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Saturday, February 29, 2020
Covid19 - There is no Coincidence
How is it that a level 4 lab in Toronto had a military grade modified virus available to be stolen by CPP scientist spies?
How is that these spies were not retained here for a long stay in prison, but instead sent back to China and the equivalent lab in Wuhan?
How then did it leak out of that Lab? Then get distributed all through China with effective ease. Was a large group of CCP leaders exposed?
Pandemic breaks out in China completing the causation narrative.
It also hits South Korea by apparent natural distribution from China. Multiple cases worldwide appear.
Pandemic cover is now fully established.
Decapitation targets that are already well established as useful:
1 The Roman Hierarchy - Major Italian outbreak
2 The Iranian Mullahs - Major Iranian outbreak
As i have been posting, there is a secret WAR underway and it is global and certainly involves taking down all aspects of the DEEP STATE and by extension the NWO. Those 160,000 sealed indictments may well turn out to be mostly against Chinese espionage. The extent of the threat is becoming better known.
One of the military options for the replacement of the Iranian Mullahs has been decapitation. Unfortunately a direct strike was always going to be chancy and uncontrollable. Suddenly one has died telling us that others have been exposed. Just how did this occur? It is low probability. It screams directed delivery at the ambassadorial level.
Now the good news is that the disease appears to be somewhat stalled. Normal social distance is keeping it at bay so far outside China. All this tells us that this may well have been a Mil Intel operation top to bottom. Those dying are those already deeply compromised as in elderly or seriously sick or seriously over exposed. Thirty percent of medical staff do catch it.
Of course this is all coincidence.
Scientists Demonstrate Success of a Possible ‘EpiPen’ to Prevent Paralysis From Spinal Cord Injuries
This is a smart diversion of the immune system reaction that slows the initial intense phase that also damages too much.
It certainly presages a really useful protocol to apply to all spinal and nervous system injuries as well. In fact it needs to be part of all surgical interventions as well to clean up the raw damage itself and allow possible nerve repair.
Far too many surgical intervention do cause serious and irreversible nerve damage.
Scientists Demonstrate Success of a Possible ‘EpiPen’ to Prevent Paralysis From Spinal Cord Injuries
Good News Network
Feb 23, 2020
Calling it an “EpiPen” for trauma to the central nervous system, University of Michigan researchers have shown how an injection of nanoparticles can prevent the body’s immune system from overreacting to trauma—potentially preventing some spinal cord injuries from resulting in paralysis.
The approach was demonstrated in mice by the scientists in Ann Arbor, when the nanoparticles enhanced healing by reprogramming the aggressive immune cells.
“In this work, we demonstrate that instead of overcoming an immune response, we can co-opt the immune response to work for us to promote the therapeutic response,” said Lonnie Shea, the Steven A. Goldstein Collegiate Professor of Biomedical Engineering.
Trauma of any kind kicks the body’s immune response into gear. In a normal injury, immune cells infiltrate the damaged area and clear debris to initiate the regenerative process.
The central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, however, is normally walled off from the immune activity by the blood-brain barrier. But a spinal cord injury breaks that barrier, letting in overzealous immune cells that create too much inflammation for the delicate neural tissues. This leads to the rapid death of neurons, damage to the insulating sheaths around nerve fibers that allow them to send signals, and the formation of a scar that blocks the regeneration of the spinal cord’s nerve cells.
All of this contributes to the loss of function below the level of the injury. That spectrum includes everything from paralysis to a loss of sensation for many of the 12,000 new spinal injury patients each year in the United States.
Previous attempts to offset complications from this immune response included injecting steroids like methylprednisolone. That practice has largely been discarded since it comes with side effects that include sepsis, gastrointestinal bleeding and blood clots—and the risks outweigh the benefits.
But now, U-M researchers have designed nanoparticles that intercept immune cells on their way to the spinal cord, redirecting them away from the injury. Those that reach the spinal cord have been altered to be more pro-regenerative.
Hopefully, this technology could lead to new therapeutic strategies not only for patients with spinal cord injury but for those with various inflammatory diseases.
With no drugs attached, the nanoparticles reprogram the immune cells with their physical characteristics: a size similar to cell debris and a negative charge that facilitates binding to immune cells. In theory, their non-pharmaceutical nature avoids unwanted side effects.
With fewer immune cells at the trauma location, there is less inflammation and tissue deterioration. Second, immune cells that do make it to the injury are less inflammatory and more suited to supporting tissues that are trying to grow back together.
“Hopefully, this technology could lead to new therapeutic strategies not only for patients with spinal cord injury but for those with various inflammatory diseases,” said Jonghyuck Park, a U-M research fellow working with Shea.
Previous research has shown success for nanoparticles mitigating trauma caused by multiple sclerosis and the West Nile virus, for example.
“The immune system underlies autoimmune disease, cancer, trauma, regeneration—nearly every major disease,” Shea said. “Tools that can target immune cells and reprogram them to a desired response have numerous opportunities for treating or managing disease.”
Good News Network
Feb 23, 2020
Calling it an “EpiPen” for trauma to the central nervous system, University of Michigan researchers have shown how an injection of nanoparticles can prevent the body’s immune system from overreacting to trauma—potentially preventing some spinal cord injuries from resulting in paralysis.
The approach was demonstrated in mice by the scientists in Ann Arbor, when the nanoparticles enhanced healing by reprogramming the aggressive immune cells.
“In this work, we demonstrate that instead of overcoming an immune response, we can co-opt the immune response to work for us to promote the therapeutic response,” said Lonnie Shea, the Steven A. Goldstein Collegiate Professor of Biomedical Engineering.
Trauma of any kind kicks the body’s immune response into gear. In a normal injury, immune cells infiltrate the damaged area and clear debris to initiate the regenerative process.
The central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, however, is normally walled off from the immune activity by the blood-brain barrier. But a spinal cord injury breaks that barrier, letting in overzealous immune cells that create too much inflammation for the delicate neural tissues. This leads to the rapid death of neurons, damage to the insulating sheaths around nerve fibers that allow them to send signals, and the formation of a scar that blocks the regeneration of the spinal cord’s nerve cells.
All of this contributes to the loss of function below the level of the injury. That spectrum includes everything from paralysis to a loss of sensation for many of the 12,000 new spinal injury patients each year in the United States.
