What this example does is prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that levitation as such is possible as is mind to mind communication. So let us stop wasting time on false arguments thrown up by any available fool.
More interesting is that it appears involuntary and the result of a withdrawal of the self into the astral body. This surely allows the astral body to redirect the internal gravity of the astral body to counter the gravity of the physical body. Since the gravitation effect of the astral body is at least ten times greater than the physical body, levitation becomes simply a matter of redirecting the direction of the force.
Maintaining physical consciousness and present intent appears more difficult.
History’s Most Outstanding Case of Levitation, Witnessed by Multitudes: Expert Discusses
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current
knowledge. In "Beyond Science" Epoch Times collects stories about these
strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously
undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.
Va.—Most scholars avoid delving into historical records of levitation
and other forms of psychokinesis. Dr. Michael Grosso, however,
has deliberately delved in. The implications concerning human nature and
its latent potential are as important to understanding our present and
future as any lessons history has to offer, he said.
“It seems to me that if … any of the stories about levitation are
true … they’re important for at least one major reason,” Grosso said.
“They add to the evidence that renders the idea of materialism quite
For millenia, human society had various “methods of dialogue with the
divine,” he said. Within the past few hundred years, however, humanity
has increasingly turned to an absolute materialism, denying anything
that has not been physically measured. Yet glimpses of something more
are not fanciful; they are grounded in real experiences.
“There are ways back to the poetic, magical, and transcendent
dimension of human experience,” Grosso said. He received his philosophy
doctorate from Columbia University and is unofficially affiliated with
the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia. He has
written a book about a particular case of levitation that he said gives
every indication of being genuine. He was under contract with Oxford
University Press to publish the book, but his contract was terminated
when he refused to tone down the claims about levitation. It will be
published this year by Rowman & Littlefield under the title, “The
Man Who Could Fly: St. Joseph of Copertino and the Mystery of
St. Joseph of Copertino (1603–1663) sometimes hovered a few inches
above the ground, sometimes flew high in the air—in front of large
crowds all over Italy. The Church canonization process involves in-depth
investigations, and thus many written records, including 150 eyewitness
testimonies, providing detailed information about Copertino’s
The Church
canonization process involves in-depth investigations, and thus many
written records, including 150 eyewitness testimonies, providing
detailed information about Copertino’s levitations.
Some people today may tend to dismiss any such accounts as the
delusion of religious fervor or the backward superstitions of a
relatively primitive society. But, said Grosso, “A fact is a timeless
Regarding potential objections from skeptics, he said: “It doesn’t
hold water—not for 35 years, and all the witnesses that were involved. …
The character of the witnesses was of the highest order—cardinals, a
pope, the inquisitors themselves.”
The Church at the time didn’t have a motive to falsely boost a
performer of miracles, Grosso said. There’s no reason to believe the
Church records give anything other than the hard facts. Copertino faced
as much distrust as welcome from the Church over the decades. He
was moved from location to location and received vague warnings against
levitating—likely because he was powerful in his ability to draw a large
following wherever he went.
Copertino was even under a kind of house arrest in Rome at the same
time as Galileo Galilei, albeit for very different reasons. One was a
mystic, the other a driving force of modern science, both were viewed
with mistrust.
The Church could have easily labeled Copertino a heretic instead of a
saint—it could have explained his levitation as a symptom of diabolical
possession. He did stand trial. But, said Grosso, the inquisitors
“could see this guy had no secret motives, he was completely humble, and
he was embarrassed by his abilities.”
He did not intentionally levitate. He levitated while in a state of
ecstasy. At certain points during mass, Copertino would apparently
become so affected that he would enter an altered state of consciousness
and begin levitating. He was oblivious to everything around him, though
he caused quite a stir. It interfered with his ability to conduct
There’s a reason people today don’t randomly start floating while in
line at the grocery store, Grosso said. Copertino had the right
conditions. Not only was he in an altered state of consciousness—an
ecstasy, due to his faith, which seemed integral to his ability—he was
also a product of his time.
It’s not that people of that time were more gullible or more likely
to participate in some mass delusion. It’s that the Reformation of the
Church, the Baroque culture, the common practices of fasting and
entering into solitude, all created a kind of environment in which one
could more easily enter an altered state of consciousness.
It was a mentally jarring time. Could an event or change in modern society create similar circumstances?
This would require a mass “disruption of ordinary human existence,”
he said, which would propel us into a collective state of consciousness
more open to our latent abilities. Rather than some catastrophe or
traumatic event, he would hope this could be achieved if science unites
with a quest for higher consciousness.
Copertino and others throughout history as well as in our time across
many cultures, have displayed various supernormal abilities. Copertino
was also said to perform healings and to emit the “odor of sanctity.” If
a single person could develop all the latent abilities reported in
scattered accounts, “What you would have is a super human being—a
superman, a superwoman,” Grosso said.
Psychokinetic abilities may not always flare out in dramatic
displays like Copertino’s levitations. Perhaps people all over the world
today are exercising psychokinesis in more subdued forms, and maybe
without even realizing it, Grosso said.
“Could it be that [these latent abilities] represent the composite
potential of the future evolution of humanity?” he asked. “One can only
hope that something like this might turn out to be true.”
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