Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Newly discovered Batesville mound

Nice to see that the measurements are replicated and actually conform to English measure as i would actually expect.  After all, Georgia, Great Britain and Gibraltar in particular have been part of a continuously used Great Circle trade route since 2400 BC hauling Georgian Brass at least.

This work is helping to uncover the true extent of habitation centered on that Brass industry in particular and perhaps much else.  Perhaps they hauled rounds of red deer milk cheese as well.

We have recently noted how the mainstream is now waking up to the populous amazon.  Large tracts of the SE are equally prospective once well back from the tsunami ripped coast.  Throw in ample districts in the Mississippi valley and it is not hard to drum up populations in the millions.  All of it depended on the three sisters form of agriculture which is still poorly understood...

 Newly discovered mound in Batesville, Georgia

 This is the newly discovered mega-mound, which in 1886, Smithsonian archaeologist, Cyrus Thomas, thought was a hill with rock walls on it. In a sense it was. The Zoque in Mexico and apparently the Soque in the Southern Appalachians liked to sculpture mounds from the terrain of a site. Almost of the stone walls have been removed to build stone foundations and chimneys in the Batesville-Lake Burton Area. (Both Zoque and Soque are correctly pronounced Jzhō : kē.) Later in May 2019 will utilize a drone plus laser and GPS measuring devices to create a precise three dimensional computer model of this mound and adjacent structures. The mound and the two frame buildings are all definitely eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The store was built in 1904 after the store, used as a base of operations by Cyrus Thomas, burned. The house appears to date from the late 19th century. There are several other mounds and plazas in the Soque Acropolis Complex, but I have not had time to study them. All but one of the major structures that we have found over the past few months in the Soque River Basin have at least one dimension that is about 315 feet (96 m). This suggests that their builders had a standardized measurement system. The long axis of the Alec Mountain Circle was 105 feet, which is 1/3 of 315 feet. 

Satellite image of Hines Mound and surrounding areas. in 1886, a line of stores and houses were on the east of of the highway . . . now wooded.
Lower south terrace – looking north.
Lower south terrace – looking west.
Lower south terrace – looking west.
Middle south terrace – looking northwest.
Middle south terrace, looking northeast.
Western edge of middle south terrace looking down slopes of mound.

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