Previous attempts to offset complications from this immune response included injecting steroids like methylprednisolone. That practice has largely been discarded since it comes with side effects that include sepsis, gastrointestinal bleeding and blood clots—and the risks outweigh the benefits.
But now, U-M researchers have designed nanoparticles that intercept immune cells on their way to the spinal cord, redirecting them away from the injury. Those that reach the spinal cord have been altered to be more pro-regenerative.
Hopefully, this technology could lead to new therapeutic strategies not only for patients with spinal cord injury but for those with various inflammatory diseases.
With no drugs attached, the nanoparticles reprogram the immune cells with their physical characteristics: a size similar to cell debris and a negative charge that facilitates binding to immune cells. In theory, their non-pharmaceutical nature avoids unwanted side effects.
With fewer immune cells at the trauma location, there is less inflammation and tissue deterioration. Second, immune cells that do make it to the injury are less inflammatory and more suited to supporting tissues that are trying to grow back together.
“Hopefully, this technology could lead to new therapeutic strategies not only for patients with spinal cord injury but for those with various inflammatory diseases,” said Jonghyuck Park, a U-M research fellow working with Shea.
Previous research has shown success for nanoparticles mitigating trauma caused by multiple sclerosis and the West Nile virus, for example.
“The immune system underlies autoimmune disease, cancer, trauma, regeneration—nearly every major disease,” Shea said. “Tools that can target immune cells and reprogram them to a desired response have numerous opportunities for treating or managing disease.”
Covid19 Real Beast Causing Dangerous Pandemic with Chris Martenson
This gives us a decent picture of the nature of the disease. I would feel more comfortable if i saw folks going back to work in Wuhan. That would indicate folks had gotten over the disease in good order and were now immune to further exposure. So far empirical reassurance is scant.
We do read that 10,000 have actually been discharged which may mean something. The Chinese seem to be at least slowing the pace while they ramp up their response. Right now we can be sure that everyone globally is scrambling to develop supplies.
Remember that fever is your friend as it suppresses the virus..
Covid19 Real Beast Causing Dangerous Pandemic – Chris Martenson
On February 23, 2020
Chris Martenson is futurist, economic researcher and holds a PhD in
toxicology from Duke University. So, Martenson has a unique perspective
about the coronavirus and what its effects will be to the global
economy. Don’t believe the mainstream media. Things are not getting
better, and Martenson contends, “It’s getting worse. It is a tale of two
stories inside China and outside China. Inside China, we have been
suspicious of their reporting, and they have been underreporting the
cases at least by a factor of 10 and maybe more. This is both for
infections and deaths. . . . The Chinese government would not lock down
90% of their economy just to save a couple of lives. They don’t roll
that way. So, there is something there that is very worrisome to them.
. . . Outside of China, we trust the numbers a lot more. . . . So, when
we are looking outside of China, we are seeing the cases of the
coronavirus are now increasing exponentially. It’s got a very short
doubling time and a very high rate of infectivity. It’s not the flu.
It’s not SARS. The mainstream media is trying to tell people there is
nothing to worry about, and we don’t take that view at all. . . .
Covid19, as they call it now, is a real beast.”
What should you do? Martenson explains, “This is a very dangerous
pandemic kind of a virus. We have never seen anything like it before
since the Spanish flu. This thing is almost certainly going to romp
around the world. . . . For people who are listening, you have to be
prepared for the idea . . . if they say we are going into an imposed
quarantine in a city. How do I prepare for that? You need to ask
yourself what would I need if I was stuck inside my home for 30 or 60
days? That is probably a reasonable amount of time to plan for.”
How bad economically will the Covid19 virus crisis get? Martenson
points out, “One in eight companies are so-called zombie companies.”
Meaning, they have to keep borrowing cheap money to stay in business.
Martenson says governments are hooked on huge deficits and cheap money
too, and now the China virus chaos hits an already over-leveraged
economy, and more massive money printing is needed to keep debt from
defaulting. Martenson says, “This is taking the world’s most important
manufacturing center and shutting it down all at once. That’s like
throwing a car into reverse at 60 miles per hour on the highway. . . .
Supply chain disruptions are going to be legendary. .
. . This isn’t
like one company having trouble like AIG where Hank Paulson has to ride
to the rescue with $700 billion of fresh U.S. taxpayer money. We are
talking about a system of tens of thousands of interlocking components
that are frozen, and nobody quite knows how to unravel all of that. I
think that is well beyond the capability of the Federal Reserve to throw
more QE money into the market and goose stocks a little longer. This is
the real deal. This isn’t a dress rehearsal. It is happening. People
need to be able to make sense of this, and in the absence of being able
to make sense of all of this, having some gold makes a lot of sense. I
think that’s why we are seeing it pop here.”
Martenson likes physical silver, too.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Chris Martenson, co-founder of PeakProsperity.com.
Bitcoin Is Premium Collateral And Perhaps The Salvation of Hedge Funds
Collateral is a huge problem and a price decline will shake out decades of dodgy loan architecture. So yes a bicoin solution is attractive. Yet this is all long term as the actual user market deepens.
It will serve the same way in which we use land and which is now mature almost everywhere.
Bitcoin is a measure of global demand and is thus quite stable in terms of price appreciation. We still see volatility, but expect that to continue to diminish.
All good .
Bitcoin Is Premium Collateral And Perhaps The Salvation of Hedge Funds
Written by
Paul Rosenberg
works exceptionally well as collateral; far better than anything else I
can think of. And I have a feeling that's about to matter.
fact is that collateral has been tremendously abused in the financial
systems of the West. Most people ignore this, of course, including
professionals who should know better. They've been relying upon the Fed
Put, which is the implied guarantee that the Fed will never allow the
S&P to drop very far… that if it starts to collapse,
they'll flood the markets with liquidity, push their associates to buy,
or will simply buy shares themselves in "market operations."
ever-rising prices, questions about collateral rarely come into play.
As a result, some really bizarre games are being played with it.
The Present State of Collateral
those who work in the guts of the financial system have a real handle
on the state of collateral, but it is clearly a train wreck. I say that
for several reasons, but none more telling than a very strange thing
called re-hypothecation.
