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Tuesday, May 30, 2023
The Secret to Aerial flight 1897
the reason i am grabbing this item is that it tells us that around 1897 we called something Red Mercury.
i first heard that myth referred to decades ago, but could never get to the bottom of anything. now we are also told that a charged sheet of metallic radium can reverse gravity. And below i think we have an example of radium ovide. again this all fits nicely into the time and place.
Metallic radium can make sheets. Charging it might well interfere with the gravity carrying so called ether. all this conforms to what is herein claimed. It is all testable, except we have all been taught to avoid radium. How curious.
Any such sheet will need to be protected to avoid nitrogen oxygenation if ever used commercially ,but this needs to be followed up on, not least because this is a possible shortcut to usable gravity ships that also conforms to our limited knowledge of cloud cosmology. I so need an army of grad students.
Is Radium the Secret to Aerial Flight and “Anti-gravity”?
This guy in the video above reviews the article below from 1897 giving an account that suggests rium to be the mythical red mercury used in secret aeronautics programs since WW2
The author details a private invite to a man's property who had installed a long sheet of radium in a boat.
When the radium is fed a charge, the boat ascends into the air, when the charge's polarity is reversed it returns to the ground.
The description of the device's mechanism is very interesting.
Remember, what we’ve learned about “toxic chemicals” may not be accurate.
If you want to dive down this rabbit hole even further, you can listen to and study this video below…
How Incoherent Electrostatic Acceleration Creates The Downward Vector
modern work
Radium is seeing increasing use in the field of atomic, molecular, and optical physics. Symmetry breaking forces scale proportional to [58][59] which makes radium, the heaviest alkaline earth element, well suited for constraining new physics beyond the standard model. Some radium isotopes, such as radium-225, have octupole deformed parity doublets that enhance sensitivity to charge parity violating new physics by two to three orders of magnitude compared to 199Hg.[60][61][62]
Radium is also a promising candidate for trapped ion optical clocks. The radium ion has two subhertz-linewidth transitions from the ground state that could serve as the clock transition in an optical clock.[63] A 226Ra+ trapped ion atomic clock has been demonstrated on the to transition.[64] Additionally, radium is particularly well suited for a transportable optical clock as all transitions necessary for clock operation can be addressed with direct diode lasers at common wavelengths.[65]
Though radium has no stable isotopes, there are eleven radium isotopes with half-lives longer than one minute that could be compared with high precision on a King plot. Isotope shifts could be measured with high precision on either of the radium ion subhertz-linewidth transitions from the ground state, or on the to intercombination line in neutral radium.[66] The degree of any potential nonlinearities in such a King plot could set bounds on new physics beyond the standard model.[67]
Some of the few practical uses of radium are derived from its radioactive properties. More recently discovered radioisotopes, such as cobalt-60 and caesium-137, are replacing radium in even these limited uses because several of these isotopes are more powerful emitters, safer to handle, and available in more concentrated form.[68][69]
The isotope 223Ra (the chloride is under the trade name Xofigo)[70] was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 2013 for use in medicine as a cancer treatment of bone metastasis.[71][72] The main indication of treatment with Xofigo is the therapy of bony metastases from castration-resistant prostate cancer due to the favourable characteristics of this alpha-emitter radiopharmaceutical.[73]225Ra has also been used in experiments concerning therapeutic irradiation, as it is the only reasonably long-lived radium isotope which does not have radon as one of its daughters.[74]
Radium is still used in 2007 as a radiation source in some industrial radiography devices to check for flawed metallic parts, similarly to X-ray imaging.[14] When mixed with beryllium, radium acts as a neutron source.[42][75] As of 2004, radium-beryllium neutron sources are still sometimes used,[14][76] but other materials such as polonium are more common: about 1,500 polonium-beryllium neutron sources, with an individual activity of 1,850 Ci (68 TBq), have been used annually in Russia. These RaBeF4-based (α, n) neutron sources have been deprecated despite the high number of neutrons they emit (1.84×106 neutrons per second) in favour of 241Am–Be sources.[21] As of 2011, the isotope 226Ra is mainly used to form 227Ac by neutron irradiation in a nuclear reactor.[21]
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