We have gone decades without understanding much about the vagus nerve. Turns out it is important. This item is ad copy from DR Sears. It is is also a teaching tool as well.
The Vagus nerve engages everything in our bodies. It is our automatic nervous system. It accesses decision making away from our cognitive mind. Better yet it also sets up resonance with other individuals as well. Thus allowing successful learning in a lecture environment. Think about that now.
For that reason resonating with sound will act to stimulate the whole vagus system. This also links back to accupuncture nodes and and even chakras as well. My own practice using Tai Chi principles has stimulate whole body muscle tone. Using sound should also additionally stimulate all that..
Dr Sears on vagus system.
If you or a loved one is in a fight for your life— you MUST see this now
Healing Frequency Discovered Between 85-255hz?

Dear Friend,
If you’re over the age of 55...
Then I need to show you a secret about your body...
Take two fingers, place them on your neck and see if you can find your pulse...
...got it?
Right behind that spot lies the answer...
...the answer to why so many of us seem to struggle as we get older...
...even as a select few seem to stay youthful, spry, happy, and strong well into their golden years...
My friend... if you can understand the ancient secret I’m about to
share with you... and harness the power hidden in your own body...(I’ll
show you where)
...then you, too, can feel the happiness and hope in realizing that
you don’t have to surrender to a body out of balance and that can even
feel out of control... that virtually every part of you can be great
again... that you can “wipe the slate clean”.... “push the reset
...and feel an amazing new energy flowing to every part of your body...
What you’re about to discover is the missing link between your
heart... your brain function... your blood sugar... your blood
pressure... your digestion... your kidney function... and even your
weight and sex drive!
And awakening a vibrant new body could literally be as easy as placing that finger on your pulse... Let me explain...
My name is Jim Donovan. That’s me up on stage in front of half a million people...
Once upon a time, I was a rock star playing to crowds of screaming fans... jamming with Carlos Santana...

Me with Robert Plant

Me with Carlos Santana
...all while doing my best to ignore the pain and the fatigue that seemed to follow me everywhere...
Next thing I knew, my rock n’ roll life came to a screeching halt...
I can tell you – I’ve been through it all... the anger... the fear
that you’re losing control... that you may never get back the life you
Thankfully, I’m still here today.
In fact, I believe my experience was a gift.
Because I discovered a secret about my body that no one – not my
doctor or my high school bio teacher – had ever told me... One that I’d
like to share with you today.
It’s a secret you can put to work for your health right now.
Fair warning: it’s not a supplement or vitamin or diet or workout regimen.
In fact, you might even think it’s a little strange (even though you’ll definitely want to give it a try)...
You’ve likely been told – as I was – that restoring a sense of
wellness is all about supporting the immune system... or the
cardio-vascular system in your heart and arteries... or the neurological
system in your brain...
After all, if you go to the doctor, that’s what he’ll check off his list...
Heart and arteries...check
Immune system...check
But I’m guessing you’ve never heard your doctor talk about the vagal system...
A string of silvery white cells that run from your brain to every major organ in your body...

For years doctors have ignored it... scientists have been clueless as to what it actually does...
Yet, this ancient and powerful part of your body may just be the one
factor that decides whether you stay young, vibrant, and healthy...
...or grow old and utterly worn out...as your body and mind slip into
that familiar cycle of decline you’ve seen claim so many others...
“[The vagal system] is central to every aspect of
our life...”– Benjamin Shield, PhD
our life...”– Benjamin Shield, PhD
Gut sensitivity... inflammation... brain fog... immunity... stress... and even more...
All have a common root in your vagal system...
It influences how you sleep... how much glucose goes into your blood
stream... your heart beat... your blood pressure... your breathing...
your joints... even how your body responds to pain...
That’s because your vagal system carries out a very special function
in the human body... one we’ve only just begun to understand...
I’ll share this special function with you in a moment...
I’ll also share why in so many Americans – especially seniors – the
ability of the vagal system to carry out this special function can
change... especially due to certain dangers you’re likely exposing
yourself to every day...
