I certainly think just from the information that did leak out that the system got fully swamped and that they locked down victims without care. All this would trigger ample self compliance with social distancing everywhere else. Thus thousands of deaths over a thirty day span is quite reasonable and again the evidence supports that.
However, the achilles heal of this pandemic is that herd immunity explodes across the country side far faster than the disease itself which takes significant exposure.
Thus one infected person passing through a grocery store may themself lightly infect hundreds who naturally respond to produce antibodies and gain protection. This still takes a few days, but no one expereinces anything too serious. sort of like a normal cold.
The danger is when you suffer heavy exposure that overrides your ability to cope and that is a function of immune system strength.
Did China cover up the deaths of MILLIONS from coronavirus?
Sunday, April 26, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: China, Chinese Virus, coronavirus, Cover-Up, coverup, covid-19, dead, deception, disease, disinfo, Fatalities, global emergency, Global Pandemic, infection, infections, millions, novel coronavirus, outbreak, pandemic, virus, Wuhan, Wuhan coronavirus
(Natural News) A social media sensation is drawing attention to herself once again with new claims that the Chinese government is lying about the number of people in China who have died from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
According to Ruomei Zhou, who first became popular on Twitter after calling on all of China to apologize to the United States for polluting it with the virus, millions, not thousands, of people have died in China due to complications associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
While the communist Chinese regime claims that just under 5,000 people have died there from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Zhou says that as many as five million people have actually died, and that a major coverup is taking place.
Chinese authorities admit that early on the count of people who died at home and in hospitals was probably too low because of tracking failures. But the official tally of deaths is nowhere close to what Zhou is claiming.
Sky News, however, seems to agree with her. The news outlet says that the British government was informed that China was spreading disinformation about the actual number of deaths, and that the country “lied about the extent of their own outbreak by a factor of 40.”
Intelligence officials here in the U.S. also reportedly told the White House that the Chinese government has been playing games with its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) numbers to make it appear as though the death count is far lower than it actually is.
Even Caixin, a media outlet based out of China, reported on thousands of urns that were supposedly spotted in Wuhan, the epicenter of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how the antibody tests for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are producing a very high number of false positives:
Another critic of China says death count probably more like 160,000
As to where Zhou is getting her information, she claims that it is coming from insiders with secretive access to state data. These same sources, which she says are telling her “real China news,” are also highly critical of the communist Chinese regime.
Zhou was able to escape communist China and come to America back in June 2019. This was after she fled to New Zealand following an arrest in her home country that was predicated upon her use of a virtual private network (VPN) to access foreign websites.
Speaking during an exclusive interview with the Daily Star (United Kingdom), Zhou contended that “five million people died and tens of thousands of million people were infected [sic]” across China by Feb. 5, long before the U.S. started to see an influx of new cases.
“A doctor inside Wuhan told me that they [the Chinese government] cut down the internet, the WiFi,” she added. “They confiscate the phones of doctors and nurses and threaten to cancel their medical certificate. So, I haven’t got any videos from Wuhan since then.”
We had previously reported about the Chinese coverup of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) back in late February and early March when it was completely out of control in Wuhan. At the time, the Chinese government was insistent that the virus was no big deal, even though alleged insiders were claiming that the infection and death counts were substantially higher than what was being reported.
Dr. Gabriel Choi Kin, another outspoken critic of communist China, also believes that the true death count from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in China is higher, though not quite to the tune of five million.
“I would speculate less than that,” he’s quoted as saying. “Eight-thousand deaths times by 20 may be more likely.”
To keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out Pandemic.news.
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