The real transition will be to an actual self driving vehicle quite able to protect the driver from road error. Folks love them for a reason, but usually fall out of love with a close call or two. If they could become truly safe, then everyone would own one.
Letting the machine do it all allows the driver to focus on the pleasure.
So we may well have to wait a while for all that. .
Harley Davidson Unveils "LiveWire" Electric Motorcycle That Goes 0-60 In 3 Seconds
by Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/12/2019 - 23:05
Harley Davidson looks like it will be the first company to market with a mainstream electric motorcycle, according to engadget. The company's LiveWire electric motorcycle will soon be on the road and will have a longer range than expected, at 140 miles of city driving on a single charge. But, like any other electric vehicle, you’ll still need to hook it up to a charger once in a while.
According to Harley Davidson's website, the bike will be "available in select dealerships through North America and Western Europe in the fall of 2019. Select additional markets will follow."
The motorcycle has been in the works for more than four years now. You'll be able to charge it with a Level 1 charger at home, or with a quicker Level 2 or 3 DC fast chargers, that'll be available at Harley Davidson dealerships.
The bike comes with seven riding modes that tune the suspension and electric drivetrain differently. It sports anti-lock brakes and a traction control system, along with a color touchscreen for navigation and Bluetooth connectivity.
Harley Davidson is offering free charging for its new US customers.
The motorcycle is soon going to be available at a limited number of dealerships and will cost about $30,000. It can go from 0 to 60 mph in just three seconds. There is no clutch and no shifting.
Harley Davidson is looking to revitalize its business after struggling with declining sales and an aging client base both in the United States and abroad. Sales of its motorcycles were down 4.2% and international sales were down 3.3% in the first quarter of 2019.
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