This is a must read and a complete revision of the whole Vietnam debacle. And no wonder good old Andrew Jackson removed all natives to the other side of the Mississippi with no jungles in sight. If you cannot pacify them it is necessary to move them all.
The irony here is unbelievable. Of course that is always true in war.
The only saving grace of that whole Vietnam War, is that it taught the USA how to oppose an unwelcome insurrection anywhere, communist or Islamic. Since Vietnam, Communist attempts all died on the vine for lack of popular support. Too many pictures of burned out villages in Vietnam to make that option attractive.
Because we actually won the greater War we do not understand that what happened was far from inevitable. So yes, American boys actually stopped Communism cold in Vietnam. They just did not leave a survivable Vietnam. That took another generation. The ultimate irony is that all American War aims have now been met.
The Creek-Seminole Connection to the Vietnam War
Posted by Richard Thornton | Sep 26, 2017 |
As a per capita proportion, more Native Americans served in the Vietnam War than any other ethnic group . . . twice as high a percentage as European-Americans. Several of the Creek and Uchee elders, who have helped us with articles in the People of One Fire, are veterans of the Vietnam War. They, like former Seminole Principal Chief, Jim Billie, were all selected to serve in Special Ops or top secret Intelligence Units. The United States Armed Forces appreciates the pragmatic brain power, courage and special talents of Muskogeans. However, the new series on the Vietnam War, being broadcast by PBS, revealed an even more surprising bit of concealed history.
Next highest percentage in the Viet Nam War were Puerto Ricans . . . that’s the reason that Puerto Rico must repay its debt to Wall Street before Washington, DC will do anything to help the island after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. By the way, recent genetic studies have determined that the vast majority of Puerto Ricans carry Native American DNA. However, it is not necessarily indigenous Taino-Arawak. Many are the descendants of Native Americans slaves, abducted in the Southeastern United States. Those Puertoricano descendants of Southeastern slaves include beautiful, singer and actress, Jennifer Lopez!
At the end of this article, you some learn previously unknown “dirty laundry” about the leaders of North Vietnam during that war.
From my family’s and personal experiences, I would say that the actual percentage of Native Americans in military service during the late 20th century is under-estimated. Most mixed-bloods registered as whites in World War II, because they didn’t want to be considered “coloreds”. Later on, my generation just didn’t know what a Native American looked like. My generation thought a real Injun looked like Chief Iron Eyes Cody . . . who turned out to be a full blood Sicilian!
After taking military physicals, my Uncle Hal and I were both told that we were really American Indians, not whites. We both knew that already, but such were the times. Uncle Hal, who had been in the Air Force since the Korean War, was soon assigned to oversee the welfare of American Indians in the US Air Force in Florida. In my case, the US Navy changed my NROTC curriculum to included classes taught by two winners of the Congressional Medal of Honor. My commandant said that I didn’t need classes in driving ships, because I wasn’t going to be on a ship anyway . . . except maybe for a one-way voyage.
The Itstate War Club
First of all, we will explain what the Seminole gentleman is using to punish the European-American gentleman on the ground, who intruded into his family barbecue feast, uninvited. It is an Itsate (Hitchiti) Creek war club . . . which is a direct descendant of the type of war club used by the Highland Mayas. This weapon is one of the primary reasons that you speak English, instead of Spanish. The Spanish soldiers in Florida were terrified of it. Arquebus muskets and long swords were nearly useless in the dense forests of Georgia and northern Florida. The Itsate club could easily break a Spanish sword or helmet then knock aside a European pistol, knife or mace, because it was about 36 inches long.
Traditionally, this fearful weapon was made from the root of a Black Cherry tree that had been struck by lightening, when a Creek youth was going through the passage rites to manhood. I couldn’t find a Black Cherry struck by lightening, but I did find the perfect root, which had been exposed by a bulldozer working on the construction of Interstate 85. It was primarily displayed along with my Mexican artifacts until I began having trouble with Neo-Nazi’s attacking my campsite at night. Very effective deterrent . . . don’t leave home without one.
You will see my war club in an upcoming television documentary. The TV film crew was from New York City, Germany and the Netherlands. They were curious as to how I alone could fend off in the pitch dark of North Carolina mountain woods, gangs of thugs carrying base ball bats, who were in their late teens and early twenties. I brought out my war club. No more questions were asked about that, but they did ask to film every detail of the war club.
Ho Chi Minh in the United States
The true history of the Viet Nam War was tragic from beginning to end. Nguyễn Sinh Cung (Ho Chi Minh) was born into a middle class family, who father was a minor, local government official in French Indo-China. As a college student, he was exiled for taking part in a demonstration against the French colonialists. While in Paris, he gravitated toward the Marxist community there, but was repeatedly criticized by the hard core Russian Soviets for being really a nationalist first.
Disillusioned, with the totalitarian Soviet Marxists, he moved to the United States, where he worked several jobs in several cities. He became enamored with American democracy and the fact that the United States had never attempted to enslave peoples in Africa and Asia. The USA had obtained the Philippines, Guam and the Philippines after a war with Spain and basically stolen Hawaii. However, in each of these lands, the citizens enjoyed all aspects of the Bill of Rights that US citizens enjoyed. Apparently, Uncle Ho didn’t fully appreciate what had been done to Native Americans. LOL
Nevertheless, Ho Chi Minh, as he now called himself, became fascinated with the Creek Wars in Alabama and Seminole Wars in Florida. He was quite aware that the Seminoles had never signed a peace treaty with the United States. He poured over the details of the Seminole victories and decided that this was the way to throw out the French. He admired the democratic, egalitarian traditions of the Creek-Seminole People, whose leaders looked out for the welfare of ALL their people. This was a superior model for a future Vietnam over both hardcore capitalism and communism. That’s right . . . the Creeks and Seminoles were the inventors of guerilla warfare tactics that were used in the late 20th century.
