Saturday, September 14, 2024

We’re Bad at Understanding Our Political Opponents


This is likely true, but it is unclear how we get here from there.  This looks a lot like making an assertion and then muddy the waters.

I have spent a lifetime trying to understand how communists' think that way.  Ultimately i think it is the rationalization of greed for power and its trappings without substance.  folks dealing with substance think way more empirically.

It is easy for money or power to alienate itself from its source community.  Yet no community, no money nor power.

We’re Bad at Understanding Our Political Opponents

Even when we think we know them, we don’t.


September 11, 202

Humans generally are not very good at knowing what other people think, even when we think we do. We make all kinds of assumptions about others’ behavior, motivations, and beliefs that are often wildly misplaced. This is especially so when those other people are on the opposite side of the political aisle.

So says a recent study by researchers from the University of Oxford and King’s College London recently published in Scientific Reports. The researchers recruited 256 participants born and residing in the United States for an online survey. The survey measured how well they were able to predict the political beliefs of individuals defined as from their “in-group” or “out-group.”

“We wanted to see whether people were worse at understanding people that they politically disagreed with, and whether they knew about it,” says Bryony Payne, a cognitive psychologist from King’s College London and lead author of the work. No previous studies had taken a reliable measure of differences in how well a person might understand person A versus person B, she says, and also whether any differences in understanding are related to ability or to motivation.

People really aren’t aware that they’re bad at this.

To sort participants into in-group and out-group buckets, the researchers presented them with one of 24 starting statements, which touched on religious, family, and economic values, and asked them whether they agreed or disagreed. For example: Poor people are poor because of bad attitudes; The marriage between a man and a woman is sacred and holy; I favor human rather than religious values; or We should ensure that no one is denied a job due to prejudice.

The participants were then presented with a response to this same statement from an anonymous individual. If the two shared a similar view, they were deemed “in-group” to one another. If they differed, they were considered “out-group.” Next, participants were asked to predict the views of this person on further statements and to state their confidence in their answers. They repeated the exercise for 24 different people.

The study found that, on average, participants predicted the views of their in-group just over half of the time, whereas that accuracy dropped to 39 percent for their out-group. Participants were only slightly less confident about their abilities to predict responses for people with whom they disagreed, giving themselves odds of 74 percent to guess the response of their in-group correctly, compared to 72 percent for their out-group. “People really aren’t aware that they’re bad at this,” Payne says.

The work builds on what is already a worrying foundation. “Quite a lot of previous research suggests that when we’re thinking about an out-group member—whether because they’re different in race, political beliefs, gender, or country—we think that they have relatively simple minds,” Payne says. When we think someone is different, we fall back on stereotypes to infer their principles and values.

It’s not that we can’t be bothered to think about the minds of our out-group—even when we try, we can’t do it.

“Part of what motivated our work was that we didn’t know whether people were genuinely worse at understanding the minds of people they disagree with,” or if they just couldn’t be bothered to really think carefully about it, Payne says. So as part of the new study, the researchers offered their participants the opportunity to seek five additional pieces of information about the people they were asked to characterize through the survey, in the form of their responses to other statements. Correct answers resulted in a higher pay-off at the end of the study, but each piece of information sought also came with a penalty, incentivizing them to seek only as much additional information as they felt they needed to make an accurate assessment and no more.

“We showed that [participants] seek as much if not more information when they disagree with someone, which suggests that they kind of know that they don’t have all the information,” Payne says. But even with additional information and presumably insight, participants still misjudged the out-group individuals. “I think that was one of the most surprising things because it showed for the first time that it’s not that we can’t be bothered to think about the minds of our out-group, it’s that even when we try, we can’t do it.”

This may be partly a result of societal polarization itself, the study authors say. Polarization leads to fewer interactions with out-group members, and therefore less experience modeling out-group minds and a poorer understanding of how they might vary.

Payne and her colleagues are working on designing further studies that probe into the roots of these blind spots. Should we blame the way the media portrays political opposition for our apparent inability to grasp the minds of those with whom we disagree? Or something else, more innate?

“I think if people are more aware that there are certain people in the world that you’re not going to understand as well as you think, over time it could mean that they ask more information of them—or find out more information before they jump to conclusions,” says Payne. “And that might help people understand each other better in the long run.”

