This is a thing that we need to seriously consider. It is actually a form of fast. Thus we need to work around that meme as well in order to make it properly effective.
Calling it a sugar fast is a great start.
The important staple to have in your fridge is a a large supply of stewed vegetables with meat added if you wish. What this informs is that it is also important to supplement the oil content. Adding a lot of bacon bits and a dry legume mix is likely to do it. That would also be tasty as well.
Otherwise do reach for the olive oil and put lots of it in.
Rather than a starch product to add to your vegetable stew, add stand alone seamed cabbage or even any other non starch vegetable. The important thing is to seriously up the fat content so you do not became hungry too quick. .
Does a sugar detox work? I'm on it and have had some surprising results
6 Aug, 2019 5:00am
Early one Saturday, I headed to a "sugar detox" seminar at my gym. I
didn't expect it to be a hot ticket, but when I opened the classroom
door every seat was taken.
One was filled by "Grandma
Teresa," as she introduced herself, who had brought along her two
granddaughters, ages 11 and 13, because "sugar is really bad and I want
them to learn as much as they can when they are still young." The other
participants, all women from their 30s to 70s, said they wanted to curb
their sugar intake for a variety of reasons — to ease a health struggle;
to lose weight; or to reduce their risk of diabetes, heart disease,
cancer and dementia.
I was there on doctor's orders. He
had advised a sugar detox for me to lose visceral fat — the internal
kind that accumulates around the organs and drives hunger, overeating,
weight gain, muscle loss and brain damage.
It can also
cause fatty liver disease, increase the cholesterol that causes heart
disease and increase inflammation, which Mark Hyman, the medical
director of the Cleveland Clinic's Center for Functional Medicine, said
"affects a whole range of diseases from cancer to heart disease,
diabetes and Alzheimer's."
For instance, a recent study found that consuming sugary drinks,
including soda and fruit juice, may "significantly" increase your risk
of developing cancer, especially of the breast.
coach Anna Seethaler opened the detox seminar with three questions: How
much sugar are you eating? When are you eating it? And why are you
eating it?
My answers mirrored those of my classmates:
No clue. All day long, especially in the evening (or any time I felt
lonely, angry or deserving of a treat). And because I like it. I learned
that the average American consumes nearly 152 pounds of sugar annually,
or 22 teaspoons a day. [ this happens to be half a cup of sugar each day - arclein ] The typical kid in the United States eats a
horrifying 34 teaspoons daily. (The American Heart Association
recommends no more than six teaspoons a day for women and children, nine
for men.)
Sugar is everywhere: It's in cereal and skim
milk, bread, salad dressings, wine, white potatoes, pasta and pizza —
not to mention desserts.
Seethaler sent us away with
homework: Seek out and record the sugars in our diets. I had thought I'd
been eating pretty healthfully, but my journal quickly told me
otherwise. This surprise was what Seethaler intended.
Some products already show an "added sugar" line item in the Nutrition
Facts Panel on their label, and by 2021 all food makers will be required
to include it. Until then, Jessica Levinson, a New York City-based
nutritionist in private practice, tells her clients to read food labels
and "know the various terms for sugar, which include agave nectar, brown
rice syrup, and fruit juice concentrate," in addition to the ubiquitous
high-fructose corn syrup.
Hyman, who has written "The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet,"
says his intent is to "completely obliterate the idea" that all calories
are the same, that there's no difference between 100 calories of
Coca-Cola or cauliflower.
"Calories in, calories out," he says, "is a completely disproven hypothesis."
All this is to say that cauliflower is better for you than Coke.
Hyman advocates a cold-turkey approach to his patients.
"You want people to experience their hunger, their behavior, their
mood, their energy [and] their chronic symptoms if they stop [consuming]
sugar and starch for a week or two weeks or three weeks," he said by
phone. (Starch, which is found in potatoes, corn, rice and many grains,
converts to sugar when consumed.) Our biochemistry, he says, not will
power, drives our cravings and hunger patterns. It's not a "moral
failing that we can't control our diet."
As I started
my detox, Hyman advised me to add "a lot of fat, because fat makes you
feel full [and] speeds your metabolism," which I didn't know. Then came a
second revelation: "Fat actually helps you burn fat," he explained,
destroying many of the myths I'd grown up with.
I'd been avoiding high-fat foods like the plague because as everyone "knew," fat makes you fat.
Not so, said Hyman. "Fat doesn't make you fat. Sugar makes you fat."
Fat, he says, "increases muscle mass and decreases inflammation — if
it's the right fat" — by that he includes coconut butter, MCT oil (or
medium-chain triglycerides), extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil, and
those found in wild fatty fish such as salmon and sardines, nuts and
avocados. (See his complete list at
Hyman points to a recent study in Nature that found that those on an
unrestricted high-fat (low carb) diet lost more weight, had better
control of their blood sugar, lower triglyercides and better HDL (the
good cholesterol).
For the first several days, frankly, my detoxing was hell. Making
certain foods forbidden made me want them more. Ice cream. Pasta.
Chocolate. Even wine, which contains a fair amount of sugar. My cravings
were intense and seemed never-ending, and if I cheated I felt like a
loser. I was irritable and moody — and, yes, as is often the case,
But by day five the cravings had subsided.
I'd stopped eating bread, because even whole wheat bread, Hyman
explained, converts more quickly to glucose, or blood sugar, than table
sugar. (The exception — whole grain breads — such as those made from
wheat berry, whole barley and whole grain oats.)
here's the part that blew my mind: I started to lose weight. Before the
detox I weighed 166 pounds. Twelve weeks later, I hit a new low adult
weight: 155. I've cinched in my belt a notch. My bloodwork looks much
better (my triglycerides dropped by half in six weeks). And as my belly
fat has reduced, I do feel better and more energetic. Later this month
I'll see what my HDL and LDL numbers look like. Fingers crossed.
Seethaler and Hyman both talk about sugar as addictive, which is why
it's so hard to kick. Sugar, Hyman says, "actually causes us to
stimulate the same brain area that causes addiction for heroin and
cocaine." That's why he advocates a cold-turkey sugar detox.
Levinson, the nutritionist, prefers starting with small changes. She
suggests clients "work on reducing sugars one meal at a time and make
sure to have healthier alternatives that will actually satisfy
cravings." Levinson advocates for moderation and reminds me of the
adage, "It's the dose that makes the poison."
I'm now
in my fourth month of a modified detox — I don't want to live without
wine or some sweets (I eat three 1-inch squared pieces of very dark
chocolate a day). I know I can't avoid all added sugars, no matter how
vigilant I may be.
Sugar detoxing is not easy,
especially when visiting friends. On a recent weekend, my hosts made
five delicious pizzas, each with a white-flour crust that when eaten
quickly converts to blood sugar. I decided to indulge for that evening,
remembering that tomorrow was another day. I wish I'd had a Grandma
Teresa to start me earlier, but I'm glad to be on the detox bandwagon
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