Some seriously disturbing material here. The existence of what we can easily describe as an alien slave trade interfacing with the Illuminati provides a lasting motive for the sustained existence of the core conspiracy itself. It nicely fits the general historic process as well.
What is does explain is simple disappearance. These folks never come back. A million per year works out to one disappearance per several thousand per year. That is just about low enough to stay under the proverbial radar. Inasmuch as we have ample confirmation of human involvement with the UFO phenomena, actual absorption should not be a real problem. The word slave may well wrong. Forced duty would be more like it and this conforms to the Draft.
We also know that repatriation is also practiced as it is possible to take meds that eliminate past memories. They are typically placed in stable jobs and reside with handlers. Unbelievably is know of a conforming case. No messy family apparent either. That is the real tip off if you are suspecting something like this.
Blanket mental suppression is also described and can explain much of the UFO phenomena of earth as well.
Season 8, Episode 5
admin 06 Sep 2017
In Memoriam
William Milton Tompkins
May 29, 1923 ~ August 21, 2017
David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with Corey Goode.
Now some of what we're going to cover in this show has been covered before, but here's the key. We're talking about something that is very real.
The REAL reason why we're doing this show is not entertainment. It is disclosure.
And by talking about these things and exploring them in more detail, we are helping to crack the lid on something that's actually a very serious problem.
And so for that very same reason, in a topic like this, we need as much information about it as we possibly can get. And the more information we have, the more powerful our tools become to be able to stop these horrible things from happening.
* * * * * * * *

William Tompkins: It's very strange that this has been going on, that the same structure of a medieval country – kings, queens, princesses, all of the top people – agreed with maybe France's or Spain's group, and they became the elite. They became the control of the population in their countries and were never allowing the people a real life, never allowing them to participate in many of the other things, and many of them were actually slaves.
So the big slavery business out there is a big business. It's a major business today – a massive business.
Anything that you want to manufacture, anything that you want to farm, anything that you want to build, it's all done with slave people.
In Germany . . . Germany had massive underground facilities that were all slaves and even to the extent that when the decision was made before the war ended that they were going to continue all of their extraterrestrial developments on UFOs and on every weapon system that they were building, they took the production facilities to Antarctica, but they also brought the slaves with them.
So now there are slaves underneath the ground and they still are today in Antarctica.
But the slave business out there is a big business, and this is happening today. It's not something that happened 100 years ago. This has been going on a long time and that needs to be fixed.
There's all kinds of slavery. There's sexual slavery, unbelievably. There's many different classes of people that are abducted for slavery, sexual slavery. They want the top and the smartest, because they are worth more.
They have, I think, four or five different levels of people that they abduct. They abduct top medical research people. They abduct the corporate levels, and they abduct the most brilliant levels, and then they go down through the three levels and that says where they get sectioned off.
Everybody gets to two planets and then it's decided where they're going to be sent to. But it's a massive business. It's been going on for years, and we can't identify where these people have gone.
Just like 'normal' abductions, we don't know where they went, because most of them don't come back.
We're only hearing from the few that came back.
[ this is a remarkable assertion whose validity can perhaps now be tested. Movement to the antarctic demanded the use of alien gravity ships at the least. Those folks then had to be transported to the inner Earth or massive habitats in place to receive them.. Yet this report provides us with the discovered background material that had to exist. arclein ]
[ this is a remarkable assertion whose validity can perhaps now be tested. Movement to the antarctic demanded the use of alien gravity ships at the least. Those folks then had to be transported to the inner Earth or massive habitats in place to receive them.. Yet this report provides us with the discovered background material that had to exist. arclein ]
* * * * * * * *
David: Whew! So as we can see there, this is some pretty intense stuff.
We have quite an interesting perspective on this because, of course, if you've been watching our show, Corey has had experience with this himself. He also discussed it when he was on with George Noory.
So, Corey, welcome to the show.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: Now, let's just start off by saying I know that you're very uncomfortable about this topic. Why is this so upsetting to you, this topic?
Corey: Because I saw it firsthand. It's a very upsetting topic. If it sounds like fiction, it's upsetting enough, but when you hear someone else corroborating what you've been through, what you've experienced, it brings a lot of the anxiety, a lot of memories come back.