Re-hypothecation is one of those things that, upon first hearing of it, you think, "that can't be true."
Stated very simply, re-hypothecation works like this:
I use several US Treasury bonds as collateral for a loan from my stockbroker.
Then, my stockbroker takes a loan from Bank A, pledging my bonds as their collateral.
Then, my stockbroker takes a loan from Bank B, again pledging my bonds as their collateral.
it or not, this is fully legal, and it's done all the time. In the US
this is capped at 140% of the original collateral. In England there is
no limit.
Can you see why there is a fundamental problem with collateral these days?
It Doesn't Matter Until It Matters
As crazy as this situation may be, so long as prices never go down, the game can continue; no consequences will arise.
that every once in a while – even with a supposedly omnipotent Fed –
things do go wrong.
This is what happened with Lehman Brothers in 2008.
And covering all that insufficient collateral cost US taxpayers some
$700 billion. At one point the Treasury Secretary rushed to an emergency
meeting at the White House and told the president that if the "troubled
asset relief" plan wasn't provided, the entire financial system would
collapse. (Or so it was reported.)
are not essentially better now than they were then, and if prices fall
significantly there simply isn't enough good collateral in the system to
cover the debts of banks and shadow banks.
This stands to become a life-threatening issue to hedge funds, which tend to be highly leveraged.
Why Bitcoin Is Better
Bitcoin, collateral is certain. First of all, it can't be diluted by
the creation of new dollars, Euros and Yen. Only 21 million bitcoins
will ever exist, and almost 90% of those are already in circulation.
More than that, Bitcoin can be used with multiple signatures (a simple process called multi-sig) so it can't be spent more than once without the permission and knowledge of the original parties.
top of that, securing collateral with Bitcoin is easy, provided you
have just one competent IT person on staff. More than that, it's fast:
You don't need to wait for escrow agents, lawyers and God knows who else
to sign off on it. The tech guy either has the keys or he doesn't.
That's it.
may be the most perfect and reliable collateral the world has ever
known. And whenever it is that things get serious, informed players will
demand it. Given the legality and prevalence of re-hypothecation and
other money games, this may be the only way to be sure.
Bitcoin's Built-In Leverage
saving virtue of this from the hedge fund side is that Bitcoin has been
escalating in value from the beginning, and will likely continue to do
so for a long time. What that means for the financial player is a
scenario like this:
My hedge fund borrows $50 million from a big bank, pledging 240 bitcoins as collateral. This
is protected with a multi-sig system, so neither of us can cheat on it.
So long as two plus two equals four, that bitcoin is secure.
dollar price of bitcoin, however, triples over the next year or two.
Now, I can triple my loan to $150 million. Either that or reclaim 160
my hedge fund got the loan it wanted because it had provably good
collateral, then tripled the loan on that same collateral. For a lot of
funds – especially once the regime of the never-falling price cracks –
this can make the difference between survival and failure.
Paul Rosenberg
Friday, February 28, 2020
Washington State releases hundreds of people from “public health supervision”
Assume that this virus is been allowed to run its course simply because it cannot be stopped by a quarantine. There is no point and medical resources need to be held back in order to deal with extreme cases that will materialize.
It may well have been here a long time ago as well and expressing as a nasty virus that is slow to resolve. What we are certainly getting is plenty of misinformation.
Right now, the Chinese regime has effectively admitted failure in its Quarantine strategy. It is not working.
The good news is that four out of five will have a mild case. Completely survivable. The remaining eighteen percent will know that they are really sick, but still recover. A couple will still die.
Stopping those deaths is the big problem.
Washington State releases hundreds of people from “public health supervision” over the coronavirus; tests NONE of them for the virus
Monday, February 24, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Tags: CDC, community outbreaks, coronavirus, Cover-Up, infections, outbreak, pandemic, Washington
Washington State releases hundreds of people from “public health supervision” over the coronavirus; tests NONE of them for the virus
Tags: CDC, community outbreaks, coronavirus, Cover-Up, infections, outbreak, pandemic, Washington
(Natural News)
This tells you everything you need to know about how U.S. states plan to handle the coronavirus outbreak: Refrain from testing anyone and then report “zero community outbreaks.”
Last week, the State of Washington was monitoring 794 people for
coronavirus symptoms. Yet by Friday of last week, the state had only
tested a grand total of 28 people for the virus.
Today, the 794 number has fallen to 582, according to the Washington Dept. of Health website.
This means over 200 people have been released from “public health supervision,” yet the total number of people tested for the coronavirus in Washington remains at 28.
In other words, zero new people were tested.
So we now have states that are releasing hundreds of people from supervision without testing any of them.
People with no symptoms aren’t being tested, but the virus spreads in people who show no symptoms…
This is all taking place in an environment when we already know:
- The virus can be carried by people who show no symptoms.
- The incubation period of the virus is up to 27 days, not merely 14.
- The symptoms of the virus can be easily confused with pneumonia, the common cold or other mild infections.
South Korea has managed to test thousands of people for the virus, which is how they’ve now discovered over 842 infections there, a number that has truly exploded over the last five days.
The State of Washington knows about 794 people who might be infected, yet they’ve only tested 28?
If South Korea had taken the same approach, they could be reporting only 30 infections today instead of 842. If you don’t test people, you don’t “confirm” infections.
The question is not how many people have been confirmed infected, the question is how many infected people have NOT been tested.
Does Washington State already have more infections than South Korea?
My best guess is that the State of Washington has more infections
than South Korea. We won’t know for sure until the state decides to
start testing people, and they apparently have no desire to conduct such
tests in the first place.
What’s truly astonishing here is that every U.S. state has law
enforcement crime labs with PCR / genetic analysis equipment for solving
crimes. Yet none of them are using that technology to screen people for
coronavirus infections.
Why not?
The answer, of course, is because they don’t want to find any infections in the first place.
It brings up an even bigger question: Is the CDC ordering U.S. states to halt all testing? Where are the CDC’s replacement test kits that were supposed to fix the broken diagnostic kits shipped out on Feb. 5th?
Why aren’t U.S. states using crime lab equipment to run coronavirus tests?
Why are states like Hawaii reporting that they’ve tested ZERO people for coronavirus?