But most importantly, I’ll share with you an ancient secret that
could totally restore how this crucial part of your body works...
sending it roaring back to life...
When that happens...
...well I don’t like to make big claims...
...but let’s just say that you’ll feel an energy unlike anything you’ve ever felt before coursing to every area of your body...
You’ll feel it in your heart... in your brain... in your lungs... in your digestive system...
...even, ya know, down there (if you catch my drift)
I know because I’ve felt it myself... back when I had to leave my
multi-platinum selling rock band and rock star life... because my body
just couldn’t allow me to keep going...
And I’m far from the only one to experience what I’m about to show you...
Once Completely Sidelined By Old, Achy Joints...This 68-Year-Old Is Now Running, And Cycling 20 Miles a Day!
Maria was completely sidelined by old, achy joints...
It was getting so bad that she no longer had the energy for the hobbies that meant the most to her in life!
Today, this 68-year-old is playing volleyball and even cycling 20 miles to the coast every day!
As Maria describes it: “Within a few weeks...I could walk and cycle. I
started ice-skating again and got back to my gymnastics. I feel so much
Or take Greg... He was sick and tired of his jumbled old brain keeping him from living the kind of life he wanted to live...
Learning about his vagal system changed everything...
Greg reports that he’s now living his best life... and that friends
who see him are now shocked... in fact, two friends – both of whom are
neurologists – tell him he looks better now than in all the years
they’ve known him!
But that’s just the beginning.
Since learning this secret myself, I’ve been teaching it all over America...
...Fortune 500 companies... major universities... even sports teams
have paid a fortune to learn what I’m about to tell you today...
I’ve even been flown out to secluded tropical retreats for private meetings with high powered CEOs and corporate boards!
When I show you exactly what the vagal system in your body does... or
at least should be doing... you’ll understand why so many people are
now lining up at my door to learn the secret I’m about to share with you
today... for FREE
Could the Vagal
System Explain Why These Small Groups Live 19 Years Longer... With
Younger Brains... Stronger Hearts... and Super Strong Immune System?

The vagal system is the longest structure of its kind in your body. It runs from your brain to every major organ you have... which is unique...because not even your blood vessels or arteries do that...
It’s like the missing link between every major process going inside you right now.
Recently, scientists noticed that the human body changes depending on how active the vagal system is...
So they began measuring that activity using an indicator called vagal tone...
And they made some fascinating discoveries... one that could have a huge impact on how we understand health and aging.
For instance, when they studied vagal tone in seniors... they found
that those with high vagal tone were consistently outliving those with
low tone...
In fact, when they went into hospitals, they found the same thing...

After health journalist Gaia Vince looked into the phenomenon of high vagal tone, her findings were stunning:
After health journalist Gaia Vince looked into the phenomenon of high vagal tone, her findings were stunning:
People with high vagal tone are not just healthier, they’re also socially and psychologically stronger – better able to concentrate and remember things, happier, more empathetic and more likely to have close friendships.
But here’s where things get truly exciting:
Now we all know that high performance individuals like marathon runners and other athletes tend to be very healthy...
When scientists study them, they find brains that stay younger for longer...
... and strong, healthy hearts...
They also find that these “superhumans” even live up to 19 years longer than average!
Until now we’ve always attributed their health to the fact that they exercise...
But what if the “egg came before the chicken” so to speak...
Because when scientists looked at these high-performance individuals they also found... you guessed it... high vagal tone!
In fact, scientists now believe your vagal tone could literally predict how long you will live...
...and when your body will start to show its age...
So Forget Anti-Oxidants... Jogging... and Genetics...
Is The Right Vagal Tone The True Key to Health and Longevity?
But watch out... while high vagal tone appears to make you feel energetic, healthy, and young...
...low vagal tone seems to have the direct opposite effect... sending our most crucial bodily processes out of balance...
Studies have linked vagal tone with thing like:
- Blood pressure
- Inflammation
- Blood sugar
- Mental Function and Memory
- Digestion
- Pain
- Excess weight
- Sex Drive
- Mood and happiness
- ...and even Immunity
Sadly, I believe it’s likely that millions of Americans are secretly suffering the effects of low vagal tone...