David: Well, let's start to talk a little bit about what Tompkins had to say in the video footage. First of all, he seemed to be talking about traditional Cabal countries, France, Spain, England, and slave trades that they had going back for generations.
So there was a little bit of an “Illuminati” thing there, because he was mentioning royal families that all got together and were secretly collaborating even though their countries appeared to be fighting with each other.
Did you ever get to hear about that kind of stuff – the Game of Thrones sort of politics, the occult elite?
Corey: Yeah, we were very curious where these people were coming from, how they were acquiring them, and it turned out that they were using this multi-generational infrastructure for slavery that they had built just for here on Earth.
David: REALLY?
Corey: Yes, and it had never stopped. The human slave trade on Earth has never even slowed down really.
David: So just to make sure that I understand what you're saying, the exact same systems and the management structures and the coordination of how these Cabal or Illuminati countries were doing it back going 100s of years, it just continued directly through to this galactic slave trade involving extraterrestrials.
Corey: Yes, to present time.
David: I know I've asked you this before, but for the purposes of clarity for today, how long have extraterrestrials been grabbing slaves off of our planet?
Corey: As long as we've been on this planet.
David: Did they have the collaboration with this slavery mechanism from the Cabal countries in the past?
Corey: I know it's gone back some time, but I don't know how far back, how far it goes back, that the Illuminati groups, if you want to call them that, were using the people in the field that go scouting for people to kidnap, give them a list of what you're looking for.
Those people do the kidnapping, bring the people that they had abducted to a central location where they are basically treated like cattle, sent down different . . . go different directions, you know. This person will go off-planet. This person will go into the underground sex slave trade.
David: Tompkins mentioned that there were different types of delineations of who is picked and for what purpose. He mentioned farming. Could we start with that? Talk about what type of farming would these people be doing if they were being brought for that purpose.
Corey: Well, they will raise food for people in the program kind of like hydroponic-kind of setups on other bodies in this solar system . . .
David: Hm.
Corey: . . . where they grow food. And they do have people . . . They'll get people that do construction. They'll go and they'll take these people and then take them off-planet and force them to do these things.
David: How would they prevent these people from trying to put poison into the food supply or doing something to sabotage the operation? If you're a slave, you're not going to be happy about it.
Corey: No, but the way they treat these slaves . . . I mean, you have NO HOPE of ever seeing home again. They treat them just well enough to where they want to survive, they want to stay alive, but bad enough to where they will follow any worker.
David: Tompkins also mentioned manufacturing jobs. Can we talk about that a little bit? What types of jobs might they have?
Corey: Sure. I'm sure everyone remembers me discussing the manufacturing plants on Mars . . .
David: Yeah.
Corey: . . . to where they would have tens to hundreds of thousands of people living close by these manufacturing plants to where they were being sent in trains to these plants to work.
And this is going on on other bodies in our solar system as well.
David: So are they actually going to do high-technology stuff?
Corey: Oh, yes. They're building things that non-terrestrials are coming here to trade for.
David: Right. Is a significant majority of the workforce that they have for things like the ICC all actually abducted slaves?
Corey: There are abducted slaves and people that go and apply for a job. They get a job, they're happy, they go to work, and then become a slave.
David: But you've also described in other episodes that there are plenty of extraterrestrials who are not going to be local to our solar system, and they are also picking up slaves for a variety of different reasons as well.
Corey: Uh-huh.
David: And we may have no idea what those people are doing.
Corey: How this really all turned into such a huge trade is that in the beginning of when we started having contact with non-terrestrials, we were allowing them to abduct humans and take humans. There were so many humans that were never coming back.
So the very morally bankrupt people in this Cabal, decided, “Wait a minute. If we can hold off the non-terrestrials, we can trade these people for technology.”
David: What is the estimate, or if there is a sliding scale of estimates, as to how many people per year are being brought into this?
Corey: Well, I remember this statistic for worldwide disappearances is like a million people.
David: And if that's happening every year, it could be very sizable.
Corey: Yes, yes, it's . . . Millions of people have been taken off this planet.
