This is readily resolved of course. Reciprocity for USA Government publishers in all forms of Chinese media. Alternately a failure to comply allows the Government to declare China as a hostile foreign power. At which point all such material needs to at least be labeled as coming from such a source.
My point is htat we have the wherewithall to turn all this vagainst the Great internet wall of China which is a core problem that needs attention. I think it is time.
The people who push lies really think that this provides cover for essentially egregious behavior. what it does instead is damage the moral authority of the pushers of lies. Few are ever fooled by a lie, but they are all educated to the duplicity of the writers. This is why the MSM is in a deep state of collapse in the USA.
American newspapers were paid millions to push Communist Chinese Party propaganda
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, November 29, 2020 - 12:45.
by Rich Welsh
WARNING: This story is wild and incredible, will burn your bagel, and if true, we are just one step closer to an Orwellian nightmare.
The Chinese Communist Party controls an English-language newspaper they use to push propaganda onto the West, and it is being reported that they paid close to $2 million for printing and advertising expenses in these last 6 months, during a time when Beijing’s disinformation efforts were being highly scrutinized.
According to a disclosure statement, the newspaper “China Daily” paid the LA Times $340,000 for advertising campaigns between May and October of this year and the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) over $85,000. That disclosure was filed this week with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
It wasn’t just US news outlets that were paid big bucks to push their propaganda in the West, as it’s being reported that the Chinese owned company also paid Foreign Policy magazine $100,000, the Canadian Globe and Mail $132,046, and The Financial Times, which is a UK newspaper, $223,710, all for advertising campaigns, listed inside the filing.
The Chinese Communists also pad several newspaper companies a whopping $1,154,666 for printing costs, with $76,000 going to The Boston Globe, $110,000 to the LA Times, and around $92,000 to The Houston Chronicle, spending overall over $4.4 million on printing, distribution, and advertising costs for the last six months.
This Chinese newspaper is overseen by their propaganda agency, the Chinese Communist Party’s State Council Information Office, and it has for years paid newspapers and other periodicals in the West to publish a
The China Daily is a newspaper that is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party’s State Council Information Office, and its propaganda agency, has paid newspapers and magazines in the US and other Western countries for years to publish infotainment commercials that were designed to look like they were legitimate news articles.
And the Western companies were only too happy to take their money. That was the Communist Chinese Party’s goal of overtaking the West. Unlike the Soviet Union that tried to take down the US through force and failed, the Chinese approached was to buy the influence of media to take over the country, and it was working until Donald Trump came along.
The FARA disclosure document reveals that The Washington Post (WaPo) was paid over $4.6 million from late 2016 through October 2019, while The WSJ received $6 million for advertorials from 2016 through April 2020.
In 2020 alone, The WSJ received $461,489 in advertising revenue from China Daily.
“China Watch,” the inserts provided by China Daily, have been filled with pro-Beijing lies
China Daily’s inserts, which are entitled “China Watch,” have typically offered a pro-Beijing spin in regards to the Chinese economy, their culture and/or China’s world views in politics.
The WSJ actually keeps a website of its sponsored China Daily content that has articles which are initially published by China Daily lauding Beijing’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which originated in Wuhan, China last year. By now everyone should know that the Chinese Communist Party tried to cover up their negligence on spreading the virus around the world.
“Apple CEO: China Getting Outbreak Under Control” is just one of the articles found on the WSJ’s site.
Several articles are critical of US officials who made accusations that the Chinese government ran a campaign to mislead the West about the pandemic, and that their incompetence, or was it malfeasance, allowed the virus to spread around the world?
“Trump’s China Remark Rebuked” and “US Spin On Virus’ Name Condemned” were headlines of two articles that were found on the WSJ’s site.
This is outrageous. Whatever happened to defend the US, especially when it comes to something like anti American propaganda about the coronavirus that has killed so many people?
WSJ hasn’t published an article on the Communist Chinese Party’s sponsored page since July of this year, according to data on the FARA filing. Well, bully for them. #SMH
To their credit, some American news outlets have given China Daily the boot after receiving much criticism over the propaganda arrangements. In August, The Washington Free Beacon reported that The New York Times quietly scrubbed their website of advertorials it previously published as part of a deal it had with China Daily.
Read more at: DJHJMedia.com
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