You see, vagal tone naturally gets lower with age...
But you may actually be exposing your body to dangers every single
day... at your job... at your dinner table... at the doctor’s office...
and even every time you close your eyes at night to sleep!
These dangers could be causing your vagal system to change and become less active... lowering vagal tone...
Is your blood pressure higher than you’d like? Is your blood sugar
slowing you down? Are things ‘in the love department’ not what they
You may think none of these things are related... But just consider:
Have You, or a Loved One, Been Suffering From Low Vagal Tone All This Time?
At the end of this short presentation, I’ll give you information
about a test you can take to see what’s going on with your vagal
You’ll need a mirror and a flashlight
I’ll also share the 4 biggest threats to your vagal tone...
(one of them has to do with your cell phone)
But most importantly, I’ll show you the ancient secret to restoring
your vagal tone... no matter how old you are... or what condition your
body is in...
This is a secret you can use right from the comfort of the chair
you’re sitting in now... a secret that could send your vagal system
roaring back to life...
It’s almost hard to describe the exact feeling you get when you
restore your vagal tone... I’ve seen people reduced to tears because
they had never felt that kind of energy flood their bodies before...
It’s as if everything just slides back into place inside you... as if
some divine hand were putting everything back into balance!
As the online journal LIFE recently reported:
Raising [vagal] tone...has proved so successful...researchers are now looking
into using vagal nerve stimulation for a range of [things]...
For example, I recently met a man named Rick who was tired of his creaky old body slowing him down...
After I showed him this all-natural secret to restoring vagal tone...
it was like a light had been switched on behind his eyes...
He told me hadn’t felt that way in years!
What’s more, Rick reports he is still feeling the effects today! For
him, being able to restore his vagal tone... really has been a gift from
And he’s not alone... there are so many other stories to share with you...
But perhaps you’re wondering what might happen to your body when you restore your vagal tone...
Well, if finding out were as easy as sitting in the chair you’re in
right now for about 5 minutes... with zero workouts... strict diets...
pills... or gizmos required...
...would you say yes to finding out?
Let me share with you the secret I told Rick...
How Your Vagal System Controls Your Body’s Most Important Functions... from Blood Pressure... to Blood Sugar... to Inflammation... to Brain Function... to Mood...to even Protecting Your Cells from Free Radicals...
...And The Miracles that Happen When You Stop Ignoring It
My age and lifestyle caught up with me “little by little and then all at once” as they say...
Really, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise...
When you’re appearing on magazine covers... when you’re hanging with Conan O’Brien...

...when Oscar-winner Jodie Foster is calling you up asking to use your music in her new movie...
...well, you get to feeling downright invincible.
You ignore the symptoms...the fact that you’re always tired... that you can’t sleep well... that your mind is foggy...
Instead of listening to my body I did what all rock n’ rollers do...
I ate too much... I drank too much... I partied too much... whatever it took.
But you can only keep that going for so long... and boy did I find that out the hard way...
When it all came to a head my doctor warned me that I had to change
my lifestyle... that next time... well let’s just say that I didn’t want
there to be a second time.
So I changed my diet. I exercised. I read all the books and websites about health.
One night I came across an interesting bit of research about a “silver cord” mentioned in the Holy Bible by King Solomon...
In the passage (found in the Book of Ecclesiastes), King Solomon
describes this “cord” as something that seems to hold the balance of
life and death...
Scholars wondered whether this “silver cord” might refer to a silvery, white string of cells known as “the vagus nerve”...
No, it’s not the kind of nerve that makes your toes wiggle...
This nerve forms the core of your vagal system, where it carries out a special function in your body...
Remember the movie Forrest Gump? Remember how at every important
moment in history – from Vietnam to Watergate – Forrest Gump was
there... standing in the background?
Well the vagus nerve is like that...
- Where your body is absorbing oxygen in the lungs... the vagus nerve is there.
- Where your heart is beating...the vagus nerve is there.
