What needs to be understood is that quarantine is not working at all even though it is the go to choice of action. What you do not want to do though is to become heavily exposed to the infection. I suspect that will be the difference in have a bad cold or going down with pneumonia. The body has to have time to build up its antibodies in order to stop this virus.
Once the body is properly exposed, it is safe enough and the summer may well suppress the whole outbreak.
The first report was at the beginning of December. This was followed by an explosion of cases in China over the next thirty to forty five days. The actual peak first phase infection took place around new years. Thus the present explosion of cases this reports in the surrounds.
All this means is that carriers are now in place globally. The third phase or the pandemic phase will roll out over the next six weeks and plausibly peak in late March. The maximum death rate will likely take place during April. If the death rate of around 2% happens to be true, it is possible that a global death rate over 100,000,000 is possible, mostly among those already compromised.
That is the expected low end and may well be affected globally by tropical climes.
. .
Coronavirus infections,
deaths and “community outbreaks” EXPLODE outside China; CDC warns
travelers about “community spread” in six nations as infections
skyrocket in Korea
Tags: CDC, China, coronavirus, covid-19, infections, Japan, outbreak, pandemic, Singapore, South Korea, Wuhan
(Natural News)
Remember when China first dropped a quarantine on Wuhan and the entire
mainstream media told us the coronavirus infections would start to drop
off beginning Feb. 8th?
Now, nearly two weeks later, coronavirus infections are exploding outside of China, with non-China cases exceeding 1,000 and growing by the day.
The CDC has now named six non-China countries
as areas where “community spread” is taking place, which the CDC says
means, “people have been infected with the virus, including some who are
not sure how or where they became infected.” (In other words, all the
health authorities are totally clueless.)
Those countries named by the CDC are:
- Japan
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Vietnam
“The United States warned travelers of “apparent community spread” of
the new virus in five countries outside of China, as well as the island
of Taiwan,” reports The Epoch Times:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is
recommending Americans not travel to China and is also advising
travelers of the apparent spread in Japan, Singapore, South Korea,
Vietnam, Thailand, and Taiwan.
Japan, which
recently committed the egregious error of releasing thousands of
potentially cross-infected passengers from the Diamond Princess cruise
ship onto the streets of Tokyo, is now rumored to be headed for
“second Wuhan” status as an outbreak hub. We have dubbed this action by
Japan a “global suicide mission,” and doctors in Japan have publicly
warned that the entire “quarantine” of that cruise ship was run by
incompetent bureaucrats who managed to expose everyone to the virus
while pretending to be running a quarantine (i.e. “medical theater”).
Remember Japanese professor Kentaro Iwata? He’s a small taste of what he said about the situation there, courtesy of Zero Hedge:
“The cruise ship was completely inadequate in terms of controlling infections,” he said in one of them.
“There was not a single infection control professional on the
ship, nor anyone professionally involved in infection prevention. The
bureaucrats were in charge of everything.”
“There is no clear distinction between the green (healthy) zones
and the red (potentially infected) zones. And the staff is running back
and forth,” Iwata reported.
Non-China infections explode over 100% in the last week
The number of infections outside of China has exploded to 1,199, more than doubling in just one week:

Yet the entire fake news “mainstream” media continues to lie to the
world, telling viewers that this pandemic is “no worse than the flu.” In
downplaying the severity and aggressiveness of this outbreak, the fake
news media is complicit in the spread of infections and deaths because people are failing to take appropriate precautions against this rapidly exploding global pandemic.
Right now, there are 2.4 million people under lockdown in South Korea
as confirmed cases there have exploded to over 100. Simultaneously, 1.2
million people have been ordered into similar lockdown status in Iran.
According to rumors, Iran has already seen 20 deaths from the coronavirus, although the Iranian government is only officially reporting two deaths.
As all of this is happening, North Korea is reporting zero cases, an
obvious cover up of the reality of this pandemic. Similarly, Indonesia
is pretending there’s no such thing as the coronavirus, flat-out
refusing to buy or deploy coronavirus test kits, as if pretending there are no infections somehow makes the pandemic go away.
Oh yeah, and China is now forcing people back into the factories at gunpoint
in a last-ditch effort to save their economy by keeping exports going,
even if it means marching workers into the factories at gunpoint.
Hawaii, Washington and Florida all appear to be engaged in a coronavirus cover-up
In the United States, it now seems rather obvious that Hawaii,
Washington and Florida are covering up coronavirus infections. In
Washington State, state health authorities there flat-out refuse to test hundreds of high-risk people, apparently believing that if they don’t detect coronavirus infections, then such infections don’t exist.
It’s the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for handling infectious disease.
Note that as the Washington State Health Dept. web page readily admits, the state knows there are 779 people who might have coronavirus infections, but so far they’ve only tested 26:

In Florida, the state Surgeon General there told state senators that he doesn’t think the coronavirus is airborne, and he’s refusing to release any numbers that describe the number of people who have been tested.
So Florida becomes the only U.S. state run by a doctor who apparently has less information than Third World nations when it comes to the coronavirus and its vectors of transmission.
And what’s with the total secrecy, anyway?
When you put all this together, what we’re really witnessing here is an obvious cover-up
of coronavirus outbreaks happening in the United States, even as
infection numbers are exploding across Asia (which is the second wave of
this pandemic).
With the virus now spreading out of control in Iran, South Korea,
Japan and Singapore, and with U.S. states now resorting to total
denialism and “pretend medicine” instead of dealing with the reality of
the situation, it’s only a matter of time before large-scale outbreaks
devastate U.S. cities — a scenario the CDC admits they are already
preparing for, according to CDC director Dr. Redfield.
Today we are launching Pandemic.news
as a hub for downloadable audio files (mp3) podcasts, videos, articles
and science paper links, all related to the CoVid-19 Wuhan coronavirus.
Check it out today.
Hear my daily podcasts on the coronavirus at the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com:
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