Why are 47 U.S. states conducting no tests at all?
Why does Google keep linking to the WHO, which is run by communist
China and is known to be a criminally negligent propaganda hub of
disinformation and pro-China lies?
And why does a U.S. State Dept. employee in Japan think that
infections can be blocked on airplanes by using plastic sheeting and
duct tape, which is what allowed him to shove infected passengers on the same plane as non-infected passengers, resulting in at least 25 new infections.
Finally, will the United States be any more honest than China when it comes to reporting the truth about the coronavirus?
So far, the answer seems to be a definite no.
There’s a lot of breaking news coming this week. Stay informed. Read Pandemic.news for daily updates.
How Mount Everest became a multimillion-dollar business
Yikes. This is obviously becoming far too much. Cleaning up the mess is the least that needs to be done. All forms of mountaineering is prone to sudden death. A simple misstep caused by dropping your guard when you appear to be safe. It is all so unforgiving.
What is worse, on the summit you are in extremis as well which makes enjoying the experience difficult. And of course the actual retreat is as difficult as the ascent.
Yet there is real merit in driving an access adit well down the mountain and rising an elevator shaft up to the peak itself. All this is well within our engineering capability. Then establish additional access points from the shaft to produce condo complexes on the mountain slopes where it is safe to do so.
All crazy, but this is now crazier. There is actually huge demand for alpine residences if it could be properly achieved without massively expensive roads access that only provides limited access. .
How Mount Everest became a multimillion-dollar business
Growing crowds have turned the world’s tallest mountain into a valuable commercial asset. But where’s all the money going?
It is said that from the 29,029-foot summit of Mount Everest, you can see the curvature of the Earth. But for the hundreds of climbers who vie to scale it, there’s another curve at play: that of supply and demand.
In a relatively short period of time, the world’s tallest mountain has been transformed from a jagged, inhospitable beast into a valuable commercial asset.
For the impoverished country of Nepal, Everest is now a multimillion-dollar industry, fueled by Westerners with a thirst for conquest and $100k to burn. What was once a desolate landscape is now littered with $550 oxygen tanks, thousands of pounds of frozen excrement, and 200+ dead bodies.
In the last 20 years, Everest has seen nearly a 10x increase in traffic — with more than half of all 10,055 summits coming in the last decade. In 2019 alone, a record-setting 876 summiteers caused a traffic jam that contributed to 11 fatalities
How did Mount Everest get so crowded? Why is it so expensive to climb? And where exactly does the money go?
To find out, we spoke to nearly a dozen Everest historians, mountaineers, and top guides — many of whom are preparing for the climbing season in May.
The commercialization of Mount Everest
When Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary first reached the summit of Everest in 1953, mountaineering was a sport reserved for alpine clubs, national expeditions, and scientific pursuits.
For decades, the governments of Nepal and Tibet (which share access to Everest) denied access to most foreign climbers. Throughout the 1980s, access was limited to one Everest permit per season.
But in the early 1990s, everything changed.
Realizing that there was a business opportunity in leading Western adventure seekers up Everest, climbers like Rob Hall (Adventure Consultants) and Scott Fischer (Mountain Madness) convinced Nepalese officials to expand foreign access. John Krakauer’s 1997 bestseller Into Thin Air, which chronicled the death of 8 climbers (including Hall and Fischer) on one of these early expeditions, only further stoked demand.
“All of a sudden, people with money discovered they could hire a professional mountain guide with sherpa support and go have a chance to summit the world’s tallest peak,“ says Alan Arnette, a mountaineering coach and Everest expert.
By the mid-2000s, dozens of Western guides had set up expedition companies. Soon, traffic ballooned from 50-60 to 500+ climbers per year.
From 1953 to 1999 there were 1,159 total summits. In the 20 years since, there have been 8,986, according to Himalayan Database logs.
“Today, Nepal’s entire economy essentially relies on Mount Everest tourism,” says Lukas Furtenbach, a renowned guide and the founder of Furtenbach Adventures.
One of the poorest countries in the world, Nepal now earns tens of millions of dollars from Everest. Its tourism industry, largely driven by Himalayan treks, accounts for ~10% of its $24B GDP.
And despite a growing number of overcrowding concerns, the government, eager to maximize revenue, has refused to put a cap on the number of permits ($11k per climber) it issues each year.
How much does it cost to climb Everest?
An Everest journey begins with a flight from Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, to the small village of Lukla. Over the course of 6 to 8 weeks, climbers make their way up the mountain via a series of high-altitude camps, then wait for a short window of good weather to push for the summit.
To make the trek, a prospective climber must book a trip with one of the 50+ companies that offer guided tours up the mountain. The cost of this trip can wildly vary, but Arnette says “it costs at least as much as a car.”
An analysis of the market shows that Everest packages run anywhere from $35k to $160k, but the average Western operator charges $66k.
This price includes all of the Everest-associated fees levied by the Nepalese government: $11k per climber for a permit, $3k for a liaison officer (who certifies each climb), $2.5k for icefall doctors (Nepalese climbers who secure the route), a $2.5k facilitation fee, and a $4k garbage deposit.
In addition to the $66k guide fee, most climbers spend another $10-15k on gear (full down suit, mountaineering boots, crampons, sleeping bag), airfare, evacuation insurance, satellite phone service, and the 18 months or so of training required to make a summit bid.
The supported nature of the modern Everest climb — extra oxygen, Sherpas to carry gear, and top-of-the-line equipment — has made the peak “more attainable,” says Arnette. Today, 29% of all Everest hopefuls successfully summit. Around 4% die.
For guides, all these extra safety precautions take a toll on the bottom line.
“From a business perspective, Everest is not one of our more profitable trips,” says Gordon Janow, director of programs at Seattle-based Alpine Ascents.
This year, Janow and his team expect to take 8 climbers up Everest. The trip will require 2 guides ($35k each), 8 sherpas ($5k each), and a camp cook ($6k), in addition to other expenses like permits, oxygen, and equipment.
Janow estimates that Alpine Ascents only makes $7k-14k on the $70k each climber pays — a 10%-20% margin — before taxes and administrative expenses.
But recently, a new “threat” has cropped up for Western guides: a groundswell of much cheaper trips offered by local Nepali companies.
