This is the important question. The idea of these structures been tombs died a long time ago. Even better we have now found so many of them including a few that have gone DARK as well. The complexity of any of the tunnel systems are abnormal as well and often not even too human friendly.
We have ample reason to wonder. Chris does have specific expertise to apply, not least knowing what machine and tool marks really mean.
The chemical and E/M aspects of this set of pyramids is curious. The Great pyramid appears to be a consonance amplifier while these appear to amplify earth originated telluric fields to produce E/M effects.
The rock would also be damp to some degree and this would allow wicking to the surface over a long time. This is easily observed in mines. The pyrite objects are likely grown in situ. It really does appear to be deliberate but may well be accidental as well. Note the pyrite on the walls.
Uncovering Ancient Pyramid Science at Teotihuacan, Where Men Become Gods
14 APRIL, 2017 - 23:01 CLIFF DUNNING
Teotihuacan’s Lost Kings, a television special, took an hour long look at the great city, its inhabitants, and the excavation of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, (also known as the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.) The program revealed evidence of advanced engineering built into a tunnel system, and placed directly underneath the Pyramid. As a team excavated the tunnels, viewers witnessed what must be considered the interior of an ancient generator, where combinations of chemical, mineral, water (and possible electromagnetic fields) were introduced into chambers, resulting in some form of energy. How and where this energy was delivered is still unknown, but based on the design of the complex, we can now speculate as to how the entire facility may have operated. (Note that I have purposely called Teotihuacan a facility, as this is exactly what it was and not a city as many have speculated. Here’s their amazing discovery.

Teotihuacan, Mexico. (Public Domain)
Teotihuacan’s Lost Kings, a television special, took an hour long look at the great city, its inhabitants, and the excavation of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, (also known as the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.) The program revealed evidence of advanced engineering built into a tunnel system, and placed directly underneath the Pyramid. As a team excavated the tunnels, viewers witnessed what must be considered the interior of an ancient generator, where combinations of chemical, mineral, water (and possible electromagnetic fields) were introduced into chambers, resulting in some form of energy. How and where this energy was delivered is still unknown, but based on the design of the complex, we can now speculate as to how the entire facility may have operated. (Note that I have purposely called Teotihuacan a facility, as this is exactly what it was and not a city as many have speculated. Here’s their amazing discovery.
Teotihuacan, Mexico. (Public Domain)
Mysterious Tunnel
In 2003, Archaeologist Sergio Gomez was walking by the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, when he noticed a large crack in the ground approximately 20 feet (six meters) from the foot of the stairs. Recent rains had opened a surface area, leaving a noticeable divot and exposing tourists to possible injury. Gomez, who had worked at Teotihuacan for over 30 years, inspected the site and determined that something curious laid underneath. Teotihuacan is considered an archaeological park and most archaeologists know that every square foot of land can hold artifacts and important evidence to the past history of the area.
Gomez, a member of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), received permission to investigate the area, and later that year assembled a team of experts who began carefully removing surface debris. Archaeological excavation is a slow process and as they worked their way down they uncovered a round shaft, similar to a well, perfectly crafted of cement and stone.
Archaeologist Sergio Gomez is lowered into a perfectly formed stone and cement well shaft that passes underground 14 feet and opens to a deep cavern. At the time of the pyramid’s assembly, the shaft may have delivered a combination of water and chemicals which reacted directly underneath the pyramid, delivering its charge to nearby pods. (PBS TV, Teotihuacan’s Lost King’s. Screenshot via Youtube)
Unknowingly, they’d uncovered the main access point to the original design of the complex that dropped down over 40 feet (12 meters). As they descended down into the shaft which opened into a cavern, they cleared over 400 tons of dirt, debris and portions of discarded buildings, carefully looking for artifacts.
Once in the cavern they noticed the space had been carefully cut out of solid bedrock and opened into a large tunnel. Before the team began removing the debris that blocked entry to the tunnel, Gomez had the space laser-scanned to determine its depth and other clues to its formation. The scans returned images of a precisely cut tunnel that ran more than 330 feet (100 meters) under the pyramid. The scans also revealed odd pockets or small repositories that dropped down from the main shaft and which had the appearance of small rooms.
As the team began to excavate the tunnel, they made the first of many discoveries of artifacts and tools left by those they reasoned were the builders. At the 100-foot mark (30 meters), over 50,000 artifacts were recovered, leading the team to consider a royal tomb was close by.
