Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mossad Has Exposed and is Eliminating Hezbollah

We live in a world in which we rely on electronic comms.  Problem is that means war making must operate without.

It is not quite smoke signals but when twenty men get together and are targeted, it is dire.

poor comms means you lose.  And here we are going after Hezbollah.  Anyone special just had his free pager blow up.

Mossad Has Exposed and is Eliminating Hezbollah

September 20, 2024 by Brian Wang

In the first Mission Impossible movie there was the NOC List. The Non-Official Cover List was a list of covert operatives of the Impossible Missions Force, showing their codenames and their real names. The reason it was so important? The only reason spies and their network are safe is because the enemy does not know who they are.


The US Spy network in Beirut were killed in 1984-1985 by Hezbollah. In particular the CIA Station chief for Beirut was kidnapped and tortured for 15 months before dying. He gave up his spy network who were vanished or killed shortly after the kidnapping. William Francis Buckley was kept in a coffin sized cell and his joints repeatedly drilled and his fingers and toes smashed. Three videos were sent to CIA headquarters and Buckley was completely broken by month 7. Buckley was avenged by Israel when Hezbollah senior leaders who masterminded the CIA kidnapping, the US Marine bombing, the US embassy bombing were killed.

Israel and Hezbollah have been at war since October 8, 2023. Hezbollah has been firing hundreds of missiles per day or week.

Hezbollah is not a spy network, but they depend upon hiding amongst the population.

The recently unfolding Israeli Mossad operation is where Israel built and supplied pagers, communications and possibly other equipment for Hezbollah for months. This means over 5,000 pieces of spying devices were made by Israel and distributed among Hezbollah by Hezbollah leaders.

Israel’s intelligence group Mossad has totally compromised Hezbollah over months. They know who Hezbollah active members are, where they live and where they have been moving. They have forced them off of cellphones to pagers to radio and to in person meetings.

All of the Radwan senior command was killed in an airstrike today. They had to gather in person because they could not use other communication. However, the Mossad is still able to know how they are moving. They knew this gathering was happening and targeted it.

This could be a historic dismantling of Hezbollah. Their weapon depots and active members will be hunted down because of their massive intelligence failure. This also means Iranian, Syrian and other connections are also exposed.

The Mossad is spearheading and providing the targets for Mossad operations and for the IDF and air force. A spy agency led decisive military campaign.

Hezbollah claims to have 100,000 members. In October 2021, Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah claimed his organization has 100,000 trained fighters. In 2017, Janes assessed Hezbollah’s strength at more than 20,000+ full-time fighters and approximately 20,000+ reservists. Other independent estimates put the number between 20,000 and 50,000. The ones injured or killed in the last few days were the ones deemed important and active enough to carry pagers. Hezbollah has an estimated 120,000-200,000 rockets and missiles.

There are 250,000-500,000 Palestinians in Lebanon and Lebanon has a population of 5.8 million.

Hezbollah and the Lebanon Civil War

In 1982, the Islamic Republic of Iran established a base in the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. From that base, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) “founded, financed, trained and equipped Hezbollah to operate as a proxy army” for Iran. The IRGC organized Hezbollah by drafting members from Shi’a groups resisting the Israeli occupation and from the main Shi’a movement, Nabih Berri’s Amal Movement. The group found inspiration for its revolutionary Islamism in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. With Iranian sponsorship and a large pool of disaffected Shi’a refugees from which to draw support, Hezbollah quickly grew into a strong, armed force.

The fourth phase of the Lebanon Civil war between 1985 and 1989, sectarian conflict worsened as various efforts at national reconciliation failed. Heavy fighting took place in the War of the Camps of 1985–86 as a Syrian-backed coalition headed by the Amal militia sought to rout the PLO from their Lebanese strongholds. Many Palestinians died, and Sabra and Shatila and Bourj el-Barajneh refugee camps were largely destroye

War of Brothers

Violent confrontations flared up again in Shiite areas between Amal and Hezbollah in 1988. In early May, Hezbollah issued a large-scale attack on Amal positions in the southern Beirut suburbs of Dahieh, and by May 11 seized 80% of the suburbs, emerging for the first time as a strong force in the capital.

On 2 January 1989, clashes erupted in Iqlim al-Tuffah in Southern Lebanon between the two sides without any significant territorial changes. Clashes re-erupted in December 1989 in Iqlim al-Tuffah, in which more than 3,500 Amal and Palestinian fighters clashed with 2,000 Hezbollah fighters in the region.

End of the Civil War

In May 1991, the militias (with the important exception of Hezbollah) were dissolved, and the Lebanese Armed Forces began to slowly rebuild themselves as Lebanon’s only major non-sectarian institution. In all, the civil war had about 150,000 people were killed and another 100,000 permanently handicapped.

Lebanon Anti-Hezbollah Forces

There are various groups and factions that oppose Hezbollah’s influence:

Sunni, Druze, and Christian communities generally support the disarmament of Hezbollah

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