Wednesday, April 1, 2020



Out of Greek mythology we learn of an elixer that the Gods drank in order to sustain themselves in pertetuity or something sort of like that.  Recall hthough that we understand here that these folks were all human beings in robust health, but not obviously experiencing regression  in age.  Aging itself had stopped for them.  That  opposes  our experience so it obviously needed something.

I now suspect that all this had substance in terms  of Bronze Age advances in knowledge.  There is a thousand year history and a robust civilization to support such an effort and our memory through the Greeks.  Yet actual immortality or its likeness was at least a derivative of mastering the Inner Sun through meditation and not so much through concoctions.

At the same time, any such aspirant would still need to augment his diet to sustain robust good health.  Pointless to die fromn scurvy after all that as many aspirants do today without knowing.

All this informs us that the biological necessity of vitamin C was central to all this.

Conjecture:   All wild animals retain robust health up to their last days when cellular failure cuts them down.  It follows that MAN can do as much.  It follows that an initial base for such an elixer of MAN  is vitamin C.

Thus my personal protocol will be as follows:   

1] A three day  fast from Sunday night to Wednesday Night followed by food consumption mostly in the evening until Sunday night.  This has the mechanical effect of providing only enough food to support my body for seven days at an optimal weight without the normal thirty percent overage ( 60 pounds in my case ).  It also serves to renew my imjmune system as well and promote fasting life extension.

2]  On Monday, i will also consume five level teaspoons of ascorbic acid in a hot beverage of choice.  This will be done slowly over at least an hour.  This is 20,000 mg and sufficient for an adult.  I will then res to allow the digestive vsystem to fully absorb it all.  It should be then easy to void your bowels at this point to override your body's cability to oppose you.

3]  I maintain around 8000 mg per day otherwise and other suplements as well and this can change as thevscience is a long way from been exact here.

This weekly boost should also serve to reduce the viral load as a matter of course and chase off any other insults as well.

I would love to recruit fellow travellers who aspire to see their one hundreth bithday.  This an obviius base and additions need to be considered  and discussed.

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