Zebrafish “taste” oxygen: A breakthrough in respiratory biology

this makes good sense. Biological oxygen in water actually runs up to five percent, but will certainly vary a lot.  Thus tasting the water is strongly indicated.  We can also taste high quality biological water as well  - think spring water.

We just do not depend on it for our oxygen.  Obviously though, healing protocols recommend themselves.

At least we now know just where to look.

Zebrafish “taste” oxygen: A breakthrough in respiratory biology

Zebrafish - Credit: Pixabay

SummaryuOttawa research team has found a link between taste and breathing in fish

This discovery may help us better understand how fish perceive and respond to changes in their environment

May also help in the protection of aquatic life

A recent study conducted at the University of Ottawa reveals that some fish use their tastebuds to measure oxygen levels in water. Specifically, zebrafish larvae (a freshwater fish that belongs to the minnow family) can taste oxygen levels in the water using the same cells they use to taste their food. Those same cells also function as oxygen sensors, playing a crucial role in regulating the fish’s breathing response to low oxygen conditions. This dual functionality of taste bud cells was previously unknown and challenges our existing understanding of sensory systems in aquatic animals.

"We've uncovered a fascinating connection between taste and breathing in fish," says Steve Perry, an Emeritus Professor in the department of biology at the University of Ottawa. "Our research provides the first direct evidence of oxygen-sensing cells linked to the control of breathing in these animals, and surprisingly, these cells are located within their taste buds."

To arrive at these conclusions, the research team employed innovative techniques, including intracellular calcium imaging in live fish.

"We observed that these sensory cells are activated by low oxygen levels, or hypoxia," explains co-author Yihang Kevin Pan, a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Perry’s lab. "When we ablated – or removed- these cells, it disrupted the fish's breathing patterns under hypoxic conditions. Conversely, activating the nerves emanating from the taste buds stimulated breathing."

This discovery has far-reaching implications for understanding how fish adapt to changing environmental conditions. It suggests that the ability to "taste" oxygen levels in the water may be a crucial survival mechanism for aquatic organisms, allowing them to detect and respond to potentially dangerous low-oxygen situations quickly.

A transgenic zebrafish larva with the oxygen sensing tastebud cells in red and the sensory nerves emanating from the taste buds and projecting into the brain in blue.

The research also highlights the remarkable adaptability of sensory systems in nature. "It's a prime example of how the same biological structure can serve multiple function," Pan notes. "In this case, taste buds in addition to the well-known function of sensing taste cues also serve a vital respiratory function."

As we face increasing environmental challenges, including climate change-induced alterations in aquatic ecosystems, understanding how fish perceive and respond to changes in their environment becomes ever more critical. Beyond scientific understanding, this discovery may have practical implications for protecting and cultivating aquatic life.

The study, titled “Developing zebrafish utilize taste-signaling pathways for oxygen chemoreception”, was published in the journal Current Biology.

Canada Added 5 Million People in 5 Years. Should the US Care?

This is a large shift and very real.    The big change is the expansion of the Toronto mega complex to plus 10,000,000. ultimately surpassing Chicago.  Geographically this follows up from Hamilton along the Lake Shore.

This has had little impact out in the rural areas although even there we have growth.

understand that industrial agriculture has led to rural depopulation for the last half century.  The Covid shift has helped restock the rural housing stock somewhat.  

I anticipate that populations will now be attracted to this environment.

Canada Added 5 Million People in 5 Years. Should the US Care?

September 11, 2024 by Brian Wang

Canada added about 5 million people in 5 years and will pass 42 million people shortly. The pace of Canada’s immigration and acceptance of new people is running at 1.4 to 1.5 million people each year for the past 2 years.The video player is currently playing an ad. You can skip the ad in 5 sec with a mouse or keyboard

The new people are not yet contributing fully to the economy.

For 2025, Canada is projected to be the fastest growing economy among the G7 and other advanced economies. Canada’s currently about tied with Italy for 6th largest G7 economy. Over the next 15-25 years. Canada could pass France, UK and Japan and Germany. Germany passed Japan .

Doubling GDP inflation adjusted and relative to the other countries by 2040s is possible and only slightly ahead of a stated target to reach by 2050. If the other countries stagnate, which is possible then a relative doubling puts Canada near the top of the global rankings.