- Where your digestion is taking vital nutrients from your food... the vagus nerve is there...
- Where your brain is forming memory, or making you feel happy or sad... the vagus nerve is there...
It’s totally unique in that it connects everything inside you in a way that not even your blood vessels can...
Except for years it wasn’t totally clear what this vagus nerve was doing in all these places...
What we now know is that your vagus nerve is crucial to maintaining the delicate balances that keep you alive...
...from your blood sugar... to your blood pressure... to inflammation... to free radicals...
...to the oxygen levels in your blood... to the balance between
“fight or flight” chemicals like cortisol and “feel good” chemicals like
dopamine and serotonin...
Think of a thermostat that kicks on to maintain a perfect temperature in your home...
Well the vagus nerve is similar... it kicks on to restore balance.
Sadly, as we age the vagus nerve loses that spring in its step...
...and these delicate, important balances can shift as a result...
(especially true in seniors)
...which may be the single most important factor in whether we grow old and weak... or we stay young and healthy...
Because its these precious balances that determine...among other
things... whether inflammatory cytokines – are hanging around where we
don’t want them...
...whether free radicals are allowed to run rampant...
...whether blood flows slowly and smoothly through our heart...
...whether our liver is releasing gobs of glucose into our blood...
...whether we feel calm and relaxed or stressed and worried...
In other words, the most important thing you can do for your health is ensure that your body is in balance!
As best-selling author and health expert Dr. Andrew Weil has said, when asked why we human beings break down:
The short answer...is that the capacity of the healing system to restore balance can be exceeded by the forces or circumstances of imbalance
Dr. Andrew Weil, best-selling author and health expert
And if you’re looking for a quick cure – there are probably plenty of guys out there on the Internet waiting to take your money.
But that’s not my purpose here...
In a moment, I’ll share the 4 big dangers destroying your vagal tone...
These are dangers you’re exposing yourself to every single day... at
your job... at your dinner table... at the doctor’s office... and even
every time you close your eyes at night to sleep!
At the end of this message, I’ll also give you a tip about where you
can find a quick at-home test you can use to check your vagus nerve...
But more importantly, I need to share with you the ancient secret to
restoring your vagal tone... sending the vagus nerve inside you roaring
back to life... stronger than ever!
You see, scientists recently discovered that they could change vagal tone in people...
...and when they did they noticed other strange changes to their bodies...
The electrical activity in their brains quieted down...allowing for more restful and focused brain states...
But they also began losing weight! The more excess weight they had...
the more they lost...almost as if the body was resetting itself to an
optimal state of being...
No changes in diet or exercise were reported.
And the strange changes kept coming...
...blood pressure improved...
...old joints felt good as new...
...memory improved
...blood sugar levels improved
...aches melted away
...moods brightened...brain function increased...
Says Charlie, from Washington State, after raising his vagal tone:
Before...I couldn't concentrate to sit and watch a movie with friends.
After...my concentration gradually returned...my mood has brightened. For me, [the] vagus nerve...has been a game-changer
Pretty amazing...
But to be honest these results frighten me...
Because they were all accomplished in labs by cutting into the human body and zapping the vagus nerve with electricity!.
...it’s this kind of violent, “carpet bomb” intervention that has become sadly typical of the modern world I’m afraid ...
And what no one’s telling you is that there’s an all-natural, simple,
inexpensive way to stimulate your vagus nerve and even possibly raise
your vagal tone...
Let me ask you: if you could look in the mirror and change things
about your body... both inside at a cellular level... and outside too...
what would they be?
What better version of you is waiting to be discovered... or rediscovered?
And what would you do once you became that better version of yourself?
With what I’m about to show you today, my hope is that you’ll no longer have to wonder.
We’ve only just begun to discover the true scope of what happens to the body with the right vagal tone...
Brain Health
Scientists in Canada noticed that raising vagal tone in rats boosted brain enhancers like dopamine and norepinephrine up to 50%...
And researchers at University of Texas found that vagal tone could
influence plasticity in rats’ brains... potentially making it easier to
learn new things quickly and without confusion...