A portion of the main tunnel with evidence of high water mark, reaching the top. The tunnel is divided into sub-chambers, (noted by the very dark sub-walls) where perhaps heavy metals fell and were contained in mixing stations before delivering a charge or chemical reaction to a central area directly underneath the pyramid. Archaeologists appear to be completely unaware of the unknown science that once may have played a role in the pyramid complex. (Source:DigitalJournal)
Strange Pyrite Spheres Discovered
The excavation team also found the first of a number of chemical and mineral deposits buried in the dirt. Hundreds of golden spheres were uncovered in various states of decomposition. They were composed of Pyrite (Fool’s Gold) and a mixture of adobe and crushed rock.
A very rare, very fine pyrite ball, from Peru. (Rob Lavinsky, /CC BY-SA 3.0)
Gomez had also noticed that the walls were covered in pyrite, which gave off a strange glow-in-the-dark effect in the unlit portions of the tunnel. Careful to check the remaining area, Gomez requested another laser scan of the tunnel to determine what laid ahead. To his surprise the shafts ended in a cross-shaped enclosure, the center positioned directly under the highest point of the pyramid.
3D laser scan created by a drone shows that depth and length of the tunnel carved into solid bedrock. The small cavities (lower spaces) in the tunnel may have been chemical mixing chambers as evidence by the water, pyrite, mercury, and radon gas that was discovered. (Source: La Razón)
As of this writing, the excavation continues in an attempt to discover a royal tomb, but there are a number of critical discoveries which point to the actual purpose of the tunnel system. First, it’s believed the artifacts and offerings were left by the people who rediscovered Teotihuacan over 1,800 years ago and had nothing to do with the original design of the system. A number of important clues offer us a glimpse of the original intent of the pyramid complex and other components which make up this discovery.
Geomagnetic Fields and Pyramids
Recent discoveries in ancient pyramid engineering have suggested that a large number were designed as some form of energy generators by different cultures around the world. In some locations, including Central and South America, construction techniques appear to have been shared. John Burke, a businessman and scientist, made an important discovery on pyramid electromagnetic energy in 2005. Burke had detected geo-magnetic discharge at a number of North American and European megalithic and mound sites, including Stonehenge, The Serpent Mound in Ohio, and a variety of smaller stone enclosures up and down the eastern coastlines. Using state-of-the-art scanning equipment, including a Magnetometer and Electrostatic Voltmeter, he was able to determine that each location had been chosen because of its naturally occurring telluric energy field that pulsed up and into the structure or surrounding area.
What these sites were used for is anyone’s guess, but we now understand that they may have a positive effect on human physiology and greatly enhanced crop seeds. What’s baffling is how the builders knew how to find the telluric fields without scanning equipment?
Sensing there might be more to electromagnetic energy enhancement, Burke begin scanning pyramid complexes in Central America which were designed with a high level of precision. He would eventually learn about a specific pyramid at Tikal, an ancient Maya city in Guatemala, which was used by the local farmers to enhance their seeds. Known as the The Mundo Perdido (Spanish for "Lost World") Pyramid, and considered one of the oldest pyramids in the entire complex (600 BC). Burke and his research partner Kaj Halberg discovered electro-magnetic signatures that measured impressive charges on top of the pyramid. In a series of scans, the readings showed an average change of 908 volts over a short period of time, which was concentrated in the early morning hours. Burke mentions the readings and states, “These voltages might sound lethal and if it were a household current they could be. However, static electric charge in the air is a different type of electricity and even a thousand volts is not dangerous.” His discovery of pyramid field generation is fascinating, but what he actually uncovered was a means of generating and perhaps distributing electomagnetic energy within a pyramid complex.
Mundo Perdido: The Lost World Pyramid at Tikal, Guatemala. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
What we don’t know about the Lost World Pyramid is if it has other components built into its construction, similar to the Pyramid of the Serpent. We now understand that at a number of Maya pyramids there are key components designed into their construction that act as magnifiers. These components appear to be important in the creation, magnification and distribution of telluric fields:
Water, either moving naturally including rivers or cenotes (found at El Castillo at Chichen Itza) or by artificial canals or tunnels, similar to the Temple of Inscription found at Palenque.)
Geo-magnetic fields. Naturally formed telluric fields that have high and low period throughout day and night.
