All of a sudden it becomes worthwhile to remove all the artificial material in the tooth, put in a shaped sponge and add a protective cap of some sort. This is something we can do for an entire mouth at one go because we are mostly removing fillings perhaps over several days and cleaning up.
Then we have a single session to emplace the sponges and add a protective cap of some sort. This does not need to be too strong or even fixed so long as the sponge is well set and fixed.
Then you would likely have to spend the next two months sucking smoothies while the drug was applied and the dentine went into full growth cycle.
None of this is unreasonable and will also work wonderfully alongside the introduction of new living teeth to replaced those lost.
I actually think that we are already less than five years out and our dental profession will be busy rebuilding mouths for everyone.
Scientists Have Discovered a Drug That Fixes Cavities and Regrows Teeth
A new discovery about a drug developed for Alzheimer's patients might replace fillings for cavity repair. Tideglusib stimulates stem cells in the pulp of teeth, promoting new dentine production and natural tooth repair.
Goodbye, Fillings
Dental fillings may soon be left in the ash heap of history, thanks to a recent discovery about a drug called Tideglusib. Developed for and trialled to treat Alzheimer’s disease, the drug also happens to promote the natural tooth regrowth mechanism, allowing the tooth to repair cavities.
Tideglusib works by stimulating stem cells in the pulp of teeth, the source of new dentine. Dentine is the mineralized substance beneath tooth enamel that gets eaten away by tooth decay.
Teeth can naturally regenerate dentine without assistance, but only under certain circumstances. The pulp must be exposed through infection (such as decay) or trauma to prompt the manufacture of dentine. But even then, the tooth can only regrow a very thin layer naturally—not enough to repair cavities caused by decay, which are generally deep. Tideglusib changes this outcome because it turns off the GSK-3 enzyme, which stops dentine from forming.
In the research, the team inserted small, biodegradable sponges made of collagen soaked in Tideglusib into cavities. The sponges triggered dentine growth and within six weeks, the damage was repaired. The collagen structure of the sponges melted away, leaving only the intact tooth.
Thus far, the procedure has only been used in mouse teeth. Yet as King’s College London Dental Institute Professor and lead author Paul Sharpe told The Telegraph, “Using a drug that has already been tested in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease provides a real opportunity to get this dental treatment quickly into clinics.”
He added, “The simplicity of our approach makes it ideal as a clinical dental product for the natural treatment of large cavities, by providing both pulp protection and restoring dentine.”
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