The Immune System
Meanwhile, a 2018 study reported: “there is overwhelming evidence to
suggest that vagus nerve is an important component of the immune
response and manipulating vagal tone is a way to modulate the immune
Supporting the Heart and Arteries...
Studies now show that one of the vagus nerve’s biggest jobs is to
support the heart and arteries... keeping them supple and strong... even
protecting them from free radical damage... regardless of poor diet!
In fact, when researchers in Switzerland restored vagal tone, they watched blood pressure improve by 36% (or 31 points!)
Naturally Regulating Blood Sugar
Studies also show that when the vagal system springs to life, the
liver releases less sugar into your bloodstream – improving blood
glucose levels...
Soothing Your Digestion...and Cutting Cravings!
The vagus nerve is also the major connection between your brain and your gut!
It influences your food intake... your digestion... and may ease sensitive digestions...
Scientists have even found that stimulating the vagus nerve led overweight animals to eat less.
When you raise your vagal tone... it’s like everything in your body
reverts to a calm, powerful, and most importantly healing state...
But I believe that’s just the beginning of what becomes possible if you restore your vagus nerve to the right vagal tone...
You see, many if not all of these studies got the vagus working with
risky surgeries, expensive devices, and even shocking the vagus with
electric current...
But if you really understand how the vagus nerve works, you see that
those modalities are counter-productive... and may even lower vagal
Drugs and surgery are the last thing your vagus nerve needs!
Let me show you why...
4 Modern Dangers Are Destroying Your Vagal Tone
Danger 1: Invisible Electric Fields
Do you keep a cell phone in your pocket? Do you use a computer or
tablet? Do you have a television or other electronic devices in your
These could be bathing you in dangerous electric fields 24 hours a day!
You see, in 2017, researchers at Penn State Children’s Hospital
noticed that the babies in a neo-natal unit had low vagal tone...
They discovered that the machines and computers in the neo-natal unit
were creating electro-magnetic fields... and these fields were lowering
vagal tone!
It doesn’t just happen to babies... the same thing happens to adults!
But it gets worse... because the US government has now approved plans
to coat the entire country in something called “5G”... a new Internet
network that blasts high-energy photons wirelessly through the air...and through your own body!
Over the next few months, 300,000 antennas will go up all over the
country... and 180 scientists have already raised the alarm...
“5G will substantially increase exposure to
radiofrequency electromagnetic fields...
proven harmful for humans”
radiofrequency electromagnetic fields...
proven harmful for humans”
Danger 2: Trauma
The vagus nerve is what keeps the balance between the fight or flight
mode triggered by trauma (even emotional trauma)...and your body’s
healing mode...
According to many theories, a strong enough traumatic event – even if
it’s purely emotional – could result in long term low vagal tone....
Danger 3: Stress
As I said before, your vagus nerve regulates your “fight or flight” mode that comes online when faced with a trauma or threat.
After the threat has passed, your vagus nerve has the job of
restoring your body to balance, shutting down all those stress
chemicals, and healing you.
The problem is that your body can’t always easily tell the difference
between a situation that’s merely stressful...and one that threatens
your life.
In short, it just wasn’t built for a modern world where we are
constantly bombarded with stressors... like scary news stories from a
media that operates under the principal “if it bleeds, it leads”
...where expressing a political opinion (even if it’s common sense) opens you up to savage personal attacks
...where you have to constantly worry about having enough money to last into retirement (if you retire at all)!.
As Dr. Norman B. Anderson, head of the American Psychological Association recently put it:
“America is at a critical crossroads when it comes
to stress and our health”
As we get bombarded with these stressors, our bodies get stuck in
this “fight or flight” mode...with the vagus nerve unable to restore
It’s like a ship getting hit with wave after wave... after a while, the whole thing capsizes!
Danger 4: Drugs
Have you ever noticed how people seem to get caught in spirals of
illness... they start taking pills for one thing... then pills for the
side effects... and on and on until they’re taking 6 or 7 different
drugs a day?