The new people go to the cities so it is urban growth. This will and is transforming the major cities in Canada. Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton. In some cases doubling population in a generation.

Canada with 70 million people in 20 years would mean the Toronto metro area would have 20-25 million people and would be larger than the New York metro area. Montreal could have about 8 million and edge ahead all but five us metro areas. Vancouver could get into top 10.

If the planned economic targets don’t happen then it still reshapes North America and possibly geopolitics. Mexico could have fairly strong gdp growth. The US sidekicks could each become bigger then UK or even Germany. Combined they could become 40% of the US economy and 66% of the EU GDP without the UK.

IF the addition of 30 million people over 20 years does not work out then the 122,000 Canadians that emigrated to the US in 2022 could increase to 500,000 per year. Doubling the population would mean all flows would double if everything stays relatively the same. If things do not work out as well then the percentage moving could also double or more beyond just tracking to population.

Today, Canada’s GDP is about the level of Italy and Mexico GDP is about the level of Spain. Strong economic performance in both Canada and Mexico could see Canada move past Germany in 2050 and Mexico up to the level of France.

The US has almost $29 trillion in GDP now. Canada and Mexico combined are $3.7 trillion or about 12% of the USA.

North America has 510 million people and almost $32.7 trillion in GDP.

Canada and Mexico could combine to be about 20-25% US GDP in 2050.

Today, Canada and Mexico are about 173 million people. This is just over half of the US population. In 2050, the combined populations could be about 220 million (70 million Canada and 150 million Mexico). In 2050, the US will have about 370 million people. Canada and Mexico combined population would be around 59-60% of the US level.

In 2050, North America could have 590 million people and a GDP in today’s dollars of $53 trillion. The US could have $44 trillion and Canada and Mexico about $9 trillion.

Canada’s aggressive immigration policies will impact the US if it works or if it does not. Mexico problems have also been US problems. Mexico’s gains have been US gains.

Jesus vs. Torah: How the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's Gospel redefined God’s Law

I recognized a long time ago that those red quotations are the authentic words spoken by Jesus and the only anchor of truth possible in the terms of understanding.

Is it possible that others are flowing in that direction as well? a good sign.

The issue of divinity is an aspect of the time and place.  We are all aspects of GOD, folks.

I consider it plausible that we will achieve wormhole tech able to project back in TIME to this era.  Thus Yesua can be a modern human reenacting the entirety of the ministry of Yesua. This nicely closes the TIME loop and establishes the basis for heaven on earth.

This informs the intellectual precision behind the testament's.

Jesus vs. Torah: How the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's Gospel redefined God’s Law


The way things are said often communicates more than what is said. We know this rule of communication is true when we are talking, but we often forget it when listening to Jesus’ written words in the Gospels.

If you have ever seen a “Red Letter” Bible, you know how easy it becomes to pick out the words of Jesus in the Gospels. You may also know that the Gospel of Matthew has a ton more red font than Mark. Why? Because Mark focuses more on Jesus’ activity while Matthew is focused on his teaching.

If you skim through Matthew in a “Red Letter” Bible, you will find a few long sections of uninterrupted red font. Sayings that Luke spread out across many chapters about Jesus’ life are gathered into lengthy sermons in Matthew. Most people have heard about the first one: the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). However, 4 other sermons have been formed out of Jesus’ sayings around common themes: Instructions for Disciples in Matthew 10, Kingdom Parables in Matthew 13, Dealing with Sin in the Church in Matthew 18, and the Judgment Sayings of Matthew 23-25.

In total, Matthew created 5 long sermons out of Jesus’ sayings. We know the 5 sermons were created intentionally because they all have the same ending: “when Jesus had finished saying these things” (Matthew 7:28; 11:1; 13:53; 19:1; 26:1). This literary marker gets the attention of the careful reader. It brings up the important hermeneutical question: Why did Matthew organize Jesus’ sayings into 5 sets of instructions?

​The Way God Gives Instructions

The Gospel according to Matthew organizes Jesus’ sayings into 5 sets of instructions to mirror the 5 books of the Law—the first 5 books of the Bible that Jews call “Torah.” Jesus’ words are being put on par with God’s words first revealed at Mount Sinai. That is significant. Jesus' teaching has become what Moses' instructions were: God's law for God's people. When put in that light, you can see the way Matthew’s Gospel structures Jesus’ sayings actually says quite a lot in itself.

