This is a recent report from MUFON. We get some additional interpretation and more understanding that it is all about the gravity stupid.
I do not think that we actually play with time on such a craft yet. Yet this could well be a side effect of working with gravity. Both imply the same electro magnetic drivers.
Anyway this is a chance to catch up on the conversztion here.
Top Quantum Physicist Believes USS Nimitz UFO Used ‘Metamaterial’
And Time-Traveled To Reach 19,000 MPH

The mystery of the USS Nimitz UFO is one UFO story that is not going to go away. There has just been too much evidence revealed that something extraordinary happened off the coast of San Diego in November of 2004. A USS Nimitz technician was allegedly forced to sign a NDA after witnessing the Tic Tac UFO from a Navy spy plane. The United States Navy has admitted it has additional “top secret” footage of the USS Nimitz UFO encounter, but refuses to release it. The Navy pilot who filmed the encounter and five others who witnessed it all agree that the Tic Tac UFO broke all the laws of physics The mystery of the USS Nimitz UFO is one UFO story that is not going to go away. There has just been too much evidence revealed that something extraordinary happened off the coast of San Diego in November of 2004. A USS Nimitz technician was allegedly forced to sign a NDA after witnessing the Tic Tac UFO from a Navy spy plane. The United States Navy has admitted it has additional “top secret” footage of the USS Nimitz UFO encounter, but refuses to release it.

The Navy pilot who filmed the encounter and five others who witnessed it all agree that the Tic Tac UFO broke all the laws of physics. And now, one of the world’s top quantum physicists, Dr. Jack Sarfatti, has suggested that the Tic Tac UFO was able to attain its otherworldly speed and maneuverability by using a “metamaterial” that allowed it to time travel. During a recent appearance on The Hidden Truth Show, Sarfatti told host James Breslo, “See the problem is this, if you read any of the standard papers in the field, if they’re talking about warp drive, time travel and wormholes they say the problem is it ‘takes too much energy’ to achieve it.”

New Close up of Tic Tac
“The Tic Tac does not need a lot of energy,” he continued. “They observed the Tic Tac going from 80,000-feet down to 50-feet in less than two seconds and there’s no jet engines, no flares. It’s going at thousands of Gs, how’s it doing that? There is no way it can do that by conventional propulsion.”
“What happens is that if you pump electromagnetic energy into the material, it can have a certain kind of what’s called a resonance. In that resonance, the speed of light inside the material can go down to a very small number.”
However, despite the fact that there is a “huge metamaterial industry now” in the United States, as Sarfatti puts it, he doesn’t believe the USS Nimitz UFO was created from our technology.
He goes on to explain that the UFO was using something akin to time travel to reach its physics-defying speed.
“Since the space is contracting, it’s like pulling the starship and then behind the starship in the tail you have an anti-gravity source, a negative repulsive gravity and that’s expanding space so that’s so that’s pushing it from behind, pulling it from the front,” he explained. “But the ship itself, locally, it’s not moving at all in its local gravitational field. So it’s not moving through space it’s folding space.”

Folding Space Time
Causal loop is a paradox of time travel that occurs when a future event is the cause of a past event, which in turn is the cause of the future event,” said Sarfatti. “Both events then exist in spacetime, but their origin cannot be determined.”
PS; If the quantum gravity vacuum is something like a meta-material quasi-crystal disordered lattice of lattices with a resonance at the effective larger Planck scale Lp’ uss-nimitz-21726921
Lp’^2 = Lp^2e^c/c’ where c’ is the effective speed of light at the scale Lp’
c’ << c
Then the dark energy density is T00 = hc’/Lp’^4 = (hc/Lp^4)e^-2c/c’ = hc/\^2
/\ = observed cosmological constant from Type II supernovae (now challenged as a systematic error – caveat)
Therefore, e^-2c/c’ = 10^-122 roughly

Jack green Universe
Nonlinear response metamaterials is actually exponential function whose argument is the complex susceptibility because of the imaginary part the susceptibility exponential function Oscillates and in the negative region it generates antigravity in the positive region there be attractive Gravity In the stress energy tensor of the driving electromagnetic field generating the gravity field inside the meta material under Frohlich effect pump resonant conditions the Planck distance can grow Very large in a resonance giving very low energy quantum gravity
Boomerang Craft Landing

Dr. Bruce Cornet writes “You can now view the video of the boomerang-shaped aircraft landing at Stewart Air Force Base on 3 October 1997.”
Reverse Doppler frequency spectrogram also provided.
Back on 3 October 1997 a team from MUFON visited the Wallkill River Valley, old Owens Dairy Farm at the Indian Mound, and recorded a very unusual aircraft making an emergency landing at Steward Air Force Base. Filer featured my website at
The Pine Bush Boomerang sound is Reverse Doppler

Sound is Reverse Doppler
Filer’s Files #47 – 2017 Happy Thanksgiving on one of his Filer’s Files reports. What I failed to realize at the time, because there was an error in posting the sound frequency spectrogram (another image replaced it). The missing image demonstrates Reversed Doppler! This is the only sound recorded from a UAP known to land at Stewart. All the Black Triangles videotaped between 1992 and 1997 did not land there.

In Filer’s Files #14, 2020 Filer shows a picture of the Aurora. Could the video capturing the unusual dihedral wing shape, with time exposure showing orange-glowing bars pulsing on its wings, be an indication of gravity shielding? The frequency spectrogram certainly shows Reverse Doppler.
One of the most spectacular performances by UFOs happened in Pine Bush on 29 April 1993 before seven witnesses. ‘The Performance’, a new website documents this extraordinary event. From: Bruce Cornet <[email protected]>
Skinwalker Ridge GPR.
Hi Jack,

In the Tuesday evening show a PGR cart was shown, so yes, they have been using ground penetrating radar. However, the radar signal attenuates below 20 feet, and reflections are faint down to 27 feet. In the Jewish cemetery scan, the GPR was powered up to maximum signal, and on the screen, I saw and photographed reflections down to 27 feet. But when the service sent me the graph, they had chopped off the returns below 10 feet. Why? My guess is that the Producer didn’t want evidence for an alien artifact to be documented. Even on the TV broadcast, mention of an underground UBO was censored.

It shows an idealized interpretation of what the GPR screen showed.
But I took a picture of the GPR screen, and it shows data down to 27 feet.
Bill Birnes published in UFO Magazine my analysis in November 2007 before the show aired.
Even the performances of six craft on 29 April 1993 observed by seven witnesses before the Sightings camera crew were not shown on their program. I strongly suspect government (or Men in Black) censorship. Thanks to Dr. Bruce Cornet
Editors Note: When investigating UFOs you must realize they are thousands of years ahead of us and can do almost anything imaginable like going underground or into the sea. We have video and photos of the UFOs heading into the ground, water, or mountains where it is convenient to hide.

This photo is of a disc heading into the ground and an underground cave near Fostoria, Ohio by George Ritter. I visited this New York Cemetery with a group on MUFON investigators and Bruce Cornet we were aware of strange phenomenon at this cemetery.
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