A trend: Everest for half the price
Sherpas, the legendary elite mountaineers native to the Himalayas, are hired by Western guides to accompany expeditions — usually at a 1:1 Sherpa-climber ratio.
Their jobs are especially risky, as they are tasked with climbing up ahead of the group, installing ladders in place over crevasses, and carting up to 60 pounds of gear up the mountain with little supplemental oxygen.
Of the 304 total deaths on Everest, 119 (39%) have been Sherpas, far more than any other nationality. In 2014 alone, 16 Sherpas were killed by an avalanche while fixing ropes in the notorious Khumbu Icefall.
For a season of work, they are paid around $5k— considerably more than the $700/year average salary in Nepal, but far less than Western guides.
But in the last 5 years, a young generation of Sherpas, tired of playing the middlemen, have launched their own expedition companies and undercut the Western guides.
“They stood up and said, ‘Why are we working for the man? We have the ability to do all of this for ourselves,’” says Arnette. “And they blew up the business model.”
These Nepali-run companies charge around $38k (40% less than a Western guide). This lower price point has attracted a whole new market: emerging middle-class climbers in China and India.
According to some Western guides, there is a serious issue with this new crop of guides: They’ll take absolutely anyone up the mountain, regardless of experience, and cut corners on safety standards.
“They have the attitude of, ‘I can teach you all you need to know on the climb; just give me your money,’” says Janow. “They don’t care at all about skill level.”
One such guide, Seven Summit Treks, which offers tours for as little as $35k, writes on its website that it will take anyone with a “strong economic background to compensate for [old age and fear of risks].”
While other companies generally cap their groups at around 20 climbers, Seven Summit Treks is known to take as many as 100 climbers up the mountain — many of whom are unprepared for the altitude and physical exertion.
Furtenbach, a European guide, says that much of the congestion on Everest in recent years can be attributed to “inexperienced clients and unprofessional operators who cut corners to make more profit.”
Of the 11 deaths on Everest in 2019, 7 were climbers with lower-cost guides. Arnette says that the majority of these fatalities were due to “avoidable” causes like exhaustion and altitude sickness.
On Everest, even these deaths come at a premium. Retrieving a body is an extremely challenging endeavor that requires as many as 10 Sherpas and can cost up to $70k. Most corpses are left on the mountain; some, like “Green Boots,” become immortalized as trail markers.
A growing attraction
The inherent risk in scaling a 29,029-foot mountain has not detracted from the mountain’s allure. On the contrary, in the wake of especially disastrous years — like 2006 (11 deaths) or 2012 (10) — the mountain has attracted more climbers.
“Everest is like a light to a moth,” says Arnette. “The more dangerous it is, the more allure it has for aspiring mountaineers.”
In particular, Everest seems to have found a special place in the hearts of thrill-seeking business executives, who some say “pay their way up the mountain” then “turn their journeys into keynote speeches.”
In May of 2018, Greg Penner, the chairman of the board at Walmart, summited Mount Everest donning a company flag. “Going big, taking risks, never giving up and succeeding,” he told shareholders 10 days later. “That’s what Walmart –– that’s what you, our associates –– are all about.”
Business school case studies often champion mountaineering as the ultimate teamwork exercise. “[Mountaineering] looks a lot like, say, a startup, where you’re trying to maximize to become a unicorn while at the same time trying to make sure the small details don’t pull you under,” a 2019 Stanford report concluded.
But the old-school climbers aren’t sold on the metaphor.
From afar, they’ve watched Everest devolve into a chaotic queue line, clogged with “bucket listers” who have no interest in the romance or history of the mountain. Once among the moths, many of them have moved on to brighter lights.
“Most professional climbers thumb their noses at Everest and call it a tourist route,” says Arnette. “It’s now the mountain that people love to hate.”
'Xi Jinping, Trump and Putin Are on the Same Team'
First, I want to say that I understand exactly the same thing in terms of underlying causation. The MEME of Yalta II is new to me, but i also saw a confluence between Putin, XI, Modi and Trump. This powerfully strengthens that argument.
There is clearly a global WAR underway. My counter to the historic Status Quo has been to introduce the MEME of Poverty Elimination through application of the Natural Community and the Rule of Twelve across the whole global population base. This is completely possible because it is naturally self funding.
This holds out real hope that this can also be properly launched as a top down operation as well. Doing both would be wonderful as it would allow the whole human population to achieve complete modernity inside the next generation.
The current glue to all this will be a back channel system through Mil Intel. Recall that Q also speaks to the entire globe for those able to see.
'Xi Jinping, Trump and Putin Are on the Same Team'
I always look forward to hearing what Daniel Estulin has to say. He is a 24-year veteran of Russian military counterintelligence and he is a Doctor of Conceptual Intelligence, trained to "create models that define the future of humanity...at least one or two generations in advance..."
He joins Daniel Brigman on the Power Hour podcast and he explains that, like most of the world, the United States is controlled by the Liberal banking financiers, which is the domain of Wall Street and the City of London, the DC bureaucracy, the British and US intelligence agencies, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the Rockefeller crowd, the Soroses, the Mainstream Media, the London School of Economics, the Wharton School of Business, the big Think Tanks, the big foundations, the credit rating agencies; in short, the people who've controlled the world for the past three generations, ever since 1944.
This are the Liberal banking order – not just in the US but globally.
He explains that Russia is in a similar position; it is controlled by the same Liberal banking establishment (aka the Globalists).
"Russia's economic financial policy is written in the offices of International Monetary Fund...You are not allowed to make investments in rubles in Russia. You can only do it in dollars, just to give you an idea who controls Russia's economy!"
Similarly, China's second-in-command, Premier Li Keqiang is a Davos darling and an agent of the Globalists. He is currently in charge of prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic.
Trump represents an alternative, isolationist, industrial group seeking to dismantle this Globalist power structure, which if successful, will also liberate Russia, China, India and the rest of the world from this parasitical bankster class.
What's happening is not a battle between Conservatives vs. Liberals or between Capitalism vs. Socialism, it's a movement against the current global financial model.
Estulin believes that the Wuhan Covid-19 outbreak might be an operation of the British intelligence services (Globalists), seeking to destabilize and ultimately to get rid of Xi Jinping. He doesn't believe the coronavirus, itself as a serious disease, he believes that this is a hybrid warfare campaign primarily being waged in the media.
