Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Turning People Into Involuntary Suicide Bombers To Fight Terrorism

not so long ago, Obama took it upon himself to individually manage targeted drone attacks because he could.

that capacity just got hugely miniaturized and can now be packed into, yes, pagers and any other device using electronic controller's.  like a parking meter.  Skip surveillance.  just track everyone, identify whoever, and blow him up when close by any old bomb.

1984 is truly here ladies and no one is safe from a dumbasse's miscalculation.

Turning People Into Involuntary Suicide Bombers To Fight Terrorism

09-20-2024 •, Caitlin Johnstone

Israel just turned thousands of Lebanese people into involuntary suicide bombers in the name of fighting terrorism.

At least nine people have been killed and thousands injured in an attack in Lebanon which reportedly involved pagers packed with explosives being remotely detonated around the country, often in civilian areas. An eight year-old girl is reportedly among the dead.

According to The New York Times, unnamed officials from the US and elsewhere are saying that Israel planted the explosive materials in the pagers before they reached Lebanon after Hezbollah ordered them from a Taiwanese manufacturer.

The US is denying any foreknowledge of the attack, but that's what they always do. We're always asked to believe that the US never knew anything about attacks conducted by nations like Israel and Ukraine until they read about it in the news, and that their massive intelligence cartel and sprawling surveillance networks never pick up any information and exist for no reason.

Take a look at where people were and who they were surrounded by when their pagers exploded.
Can you see the young child just steps away?

This was an indiscriminate attack by Israel on civilians in Lebanon, and it falls under the West's supposed definition of terrorism.

— Dr. Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui (@sabreenaGS) September 17, 2024

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