Vietnam during the Japanese occupation and French re-occupation
Ho Chi Minh returned to Viet Nam, when it was conquered by the Japanese. He organized an underground resistance movement. Its new officers were trained in the tactics used by the Creeks and Seminoles. The new officers then began training the Vietnamese volunteers and civilians in these tactics. Their weapons and munitions were furnished by the OSS, forerunner of the CIA. That’s right . . . the United States helped create the Viet Minh Army.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt personally promised the Vietnamese that the United States would pressure France to give them independence. However, after he died, intermediary officials never told President Harry Truman about this promise and blocked any communications sent to Truman by the Viet Minh. After Japan surrendered, the Viet Minh occupied Hanoi. In front of hundreds of thousands of jubilant Vietnamese, Uncle Ho read a document, which was virtually a verbatim copy of Thomas Jefferson’s words in the American Declaration of Independence.
The most tragic moment in this trail of “what if’s” occurred shortly thereafter. Senior OSS officer in Indo-China, Albert P. Dewey, distributed a position paper to the OSS, Truman White House and our European allies, which stated the reasons why the United States should recognize and give economic support to the Viet Minh revolutionary government. This outraged the British and French . . . who were still deluded into thinking that their colonial empires would continue.
The official story is that Dewey was mistakenly killed by his Viet Minh friends. That’s horse manure in the same genre of those who believe that 110 story buildings collapse straight down. The British Intelligence officers there, intentionally planted false intel in Viet Minh hands that the most hated French official (in the car actually driven by Dewey) would be passing a certain place at a certain time . . . and would be flying a United States flag to conceal its identity.
After Dewey’s death, his pro-Vietnamese OSS unit was called home. Truman’s advisors pressured him to give substantial financial aid to the French military units in Vietnam. The French would have been quickly driven out otherwise and a free Vietnam would have still considered the United States . . . in particularly its Native peoples . . . as their primary role model. History went another direction. By 1954, the United States was basically paying for the French military activities in Vietnam and the French lost . . . badly.

Do you remember this terrifying scenes at the opening of the movie, “We Were Soldiers?” In 1954, a column of French soldiers , who were sent to relieve the besieged French garrison at Dien Bien Phu, were wiped out to a man by the Viet Minh. We now know that this was a long-planned attack that was inspired by the massacre of a US Army column in Florida in 1835.
On December 28, 1835, two U.S. companies of 110 troops (including soldiers from the 2nd Artillery, 3rd Artillery and 4th Infantry Regiments) under Major Francis Dade, departed from Fort Brooke in Tampa. They marched up the King Highway to resupply and reinforce Fort King in Ocala, which was beseiged by hostile Seminole guerillas. Only two of the United States soldiers survived in Dade’s command.
When interviewed about his time in South Vietnam as a US Army Special Ops commando, former Seminole Principal Chief Jim Billie stated that much of the time, the landscape was like where in had grown up in southern Florida. His ancestors had fought in that terrain. He added that the style of warfare, waged by his Viet Cong enemies was the same that his ancestors had utilized. Brother Billie . . . that was no accident!
Communist officials behaving badly
Most North Americans are not aware that the reunified Republic of Vietnam is now officially an ally of the United States. At least under the Obama administration, relations between Vietnam and the United States were very friendly.
All of the top officials of the Vietnamese Communist Party during the Vietnam War era have died off. A new generation of leaders are encouraging free enterprise and a now-free-to-speak-freely generation of Vietnamese historians are reexamining their own leaders role in creating the massive deaths caused by the war. Here are the biggest surprises.
Ho Chi Minh opposed to any military activities in South Vietnam that would draw the United States into the civil war. He, probably correctly, believed that the unpopular, corrupt South Vietnamese regime would be overthrown by its own citizens, because of its oppression of the Buddhist majority.
Ho Chi Minh was secretly deposed by hardcore Marxists in the Politburo of the Communist Party, who immediately expanded terrorist activities in the south intentionally to draw in the United States. Until his death in 1969, Uncle Ho was basically a powerless, public face for the North Vietnamese government, while the true leaders remained unknown to the United States until very recently.
North Vietnamese college students, who were all required to be Communist Party members, were exempt from military service. While forcing millions of North Vietnamese men and women to take part in the war in the south, none of the senior officials of the Communist Party and very few of the top generals sent their children into combat. Le Duan (pronounced lay zwan) was the actual leader of North Vietnamese government and the person directly responsible for the grotesque number of deaths among North Vietnamese combatants. He sent all of his children to study in the Soviet Union, so that they would not even be exposed to American bombs. Many government officials sent their children to study in neutral Sweden or Canada, so in case the United States and South Vietnam won the war, their children would be in a good position to work with Americans.
Most North Vietnamese families never knew that their son or daughter had been killed in South Vietnam until after the victorious North Vietnamese captured Saigon in 1975. Some had been dead for eight years when they received such letters. So . . . the Reds were even more deceitful than their American counterparts.
A dissident faction of the US State Department carried out a secret election in South Vietnam in 1970, which even polled pro-Viet Cong villages. The majority of South Vietnamese voted against both the South and North Vietnamese governments . . . considering them both repugnant.
So . . . don’t believe the news that you read today contains all the facts. Forty years later there might be a much more accurate account of the events.
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