"Now, Putin in Russia was able to eliminate the Liberal financier government when he fired the entire government. Xi Jinping in China...he wanted to do the same thing after celebrating the Chinese New Year. The government of Li Keqiang, the current premier, who is a Liberal financier, just like the government that Putin eliminated in Russia, OK?
"These are the people at Xi Jinping is fighting against. The government of Li Keqiang, the Premier is a Liberal financier, financed and sponsored by the West, just like the Clintonoid Wall Street financial backers in America - the same people Trump is fighting against...it's the same operation, globally.
"Xi Jinping, Trump and Putin are on the same team....There is no war between the United States and China. They're on the same team...
"So, what we see in Coronavirus, when we're seeing Xi Jinping, Putin and Trump fighting the same elements, whether it's the Liberal financiers and the Clintonoids in the United States, whether we're talking about Biden or anybody else in America, whether they're talking about the Li Keqiang government in China, we're talking with the Liberal banking financier government in Russia, these are the same enemies of humanity and the war is for survival, because again, the Liberal banking financier model is on its deathbed...
"There's gonna come a period over the next couple of years, where the leaders of the great nations and powers are going to sit down and work out a Yalta II Agreement.
"A couple of weeks ago, Putin used that same phrase. And what's going to happen is, at the end of the first year of Trump's second term, the great powers, China, Russia, the United States and India, they're gonna sit down and they're going to work out the agreement on the new rules and regulations of society."
There is clearly a global WAR underway. My counter to the historic Status Quo has been to introduce the MEME of Poverty Elimination through application of the Natural Community and the Rule of Twelve across the whole global population base. This is completely possible because it is naturally self funding.
This holds out real hope that this can also be properly launched as a top down operation as well. Doing both would be wonderful as it would allow the whole human population to achieve complete modernity inside the next generation.
The current glue to all this will be a back channel system through Mil Intel. Recall that Q also speaks to the entire globe for those able to see.
'Xi Jinping, Trump and Putin Are on the Same Team'
I always look forward to hearing what Daniel Estulin has to say. He is a 24-year veteran of Russian military counterintelligence and he is a Doctor of Conceptual Intelligence, trained to "create models that define the future of humanity...at least one or two generations in advance..."
He joins Daniel Brigman on the Power Hour podcast and he explains that, like most of the world, the United States is controlled by the Liberal banking financiers, which is the domain of Wall Street and the City of London, the DC bureaucracy, the British and US intelligence agencies, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the Rockefeller crowd, the Soroses, the Mainstream Media, the London School of Economics, the Wharton School of Business, the big Think Tanks, the big foundations, the credit rating agencies; in short, the people who've controlled the world for the past three generations, ever since 1944.
This are the Liberal banking order – not just in the US but globally.
He explains that Russia is in a similar position; it is controlled by the same Liberal banking establishment (aka the Globalists).
"Russia's economic financial policy is written in the offices of International Monetary Fund...You are not allowed to make investments in rubles in Russia. You can only do it in dollars, just to give you an idea who controls Russia's economy!"
Similarly, China's second-in-command, Premier Li Keqiang is a Davos darling and an agent of the Globalists. He is currently in charge of prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic.
Trump represents an alternative, isolationist, industrial group seeking to dismantle this Globalist power structure, which if successful, will also liberate Russia, China, India and the rest of the world from this parasitical bankster class.
What's happening is not a battle between Conservatives vs. Liberals or between Capitalism vs. Socialism, it's a movement against the current global financial model.
Estulin believes that the Wuhan Covid-19 outbreak might be an operation of the British intelligence services (Globalists), seeking to destabilize and ultimately to get rid of Xi Jinping. He doesn't believe the coronavirus, itself as a serious disease, he believes that this is a hybrid warfare campaign primarily being waged in the media.
"Now, Putin in Russia was able to eliminate the Liberal financier government when he fired the entire government. Xi Jinping in China...he wanted to do the same thing after celebrating the Chinese New Year. The government of Li Keqiang, the current premier, who is a Liberal financier, just like the government that Putin eliminated in Russia, OK?
"These are the people at Xi Jinping is fighting against. The government of Li Keqiang, the Premier is a Liberal financier, financed and sponsored by the West, just like the Clintonoid Wall Street financial backers in America - the same people Trump is fighting against...it's the same operation, globally.
"Xi Jinping, Trump and Putin are on the same team....There is no war between the United States and China. They're on the same team...
"So, what we see in Coronavirus, when we're seeing Xi Jinping, Putin and Trump fighting the same elements, whether it's the Liberal financiers and the Clintonoids in the United States, whether we're talking about Biden or anybody else in America, whether they're talking about the Li Keqiang government in China, we're talking with the Liberal banking financier government in Russia, these are the same enemies of humanity and the war is for survival, because again, the Liberal banking financier model is on its deathbed...
"There's gonna come a period over the next couple of years, where the leaders of the great nations and powers are going to sit down and work out a Yalta II Agreement.
"A couple of weeks ago, Putin used that same phrase. And what's going to happen is, at the end of the first year of Trump's second term, the great powers, China, Russia, the United States and India, they're gonna sit down and they're going to work out the agreement on the new rules and regulations of society."
Estimates of Coronavirus Deadliness Compared to Flu
Here is what appears to be the real science. It is a bad flu generally unless you are unlucky enough for it to take a turn for the worse. There a lack of fever is really bad news as that fail;s to suppress the virus.
In fact, raising the core temperature needs to be used for those who are seriously sick. Use radiant lamps to do this. Even bringing your body temperature back to the normal 98.6 F will help hugely. Most of us tend to run cold during the winter.
i personally cook with a radiant lamp for around forty minutes during my work out and this has been a good practice. Throw in the hot tub and saunas as well. Body temperature is your best friend around a virus. In fact, the virus population collapses as you approach 106 F which is why we have fevers in the first place.
good luck.
Estimates of Coronavirus Deadliness Compared to Flu
Brian Wang | February 18, 2020
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention puts the overall death rate for the coronavirus ncov-19 at 2.3%. Vital Surveillances: The Epidemiological Characteristics of an Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) — China, 2020.