It’s called “prescription cascade”... and what big drug makers don’t
tell you is that they make a ton of money off of it (over $100
What they also don’t tell you is that many drugs actually interfere
with the mechanisms the vagus nerve uses to maintain balance in the
body... they stop the vagus from working... potentially resulting in
lower vagal tone!
Now obviously, you can do what you can to try and decrease your
exposure to these dangers...but let’s face it: that may not be possible
in all cases.
Luckily, there’s an easy way to potentially send your vagus nerve
roaring to life... and swinging the balance from decline... to strength,
vitality and healing!
I once had a 90-year-old woman drive five hours to come learn this secret from me... she arrived thoroughly worn out...
...At the end of our session, it was like looking at someone who had
just come up for air after being underwater... Here’s what she later
said about it:
As I’ve gotten older, my body has weakened...today, what Jim Donovan taught has had a huge impact on me...the kind of limitations I have...to know that they can be relieved...is great. I’m going to go home. I’m going to do it tomorrow and the next day and the next day...
But wait... if this is such a breakthrough, why is no one talking about it?
Well, in elite circles, they are!
Big drug companies like GSK are quietly investing millions into studying the vagal system...
Silicon Valley, in its quest to live forever, is jumping on the bandwagon too...
Of course, no one’s telling you about this huge breakthrough for one simple, sad reason: money.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing ads soon for “vagal tone
restoration” using risky surgeries or drugs... after all, that’s where
the big medical corporations make their money...
So they definitely don’t want you to learn an all-natural,
inexpensive way to restore your vagal tone... one you can use in the
comfort of your home in just minutes...
It requires no difficult exercises. No expensive devices or supplements. No powders or creams. And no risky prescription pills.
All you need to learn is one ancient... all-natural... yet incredibly powerful secret.
This secret pops up everywhere from Ancient Greece... to Ancient Egypt...
...to even the Holy Bible (where it gets a mention no less than 4 times!)...
And yes, I realize how wild that sounds...
But I’ve already shown thousands of people how to do this...
These aren’t hippies who live on kale and believe in healing crystals...
These are accountants...financial analysts... moms... retirees...
I’ve had Fortune 500 companies come knocking on my door to help their executives....
I’ve been flown out to exotic corporate retreats with CEOs...
I’ve had a private university ask to study my methods... and when the
US military caught wind of it, they asked to be involved too!
It’s not expensive... it requires no supplements... or gadgets or gizmos...
What’s this healing secret? Let me show you...

The water you see here is not running through a hose.
The water molecules are being moved by a hidden force... appearing to
twist themselves in mid-air, defying the very laws of gravity.
It’s not magic, it’s sound. A specific frequency is moving the water.
And just as sound causes water molecules to behave in strange
surprising ways...it can also do the same for the molecules in your
Yes, everyone has the same reaction... disbelief, skepticism...
And I get it... I’m a musician and even I was skeptical at first...
But scientists are already using sound to affect the human body... from bones... to the kidneys...
...sound healing was also used on GIs during World War II
As Mitchel Gaynor, M.D., Director of Oncology for Weill Cornell Medical College, explained:
“...there is no organ system in the human body that’s not affected by sound...and vibration...”
– Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Oncologist
As it turns out, there’s a specific vibration that naturally raises your vagal tone...
A specific frequency between 85 and 255 Hz...
Make no mistake... you can’t just turn on the radio to your favorite song and start healing...
And no, those “magic frequency” videos on YouTube probably won’t help you either...
How I Stumbled Across A 4,000-Year-Old Sound
Healing Secret
Healing Secret
After I quit my band and stopped touring, I didn’t honestly know if
I’d ever make music again. I was just too worn out after too many years
of hard living...
But a friend asked me to host a small drum therapy workshop. I knew
zilch about health at that point. But I was arrogant – I figured I’d
just dazzle them with some rhythms from my hit songs, then call it a
Instead I ran out of material within about 20 minutes.
Worst, I discovered that most of these people couldn’t care less who I was.
Grasping desperately, I reached for something... anything... to fill the hour
that remained on the clock... soon I was even tossing in old vocal
techniques that I had picked up from tribal musicians decades before and
nearly forgotten...