The allusions to the laws of the first covenant become even clearer when you investigate the form and content of Jesus’ first and most famous sermon given on a mountain. Have you ever thought about the fact that Matthew situates the first long sermon on a mountain? Do you think it is intentionally meant to mimic God’s first giving of the Law on Mount Sinai? Absolutely it is. If you have overlooked that detail your whole life, it’s because you were not immersed in the Torah as a child and did not participate in the Law’s required Jerusalem pilgrimages to worship as an adult. The Jewish audience of Matthew’s Gospel wouldn’t miss these subtle connections between the Law of Moses and teaching of Jesus.

The Sermon on the Mount begins in Matthew 5:3-12 with the Beatitudes. Why? It’s not an historical accident. The beatitudes intentionally echo the blessings of Deuteronomy 28:1-14 that Israel proclaimed from Mount Gerizim after entering the holy land. According to Deuteronomy 27:11-12, Moses commanded half of Israel to stand on Mount Gerizim and recite the blessings of obeying God. It is believed the Israelites repeated this corporate act every seven years when they gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Booths (Deuteronomy 31:9-13; m. Sotah 7:8). Since the structure of the blessings and the mountain setting is similar for both Jesus’ beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12 and the traditional Jewish recitation of Deuteronomy’s blessings, the relationship must not be overlooked. The Gospel of Matthew is purposefully connecting the two events. What’s the purpose? Jesus is gathering Israel on a mountain to declare the new characteristics of those who will be blessed. The covenant requirements for God’s people are changing. Jesus is redefining Torah.

​Jesus Did What Some Jews Expected

Some Jews expected a significant change to the Torah and Temple practices at God's next great act in history. The Dead Sea Scrolls recovered from the Qumran caves describe a community of zealous first-century Jews waiting for a climactic moment in salvation history. They expected God to rearrange the power structure, cleanse the Temple, and revise the Law of Moses.

The Temple Scroll (11QTS) records the expected changes to the Law. Columns 48-66 of the Temple Scroll provide a revised version of the Law (framed after Deuteronomy 12-26) designated for the time when a new Temple is constructed and a new Davidic king reigns in an age to come (see Wise, M. O. "Eschatological Vision of the Temple Scroll" JNES 49 [1990]: 155-172). Why should you care? Because…

Jesus did exactly what the Temple Scroll anticipated.

Jesus revised how teachers of the Law had told people to apply the Law of Moses. Whereas the Temple Scroll decided to apply priestly standards to everyone, Jesus attacks human traditions that distorted the original intent of the Law. He trashes specific regulations and instructions that are antithetical to God’s mercy, justice, and faithfulness in Matthew 5:31-47.

Divorce: Even though Moses created a written divorce certificate to protect the rights of a woman (Deuteronomy 24:1-4), Jesus made it clear divorce is not God’s plan (Matthew 5:31-32)

Vows: Since Jesus’ contemporaries had devised a complicated system of making public oaths that no longer honored the intent behind the commands about oaths in Deut 23:21-23 to do what you say, he called for an end to vows and a return to letting your “yes” mean “yes” and your “no” mean “no” (Matthew 5:33-37)

Retribution: Issuing punishments equal to the offence (“an eye for an eye” in Deuteronomy 19:21) had morphed from the positive outcome of ending cycles of vengeance to a negative outcome of excusing retaliation. So Jesus taught his followers to “turn the other cheek” and return good for evil (Matthew 5:38-42) to motivate oppressors to repent.

Enemies: Commands to annihilate enemies who attacked Israel (Deuteronomy 25:17-19) became an excuse to hate all foreigners. So Jesus instructed people to love and pray for enemies to truly embody God’s mercy (Matthew 5:43-47).All these revisions to established practices that distorted God’s character lined up with Jesus’ thesis statement in the Sermon on the Mount: “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill it.” The Hebrew word “to fulfill” means “to obey” in Rabbinic teaching from Jesus’ day. “To fulfill the Law” means Jesus’ teaching better represented God’s intent behind the original instructions. That is what the Sermon on the Mount and the entire teaching of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel is doing. It redefines the Torah as people understood it. It redirects people to faithfully represent and enact God’s will on earth.

