Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nuclear Decay Model

Now that I have a tentative lotus like model for the progressive design of our elemental table, it is possible to address the key aspect of nuclear decay.  What I propose there is that as the nucleus becomes larger, electron packing around the center of the lotus tightens increasing the possibility of an electron discharging its separation energy along the axis of attachment and allowing that electron to rejoin the proton to produce a neutron.  This immediately produces a neutron imbalance and a drop to the next slot in the periodic table.  This is elegant and natural and will lend itself to easy modeling, spread sheets even and predictable patterns, even if we do not have all details correct.

It also conforms to other obscure protocols that produce unusual results that I am aware of.  All this is encouraging and very important.  Since accelerating decay is to be desired in order to decommission nuclear power plants, we may be onto something here in terms of problem resolution.

We can make the following tentative statements:

1                    It becomes possible to model the neutron and proton content of any nucleus as well as the electron positioning in conjunction with exact methods using the Generalized Cyclic Metric.
2                    Super density ie. gold et al, reflects the transition to excess neutrons shoring up the base and a possible incurving of that base.  Other transitions may also be implied and watched for through modeling.
3                    As the nucleus enlarges, the neutron proton pair takes on the form of a petal with a neutral bottom abutting other such petals and a pointed top seeking an electron.
4                    The independent neutrons comprising the base in larger nuclei arrive through proton electron decay forcing out the new neutron pair into the base and changing the dynamics.
5                    Actual order and packing is not necessarily perfect and it becomes possible to massage the nucleus to achieve superior packing and order.  The probability of decay improves as a result.

This is tentative and demands that I design a spreadsheet to actually see just how it may all work out in reality.  Yet it is a good and promising beginning to reordering our knowledge of the physics of elements which has been held up for far too long.

The really interesting problem is to determine the actual placement of all the electrons and the likely choice of linkage lines that open the possibility of linking up with other elements.  Obviously it is a little more tricky now that we have to rethink our ideas of orbitals.

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