And that’s when something incredible happened... it was like a wave had washed over the students.
They were utterly transfixed and completely in the moment...
We kept going... getting more and more intense...
When we finally stopped... I was looking at completely different people.
Their faces seemed changed. So did their bodies.
Afterwards, several students walked up to me... saying they had
experienced an energy in their bodies they had never felt before.
I didn’t know, then, about the vagus nerve or restoring vagal tone...
Had I stumbled on a special frequency hidden in the human voice capable of restoring vagal tone?
I began to hold private, small workshops... where I would experiment to find that special vibration again...
Sure enough, people began coming up to me with strange stories of healing and newfound wellbeing.
That’s when Rick – who I mentioned earlier – came up to me saying he hadn’t felt like that in years...
60-year-old Annette, reported a similar transformation to me...
Mary wrote me later calling the experience “moving, uplifting, and life-changing on a cellular level.”
But not just that... I felt better too!
So I did some research... and I found that traditions involving a
healing vibration in the human voice can be found all through out
...in Ancient Egypt... Ancient Greece...
...in the Cherokee nation, where Elders told visiting scientists: “the voice is our greatest medicine”
...in the frozen north of Scandinavia, where an ancient people with
near translucent skin practiced a vocal healing ritual called the joik...
And sure, all that stuff may sound like myth...
But there’s actually a shocking amount of similarities between these
ancient sound healing rituals and what’s happening in science today...
Had I stumbled onto the very reason that sound healing using the
human voice pops up again and again all throughout human history?
Could all these traditions come right back to the vagus nerve... and a special vibration found in the human voice?
“the human voice carries something in its vibration that makes it more powerful than any musical instrument...”
– French Researcher Fabien Maman
Imagine suddenly feeling a new energy coursing through your body...
as your mind suddenly clears... as your heart and blood pressure
suddenly feel calm... as things shift back into balance all through out
your body...
What kind of life would you lead if you no longer had to worry about your own body not being able to keep up with you?
If you could rely on razor sharp recall and excellent, lasting memory...
If you had the strength and stamina for new adventure... new hobbies... and even new love...
Well get this: a study from Bangalore found that a certain type of
vibration produced by the human voice was actually producing effects
similar to stimulating the vagus nerve with electrical pulses...
...which led researchers to conclude that this type of vocal
vibration could be a potential, as yet unexplored, way of activating the
vagus nerve!
More and more studies appear to confirm that there is a definite link between vocal vibration and the vagus nerve!
In one case, a certain kind of vocal vibration “significantly”
increased mental exam scores in elderly subjects... just as vagal tone
restoration has been shown to do!
In another, blood pressure naturally improved itself after just 5
minutes when a specific type of vocal vibration activated the vagus
nerve in patients!
You do not need to be musical to produce this powerful type of vibration. You don’t have to have a good ear or a good voice.
All you need is the right technique...
I call it “Brain Humming.”
It’s all about finding the vibration unique to you, that you produce with your own vocal chords to stimulate your vagus nerve...
“Brain Humming” requires ZERO musical ability at all!
As I began testing these techniques in small sessions with a few people...
...well it wasn’t long before the word got out.
Suddenly corporations like FED EX, Morgan Stanley, and Comcast wanted
to bring me out to work with their executives... (anything to get a leg
up over the competition I suppose)...
... NCAA college sports teams were having me work with their athletes...
...multi-millionaires were flying me out to exclusive resorts for private sessions...
After witnessing the effects of my techniques on children, a major
university in Pennsylvania offered me a full time position on their
staff so that I could focus on my research...
Eventually even the US military approached me with a grant to learn my secrets!
And that’s when I decided that I couldn’t just keep this secret for a
few rich people and those lucky enough to hear about my private
So recently I took my Brain Humming technique into the studio – the very same professional grade studio where I’ve recorded some of my music...
...except this time my goal was to create a way to share my sound
healing secrets with folks in the comfort of their own homes... so you
can start the healing anywhere you want, anytime you want... in just
minutes... with no difficult exercises or boring meditation...