​Expanding God’s Story beyond Jerusalem

Jesus reoriented the entire Jewish world. Jerusalem, the Temple, and the Torah had been the center of their theological and political world. Jesus was changing the loci of divine activity with his subtle yet powerful allusions to the Jewish world.

In Jewish tradition, Jerusalem was the “light of the world” (Isaiah 2:2-4; 42:6; 49:6; Micah 4:1-3; Sib. Or. 5:420-423; Gen Rab 59:5; Pesiq. R. 20:7). But Jesus expands that role. Jesus applies that title to anyone who follows his teaching: “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14-16). That changes a centuries-old storyline. It’s a new and radical revision to the story God is writing.

In Jewish worship at the Temple, every offering had to be sprinkled with salt (Leviticus 2:13; Ezek 43:24; Jub 21:11; 11QTemple 20). Salt was so integral to Israel’s obedience to the Law that it earned the label “salt of the covenant.” It became representative of proper worship to God and atonement for sin in the Old Covenant. But Jesus leaves interest in the Temple sacrificial system behind and calls his followers the “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). What does that mean? Jesus’ followers become the way in which God’s forgiveness and proper worship can be brought to the entire world. That role nullifies the necessity of the Jerusalem Temple.

Jesus’ final blow to the Torah comes in a closing parable at the end of the Sermon on the Mount. He tells the story of a wise man who builds his house on the rock and a foolish man who builds his house on sand. The house built on a rock would make his Jewish audience think about the Temple on Mount Zion. Israel believed the Temple could not fall. God would not let his house crumble. But Jesus is undermining their beliefs in the same way Ezekiel had to challenge fake prophets who denied Jerusalem’s coming destruction (Ezekiel 13:8-16).

The house on the rock that does not fall when the storm comes is not Jerusalem’s Temple, but rather those who hear and do the words of Jesus. As Jesus states plainly, “Everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.” The one who changes his allegiance from the Temple and the current interpreters of Torah to become one who follows Jesus will remain. His words are the new Torah that will outlast the impending destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and its Torah-mandated sacrifices. That’s an unbelievably offensive claim to Jews in Jerusalem. No wonder the religious leaders there had him killed.

​Teacher of a New Torah

This structural and historical analysis of the Gospel according to Matthew dramatically elevates the significance of Jesus’ sayings. Matthew’s structure tells an informed Jewish audience that Jesus is the new Moses. His words are the new Torah. His 5 sermons now do what the 5 books of Moses did. The covenant is changing and therefore the content of God’s commands change as well, just like the Temple Scroll anticipated.

The Gospel of Matthew shows how Jesus’ ministry marks a new day in God’s relationship with his people. It is the only Gospel to describe how the veil inside the Temple ripped when Jesus died. It is a symbolic statement that the old way is gone, and the new way of directly encountering God through Jesus has arrived. The Temple’s role has been disrupted. The darkness, earthquake, and resurrections recorded in Matthew 27:45-54 were all eschatological signs of a change in the ages. Many Jews had expected those events when God stepped into human history to revolutionize the way he related to his people. And God sent those signs so they knew it was happening.

Jesus is the teacher of a new Torah. His words replace the books of Moses. His sacrifice undermines the Temple. His people become the locus of his presence rather than Jerusalem. They are the light of the world bringing a priestly message of atonement for all. The way Matthew’s Gospel organizes Jesus’ life for a Jewish audience makes all these moves clear.

We must pay careful attention to how and where his message is delivered, not just what is said, to understand its significance. Jesus doesn’t just add on some extra points to Mosaic Law. Jesus rewrote what God requires of you. He reenacted the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai and the recitation of blessings on Mount Gerizim to redefine God’s instructions for his people. He revised God’s Law to recapture the intent of God’s heart. That’s a big deal we better not miss. We better take those red letters as seriously as the Gospel of Matthew meant them.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Incredibly small apartment showcases ideas for extreme downsizing

This does not obviate the human need for space, but does address the problem of least working space which can be very cost effective.

none of this properly addresses the human need for storage as well.  Yet it is plausible to slide all this off an underlying storage space into which you can easily step.  And dropping out a wall opens up living space as well.

