This item gives you a good grasp of just how big the censorship fight has become. All of this is in order to protect the products of lucritive protocols, often peddling twisted science. Most commonly, they offer their product however useful ,but also systematically attack altetrnatives with twisted science as well. This obviously avoids regulatory scrutiny.
Now thousands of independent rersearchers, many of whom are just as skilled in the science can challenge them on the public stage and science fraud can be exposed to real court actions.
Remember that no one escapes the meta stats. Increasibg autism rates clearly linked associatively to Vaccines is an impossibility without a causitive link. This is not magic. Same thing for obscure utterly rare alergies and cancers. Their lack of obvious curiousity will sink them
Tech giants, fake news media in PANIC over Trump’s targeting of Sec. 230; ending “viewpoint censorship” would crush fake news media’s propaganda monopolies on vaccines, 5G and GMOs
Saturday, May 30, 2020
by: Mike Adams
Tags: banned, Big Tech, Censored, Censorship, Fact Check, fake news, freedom, honest, independent media, Journalism, Liberty, mainstream media, President Trump, Sec 230, tech giants, truth, viewpoint discrimination
Natural News) The techno-fascist “Big Tech” information gatekeepers have relied on sec. 230 of the Communications Decency Act to allow the fake news media (mainstream media – CNN, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, WashPost, etc.) to monopolize all the debates on issues of grave concern for human health and long-term human sustainability. Thanks to the selective “viewpoint censorship” actively carried out by Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Wikipedia and even Vimeo, no independent, informed reporting on critical issues for our world — vaccine safety, 5G exposure, GMOs, pesticides, covid-19, etc. — has been allowed to earn the viewership it deserves.
Our own publishing platforms, for example, continue to experience over 99.5% traffic suppression due to the malicious censorship of the tech giants.
All that is about to change, thanks to President Trump’s executive order which threw down the gauntlet against Big Tech, declaring that the United States government will not tolerate tech platforms waging discrimination campaigns against particular viewpoints.
This means the lies of the corporate-controlled media — who absurdly claim that all vaccines are harmless, that GMOs are healthy, that 5G exposure is safe and that colloidal silver is toxic — will finally be challenged by the overwhelming weight of rational evidence that is being increasingly documented by independent media organizations like Natural News, Life Site News, The Epoch Times, The Highwire and so on.
Techno-fascists are in a state of panic over the thought of losing control over every narrative
The techno-fascists are in a panic, and they’re lashing out in the most malicious, punitive tactics we’ve seen yet. Facebook, for example, has blacklisted the sharing of all videos from Brighteon.com, a free speech video platform, effectively banning all videos from being shared. This includes videos from Chinese human rights pioneer Jennifer Zeng, who was tortured in a communist Chinese prison. Facebook’s banning of her videos no doubt pleases the CCP and Zuckerborg alike. Facebook is also banning videos about pet care, home gardening, prenatal nutrition and meditation.
Facebook and the fake news media have also unleashed a new wave of malicious fake news attacks to try to discredit independent media publishers ahead of changes to Sec. 230 that would give independent publishers a more level playing field to debate important ideas for human society. Now, instead of merely characterizing independent media as “fake news,” the mainstream media is claiming that any publisher who questions the fraudulent vaccine industry or the aggressive push for 5G is suddenly a “troll farm.”
What’s clear is that the narrative monopolists — the corporate news giants working in coordination with the techno-fascists — are for the first time facing the very real possibility that they will no longer be able to monopolize every debate and censor every view they want to crush. If President Trump’s efforts succeed at tearing down Sec. 230 protections for the techno-fascists, for the first time since the dawn of the internet, the corporate-controlled fake news media would be forced to start defending their deceptive fake news claims rather than relying on censorship and coordinated media smears to silence opposing views.
The house of lies from the corporate cartels will shatter and collapse the moment free speech is restored
And that possibility is terrifying to the fake news media for the simple reason that their lies have no foundations on which to stand. The slightest scrutiny from independent thinkers will expose the fake news media for what it really is: A prostituted mouthpiece for Big Pharma, Big Tech, anti-Christian activists and the communist party.
The “mainstream” media pushes vaccines, chemotherapy and pharmaceuticals not because they might work, but because they earn money for Big Pharma, which returns the favor with enormous ad spending budgets that flood the media with easy revenues.
The media pushes 5G not because the technology benefits humanity, but because the technology allows Big Tech to roll out a massive surveillance network that will be monetized and engineered to both enslave the masses and exploit them for a windfall of corporate profits.
The media pushes coronavirus disinformation from the communist-run W.H.O. not because they care about public health and safety, but rather because their job is to crush all knowledge about treatments that might work (including hydroxychloroquine + zinc) in order to clear the path for mandatory vaccines.
The corporate-controlled media is, in other words, maliciously working to deprive humanity of lifesaving knowledge so that corporate bosses can rake in record profits from dangerous, risky coronavirus vaccines, even while 5G exposure is likely making coronavirus symptoms far worse, due to the blood clotting and cell membrane electroporosity effects of 5G exposure. And the only way they’ve been able to pull this off is through malicious, coordinated censorship and defamation of the independent media, falsely asserting the indy media is guilty of the very things the mainstream media is actually doing, such as acting in “bad faith” to push “fake news.”
