he took apart and reassembled a Nintendo console and, as a teenager, hacked the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory network - eventually led him to a career as an NSA contractor, where he observed high-tech spy powers with increasing revulsion.
Analysts used the government's collection powers to read the emails of current and former lovers and stalk them online, he writes.

Snowden writes that his seven years working for the NSA and CIA led him to conclude the U.S. intelligence community 'hacked the Constitution'
One particular program the NSA called XKEYSCORE allowed the government to scour the recent Internet history of average Americans.
He says he learned through that program that nearly everyone who's been online has at least two things in common: They've all watched pornography at one time or another, and they've all stored videos and pictures of their family.
'This was true,' he writes, 'for virtually everyone of every gender, ethnicity, race, and age - from the meanest terrorist to the nicest senior citizen, who might be the meanest terrorist's grandparent, or parent, or cousin.'
He struggled to share his concerns with his girlfriend, who joined him in Russia and is now his wife.
'I couldn't tell her that my former co-workers at the NSA could target her for surveillance and read the love poems she texted me. I couldn't tell her that they could access all the photos she took - not just the public photos, but the intimate ones,' he writes.
'I couldn't tell her that her information was being collected, that everyone's information was being collected, which was tantamount to a government threat: If you ever get out of line, we'll use your private life against you.'
Before summoning a small group of journalists to Hong Kong to disclose classified secrets, knowing that a return to the U.S. was impossible, he says he prepared like a man about to die. He emptied his bank accounts, put cash into a steel ammo box for his girlfriend and erased and encrypted his old computers.

Snowden attributes the response to the terrorist attacks on 9/11 for the sweeping government collection of phone calls and emails that he exposed in his leaks
These days, the 36-year-old Snowden lives in Moscow, where he remains outside the reach of a U.S. Justice Department that brought Espionage Act charges just weeks after the disclosures.
He spends many of his days behind a computer and participating in virtual meetings with fellow board members at the Freedom of the Press Foundation. 'I beam myself onto stages around the world' to discuss civil liberties, he writes.
When he does go out, he tries to shake up his appearance, sometimes wearing different glasses. He keeps his head down when he walks past buildings equipped with closed-circuit television. Once, he says, he was recognized in a Moscow museum and consented to a selfie request from a teenage girl speaking German-accented English.
It's unclear when or even if Snowden will return to a country where his family has deep roots. He traces his lineage back to the Mayflower and ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War.
He was shaken by the September 11 attacks, but describes his 'reflexive, unquestioning support' for the wars that followed as the greatest regret of his life.
'It was as if whatever institutional politics I'd developed had crashed - the anti-institutional hacker ethos instilled in me online, and the apolitical patriotism I'd inherited from my parents, both wiped from my system - and I'd been rebooted as a willing vehicle of vengeance.'
He describes the 18 years since the September 11 attacks as 'a litany of American destruction by way of American self-destruction, with the promulgation of secret policies, secret laws, secret courts and secret wars'.
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