I do want to say though that all this effort is making real progress.  that is ultimately important.

what is wrong with a hundred square foot system on a pedestal out at trails end along with a robotic carrier able to haul you and go0ds back and forth to even a distant parking lot.  we will get there and is will all be rigged for couples and families even.

Incredibly small apartment showcases ideas for extreme downsizing

September 10, 2024

The Cabanon is a micro-apartment that's situated in a former attic and has a floorspace of just 6.89 sq m (74 sq ft)

Ossip van Duivenbode

Described as probably the smallest apartment in the world, the Cabanon is indeed extraordinarily tiny, measuring just 6.89 sq m (74 sq ft). However, thanks to its clever layout and folding furniture, it's more fully featured than you might expect and even squeezes in a bath and spa area.

The Cabanon takes its name from a cabin of the same name owned by famed architect Le Corbusier. It was conceived by Beatriz Ramo of STAR strategies + architecture and Bernd Upmeyer of BOARD (Bureau of Architecture Research and Design). The designers will actually use it together as a second home.

The micro-apartment is located in a former attic space used for storage in a 1950's residential building in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. To put its size into perspective, it makes even compact tiny houses look big in comparison. The Hartley tiny house, for example, has a floorspace of 27 sq m (290 sq ft).

It has a height of 3 m (9.1 ft), a width of 1.97 m (6.5 ft), and a length of 3.6 m (11.9 ft), all of which is split into four areas. The raised bedroom is accessed by a removable ladder which is stowed on the bathroom door. The bathroom itself contains a toilet and rain shower, and offers access to the spa area, which includes two infrared saunas and a whirlpool bath. The kitchen/ living room, meanwhile, contains a large storage unit that hides a sink, fridge, large table and cooking facilities. It all sounds a bit complicated, but the arty shots provided by the architects show how it comes together.

The Cabanon's spa area is reached from within its bathroom


The project was obviously shaped by working around the lack of space, but also by cost-cutting efforts. For example, the cost of building materials made the decision that the spa would be clad in black Chinese marble, and the shower in blue mosaic.

The designers don't really see the Cabanon as a blueprint for future housing – nobody would want to raise a family in this thing – but it could be good food for thought on how to better make use of small spaces.

"The Cabanon could help optimizing housing and costs but in no way does it advocate towards the reduction of surfaces as the only strategy towards affordable housing, neither it pretends to become the 'house of the future,'" say the architects in their press release.

"However, we can extrapolate some of its strategies in order to make current housing production better and cheaper. Some of these are: the optimization of space–optimization not understood as 'reduction' but as 'maximization' of the possibilities of one space; the modulation of heights of certain spaces in order to superpose some functions; and the detachment towards possession and consumerism, so we are less inclined to buy and accumulate useless objects that clutter our houses and minds."

Supermassive Black Holes in Nearby Galaxy Caught on The Brink of Collision

Another bit of silly artwork.  what is it about painting a black hole?  And anything about to happen is millions of years in the future.

Yet we still peddle immediacy  for our science headline.

Everyone of these claims can be subjected to a well, maybe description.  and do go back to sleep.

A real event will be on us and gone at light speed and anything else is doing sub light and will never arrive.

Supermassive Black Holes in Nearby Galaxy Caught on The Brink of Collision

Space11 September 2024

ByCarolyn Collins Petersen, Universe Today

Artist's impression of black holes about to collide. (brightstars/Getty Images)

Galaxy collisions are foundational events in the Universe. They happen when two systems mingle stars in a cosmic dance.

They also cause spectacular mergers of supermassive black holes. The result is one very changed galaxy and a singular, ultra-massive black hole.

These colossal events are a major force in the evolution of galaxies. It's how smaller galaxies combine to form ever-larger ones. Such mergers have been going on since the earliest epochs of cosmic time.

Galaxy mergers continue today. Our Milky Way continues to gobble up smaller ones and it will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in a few billion years. When that happens, both galaxies' supermassive black holes could also merge.

We don't see the whole process from start to finish because it takes millions of years to complete. Yet, that doesn't stop astronomers from looking for – and finding – evidence of galaxy and supermassive black-hole collisions.

The latest discovery used the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to spot three bright, visible light 'hot spots' deep inside a pair of colliding galaxies. These targets lie relatively close to us – only about 800 million light-years away.

Astronomers followed up with Chandra observations and radio data from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array.

