Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ionizers Bombard Abu Dhabi Desert with Thunderstorms

This is an extraordinarily important development.  I have posted on the advent of the Eden machine which uses sunlight to draw down humidity from the atmosphere to water an immediately adjacent tree or two.  The draw back was that it needed to store energy and needed high humidity to perform well.  This could be solved by operating on the edge of deserts and slowly moving into the desert as the growing trees slowly brought along the humidity.

This system will completely accelerate the process by inducing multiple local thunderstorms that support the increasing humidity that can then support the restoration of forests, which expands the whole process far quicker.

Thus a first phase would cover a chosen area were the upwind boundary area gets enough humidity with ion emitters.  If we are clever, the power can be produced by windmills and it can also be a power plant.  The ionizers will be turned on only when conditions permit.

With a long band of ionizers in place the thunderstorms will strike in a downwind band.  This will need to be captured with plenty of trees.  Over time the build up of vegetation will stabilize humidity and bring on general rainfall.

Again, the big trick is to determine the far edge of the desert for doing all this because the expanding green belt supported by the Eden machine protocol will cause steady down wind expansion.

The ionizers by themselves are a great start but thunderstorms are naturally inefficient and spotty.  It is the trees that stabilize it all.

The entire Sahara and the deserts of the Middle East can be now carpeted with schools of wind turbines and ionizers.   The resulting thunderstorm bombardment will recharge ground water everywhere and soon bring on natural forest regeneration all of which increases and supports increasing general humidity.

In time, and much sooner than I had ever hoped, such an enterprise would completely reforest the whole region.  We can do it.  In fact, once the infrastructure is put in place, the forest recovery will be almost exponential and completed to full coverage inside perhaps fifty years.

Have scientists discovered how to create downpours in the desert?

Last updated at 10:22 AM on 3rd January 2011

Technology created 50 rainstorms in Abu Dhabi's Al Ain region last year

For centuries people living in the Middle East have dreamed of turning the sandy desert into land fit for growing crops with fresh water on tap.

Now that holy grail is a step closer after scientists employed by the ruler of Abu Dhabi claim to have generated a series of downpours.

Fifty rainstorms were created last year in the state's eastern Al Ain region using technology designed to control the weather.

Dry as dust: The sand dunes of the United Arab Emirates, which sees no rain at all for months. Now a secret project has brought storms to Abu Dhabi

Plan: Scientists are attempting to make clouds in the desert to give man control over the weather

Most of the storms were at the height of the summer in July and August when there is  no rain at all.

People living in Abu Dhabi were baffled by the rainfall which sometimes turned into hail and included gales and lightening.


The Metro System scientists used ionisers to produce negatively charged particles called electrons.

They have a natural tendency to attach to tiny specks of dust which are ever-present in the atmosphere in the desert-regions.

These are then carried up from the emitters by convection - upward currents of air generated by the heat release from sunlight as it hits the ground.

Once the dust particles reach the right height for cloud formation, the charges will attract water molecules floating in the air which then start to condense around them.

If there is sufficient moisture in the air, it induces billions of droplets to form which finally means cloud and rain.

The scientists have been working secretly for United Arab Emirates president Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

They have been using giant ionisers, shaped like stripped down lampshades on steel poles, to generate fields of negatively charged particles.

These promote cloud formation and researchers hoped they could then produce rain.

In a confidential company video, the founder of the Swiss company in charge of the project, Metro Systems International, boasted of success.

Helmut Fluhrer said: 'We have achieved a number of rainfalls.'

It is believed to be the first time the system has produced rain from clear skies, according to the Sunday Times.

In the past, China and other countries have used chemicals for cloud-seeding to both induce and prevent rain falling.

Last June Metro Systems built five ionising sites each with 20 emitters which can send trillions of cloud-forming ions into the atmosphere.

Over four summer months the emitters were switched on when the required atmospheric level of humidity reached 30 per cent or more.

While the country's weather experts predicted no clouds or rain in the Al Ain region, rain fell on FIFTY-TWO occasions.

The project was monitored by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, one of the world's major centres for atmospheric physics.

Professor Hartmut Grassl, a former institute director, said: There are many applications. One is getting water into a dry area.

'Maybe this is a most important point for mankind.'

The savings using the Weathertec technology are huge with the system costing £6 million a year while desalination is £45 million.

Building an ionising system is about £7 million while a desalination plant would be £850 million and costs a lot more to run.

Some scientists are treating the results in Al Ain with caution because Abu Dhabi is a coastal state and can experience natural summer rainfall triggered by air picking up moisture from the warm ocean before dropping it on land.

But the number of times it rained in the region so soon after the ionisers were switched on has encouraged researchers.

Professor Peter Wilderer witnessed the experiments first hand and is backing the breakthrough.

The director of advanced studies on sustainability at the Technical University of Munich, said: 'We came a big step closer to the point where we can increase the availability of fresh water to all in times of dramatic global changes.'

1 comment:

keemo said...

This is very exciting news. I am a Saudi and I have always thought there must be a way to produce rain. I had this grand idea of using heavy lift helium ballons to lift a large trapulin with an anchored base to higher atmospheres so that highly humid air could rise with the wind and start to form cumulu nimbus clouds. The trapulin would need to cover a large stretch of desert to work. But this idea is possible and I hope some day the Saudi government will become interested.