We have real confirmation that ireland and Georgia were culturally liknked from 3500 BC through 2500 BC which coincides with the evolution of the Atlantean world which became global with the building of the Great Pyramid and was sustained until 1159 BC.
We knew as much but lacked hard confirmation which is now a flood simply because we now know exactly were to look.
We have two major events 1200 years apart which looks like an astronomical event along with two similar events five hundred years apart. This is not particularly helpful as it does not repeat in either case. Of course i want to throw in my subsidence which we do know must have happened. It just may not have been abrupt for the most part.
Subsidence events do have echos and there are also cyclic crustal stresses applied as well. We just do not know.
What is clear as glass is that we do need to get serious about establishing sustainable underground Refugio as a matter of course. The next generation will see the complete globalization of our economy and sort out remaining problems. It is then we can address protection for all.
Irish scientists identify reoccurring cosmic disaster that explains identical petroglyphs and stone circles in Ireland and Southeastern USA
on the Forsyth Boulder, found next to the Upper Etowah River, are
identical to Ireland’s oldest known petroglyphs! The petroglyphs at
Carrowmore, Ireland are believed to date from around 3500 BC.

Programs by Raidió Teilifís
Éireann (RTÉ), Ireland’s new international TV channel are now beginning
to reach North America via Amazon Prime and PBS. The most ambitious of
these documentaries, “Secrets of the Stones,” which was produced by
RTE-Cork, Ireland, describes the current scientific studies of stone
structures in Ireland dating from 6,000 BC to the Early Medieval
Period. Technologies such as advanced tree ring dating, LIDAR, Ground
Radar and Infrared Satellite Imagery are radically changing the
understanding of humans living in the North Atlantic region between the
end of the Ice Age and the creation of monastic journals in the 600s AD.
None of the Irish
scientists, interviewed in the program, were aware of the Appalachian
Connection, but I quickly recognized it . . . but there was also a
connection to the South Atlantic Coast. In satellite imagery, Ireland’s
stone ring complexes are identical in appearance to the shell ring
complexes at such locations as Sapelo Island, Georgia and Edisto Island,
South Carolina. There is a catch, though. Construction of stone rings
ended in Ireland around 2400 BC, just as construction of shell rings
and creation of North America’s oldest pottery began on the coast of
Georgia and South Carolina. Hm-m-m.

The Sapelo Island, GA shell rings have a very similar appearance from above to the Irish stone ring complexes.
The stone circles in Ireland have been
determined to have initially been burial sites. Initially, they
consisted of boulders arranged in a circle or an ellipse. Later, piled
field stones were constructed in a circle or an ellipse. Human bodies
were cremated. Their ashes were deposited within the rings.
Apparently, the astronomical use of the rings developed a little later,
reaching their ultimate sophistication in such shrines as Stonehenge on
the Salisbury Plain in England.
Thus, archaeologists may have been
misinterpreting the stone enclosures of the Highlands and the shell
rings on the South Atlantic Coast. Their primary use could have been
as mortuaries and locations of ceremonial feasts. The erection of huts
on or inside the rings could represent temporary shelters, where
families lived while attending feasts and funerals.
Ireland’s oldest petroglyphs (c. 5,500
BC) at Carrowmore are treated with the reverence of the Declaration of
Independence, while a much larger example of the same symbols on the
Forsyth Boulder, have been treated as “amusing Cherokee graffiti” . . .
first exposed to the elements for decades at the Forsyth County
Fairgrounds and now functioning as lawn furniture on the campus of the
University of Georgia. This boulder is in close proximity to UGA’s
Department of Anthropology yet is ignored by its faculty.
The traditional reverence by the Irish
people for all things ancient is one factor explaining the survival of
hundreds of Mesolithic and Neolithic shrines, but another factor is that
being an island on the extreme end of Europe, Ireland was protected
from most rampaging armies of imperialism that ravaged the countryside
of Europe for over 2,000 years. Roman legions destroyed many ancient
sites because they could function as fortifications for the indigenous
tribes. Medieval lords converted stone rings and cairns into castle
walls. Canons blasted ancient stone structures into gravel, if they
were protecting an enemy.