David: So we could literally be talking about many millions of people who have been brought off this planet into this world in various ways.
Corey: Yes, that are being brought into the slave trade. And you also have to remember that the people we were just talking about that lived on these . . . that are slaves on these Mars facilities, they, over the decades, have begun to have children, and these children are born into slavery. So it's generations of slaves [that] are up there.
David: And Tompkins corroborated a lot of things that you've said very precisely, including this idea of like a brain drain or different echelons, different tiers, of people being brought in.
Corey: This is one of the biggest topics that the Cabal doesn't want anyone to know about. This is one of the things, if we have Full Disclosure, and people find out about all these crimes against humanity, it's going to be a CRAZY DAY on planet Earth.
David: Well, let's say that happens. What is the carrot that we have to look forward to with all of this? Is disclosing it actually going to stop it? I mean, aren't we turning our backs on these people if we don't talk about it?
Corey: Very much so. A lot of people that have been involved or have firsthand knowledge of this don't want to talk about it because of the huge amount of shame involved.
You know, they have sociopaths that are doing a lot of this work, so, you know, they don't lose any sleep. But other people like myself that get drug into it, we're tortured. Inside of us, we're tortured for the rest of our lives.
David: I'm sure. One of the things that, obviously, we don't want to get too specific about it, but something that we haven't mentioned before, is the idea that there is a sex trade going on.
Corey: Um-hum.
David: What do you think is the purpose behind a sex trade and slavery in that sense? What's the objective here?
Corey: For these humans serving in the darker side of the Secret Space Programs, and for non-terrestrials, to be able to have sex. I mean, it's . . . They like to dominate, and that's a big turn-on for these sociopaths.
David: Hm.
Corey: So, I mean, it's, I guess, the oldest story in the world when it comes to talking about sex.
David: So this is very similar to the kind of sex trafficking that we've heard about on Earth where somebody could get brought into this world and, for whatever reason, they will work as a prostitute even though maybe they could escape. They're not going to really try to escape because they're kept under such tight control.
Corey: Yeah, there's no escaping. I mean, there's no escaping. You're . . . If you're on a tin can floating through space, where do you go? If you're on another planetoid somewhere in another solar system, what do you do? I mean, you have no hope.
David: What have you been told – and I know we've covered this before, but I think it's important to give people some sense of hope in this subject – what have you been told is going to occur as we end up freeing ourselves from the control of AI and the Draco and other negative groups? How will that affect what's happening to these people?
Corey: A while back, some of the Alliance, SSP Alliance, people, before there was an SSP Alliance – they were just people that were acting on their own volition or in small groups – began tagging people that were going off-world into the slave trade.
And we've had some of these non-terrestrial groups that we work with, go and retrieve them and take them for healing.
So after all of this comes . . . all of the AI is gone, we've had Disclosure, people have had a chance to acclimate to Disclosure a little bit, a lot of these people that were in these different types of slave trades that have been rescued and are now in another star system going through healing, will be allowed to rejoin us.
And I know that's something . . . You know, I talk about this topic, and it is entertainment for a lot of people, but there are people that watch this show that have had loved ones disappear. And I hear from them.
So this topic is very real, and it is the most serious topic in Disclosure.
David: It's possible that maybe some of the people that are watching this show, if they lost a loved one, not everybody is necessarily going to end up in something bad.
Corey: Right. And these slaves are not always treated that horribly by different species. Some of these species respect what humans can do. And when it comes to engineering, manufacturing . . . our abilities, our innate abilities . . . And some of these groups that take humans they take them and . . . they take them off-planet and treat them very well.
Think about shows where you've . . . you hear of people having a maid that lives with them or that . . . So it's not all total doom and gloom. It's happening against their will, which is bad enough, but not everybody is getting eaten or being part of a sex trade.
David: Sure.
Corey: They really look for the most intelligent and gifted people on the planet, and they will either take them or one of their family members who have the same traits if they are too public.
David: All right. Good.
Now what we're going to have is our last video clip from the interview series, and this is Tompkins talking about a very interesting subject. Let's take a look.
* * * * * * * *
Tompkins: I was in a meeting on the subject with some other people, and this one young lady said, “I've got one.”
