Thursday, January 14, 2021

Curious Encounter


This report is on How to Hunt podcasts.  It is the second email read.

The first email confirms that mind to mind works to still our relationship with a nearby Sasquatch which may well be inducing fear.  Do note that if you start this, it is likely they will know that you know and contact will increase sharply.  Yet Steve is how able to essentially handle the potential threat to the extent of not interfering with his efforts.  Another person confirmed the protocol and freed himself from been assaulted with fear.

The second report is huge.  The creature aka Bigfoot first captured a pet dog for a couple of weeks before letting him return. Then he began a nightly campaign of terrifying the dog and then throwing something at the ttrailer  wall.  This repetition allowed the annoyed occupant to set up a passal of lighting to fully illuminate the yard.  On the fifteenth such night he turned this on and opened the door to observe.

He saw the stealthed outline of the creature standing beside a  tree for additional cover.  He shouted 'I can see you' also projecting his thought.  The creature took of over his lawn allowing an unobstructed view of the creatures outline including a large void in the torso.  Excellent science here. It  then took of away from the observer who gave chase while repeating his shout.

That ended the encounter series.

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