It makes a nice story and they are able to raise money from it. Yet what is proposed is likely to be far more difficult than caging chickens. Right now i expects low productivity in general. We may of course be surprised.
All i know is that i would pass on this project simply because i do not think that we have optimized present pratice either
Better yet i would like to optimize a hive system designed to service a bees gathering range alone. This is what every farmer actually needs as a matter of course.
All i know is that i would pass on this project simply because i do not think that we have optimized present pratice either
Better yet i would like to optimize a hive system designed to service a bees gathering range alone. This is what every farmer actually needs as a matter of course.
3 Reasons To Go Against The Flow Hive
Against The Flow
Frankly, I am tired of people raving about how wonderful the Flow Hive
invention is and posting it on my Facebook wall every other day. The
viral-ity of this fundraising campaign has been astounding. During my travels in Central America, I even had a Belgium restaurant owner in Nicaragua ask me whether I’d heard about it.
“I love honey. This is amazing,” you read over and over again in the comments from people worldwide who have no clue what goes into beekeeping. The gadget allows you to harvest honey without opening the hive,
and Australian inventors, Stuart and son Ceder Anderson, promise that
there is “no mess, no fuss, no expensive processing equipment, and
[that] the bees are hardly even disturbed.”
But just because no
disturbance can be viewed by the naked eye doesn’t mean the bees aren’t
being disturbed. How arrogant humans can be.
The Flow Hive has already raised over $12 million and counting. Perhaps folks genuinely want to help the bees and think this gadget is the answer. Meanwhile, this is a testament that urban beekeeping is thriving.
argue that by simplifying (or automating) the most time-consuming part
of beekeeping—the harvest— more people may want to take up beekeeping.
More beekeeping may lead to greater support to save bees and therefore
Flow Hive is a positive thing.
first glance, I too thought Flow Hive was a genius invention that
honors the bees, but after looking under the proverbial lid, I’ve
concluded that the device reduces nature’s miracle into a beer keg. It’s
animal husbandry with a negative twist.
“One wants to see this be
successful, easy to use, and contribute to the world of improved
beekeeping,” adds Kim Flottum, beekeeper and editor of Bee Culture magazine. “But there’s
the concern, far in the back of my mind, that it may appear to make
things too easy, fostering not improved beekeeping, but reduced
attention to maintaining healthy bees.”
Here are 3 of the
multiple reasons why many folks refrain from using Flow Hive and
consider it to be just another level of separation between bees and
1. Plastic Comb
This newfangled honey collection
system is comprised of plastic. It’s basically the Langstroth hive on
steroids. The bees build their own wax on top of plastic frames and fill
the cells with nectar and cap per usual. When you turn on the tap,
presto— honey squeezes through the center of a plastic double-walled
comb construction. Once draining is completed, you can reset the tap,
and the comb goes back to its original position. Automation is in full
Bees don’t particularly like plastic, Ask any organic
beekeeper. They don’t need it. They fashion wax –a living substance –
out of their own abdomens. Wax is where they store their food (nectar
and pollen) and house their young. Wax vibrates and changes temperature.
is far more than a Tupperware container for somebody else’s lunch; it
is the tissue and frame of the hive and as such it forms multiple
functions,” writes Beekeeper Jonathan Powell , who has a a long family connection with bees, and is also a partner with a UK Charity called the Natural Bee-keeping Trust.
In his blog he writes:
have wall thicknesses of just 0.07 mm, and are made from over 300
different chemical components. Wax removes toxins from the honey. The
resonant frequency (230-270 Hz) of the comb is matched to the bees’
vibration sensors and acts as an information highway between bees on
opposite sides of the comb. Bees manage the temperature of the cell rims
to optimize transmissions of these messages. Wax holds history and
memory via chemical signals put into it by the bees.”
instead of working with the wax comb they’ve created, the Flow Hive
forces bees to deal with hormone-disrupting plastics that off-gas.
“Honey bees are able to recognize the smallest differences in wax composition but not polypropylene,” adds Powell.
Additionally, the best honey
is fully capped. It’s like putting a lid on a jar; honeybees ripen
nectar by removing the moisture and sealing it off with wax. Honey that
has been harvested with a moisture content above 20 per cent and isn’t capped is considered unripe and may ferment. Traditional
beekeepers slice honey caps off with a knife and use a spinner which
removes honey from wax frames. They then reuse the wax in their hives
once more.