And, “You've got what?”
[Whispering] “I've got one.”
“I have.”
“I've got a picture of it.”
“Yeah. A real picture of it.”
“How'd you get that?”
“Well, we were having a party Friday night in Oceanside, and Saturday morning we went – all eight of us – we went to that cul-de-sac off of Lake Boulevard” - it's right over at Carlsbad. Now Carlsbad is next to Oceanside, okay? So they're standing on the border between the two – to show the other three couples their new condo that's being built just across the area.
So everybody goes out there, and they're standing around this fence because it dropped off quite a bit and then came back up.

So they took the picture, one picture of this whole valley thing – not a picture like that [pointing up like to the sky], but just straight out.
And they developed the pictures, all the party pictures the night before, and then this.

You'll notice it's serrated on the sides and it's serrated on the top.
Look what's coming out of the back of it in color – five separate gases coming out of this Reptilian tanker, dropping five gases at 300 feet.
You're smoking their gas today, because they drop this gas only on technically advancing communities on the planet, okay, every four to six weeks. So you could be getting it today.

Not one – one, two, three, four, five, six. THEY DIDN'T SEE IT, because everybody's minds are controlled to not see it just like a stealth system.
So the commander of this squadron made sure that that stealth was turned on. He forgot to turn on the stealth that prevents a camera from photographing it. Okay?
So the reason you don't see these – they're flying all over us. There's hundreds of them. They're thousands of them every single day on your planet. They're dropping the gas.
So your mind is being controlled, and you don't function normally or how you should function.
And so, again, we are being mind-controlled not for the last couple of weeks but for thousands of years. And back to the Romans again, their minds were controlled.

And it's hard for us to accept that somebody's controlling MY MIND, and particularly – now this is extremely important – particularly because the brilliant PhDs in ALL technical fields, these people are most important for everything that we need in science, but their minds have been controlled.
So they are . . . they won't listen to what some of the rest of us are talking about because they “know everything”, but what they've been taught in those books at the university is all lies. Every technical field, it's all lies. It's incorrect.
And it's preventing people that put in the eight years, or whatever, knowing everything now, to accept this subject.
That's the reason Congress didn't accept it when the MUFON went back to Congress - the Democrats and the Republicans, neither one of them. Well, their heads were all nodding up and down, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
Ten minutes later it was removed, because they were already programmed. Their minds were programmed not to accept that.
I know this sounds insane, but this is fact. This is what it is.
* * * * * * * *
David: All right. Well, I don't know about you, but that's pretty shocking stuff to me as a UFO investigator. I wouldn't have believed any of this maybe even as recently as a couple of years ago.
So, Corey, what do you think about this? What's your initial thoughts after seeing this clip?
Corey: Very interesting! What I have found out more recently is that they do drop gas – 'they' being the Draco. They do drop gas on technologically-evolving areas, but they also monitor each city, county, whatever, and if a certain amount of people are starting to wake up, they will go and drop mind-control gas on them.
It's more of a throwing bleach on a situation.
David: They would increase the gas if more people start to wake up in a given area?
Corey: Yes, they have . . . Not only do they use gas, but for the most part they use a technology that sends . . . that puts out a field that controls our minds.
You've seen people be hypnotized, and they'll say that . . . they'll be told that, “Okay, your wife is invisible. You can no longer see her.”
And then your wife will walk between you and another thing, and you don't see the wife. You see through the wife, and you see what's behind it.
David: Right.
Corey: Well, the mind control works a lot like that as well. There are different layers of the mind control.
There's different layers of how the mind works, and they have to have a solution for each layer technologically and chemically.
David: This helps me start to put together other pieces I've been gathering for a long time. And the mind control stuff was always kind of sounding a little dubious to me, but I did have an insider, and he explained to me that there is an AI computer system that's monitoring everyone on Earth's thoughts, and that if you start to awaken to the things that this computer is programmed for you not to think about, that it will create things like nervousness, extreme exhaustion, tiredness, anything that it can do to try to divert your mind off of the topic.
Are you aware of anything AI-related like that?
Corey: Not specifically, but it makes total sense. If the Draco or AI prophets, if they report up to artificial intelligence, and all the information I've given on artificial intelligence about how it's controlling the planet, that's not a huge leap at all.