I wish I could put into words the divine and overpowering sense of
healing that we felt in that studio... But I can show you the amazing
The Donovan Sound Solution
The Donovan Sound Solution is not a collection of magic frequencies. It’s not a device.
It’s a special sequence of sound techniques to awaken parts of your body that regular medicine can only partially access.
I’ve already told you a little bit about the first of these
techniques... the “Brain Humming” technique that awakens the vagus
When I showed this to Charlie, he later wrote:
OMG! Transformative!!!!! Can shift me to a peaceful calm, grounded and happily relaxed body, mind and spirit in minutes!
Dr. Colleen C reported a “huge impact” and that these techniques were “wonderful for my mental AND physical stress symptoms.”
David reported:
I stand taller; I sleep better; I feel better
But Brain Humming is just one part of the Donovan Sound Solution.
You see, after I discovered the power of Brain Humming to stimulate
the vagus nerve, I figured that there must be other parts of the body
waiting to be unlocked by sound...
The Ancient Rhythms that Awaken your Brain, Boost Memory, and Support the Immune System
Scientists are discovering that special frequencies may unlock a
powerful healing mechanism called “entrainment” or “frequency following
Put two pendulums next to each other and set them swinging back and forth at different speeds.
Over time, those two pendulums will eventually synchronize with each other...
And the same may actually happen with human beings...
When scientists analyzed the brain waves of students listening to a
lecture, they noticed that their brain waves actually synched up with
those of the professor lecturing!
Have you ever just had to nod your head or tap your foot along to a beat?
Well that’s a similar thing...
As part of my Sound Solution, I’ve included a technique to entrain your body and brain with certain rhythms...
Researchers have found when your body and brain “entrain” with
certain rhythms... it’s like you’ve punched in secret codes that get
your body to do amazing things...
- Levels of the “stress hormone” cortisol fall
- The brain floods with neuro-boosters to supercharge brain function
- Immune system killer cells get much needed support
- Heart and vascular health improve without the potentially damaging effects of strenuous exercise
- Endorphins snuff out pain
In fact, an article published by Oxford even confirmed that this kind of technique could work wonders for the brain...
In plain English: this ancient rhythmic technique could awaken the brain in ways you’ve never experienced before.
But that’s not all...
This Weird “Side Effect” Equals Better Sleep, Deeper Breaths, Clear Sinuses... and Even Better Sex?
I absolutely didn’t intend this...
But my Sound Solution comes with an amazing “side effect”...
Studies have shown that it may cause levels of a purifying molecule called Nitric Oxide to skyrocket in your body...
Nitric Oxide is a powerful protector for your body...
- ...it supports your body’s defenses...
- It clears out the sinus...
- It stimulates your cilia – the little “sweepers” that run through your lungs cleaning them out...
But more than that...
- ...it also helps regulate your sleep... so you can wake up every morning feeling refreshed...
- ...it protects you from free radicals...
- ...it keeps your blood vessels open and supports the brain
- ...it supports your insulin-producing beta cells
But here’s the best part...
Nitric Oxide is the hidden fuel behind... how to put this... “male vitality.”
I know it’s a little embarrassing to talk about.
But it shouldn’t be. Sex is part of life. And if you miss the days
when you could depend on your body (or your partner’s body) to be at the
ready... (or stand at attention shall we say)...
Well Nitric Oxide opens up the blood vessels to do just that!
According to a Swedish study... when you use techniques like the one
I’m going to show you today it can send the Nitric Oxide levels in your
body soaring 15 TIMES!
When you consider just the beneficial side effects of the Donovan Sound Solution, it’s no wonder that people travel hundreds of miles to learn these techniques...
When I showed my techniques to a doctor friend of mine... not only
did he start recommending it to his patients... he began using it on
But today... for the first time ever... you can experience my Sound
Solution from the comfort of your own home... it’s not expensive... and
it’s incredibly easy...
1 comment:
Thanks for the informative article, huge respect for Dr. Andrew Weil.. It would be awesome if you could share the full name of Dr. Sears so its possible to follow his work.
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