The fake news corporate media cannot survive in an ecosystem of free speech… only censorship allows them to even exist
The only way the corporate conglomerates in media, pharmaceuticals and tech can grow their revenues is to commit ever-more-abusive campaigns of censorship, disinformation and sinister smears. CNN smears an indy publisher, for example, then Wikipedia adds the smear to its “facts” about that publisher, followed by Facebook blacklisting the publisher due to the CNN / Wikipedia smears. The vicious circle of false smears is well coordinated and well funded, and ultimately it all comes back to pharma money, tech money or telecommunications money (with a side helping of communist sympathizing thrown in for good measure).
Thus, any platform, or author, or voice that poses any legitimate threat to the profit centers of Big Pharma, Big Tech or telecomm is targeted for extermination by the news cartels. Character assassination, malicious slander and overt calls for censorship are just a few of the tactics used by these corporate monsters to achieve the complete suppression of any information that might raise questions about product safety, fairness or business ethics.
The gatekeepers, in other words, have become the trolls. Wikipedia is, in effect, a grand troll farm run by Big Pharma and Big Tech. As T.D. Adler writes on Breitbart.com:
Big Tech has deepened its effort to integrate Wikipedia into its services at every opportunity. As the tech overlords of Silicon Valley such as Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey claim they are not the “arbiters of truth,” they are increasingly using Wikipedia to fill that role despite its extreme left-wing bias.
Most importantly, the mainstream media cannot compete in an ecosystem of free speech. Ending Sec. 230 will unleash a flood of free speech indy media that will very quickly make the mainstream media obsolete. The fake news “mainstream” media will collapse, and its control over global narratives will end. This is why ending Sec. 230 is so critical for the future of human freedom.
Ending Sec. 230 protections for the techno-fascists will help level the playing field and restore public debate on critical issues for humanity
The ending of Sec. 230 protections for the techno-fascists will be a true game changer in this dynamic. Once they are no longer able to exercise viewpoint discrimination to silence all voices that question vaccines, 5G, glyphosate, GMOs, abortion and other hot button topics, the awakened people of the world will flood the internet with truth on all these topics (and many more).
Big Pharma’s lies about vaccine safety will be exposed for the whole world to see. The dangers of 5G electropollution can no longer be hidden by the tech giants. The truth about the fake news media and its malicious, pervasive lying about Trump and Trump supporters will be mercilessly revealed. The attacks on Christianity and the widespread attacks on children via transgenderism indoctrination will finally be met with opposing views from intelligent, informed free speech advocates. For the first time, real debates will flourish on all these topics and many more… and it’s the open debate that terrifies the establishment because the globalist controllers have never had real “facts” on their side.
They’ve only operated from a wheelhouse of lies and deception, relying on their ability to suppress the truth in order to avoid having to defend their fraudulent positions.
The establishment is terrified of a fair debate. They’re terrified at being challenged by real, organic facts rather than their contrived “fact-checker” fake facts.
And that’s why the establishment is rolling out every last desperate effort they can think of to try to discredit the independent media, double down on their fake “fact checking” and smear all the voices of reason before they lose Sec. 230 protections. Because once the floodgate of free speech is opened, the liars lose. And the liars are Big Pharma, Big Tech, the communist party, the corporate-controlled fake news media and all their minion trolls who have relied on a monopoly of contrived narratives to deceive the world.
Prepare for a mass uprising… it’s time to tear down the Berlin Wall of censorship and free humanity
Guess what? The people of the world are tired of being lied to. And they’re going to support Trump’s efforts to end the outrageous censorship practices of Big Tech. Once that happens, free speech will overwhelm the corporate-funded deceivers who have tried to keep humanity diseased, enslaved and misinformed as a way to maximize corporate profits.
You can help support this effort by contacting your Senators at Senate.gov and telling them you demand ending Section 230 protections for the tech giants. Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are already on board with this effort, and many more are working toward ending Sec. 230 protections.
It’s time to set humanity free, and the independent media — along with independent thinking — is ready to fight for human truth, freedom and awakening. We are ready for the Berlin Wall of Big Tech censorship to come tumbling down, and we will flood through the shattered barriers with millions upon millions of enthusiastic, awakened, pro-human supporters who will change the course of human history.
This is why we are being attacked so aggressively right now, while our voices are censored and suppressed. This is why Facebook won’t even allow you to share this story with anyone (try it, you’ll see). Because once that censorship is lifted, we win.
Join us in our fight for human truth, freedom and awakening. Subscribe to our free email newsletter at this link. Take action against Facebook censorship with these action items. Shop at the Health Ranger Store to flood us with financial support while we fight this powerful evils as we go to bat for human freedom and human health.
Everything is at stake. Join us and all humanity wins. But if we do nothing, Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Media will enslave humanity for generations to come, and millions — perhaps billions — will needlessly suffer and die.
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