I am not overly convinced that we
are seeing anything like a final answer here but it certainly shows us one
specific result. It is that the shift to
postponed childbearing is associated with longevity.
Since the developed world is very
much making just that shift and has made that shift, it is reasonable that we
will see a serious jump in statistical life expectancy which has in fact
started to show up. Advances in health
care over the next decade are likely to convert our society into one whose life
expectancy rises to an astounding ninety years or so at which biological aging
becomes the real issue.
Let us not forget that smoking is
in real retreat and cardiovascular disease is also controllable by hugely
avoiding fats in one’s diet. A radical
low fat diet will even see a retreat, but just cutting way back will allow the
disease itself to stabilize. That was
how my father survived a diagnosis by thirty years.
I suspect that actual life
extension and by that I mean reducing the number of senescence cells will
become possible as quickly as inside the next decade. A human being can reasonably expect to live
then for centuries. This also means
humanity will need to adopt completely new lifeways in order to properly take
advantage of this.
That is my last important reason
for exploring the combining the modern community and the model farm ecology in
this blog. It is how many of my readers
will one day come to live.
Exceptional longevity is associated with decreased reproduction
Vafa Tabatabaie, Gil Atzmon, Swapnil N. Rajpathak, Ruth Freeman, Nir
Barzilai, and Jill Crandall
Institute for Aging Research, and Division of Endocrinology, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, Bronx , NY 10461 , USA
12/23/11; Accepted: 12/26/11; Published: 12/26/11
Nir Barzilai, PhD; E-mail: nir.barzilai@einstein.yu.edu
A number of leading theories of aging, namely The Antagonistic
Pleiotropy Theory (Williams, 1957), The Disposable Soma Theory (Kirkwood , 1977) and most
recently The Reproductive-Cell Cycle Theory (Bowen and Atwood, 2004, 2010)
suggest a tradeoff between longevity and reproduction. While there has been an
abundance of data linking longevity with reduced fertility in lower life forms,
human data have been conflicting. We assessed this tradeoff in a cohort of
genetically and socially homogenous Ashkenazi Jewish centenarians (average age
~100 years). As compared with an Ashkenazi cohort without exceptional
longevity, our centenarians had fewer children (2.01 vs 2.53, p<0.0001),
were older at first childbirth (28.0 vs 25.6, p<0.0001), and at last
childbirth (32.4 vs 30.3, p<0.0001). The smaller number of children was
observed for male and female centenarians alike. The lower number of children
in both genders together with the pattern of delayed reproductive maturity is
suggestive of constitutional factors that might enhance human life span at the
expense of reduced reproductive ability.
The relationship between longevity and fertility has been extensively
investigated, both in human and in lower life forms, but has produced
conflicting results. While most human studies have suggested a trade off
between longevity and fertility [1-4],
others have reported a positive correlation[5-7]
or no consistent association [8-11].
These conflicting results could be partly attributed to unsuitable control
groups, such as comparing individuals from different birth cohorts or to
differences in socioeconomic status of study populations, incomplete data
collection in historic cohorts and other methodological issues [12].
We sought to address this question in a case-control study of a unique
community-based cohort of Ashkenazi Jewish individuals with exceptional
longevity. Today, Ashkenazi Jews comprise about 80 percent of the Jews in the United States
and are an attractive target for genetic studies of aging and mechanisms of
disease due to their relative genetic homogeneity and sizable numbers.
The study population consisted of People with Exceptional Longevity
defined as those who have reached a minimum age of 95 (PEL; n=525; 75%
females). PEL were born around the turn of the century and reached reproductive
age in the 1920's. We generated a control group, non-PEL, by collecting life
data from an unrelated group of elderly Ashkenazi Jewish individuals (spouses
or friends of PEL offspring), determining their parents' reproduction history.
Non-PEL were therefore contemporaneous with PEL, but died before age 95
(non-PEL; n=193; mean age at death for women 74.9 (SD 14.5); mean age at death
for men 72.4 (SD 13.4); range 26-94 years).
PEL have fewer children than non-PEL
In our cohort, PEL had significantly fewer children than non-PEL (2.01
vs 2.53; p<0.0001) (Figure 1). This lower parity among PEL was not related
to gender, since both female and male PEL individuals had lower number of
children as compared to non-PEL (number of children for female PEL=1.97 vs male
PEL=2.16; p=0.08). Similarly, among PEL, the number of children did not differ
by level of education (number of children for PEL with high school diploma or
below = 1.92 vs. PEL with higher education = 1.82; p=0.4).
Figure 1. The number of children born to people with exceptional
longevity (PEL) and a non-PEL control group.
PEL exhibit delayed fertility
We found additional support for the concept of delayed reproductive
maturity in our cohort. Since reliable data about age at first and last
pregnancy and menarche were not available for non-PEL, we compared these values
in PEL and the offspring of the non-PEL control group. PEL were significantly
older at menarche (13.2 vs 12.3; p<0.0001), at birth of their first child
(28.0 vs. 25.6; p<0.0001) as well as last child (32.4 vs. 30.3;
Our results support the notion of a tradeoff between longevity and
reproduction in humans. PEL and non-PEL individuals in our cohort were all born
around the turn of the century and reached reproductive age in the 1920's, long
before reliable methods of birth control were widely available. This reduces
the influence of contraception on family size, a potential caveat in similar
studies on more contemporary populations.