Destruction of ancient stone
architecture in Georgia was almost instantaneous, once Europeans took
control of the region. Pioneer archaeologist, Charles C. Jones, Jr.
stated that when white settlers first arrived, ancient stone walls,
cairns and building ruins proliferated across North Georgia’s landscape.
Most were converted into foundations, building walls and water mill
dams within two decades.
Until the 1920s, ALL of the mountains
in what is now Metro Atlanta were crowned with stone rings or even
elaborate stone “observatories.” The one exception were the stone
ruins of multiple structures on top of Kennesaw Mountain, which were
converted into artillery redans by Confederate engineers in June 1864.
Once paving of roads and highways commenced in the 1920s, however, the
Georgia State Highway Department and its contractors began “mining” the
ancient sites to produce crushed stone for road construction. The only
fully intact stone ring in Metro Atlanta is at a secret location in the
Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. It is adjacent to an
equally ancient cairn cemetery. I know where these sites are but am
“sworn to secrecy.”
A few mountaintop stone circles remain
in the first tier of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Northeast Georgia and
East Central Alabama. Hopefully, I will be soon living beneath one of
them. I am fairly certain that there is also a terrace top stone
enclosure on the back of this property, which faces the Winter Solstice
Irish archaeologists described the
abstract symbols that can see below on the Forsythe Petroglyphic Boulder
from Georgia as the earliest know writing system, which they have dated
to around 3500-2500 BC. Actually, there are far more examples of this
style of petroglyphs in Georgia than in Ireland. Scandinavian
archaeologists have interpreted these symbols to represent star
constellations. Given their association with other cosmic symbols on
petroglyphic boulders, this interpretation seems more likely. However,
they still would represent a graphic representation of a name.
The Darth Vader of comets
With the advent of advanced forensic
technology, Irish archaeologists became aware that there were distinct
changes in the cultural practices of people living on their island,
which seemed to last from 1000 to 1200 years. Their demises were
associated with catastrophic weather conditions. Around 2360 BC and
1150 BC, there were 20-year periods when the trees in Ireland virtually
didn’t grow. In 539 AD, there was a minor tsunami followed by a long
period of clouds and rain. It was the final death blow to what was left
of the Roman Empire in western Europe. In 1114 AD monastic journals
described “stars falling from the sky” followed by a tsunami which
killed about 50,000 people in Ireland and southwestern England.
While analysis of trees and pollen in
the eastern Mediterranean Basin have associated catastrophic droughts
with the demise of Bronze Age civilizations, just the opposite situation
occurred in the regions on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean. It
apparently rained for around 20 years. There was too little sunshine
for trees to grow, but water kept many larger trees alive.
The initial assumption by virtually all
archaeologists in Europe is that large scale volcanic activity caused
these environmental crises, but thorough studies of volcanic eruptions
in Iceland did not equate to the virtual depopulations of Ireland around
2360 BC and 1150 BC. Why would Ireland and Britain be flooded, while
the eastern Mediterranean Basin be desiccated?
The tsunamis and cloudy weather in 539
AD and 1014 AD were definitely caused by the impacts of comets or
asteroids into the Atlantic Ocean, which in both cases were followed by
volcanic eruptions in Iceland and Central America. The 539 AD impact
occurred off the coast of Florida, while there seems to have been
multiple impacts into the North Atlantic Ocean in 1014 AD. The causes of
the earlier, far more catastrophic, weather changes in Ireland remained
a mystery, however.
Reexamining the petroglyphs at
Carrowmore and other contemporary sites in Ireland convinced Irish
scientists that the culprit is the Darth Vader of comets or perhaps
several giant comets, which take many centuries to orbit the sun. When
these comets pass close to Earth, they deposit vast quantities of cosmic
dust, which blocks the sunlight for up to 20 years. When they get
REALLY close to Earth, the comet or comets spew chunks of material into
the ocean a extremely high velocities. The result of impacts were
tsunamis that swept across islands. Apparently, most of Denmark was
inundated by a tsunami or massive hurricane around 1200 BC.
If such a killer comet returned to pass
near earth again, it could wipe out much of the world’s population.
Conventional food production would collapse and solar energy collectors
would be useless. Mankind would be dependent on carbon-based and
nuclear energy to generate electricity to grow food indoors. Most likely
there would not be enough electricity to feed all of the earth’s
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