Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Ground bird refugia.


Here is a truly remote island with an evolving feral cat problem.  I wonder just how much feral cats contributed to the collapse of the Passenger pigeon?

We really need a nesting ground protection technology that is cat proof.  We certainly need to trap and castrate and then release allowing the cat to protect his hunting range of 50 hectares.  Just eliminating the cat provides prime hunting ground for the next door cat litter.

I mention technology protecting nesting grounds, but the true method may well be transporting whole nesting grounds of small known sterile islands.

Both rats and cats are difficult to actually stop.  It has been done though.  It has to be done a lot.

Ground bird refugia.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" title="Invasive Cats in the Antarctic Turbo-Evolving" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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