Typically, galaxies with bright cores, called active galactic nuclei (AGN for short), exist very far away. They're often seen earlier in cosmic time. The chance to study a galaxy and a pair of supermassive black holes in a collision in the 'modern' nearby Universe is a good time to study the mechanics of such an event.

Spotting Incipient Supermassive Black Hole Collisions

The discovery of a future cosmic collision came when HST's Advanced Camera for Surveys spotted three optical diffraction spikes in the heart of a colliding galaxy called MCG-03-34-64.

Two of those hot spots appear very close together – only about 300 light-years apart. They trace the presence of oxygen gas in the core. It's being ionized by something very energetic and the hot spots surprised the astronomers. (The third hot spot isn't well understood.)

"We were not expecting to see something like this," said Anna Trindade Falcão of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian in Cambridge, Massachusetts. "This view is not a common occurrence in the nearby Universe, and told us there's something else going on inside the galaxy."HST's image of the galaxy MCG-03-34-064 in visible light. Two of the three bright spots at the core are active galactic nuclei sources of light and X-ray emissions. They indicate two supermassive black holes about 300 light-years apart and growing closer. (NASA/ESA/Anna Trindade Falcão/CfA)

Falcão and her colleagues wanted to know what was going on to cause those bright spots. So, they used the Chandra X-ray observatory to focus on the action.

"When we looked at MCG-03-34-64 in the X-ray band, we saw two separated, powerful sources of high-energy emission coincident with the bright optical points of light seen with Hubble. We put these pieces together and concluded that we were likely looking at two closely spaced supermassive black holes," said Falcão.

The team also found observations of these objects in archival radio telescope data. Those powerful radio emissions proved that the pair of black holes exists and are edging closer together.

"When you see bright light in optical, X-rays, and radio wavelengths, a lot of things can be ruled out, leaving the conclusion these can only be explained as close black holes," noted Falcão. "When you put all the pieces together it gives you the picture of the AGN duo."

The Upcoming Collision

These central supermassive black holes will collide in perhaps a hundred million years.

Each is at the core of a single galaxy. As those galaxies draw ever closer together, the black holes in their hearts will start to interact. Eventually, they'll merge in a powerful event, emitting gravitational waves as part of the process.

Astronomers suggest (via simulations and observations) that mergers of galaxies with supermassive black holes trigger a lot of activity. As the collisions proceed, interstellar gas flows toward the galactic centers.

It also gets compressed in other regions and both activities trigger bursts of star formation. Some gas also accretes onto those central supermassive black holes, causing increased emissions as material spirals through the accretion disk.

These mergers happen continually in the Universe. Models of galaxy evolution, coupled with observational evidence suggest that many AGNs at the hearts of galaxies experience mergers. Colliding supermassive black hole pairs within those AGNs also suggest that those black holes grow through mergers.

Supermassive Black Hole Collisions and Future Detections

Understanding the merger of close-together AGNs such as the ones seen in MCG MCG-03-34-64 offers a unique window into the final stages of what astronomers call SMBH binary coalescence.

Such events are and will continue to be a major way to measure the effects of these mergers. They'll offer a rich field of study using observatories sensitive to light across the spectrum, as well as future gravitational wave detectors.LISA will observe a passing gravitational wave emitted as a result of the collision of two supermassive black holes directly by measuring the tiny changes in distance between freely falling proof masses inside spacecraft with its high precision measurement system. (AEI/MM/exozet)

Those detections will require advanced versions of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), which made its first detections only a few years ago. Supermassive black hole merger-induced gravitational waves will be the target of future instruments such as LISA (short for Laser Interferometer Space Antenna).

It will deploy three space-based detectors millions of miles apart to capture the long-wavelength gravitational waves emitted when black hole behemoths like the ones in MCG-03-34-64 collide.

Since those mergers occur throughout the Universe, it'll be a rich field of study that contributes greatly to our understanding of galaxy mergers as part of cosmic evolution.

Jet Thrust Fuel and 911

There comes a time in which it is proper to do inquisitive calculations in order to confirm the reality of what we accept as true.

To start with small early aircraft needed fuel storage and wings provided handy tankage.  Today we have a fuselage cross section that is truly large  This suggests ample room for tankage along the lowest deck zone under the cargo floor.   After all, it must be flat there and the fuselage arc is not. This also avoids serious pumping anytime the plane banked slightly.  In short, we want our fuel there.