Meanwhile, in colder climates honey often crystallizes, which means the Flow Hive may clog and require heating, killing the healing properties.
a Langstroth hive can be managed without any comb (so you let the bees
make their own). It’s how the backward beekeepers like Kirk Anderson and Dee Lusby run their hives.
2. Non-Existent Communion Between Bees & Beings
Flow Hive is touted as a “beekeeper’s dream.” But in my opinion, it’s a
wannabe’s fantasy. The point of beekeeping is to commune with the bees,
not to further remove oneself from them. There’s nothing like slowing
down, with reverence and care, to peek into a hive and observe the virgin sisters of toil. Bees work themselves to death, so why should have such easy access to their food?
Beekeeping involves
putting on a bee suit (or not) and tuning into the bees to ensure
that no harm is done when you go into their sacred space. And if you
happen to get stung once or twice, you can choose to see it positively.
It’s medicinal.
As the Italian photographer and fellow beekeeper Renée Ricciardi
writes, “Beekeeping involves respect, patience, and attention to the
natural world. After years of beekeeping you become attentive to
humidity every time you step outside, you start noticing which flowers
bloom first, you stop hating pesky dandelions, and when it rains you
think of the bees.”
Just like there is an indescribable satisfaction in eating food that you’ve grown, there’s something magical about beekeeping.
And it doesn’t involve turning on a tap. Actually many hobby beekeepers
will tell you that honey is not the main attraction. Stewardship is.
And that entails checking on the health of the colony, observing brood
patterns, examining the queen, making sure there aren’t any parasites or
pathogens, and observing the honey flow so you know what to leave
With an automatic honey appliance, you get none of that.
Even though there’s a window and you can see the bees, you are clueless
as to what is actually going on with the hive. As a friend recently
stated, Flow Hive promotes the emotional detachment of factory farming.
Commercial beekeeping
meanwhile is a whole other ball of wax. It is arduous work, involving
long hours and a lot of casualties. You may likely have to 1) Get Suited
Up 2) Smoke the Bees 3) Open the hive 4) Remove the honey-filled frames
5) Brush the bees from those frames 6) Use a knife to remove the
capping from the wax cells 7) Use a centrifuge to get honey out of the
frame.Flow Hive promises to remove all that “messy hard work.”
Which commercial beekeeper wouldn’t be intrigued? Yet without some
sort of communion, doesn’t the process kind of look like honey-robbing?
Hands-off beekeeping? Free honey? Come on, it’s fast food honey that
cuts corners.
Incidentally, honey has its own flow depending on
the season and is usually harvested only once a year. Will wannabe
beekeepers be mindful of nature’s rhythms or simply gorge on honey all
year round? Most beekeepers, including myself, will tell you that honey
is just a bonus. I keep bees because I love having them around. It’s a
bee-centric, rather than honey-centric, endeavor. That’s why they called
their movie More Than Honey.
Consider this: In the
six-week lifespan of one single bee, she will only produce a quarter of a
teaspoon of honey. Honey is sacred.
“I always tell beginners in
my workshops, there is only one real reason to keep bees, and that is
because they are fascinating. If you just want honey, make friends with a
beekeeper,” says a beekeeper in Australia who goes by Adrian the Bee
3. “Expensive Gimmick”
“The Flow Hive is now the largest international campaign ever on Indiegogo,” announced Slava Rubin, CEO of Indiegogo.
They surpassed their goal of 70,000 in less than 10 minutes and raised $2.1 million in one day, setting a record for the most funds raised in 24 hours.
$600, you get a full automatic bee farm. But many beekeepers I’ve
spoken to believe that it’s overpriced and unsustainable. Flow Hive
actually costs more than a standard Langstroth hive.
Flow Hive has
been described as a possible “key” in keeping the world’s bee
population from further decline.” Really? How so? This just makes honey
collection simpler and easier. How does it help bees survive the issues
they are currently grapplng with? Like systemic pesticides and loss of habitat???
To quote Ricciardi once
more, Flow Hive invites “lazy, hungry honey-eaters who are also
terrified of being stung. It will create a generation of oblivious
people who don’t know the delicate mechanics of the beautiful hive.”
Don’t get wooed by the hype and the mesmerizing images of honey . If you really want to help bees, why not support activists like myself who works our bee hinds off for very little pay. Or get involved with Center For Food Safety or show Vanishing of the Bees to your children. Or take up real beekeeping.
note that no one is saying that these people are bad. But as they say,
the road to hell was paved with good intentions. and “good inventions”
Not everything that has to do with bees is good for the bees.
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