What has been uncovered is extraordinary. The Russian narrative made sense only in terms of CIA manipulation. It made scant sense in terms of Russian policy or interests for that matter. Think about that for a moment. A foreign power has to have a pretty serious interest in order to invest heavy and scarce resources to charge into to this ant hill. An American election is an unlikely target particularly when all the parties figured they had it rigged anyway.
Let us recall just how unlikely Trump's election really was. It required a huge shift in popular vote in the right states. No diddling by anyone could have pulled that off. In short, the Russian involvement demanded insanity and the Russians are anything but insane.
Yet the actual perpetrators actually doing all this for real needed a convincing cover story and there we have it. The story is convincing for the majority of the disinterested population and has some historical antecedents to allow plausibility. And those like you or I can be ignored.
I think that the CIA ran roughshod over all their own rules and Congressional mandates and that this is going to be major issue. Regardless the case for taking the CIA down and subsuming it into Military Intelligence just became far stronger. .
Huge False Flag By The CIA Against Americans, Just Exposed By WikiLeaks
- The UMBRAGE Program Allows The CIA To Plant Digital 'Fingerprints' To Blame Other Countries For Attacks
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
March 8, 2017
While Stefan Stanford touched on some very troubling aspects of the recent WikiLeaks document dump on the CIA and their spying tools in his most recent article,
looking back at the Obama administration's claims that "Russia" hacked
the election, influencing voters for an outcome Obama himself fought
against, claiming that the intelligence community had evidence (which
they never produced) of Russia's cyber "fingerprints," Wikileaks may
have just exposed what may very well be a huge "false flags," carried
out by the CIA, with the help of the mainstream media, against
A simple search using any search
engine brings up literally hundreds of pages of MSM reports discussing
the 2016 election, how Russia's "fingerprints" were all over it, but
Washington Post consistently cited "CIA" sources for their bombshell
"news", such as one from December 2016 titled "Secret CIA assessment
says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House," with each story
automatically assuming that Russia influenced the election because the
intel community said so, because they traced it all back to Russia's
cyber fingerprints. (Note that WAPO never offers a disclaimer informing
their readers that WAPO owner Jeff Bezos has ties with the CIA via a $600 million contract.)
wasn't just the Washington Post that reported "Russian" interference as
if it were a foregone conclusion, but all the mainstream media did so,
citing unnamed U.S. officials claiming "Russian ‘digital fingerprints’
all over election hacks," with the following quote from Fox 8 (citing a CNN report) being representative of the consistent reporting since the November election:
One official told CNN the administration has traced the
hack to the specific keyboards — which featured Cyrillic characters —
that were used to construct the malware code, adding that the equipment
leaves “digital fingerprints” and, in the case of the recent hacks,
those prints point to the Russian government.
At the same time that the CIA led intel community was asserting
Russian "fingerprints" were all over the election, Washington Post
dropped another bombshell (which
they changed, added a correction, then followed up by writing another
article which basically retracted the fake news" story some "intel"
official fed them) claiming Russia hacked into the U.S. power grid!
Once again, they claimed that "A code
associated with the Russian hacking operation dubbed Grizzly Steppe by
the Obama administration has been detected within the system of a
Vermont utility, according to U.S. officials."
The initial story
was quoted all over the Internet, the retraction in the subsequent
article was mostly ignored by those that jumped on the "Russia hacked
the grid" story, and once again, the pattern that has been used throughout the past months was an "unnanmed source" found "Russian code," which of course allows them to conclude "Russian fingerprints", meant Russia was responsible.
Part of the WikiLeaks "Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed," includes a specific section they highlighted on their Twitter page,
detailing a program called "UMBRAGE" which exposed that the "CIA'S
Remote Devices Branch's UMBRAGE Group collects and maintains a
substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced
in other states including the Russian Federation. With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the ‘fingerprints’ of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from."
Screen shot below:

March 5, 2017, one day after President Trump accused the Obama
administration of of tapping his communications before the election, Trump tweeted "Is it true the DNC would not allow the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was hacked? Can that be possible?"

Why yes, Mr. President, it is true, as evidenced by multiple outlets that reported the DNC refused the FBI access to their servers to make an independent determination after investigating.
The FBI has spent months trying to persuade people that
Russia was behind the DNC hack, but we're now learning that it didn't
get much help from the DNC itself. The Bureau tells Buzzfeed News that
the Democrats' organization reportedly "rebuffed" multiple requests for
physical access to the hacked servers, forcing investigators to depend
on the findings of the third-party security firm CrowdStrike (which the
DNC contacted after the hack). The FBI would have tackled the breach
earlier if the DNC hadn't "inhibited" the investigation, according to
its statement.
How did the Obama administration, the intelligence community, and the
MSM justify accusing Russia of being behind the DNC and the Clinton campaign hacks? "Fingerprints."
Another U.S. official told CBS News that the Obama
administration believes Russian state actors are behind the leak,
confirming the hackers "left all kinds of fingerprints."
Entrepreneur, Innovator, Gamer, Artist, Internet Freedom Fighter,
KimDotCom, pretty much sums up what this portion of the Wikileaks
revelations tell us, when he states,
"CIA uses techniques to make cyber attacks look like they originated
from enemy state. It turns DNC/Russia hack allegation by CIA into a

Following the #CIAHacking and #Vault7
Twitter hashtags this morning, the following meme caught my eye because
it ran parallel to what I was thinking and researching as part of the

is a question I was wondering yesterday while watching the amount of
information WikiLeaks exposed about the CIA and their level of spying on
Americans, but specifically on how WikiLeaks has just exposed their
UMBRAGE program where they can basically plant anyone's digital
"fingerprints," in order to accuse that someone of anything they want,
in order to manipulate the American public into believe a false narrative.
they aren't spinning, they are simply ignoring the information
WikiLeaks exposed by attempting to manipulate their readers into
thinking the only important thing is "who is the leaker" that gave
WikiLeaks all the information.
Looks like the CIA gave their
puppets over at Washington Post their marching orders and the preferred
narrative as the WAPO headlines with "FBI prepares for new hunt for WikiLeaks’ source," and after reading it, we note there is not one mention of what
WikiLeaks exposed, nor the UMBRAGE program, nor the level of
surveillance the CIA conducts on all Americans via their electronics.
Just the attempt to only focus on the "who" is behind the leaks and
what they mean for the intelligence community.
So I virtually marched over to the New York Times to see what type of spin they decided on, had to do a word search
on their front page just to find the mention of WikiLeaks on it, and
all the way at the bottom in the "technology" category, they had two
pieces, one titled "With WikiLeaks Claims of C.I.A. Hacking, How
Vulnerable Is Your Smartphone?" and another "WikiLeaks Reignites
Tensions Between Silicon Valley and Spy Agencies."
Nothing from
either on UMBRAGE and how the CIA creates "false flag" attacks using the
"fingerprints" and malware they keep in their library to frame other
Zip. Nada. Nothing.
Why? Well let me take a
guess, perhaps because it completely unravels the narrative they have
been shoving down their readers' throats that Russia hacked the DNC and
the Clinton campaign, which somehow "influenced" the 2016 presidential election?
Flashback: This is an old clip showing admittance of the CIA that they use the mainstream media to manipulate the thoughts and ideas of American citizens in the USA.
only is the CIA spying on Americans at unprecedented levels, they are
actively carrying out false flag operations against the American people
to manipulate their opinions, as they have been doing throughout their
In this case, it is extremely likely they have been
attempting to frame Russia for election interference, basically playing
chicken with another nuclear power, which could have very well led to a
World War and the mainstream media has been complicit every single step
of the way.

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