A total of 72,314 patient records—44,672 (61.8%) confirmed cases, 16,186 (22.4%) suspected cases, 10,567 (14.6%) clinically diagnosed cases (Hubei Province only), and 889 asymptomatic cases (1.2%)—contributed data for the analysis. Among confirmed cases, most were aged 30–79 years (86.6%), diagnosed in Hubei (74.7%), and considered mild (80.9%). A total of 1,023 deaths occurred among confirmed cases for an overall case fatality rate of 2.3%. The COVID-19 spread outward from Hubei Province sometime after December 2019, and by February 11, 2020, 1,386 counties across all 31 provinces were affected. The epidemic curve of onset of symptoms peaked around January 23–26, then began to decline leading up to February 11. A total of 1,716 health workers have become infected and 5 have died (0.3%).
There were about 15,000 non-mild cases which resulted in 1023 deaths. 6.82% fatality rate.
The flu in the US has 12 million cases that need some medical attention with up to 36,000 deaths. This is a 0.3% fatality rate. The coronavirus statistics could be missing many mild cases. The number of deaths from coronavirus has increased to almost 2000. Only about 20% of the severe cases have fully recovered at this point.
If the non-mild coronavirus cases need hospitalization, then the 6.82% fatality rate compares to the flu where up to 36,000 of 440,000 hospitalizations die which is an 8% fatality rate.
The CDC estimates the current flu as having 0.1% fatality.
The case fatality rate of COVID-19 appeared to be about 2.5 percent. The case fatality rate for the seasonal flu in the United States ranges between 0.10 percent and 0.18 percent. For SARS, it’s about 10 percent and for MERS it is about 35 percent. For Ebola, it has varied between 25 percent and 90 percent, depending on outbreaks, averaging approximately 50 percent.
John Hopkins has a real-time coronavirus tracker.
• Avoiding close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections.
• Frequent hand-washing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment.
• Avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals.
• People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands).
• Within health care facilities, enhance standard infection prevention and control practices in hospitals, especially in emergency departments.
As a betacoronavirus, the 2019-nCoV has an envelope and round or oval particles with a diameter of 60-140nm, and is often polymorphic. The genetic characteristics of the 2019-nCoV are significantly different from SARSr-CoV and MERSr-CoV. Current researches have shown that it has a homology of more than 85% with bat SARS-like coronavirus (batSL-CoVZC45).
When isolated and cultured in vitro, 2019-nCoV can be found in human respiratory epithelial cells in about 96 hours.
2019-nCoV is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and heat, and can be effectively inactivated at 56°C for 30 minutes and lipid solvents such as ether, 75% ethanol, chlorine-containing disinfectants, peracetic acid, and chloroform. Chlorhexidine cannot effectively inactivate the virus.
Based on the current epidemiological investigations, the incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days, mostly between 3-7 days.
The main clinical manifestations of 2019-nCoV infection are fever, fatigue and dry cough. A few patients also develop other symptoms such as nasal obstruction, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea. In many severe patients, dyspnea and/or hypoxemia occurs after one week, and those critical cases can quickly progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, and metabolic acidosis and coagulation dysfunction that are difficult to be corrected. Notably, severe and critical patients may have moderate to low-grade fever or even no obvious fever during the course of the disease.
Mild cases only show low-grade fever, mild fatigue, and no signs of pneumonia.
Judging from the cases being treated, most patients have good prognosis, and a few patients are critically ill. Poor prognosis is more common in the elderly and those with underlying chronic conditions, and pediatric cases have relatively mild symptoms.
SOURCES- CDC, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, New York Times
Written By Brian Wang, Nextbigfuture.com
A total of 72,314 patient records—44,672 (61.8%) confirmed cases, 16,186 (22.4%) suspected cases, 10,567 (14.6%) clinically diagnosed cases (Hubei Province only), and 889 asymptomatic cases (1.2%)—contributed data for the analysis. Among confirmed cases, most were aged 30–79 years (86.6%), diagnosed in Hubei (74.7%), and considered mild (80.9%). A total of 1,023 deaths occurred among confirmed cases for an overall case fatality rate of 2.3%. The COVID-19 spread outward from Hubei Province sometime after December 2019, and by February 11, 2020, 1,386 counties across all 31 provinces were affected. The epidemic curve of onset of symptoms peaked around January 23–26, then began to decline leading up to February 11. A total of 1,716 health workers have become infected and 5 have died (0.3%).
There were about 15,000 non-mild cases which resulted in 1023 deaths. 6.82% fatality rate.
The flu in the US has 12 million cases that need some medical attention with up to 36,000 deaths. This is a 0.3% fatality rate. The coronavirus statistics could be missing many mild cases. The number of deaths from coronavirus has increased to almost 2000. Only about 20% of the severe cases have fully recovered at this point.
If the non-mild coronavirus cases need hospitalization, then the 6.82% fatality rate compares to the flu where up to 36,000 of 440,000 hospitalizations die which is an 8% fatality rate.
The CDC estimates the current flu as having 0.1% fatality.
The case fatality rate of COVID-19 appeared to be about 2.5 percent. The case fatality rate for the seasonal flu in the United States ranges between 0.10 percent and 0.18 percent. For SARS, it’s about 10 percent and for MERS it is about 35 percent. For Ebola, it has varied between 25 percent and 90 percent, depending on outbreaks, averaging approximately 50 percent.
John Hopkins has a real-time coronavirus tracker.

• Avoiding close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections.
• Frequent hand-washing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment.
• Avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals.
• People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands).
• Within health care facilities, enhance standard infection prevention and control practices in hospitals, especially in emergency departments.
As a betacoronavirus, the 2019-nCoV has an envelope and round or oval particles with a diameter of 60-140nm, and is often polymorphic. The genetic characteristics of the 2019-nCoV are significantly different from SARSr-CoV and MERSr-CoV. Current researches have shown that it has a homology of more than 85% with bat SARS-like coronavirus (batSL-CoVZC45).
When isolated and cultured in vitro, 2019-nCoV can be found in human respiratory epithelial cells in about 96 hours.
