This may well be the signature of an internal planetary core similar to the core of the SUN. What has been detected are high level neutrinos. This is predicted by my own work it so is no surprise. What is interesting is that it coincides with closeness to the pole. This begs the question of what is happening at the North Pole, though a blanket of water serves to absorb them.
Reading all this it is well to recall that our ability to detect anything is approaching zero in terms of even the Standard Model products let alone when i conjecture dark matter constructs using neutral electron pair objects, all at the bottom of the scaling. Imaging detecting a complex molecule that lacks a charge and is also not reactive at all. Even now we are challenged.
Zooming scales down to the electron level and we have nothing to work with already. Forget about those neutral neutrino.. .
Mysterious particles spewing from Antarctica defy physics
Researchers prepare to launch the Antarctic
Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment, which picked up signals
of impossible-seeming particles as it dangled from its balloon over
(Image: © NASA)
Our best model of particle physics is bursting at the seams as it
struggles to contain all the weirdness in the universe. Now, it seems
more likely than ever that it might pop, thanks to a series of strange
events in Antarctica. .
The death of this reigning
physics paradigm, the Standard Model, has been predicted for decades.
There are hints of its problems in the physics we already have. Strange
results from laboratory experiments suggest flickers of ghostly new species of neutrinos beyond the three described in the Standard Model. And the universe seems full of dark matter that no particle in the Standard Model can explain.
[ Understand that my theoretical; framework relies on three things. Third tier matter is what we experience and it is all based on the origination of Neutron pairs which will decay into a Neutron a charged Proton and a free charged Electron. Second Tier matter originates from uncharged electron pairs at the least with a plausible decay product of a neutrino. This tier of matter is like a non compressible fluid which is important. The first tier of matter is also the tier of creation and what is created are surely neutral neutrino pairs - arclein ].
recent tantalizing evidence might one day tie those vague strands of
data together: Three times since 2016, ultra-high-energy particles have
blasted up through the ice of Antarctica, setting off detectors in the
Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment, a machine
dangling from a NASA balloon far above the frozen surface.
As Live Science reported in 2018,
those events — along with several additional particles detected later
at the buried Antarctic neutrino observatory IceCube — don't match the
expected behavior of any Standard Model particles. The particles look like ultra high-energy neutrinos.
But ultra high-energy neutrinos shouldn't be able to pass through the
Earth. That suggests that some other kind of particle — one that's never
been seen before — is flinging itself into the cold southern sky.
in a new paper, a team of physicists working on IceCube have cast heavy
doubt on one of the last remaining Standard Model explanations for
these particles: cosmic accelerators, giant neutrino guns hiding in
space that would periodically fire intense neutrino bullets at Earth. A
collection of hyperactive neutrino guns somewhere in our northern sky
could have blasted enough neutrinos into Earth that we'd detect
particles shooting out of the southern tip of our planet. But the
IceCube researchers didn't find any evidence of that collection out
there, which suggests new physics must be needed to explain the
mysterious particles.
To understand why, it's important to know why these mystery particles are so unsettling for the Standard Model.
are the faintest particles we know about; they're difficult to detect
and nearly massless.
They pass through our planet all the time — mostly
coming from the sun and rarely, if ever, colliding with the protons,
neutrons and electrons that make up our bodies and the dirt beneath our
But ultra-high-energy neutrinos from deep space are different from their low-energy cousins.
Much rarer than low-energy neutrinos, they have wider "cross sections,"
meaning they're more likely to collide with other particles as they
pass through them. The odds of an ultra-high-energy neutrino making it
all the way through Earth intact are so low that you'd never expect to
detect it happening. That's why the ANITA detections were so surprising:
It was as if the instrument had won the lottery twice, and then IceCube
had won it a couple more times as soon as it started buying tickets.
physicists know how many lottery tickets they had to work with. Many
ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrinos come from the interactions of cosmic
rays with the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the faint afterglow of
the Big Bang. Every once in a while, those cosmic rays interact with the
CMB in just the right way to fire high-energy particles at Earth. This
is called the "flux," and it's the same all over the sky. Both ANITA and
IceCube have already measured what the cosmic neutrino flux looks like
to each of their sensors, and it just doesn't produce enough high-energy
neutrinos that you'd expect to detect a neutrino flying out of Earth at
either detector even once.
"If the events detected by ANITA
belong to this diffuse neutrino component, ANITA should have measured
many other events at other elevation angles," said Anastasia Barbano, a
University of Geneva physicist who works on IceCube.
But in
theory, there could have been ultra-high-energy neutrino sources beyond
the sky-wide flux, Barbano told Live Science: those neutrino guns, or
cosmic accelerators.
it is not a matter of neutrinos produced by the interaction of
ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with the CMB, then the observed events can
be either neutrinos produced by individual cosmic accelerators in a
given time interval" or some unknown Earthly source, Barbano said.
active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts, starburst galaxies, galaxy
mergers, and magnetized and fast-spinning neutron stars are all good
candidates for those sorts of accelerators, she said. And we know that
cosmic neutrino accelerators do exist in space; in 2018, IceCube tracked a high-energy neutrino back to a blazar, an intense jet of particles coming from an active black hole at the center of a distant galaxy.
picks up only the most extreme high-energy neutrinos, Barbano said, and
if the upward-flying particles were cosmic-accelerator-boosted
neutrinos from the Standard Model — most likely tau neutrinos — then the
beam should have come with a shower of lower-energy particles that
would have tripped IceCube's lower-energy detectors.
"We looked
for events in seven years of IceCube data," Barbano said — events that
matched the angle and length of the ANITA detections, which you'd expect
to find if there were a significant battery of cosmic neutrino guns out
there firing at Earth to produce these up-going particles. But none
turned up.
Their results don't completely eliminate the
possibility of an accelerator source out there. But they do "severely
constrain" the range of possibilities, eliminating all of the most
plausible scenarios involving cosmic accelerators and many
less-plausible ones.
"The message we want to convey to the public
is that a Standard Model astrophysical explanation does not work no
matter how you slice it," Barbano said.
Researchers don't know
what's next. Neither ANITA nor IceCube is an ideal detector for the
needed follow-up searches, Barbano said, leaving the researchers with
very little data on which to base their assumptions about these
mysterious particles. It's a bit like trying to figure out the picture
on a giant jigsaw puzzle from just a handful of pieces.
Right now,
many possibilities seem to fit the limited data, including a fourth
species of "sterile" neutrino outside the Standard Model and a range of
theorized types of dark matter. Any of these explanations would be
revolutionary.hjh But none is strongly favored yet.
"We have to wait for the next generation of neutrino detectors," Barbano said.
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