The disposable soma theory of aging argues that investment in
reproduction deprives organisms of resources required for self-maintenance,
thus reducing longevity. This effect might be more easily explained in females
through direct physical burdens of pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding.
However, in our PEL cohort we observed similar reduced fertility among male and
female participants, suggesting that factors other than mere physical stressor
of reproduction (e.g. unrecognized genetic factors that affect males and
females equally) may also be responsible. Support for this observation can be
found in the Reproductive-Cell Theory of Aging, which maintains that hormones
that promote growth and development early in life to achieve reproductive
maturity act in an antagonistic pleitropic manner later, promoting senescence [13,14].
A genetic predisposition to hinder and/or delay these hormonal mechanism might
reduce reproductive success and at the same time delay aging and mortality in
women and men alike [2,15].
A potential physiologic mechanism may be related to genes involved in
cholesterol metabolism. Since we find a favorable cholesterol phenotype and
genotype in our subjects (CETP, APOC3, ADIPOQ) [16,17]
it is possible that such genes delay gonadal maturity in the young while
protecting them later in life from adverse phenotypes commonly associated with
aging, thus extending life span.
In order to explain the trade-off between longevity and reproductive
ability, other investigators have focused on the possible role of the mTOR
signaling pathway [18,19].
The mammalian target of rapamycine (mTOR) is responsible for sensing cellular
energy status and for coupling it to cell growth and proliferation [20];
it is also believed play a role in central regulation of puberty. Acute
activation of mTOR in pubertal female rats stimulates LH secretion, whereas
blockade of central mTOR signaling by rapamycin inhibits gonadotropic axis and
delays puberty [21].
Others have shown that inhibition of mTOR extends life span of invertebrates [22]
and mammals [23].
Therefore it seems that a weak mTOR signaling pathway might lead to longevity
at the expense of delayed puberty or limited fertility.
These results confirm the observation that women who achieve
exceptional longevity reproduce later in life, as also reported by others[2,3,5-8,15].
PEL were 2.5 years older than the offspring of non-PEL at their first
childbirth and 2.1 years older at last childbirth. We find these results
especially significant, since this comparison was done between females of two
consecutive generations. Although various historic variables like war and the
Great Depression might have contributed to delayed pregnancy in PEL, overall
the mean age at first childbirth has steadily increased in the past 30 years,
according to data from National Vital Statistics Report, CDC. It has been
suggested that the ability to have children in fifth decade of life may be a
marker for slow aging and subsequent longevity [7,15].
Alternatively, it might be a marker of genetically delayed or limited fertility
in centenarians, also suggested by others [2,15].
On the other hand, earlier menarche in non-PEL offspring can also be explained
by improved nutrition in later generations.
The strengths of our study include a well-characterized and homogenous
study population, comparison within the same birth cohort and large sample
size. In addition, direct collection of information about family size from PEL
subjects and from children of non-PEL reduces the likelihood of underreporting
number of children, a common critique of similar studies done on more historic
populations who might have underreported the number of children who died young
or the number of female children [2,7,12].
However, certain limitations of our study warrant consideration. It is unclear
whether these results can be generalized to other ethnicities, although
survival and cause of death in Ashkenazi Jews are similar to those of the
general white population in the US
Also, the observational nature of our study precludes any causal inference.
In conclusion, our study shows that individuals who achieve exceptional
longevity have fewer children than a contemporaneous population with usual
survival, and that they tend to reproduce later in life. Further studies are
needed to confirm this finding and to establish the mechanisms responsible for
this delayed and reduced reproductive ability.
Recruitment methods for the Searching for Longevity Genes in the
Historically Unique Ashkenazi Jewish Population Study and characteristics of
the cohort have been described in detail elsewhere [16,17,24,25].
Briefly, subjects were recruited by word of mouth, through advertisements in
Jewish aging centers and homes, and through publicity in synagogues and Jewish
media, mostly in the New York
area. A trained interviewer collected data on socio-demographics and family
structure, number of children including those who died from all consenting
members of the families. In case of PEL, stated ages were verified by checking
participants' passports or birth certificates. In case of non-PEL, age at time
of death and number of children were collected through interviewing their
children. In many instances, multiple members of the same family took part in
the study, providing additional validation of parental life span, family size
and other data.
We excluded PEL who married late in life or if the duration of their
marriage was too short for completing their family, although only 2 individuals
had to be excluded due to these criteria. We used student's t-test to compare
mean number of children and age at first and last pregnancy. Statistical
analysis was conducted using SPSS (Chicago ,
IL ) and p-values less than 0.05
were considered statistically significant.
The authors of this manuscript have no conflict of interest to declare.
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