2019-nCoV is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and heat, and can be effectively inactivated at 56°C for 30 minutes and lipid solvents such as ether, 75% ethanol, chlorine-containing disinfectants, peracetic acid, and chloroform. Chlorhexidine cannot effectively inactivate the virus.
Based on the current epidemiological investigations, the incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days, mostly between 3-7 days.
The main clinical manifestations of 2019-nCoV infection are fever, fatigue and dry cough. A few patients also develop other symptoms such as nasal obstruction, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea. In many severe patients, dyspnea and/or hypoxemia occurs after one week, and those critical cases can quickly progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, and metabolic acidosis and coagulation dysfunction that are difficult to be corrected. Notably, severe and critical patients may have moderate to low-grade fever or even no obvious fever during the course of the disease.
Mild cases only show low-grade fever, mild fatigue, and no signs of pneumonia.
Judging from the cases being treated, most patients have good prognosis, and a few patients are critically ill. Poor prognosis is more common in the elderly and those with underlying chronic conditions, and pediatric cases have relatively mild symptoms.
SOURCES- CDC, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, New York Times
Written By Brian Wang, Nextbigfuture.com
Thursday, February 27, 2020
US to lay out case against Assange at extradition hearing
In the end, this all has to be walked through the Supreme Court to assert the rule of the constitution.
It has been clear that the whistle blower within the USA polity has been essentially throttled over the past decades.
The solution may well be an agency that does independently vet the validity of the disclosure, but only after it has been made public and after the materials have been also distributed to a universe of media suppliers. National security can act to block partial disclosure.
Such an agency needs to be overseen by the Supreme court. Again the problem of checks and balances has to be addressed.
Assange is in the middle of all this but he also proved the value of his work. That also matters.
US to lay out case against Assange at extradition hearing
By JILL LAWLESSyesterday
A demonstrator supporting Julian Assange wears a mask and chains outside Westminster Magistrates Court in London, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020. Assange is scheduled to be presented before the court by videolink, for a case management hearing ahead of his full extradition trial which begins on Feb. 24.
(AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
LONDON (AP) — The U.S. government and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will face off Monday in a high-security London courthouse, a decade after WikiLeaks infuriated American officials by publishing a trove of classified military documents.
A judge at Woolwich Crown Court will begin hearing arguments from lawyers for U.S. authorities, who want to try Assange on espionage charges that carry a maximum sentence of 175 years in prison.
The extradition hearing follows years of subterfuge, diplomatic dispute and legal drama that have led the 48-year-old Australian from fame as an international secret-spiller through self-imposed exile inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to incarceration in a maximum-security British prison.
Assange has been indicted in the U.S. on 18 charges over the publication of classified documents. Prosecutors say he conspired with U.S. army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to hack into a Pentagon computer and release hundreds of thousands of secret diplomatic cables and military files on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
U.S. authorities say WikiLeaks’ activities put American lives in danger. Assange argues he was acting as a journalist entitled to First Amendment protection, and says the leaked documents exposed U.S. military wrongdoing. Among the files published by WikiLeaks was video of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack by American forces in Baghdad that killed 11 people, including two Reuters journalists.
Journalism organizations and civil liberties groups including Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders say the charges against Assange set a chilling precedent for freedom of the press.
“What we have is an assault on journalism,” left-wing Greek lawmaker Yanis Varoufakis said at an Assange support march in London on Saturday. “The only charge against Julian, hiding behind the nonsense of espionage, is a charge of journalism.”
Assange’s legal saga began in 2010, when he was arrested in London at the request of Sweden, which wanted to question him about allegations of rape and sexual assault made by two women. He refused to go to Stockholm, saying he feared extradition or illegal rendition to the United States or the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In 2012, Assange sought refuge inside the Ecuadorian Embassy, where he was beyond the reach of U.K. and Swedish authorities.
For seven years Assange led an isolated and increasingly surreal existence in the tiny embassy, which occupies an apartment in an upscale block near the ritzy Harrod’s department store. Confined to the building, he occasionally emerged onto a small balcony to address supporters, and received visits from celebrity allies including Lady Gaga and “Baywatch” actress Pamela Anderson.
The relationship between Assange and his hosts eventually soured, and he was evicted in April 2019. British police immediately arrested him for jumping bail in 2012.
Sweden dropped the sex crimes investigations in November because so much time had elapsed, but Assange remains in London’s Belmarsh Prison as he awaits a decision on the U.S. extradition request.
Supporters say the ordeal has harmed Assange’s physical and mental health, leaving him with depression, dental problems and a serious shoulder ailment.
For his supporters around the world, Assange remains a hero. But many others are critical of the way WikiLeaks has published classified documents without redacting details that could endanger individuals. WikiLeaks has also been accused of serving as a conduit for Russian misinformation, and Assange has alienated some supporters by dallying with populist politicians including Brexit-promoter Nigel Farage.
Assange’s legal team insists the American case against him is politically motivated. His lawyers say they will present evidence that the Australian was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia wasn’t involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails that were published by WikiLeaks during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange’s lawyers say the offer was made in August 2017 by then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who claimed to be acting on behalf of President Donald Trump.
The White House has called the claim “a complete fabrication and a total lie.” Rohrabacher acknowledges discussing the Democrat leak with Assange, but denies offering a pardon from the president.
An end to the saga could still be years away. After a week of opening arguments, the extradition case is due to break until May, when the two sides will lay out their evidence. The judge is not expected to rule until several months after that, with the losing side likely to appeal.
If the courts approve extradition, the British government will have the final say.
The case comes at delicate time for trans-Atlantic relations. The U.K. has left the European Union and is keen to strike a trade deal with the U.S.
But relations between Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative government and the Trump administration have been strained by Britain’s decision to defy Washington and grant Chinese firm Huawei a role in building the U.K.’s telecoms infrastructure.
Anand Doobay, an extradition lawyer at the firm Boutique Law, said the Assange saga was an unusual, hard-to-predict case.
“Very few cases raise this range of issues, where there are likely to be arguments about the actual offenses he’s accused of committing and whether they amount to a crime in both countries,” he said. “There are arguments about his treatment in terms of the fairness of his trial, the conditions he’s going to be detained in, the reasons why he is being prosecuted, his activities as a journalist.”
Associated Press video journalist Jo Kearney contributed to this story.
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