Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Israeli scientist says, “We chose coronavirus as a model for our vaccine under development and let’s call it pure luck"

High level cooperation usually calls for the Israelis to take on a key aspect of a weapons development program originating in the USA.  We already understand that COV19 is a weaponized agent that originated from a USA lab.  One report has it stolen by CCP agents and another has another unknown agent releasing it from a lab in the USA.  They may all be true or complete nonsense.

The theft aspect would explain Chinese silence on the history of the it all.  My key point is that there is plausible smoking guns to support an ongoing act of WAR while plausible deniability is retained.  Or it could all be a complete fabrication and we just do not know a thing at all.

What it certainly does is provide maximum cover for the ongoing secret WAR entering its crisis stage. Which is also bogus of course.

154,000 ++ sealed indictments.

Israeli scientist says, “We chose coronavirus as a model for our vaccine under development and let’s call it pure luck"

Posted By: NaturalWisdom

Date: Friday, 13-Mar-2020 15:16:43

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
This tweet from James Perloff cynically reminded of a quote attributed to FDR and repeatedly debunked by the naysayers.

James Perloff


According to Jersualem Post, Israelis say “In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine.” Vaccine was ALREADY in development before outbreak. Says Israeli scientist: “Let’s call it pure luck. We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system."

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