David: We're looking at a ship in this photograph that William holds up, and there seems to be other ships like that in the sky. First of all, he's mentioning a cloaking technique and it's not really clear if the technique is simply something that . . . we can't see it because we're mind-controlled not to see the ship, or is it that it actually bends light around the object? I wasn't really clear.
Corey: Both.
David: You think it's both.
Corey: Both. It is both. Yes, there's the component that I talked about – the hypnotism reference I gave . . .
David: Right.

Corey: . . . to where they put out a field to where they don't want you to see certain things, you just don't see them. You could have your dog next to you going [looking up at the sky], “What the heck is that?” And you don't see it.
It's set to the waves of how our mind works, you know, the alpha, delta, theta, theta waves.
So they're manipulating you on THAT level, and I say 'you', I mean us, because usually when you hear 'humans are mind-controlled”, just like he said, people sit back, “My mind's not being controlled. That must be OTHER people. I'm too far advanced, you know. I have special beings that I talk to. It's just impossible.”
But the fact is, all of us – you, me, people at home – we're all mind-controlled to a certain degree.
David: So when he was showing us this image of what he called a Reptilian ship, it has an interesting appearance, and I'm curious if you have seen any craft like that that were attributed to Reptilians?
Corey: Very similar.
David: Really?
Corey: Except they looked as if they were tankers that held a lot more volume of whatever they were transporting. And the experience I had was, I was seeing footage of these things bringing in water from lakes and oceans.
David: Hm. And because of this mind-control and cloaking, they could be doing this and you wouldn't even know that it was happening?
Corey: It could be happening right above you right now and there's no way you would know. They could be taking water out of your local reservoir.
David: Well, let's just kind of get through the fluff and get to the meat of this, which is, what's the purpose for us being mind-controlled? What's the big deal? What are they trying to stop?
Corey: Well, they're trying to stop us from advancing technologically so that we are an interstellar race.
David: Interesting.
Corey: And they're trying to keep us under control on this somewhat slave planet that they are wardens of. So there are a lot of reasons why they do mind-control.
Any of these sociopathic groups, human or non-, that are in a place of power, they want to keep that power. And if you have no moral compunctions about doing slavery, or any number of other things, controlling the minds of the people on a planet you control is going to be just . . . it's going to make sense to you.
David: Well, for those who have watched “Wisdom Teachings” or read my books, or are just familiar with my work in general, then they will know that I've done a lot of scientific validation showing, for example, in the last 5,000 years, our DNA has evolved by 7% across its entire structure.
That's a hard, solid scientific data point proving that we are going through some kind of Ascension or mass evolution.
Corey: Right. And that's one of the other things that I didn't mention that they're trying to stop . . .
David: Okay.
Corey: . . . is: they're trying to not necessarily prevent us from genetically and spiritually evolving, but control HOW we evolve. They're not completely stopping it, but they're controlling it.
David: So this is a spiritual war . . .
Corey: It is.
David: . . . in some sense.
Corey: Yeah! Absolutely.
David: Now, when I spoke to Tompkins in personal phone calls, he mentioned that the people in our military-industrial complex who are against the Reptilians are very concerned about shooting down these tankers.
And what he told me was, they've determined that although they have the technology to shoot the tankers down, they can't kind of gradually turn off the switch.
They're worried that when they shoot them down [finger pop], all of this technology turns off all at once. And he said that could be very bad for us.
Corey: Very bad.
David: Now, what's your take on that? What's your background on that?
Corey: I've touched on this on other episodes that, yeah, that's absolutely true. They're worried about when the AI is removed [fingers pop] real quickly, we may expect it to occur in a solar event that will remove the AI.
That will also remove these certain entities that attach to us and control us. They use entities for mind control as well.
David: What is that going to look like? What happens to the average person who's been under this mind control if it was suddenly removed?
Corey: Well, if you've ever seen a person that was addicted to heroin and then they stopped cold turkey, it's going to be very similar.
David: Really?
Corey: Yeah. They've had a certain state for so long that the shock . . . it would be sensory overload.