Pyramid design. The specific pyramid shape appears to greatly enhance the telluric fields that pulse up and into the center of the chamber.
Pyramid interior fill. At a number of pyramids, rocks that are good electromagnetic conductors fill the interior of the pyramids and are used to enhance the pulsing field. Rocks that have veins with quartz, granite, and other electrical conducting properties appear to be favored.
The chemical and mineral discoveries that Gomez made at Pyramid of the Serpent have many of the same properties found at Maya pyramid locations, with a few twists.
What Made the Pyramid Run?
As Gomez and his team were excavating the tunnel, they discovered water marks high up on the wall. The mark runs the entire length of the tunnel, indicating the space would constantly fill with water. The marks are almost black and appear to have been etched with some chemical concentrate.
The transportation of water was delivered through the stone well shaft from the surface and directed to flow over specific regions of the tunnel.
Director of the excavation, Sergio Gomez, inspects a portion of a stone wall found throughout the tunnel. A high water mark that covers the entire tunnel and cavern area are evidence that water was an important ingredient in some chemical reaction. (Source:TheYucatanTimes)
Recent discoveries of mineral and chemical residue and the design of the well shaft, cavern, and tunnel system, allow one to conclude that the underground system was designed to create some type of discharge which may have taken place in the small chamber that leads to the main cross shape configuration at the end of the tunnel.
This discovery of water, minerals and chemicals has never been a consideration of Gomez or the other archaeologists whose main goal is excavating the tunnel. In the last few years, the following chemicals and mineral combinations have been uncovered in large quantities throughout the tunnel system. Pyrite and pools of Mercury have been uncovered, and a few years ago, Radon gas was detected passing through a number of areas of the tunnels, requiring workers to wear protective breathing gear. If you combine these elements and a geomagnetic telluric field, the effect may be many times what was detected by Burke at the Lost World pyramid. This is a profound discovery. An ancient, unknown science designed to create energy directed up and into the pyramid is fascinating to consider and must be analyzed further. Unfortunately, we’re left with more questions than answers.
Who were the builders of Teotihuacan?

Serpentine Mask, Teotihuacán, 200-500 AD. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Cliff Dunning is host/producer of the popular podcast, Earth Ancients: Startling new discoveries from our planets distant past. His newest book, The Black Knight Satellite will be released in fall 2017.
Top Image: Left side view of the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan. (CC BY 3.0), Waves (CC BY-SA 3.0); Deriv
By Cliff Dunning
John Burke and Kaj Halberg, 2005. ‘Seed of Knowledge Stone of Plenty’. Publisher: Council Oak Books (Nov. 7 2005)
Matthew Shaer, 2016. Smithsonian Magazine. ‘A secret tunnel found in Mexico may finally solve the mysteries of Teotihuacan’. [Online] Available at:
Paula Mejia, 2015. Newsweek. ‘Liquid mercury found in Mexican pyramid could hold secret of Teotihuacan’. [Online] Available at:
Macrina Cooper-White, 2015. Huffington Post. ‘Liquid Mercury discovered under ancient temple may shed new light on Teotihuacan’. [Online] Available at:
Michael Naughton, 2015. Harvard News. ‘Exploring the Ancient City of Teotihuacan’. [Online] Available at:
Serpentine Mask, Teotihuacán, 200-500 AD. (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Cliff Dunning is host/producer of the popular podcast, Earth Ancients: Startling new discoveries from our planets distant past. His newest book, The Black Knight Satellite will be released in fall 2017.
Top Image: Left side view of the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan. (CC BY 3.0), Waves (CC BY-SA 3.0); Deriv
By Cliff Dunning
John Burke and Kaj Halberg, 2005. ‘Seed of Knowledge Stone of Plenty’. Publisher: Council Oak Books (Nov. 7 2005)
Matthew Shaer, 2016. Smithsonian Magazine. ‘A secret tunnel found in Mexico may finally solve the mysteries of Teotihuacan’. [Online] Available at:
Paula Mejia, 2015. Newsweek. ‘Liquid mercury found in Mexican pyramid could hold secret of Teotihuacan’. [Online] Available at:
Macrina Cooper-White, 2015. Huffington Post. ‘Liquid Mercury discovered under ancient temple may shed new light on Teotihuacan’. [Online] Available at:
Michael Naughton, 2015. Harvard News. ‘Exploring the Ancient City of Teotihuacan’. [Online] Available at:
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