This is highly promising and we need mass production quickly. It sounds as if we can produce four inch thick panels as well, plausibly including a void on one side to thin is out and reduce weight even more.
The insulating properties should also be excellent and it will retain the benefits of lime.
rice straw also has high silica but hemp should be superior here.
My central point however is that we need a castable panel making composite that retains great strength while not been heavy.
Now imagine laying down a sheet of drywall inside a frame mold, then laying in a egg shell paper mold able to hold the weight of the wet cement and then spraying in the cement. It could easily be done in layers as well in order to create additional strength along with additional fiber layers if needed. This is an engineered product that cures rather quickly.
Introducing Hempcrete the future of organic housing
What is Hempcrete?
"Hempcrete is a bio-composite made of the inner woody core of the hemp plant mixed with a lime-based binder. The hemp core or “Shiv” has a high silica content which allows it to bind well with lime." (1) This
property is unique to hemp among all natural fibers.” The result is a
lightweight cementatious insulating material weighing about a seventh or
an eighth of the weight of concrete."(1)
What Properties does
Hempcrete have?
Hempcrete is a natural strong and lightweight material with four incredible properties:
Hempcrete is Fireproof
Hempcrete is Waterproof
Hempcrete is Rot Proof
Hempcrete is Hygroscopic
Hempcrete naturally regulates humidity and temperature in a building. “This ability of hempcrete to passively regulate
indoor air quality reduces the need for mechanical ventilation systems,
further reducing the energy required to maintain a hempcrete building.”
Examples of hempcrete buildings from around the world
What implications does this have for the future?
Hempcrete has all the properties
and benefits of a synthetic material - inexpensive, organically grown and sustainable. It is a revolutionary new material that is, both, environmentally friendly and economically viable.
is a cannabis/hemp entrepreneur with a background in acting and
business consulting. He frequently attends cannabis conventions and
connects with influencers all over the world. The purpose of this blog
is to provide southern Vermont with cannabis/hemp news, industry
updates, and commentary.
Follow me on twitter: @Aescher100

Follow me on twitter: @Aescher100
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