He said that we don't operate normally as human beings. That's true. We have other senses that are being blocked right now. It would be very similar to a blind or deaf person that all of a sudden – they've been that way all of their lives – and then all of a sudden they're gifted vision or the ability to hear. They're going to get sensory overload. They're going to have to acclimate.
David: Well, one of the things I remember reading, and this goes back to Val Valerian and his infamous Matrix Series of books in the late 1990s. He pointed out that the cell phone frequency that has been chosen to be used by the government happens to also be the same frequency that the human skull resonates at if you ring it like it was a bell.
Corey: Right. Cell towers, they're relaying data from your phone call, but they're also . . . that technology is . . . they're piggyback waves that are in there that are mind control. And this is part of this huge grid that goes across the planet that they use.
David: Do you think that somebody who lives in an urban area as opposed to a rural area, just by the number of Wi-Fi transmitters that are going to be around them, are going to be a lot more affected by all this stuff?
Corey: Absolutely. And you can see that in the behavior of people. You can see people act like idiots in the city because they're just piled up on each other, but there is more to it than that. They have all this technology around them to where they are getting hit with all these waves.
If you're out in a rural area, it's going to be a lot less exposure.
David: Now, one of the most audacious things is where Tompkins very confidently disses every type of science we have. And I forget his exact wording, but he called it “garbage” or something like that.
Corey: It's lies, yeah.
David: It's a very hard thing for people to – people who are not familiar with what we're talking about – to accept him making such a bold statement as that.
What do you feel is the reason behind that statement? How could that statement possibly be true?
I mean, it seems like with science we've figured out a lot of things. We've nailed a lot of things down. We've got some pretty good gadgets. We can travel.
Why do you think he would have said that?
Corey: Well, because every science you can think of, even archaeology, physics, medicine . . . all of these people are . . . it's like the Dark Ages. The information is basically the Dark Ages. And we'll look back at this time as being Dark Ages.
They're using antiquated information, and they have been basically brainwashed and taught through their schooling process that, you know, “This is the truth; this is the way it is,” and not to think outside that box.
If you notice, people in these fields, if they try thinking outside of the box, they're labeled 'a conspiracy person' or 'a fringe person' and they don't get the respect they deserve.
David: Sure. We have to be dealing with a technology that is a lot more advanced than just what we would think of as a breathable gas, though.
If we're talking about a technology that could actually steer us away from certain scientific discoveries. This is obviously a highly advanced technology, I would think.
Corey: Oh, absolutely. Yeah, the whole planet is bathed in this field, this mind-controlled field. They use gas just for kind of a localized situation. A little red light goes off on their AI monitoring, then they'll send a small fleet over to gas the people, and then the little light will go off.
David: Most of the scholars that talk about mind control pretty much stick to ELF waves or extremely low-frequency waves. And there is research that has pointed towards the fact that if you beam a very low frequency, maybe 5 hertz or something, into a crowd, that you could induce mass hysteria. You could get the crowd to become very agitated. But we're talking about pretty grotesque, blunt movements of peoples' consciousness.
Corey: That's very low tech . . .
David: Yeah.
Corey: . . . what you're talking about compared to what these non-terrestrials have that they're using on us.
David: Do we have any way of understanding how such significant manipulation of our thought patterns is accomplished – how it is actually done?
Corey: We're going to have a problem understanding it, because we're in the paradigm of understanding and believing all of these scientific lies.
David: Right.
Corey: The people in these programs that were investigating it, they had the benefit of having the true sciences. They operate in a way that we just wouldn't understand, or very few of us would.
David: So once this mind control goes down – let's say that it does go down – once we go through this sort of acclimation process, what does it look like on the other side?
Corey: Well, yeah, once we finally acclimate to our new abilities, which are actually old, old, ancient abilities that have been repressed in us, then we're going to have to learn how to use them responsibly. We're going to have to learn how to interact with each other in a whole new way.
We've been so programmed to be at odds with anyone whose skin is slightly different, or you worship a slightly different named God. We're programmed to inter-fight.
We're not going to be able to overcome that like that [snap of the fingers]. It's going to be a process.
So we're going to have a process ahead of us once Disclosure happens.
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