Monday, June 26, 2023

Bare foot Olympics for Biological Men and women


Bare foot Olympics for Biological Men and Women

We have had a full century of scientifically enhanced sportsmanship and it is now becoming absurd and even dangerous.  We need something way more lasting than pusuit of clearly diminishing returns.  We also know enough to get best performance and to actually avoid training injuries.  that really matters simply because i know that no end of folks actually overtrain and damage themselves for life.  we do not need that either.

Sound training has avoided hamstring injuries which ended plenty of careers.  This really needs to become standard for training certification, simply because muscle strength always runs ahead of tendon growth.  Weight lifting in particular is terribly vulnerable and no one likes to wait.

We certainly can start with track and field and produce rolled grass tracks to work on instead of our present designs.  even rolled mud works using rake and rollers.  cinder tracks were horrible and we now have some form of rubberized pavement relying on rubber running shoes over tender feet.  Raked mud and grass would be much more fun to run on and would not push the tenderness too far.  in fact, they an be side by side and even beside a normal paved  track, allowing transitions for training.

This obviously allows all tracks to be retrofitted with at least a grass and mud track alongside to allow barefoot traing at least and if wide enough, actual barefoot races.

A bit too old for this now, but i certainly would come out for this type of facility.  Just need Crocs to move from dressing room to the track.  In fact plenty of folks would come out just to walk these types of tracks!  even old guys.

I also think that been able to transition from earth to flattened sod and onto even pvement or even cinder is appealing.  everyone knows they have to toughen up their feet to push it all but it is still a working option that is likely beneficial.  kids will love this also.

I also think that this has real commerical potential.


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