Except we also do not want to tell you any of this.

These calculations aim at showing that the wings are implausible fuel tanks for these big birds.  In fact, they would likely be an engineering mistake.

Jet Thrust Fuel and 911

Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Grant Ouellette, Contributing Writer

Submitted on September 10, 2024

“Jet Airliner” Steve Miller Band

Leavin’ home, out on the road, I’ve been down before

Ridin’ along on this big ol’ jet plane, I’ve been thinkin’ about my home

But my love light seems so far away, And I feel like it’s all been done

Somebody’s tryin’ to make me stay, You know I’ve got to be movin’ on

Oh, Oh big ol’ jet airliner, Don’t carry me too far away

Oh, Oh big ol’ jet airliner, Cause it’s here that I’ve got to stay

Goodbye to all my friends at home, Goodbye to people I’ve trusted

I’ve got to go out and make my way, I might get rich you know I might get n-busted

But my heart keeps calling me backwards, As I get on the 707

Ridin’ high I got n-tears in my eyes

You know you got to go through hell before you get to heaven

Big ol’ jet airliner, Don’t carry me too far away

Oh, Oh big ol’ jet airliner, Cause it’s here that I’ve got to stay

Touchin’ down in New England town, Feel the heat comin’ down

I’ve got to keep on keepin’ on

You know the big wheel keeps a spinnin’ around

And I’m goin’ with some m-hesitation

You know that I can surely see

That I don’t want to get caught up in any of that

Funky shit goin’ down in the city

Big ol’ jet airliner, Don’t carry me too far away

Oh, Oh big ol’ jet airliner, Cause it’s here that I’ve got to stay

Steve Miller- Jet Airliner with lyrics (

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First, in my continuing clean up for the Age of Aquarius, my base insanity included,

The Grant ‘Age of Pisces’ Awards

The Rock Music ‘Watch Out, Touch Monkeys’ Award goes to ‘The Talking Heads‘ for their 1984 concert film ‘Stop Making Sense’ which includes the song ‘Swamp’. Thank you Talking Heads David Byrne, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth and Jerry Harrison, and producer and band manager Gary Kurfirst, and director Jonathan Demme.

Talking Heads – Swamp HD (Original 1984 VHS Audio) (

Play YouTube video

“beauties in solid motion”

Basis of Article

The Idea: Jets, ‘birdies in solid motion’, are powered by some sort of energy.

3 Parts or Subsets of the Idea:

Jets are powered by jet fuel only;

Jets are powered by jet fuel for take-off and then compressed gas once climbing is finished;

Jets are powered by something different from the above, for example, free energy or electro-magnetic propulsion devices.

Fantasy – the faculty or activity of imaging things, especially things that are impossible or improbable

If jets are not powered by liquid jet fuel, then any explanation for the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings on 911 that includes ‘melted steel caused by burning jet fuel’ is fantasy.

There are many calculations herein for common sense: reasonability and, or plausibility tests or checks. For seeming simplicity, assumptions are made. This is my first go to understand this info. In this lifetime I have no jet design or jet maintenance experience.

Why Jets Fly at 30,000 to 39,000 Feet

Stratosphere 6 to 30 mile altitude or 10 to 50 km

Cloud Levels

Low-level below 6,500 feet or 1,981 m: cumulus, stratus, stratocumulus

Mid-level 6,500 to 20,000 feet or 6,096 m: altocumulus, altostratus

High-level above 20,000 feet: cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus

Thunderstorm or cumulonimbus clouds are found from 2,000 to 52,000 feet or 610 to 15,850 m

Some info herein from: Why Airplanes Fly at 30,000 feet | Aviation Coaching

After take-off a jet climbs for say 15 to 20 minutes to attain cruising altitude.

As a jet flies through it, the air is like a fluid with molecules rubbing the fuselage generating friction called drag which slows the plane. Thinner air with less molecules or density requires less thrust or fuel for a jet to pass through the same distance.

Smaller turboprop planes often fly between 25,000 and 30,000 feet (7,620 to 9,144 m) altitude.

Oxygen masks are necessary above 10,000 feet or 3,048 m, thus pressurized cabins.

Except for thunderstorms, most turbulent weather systems are avoided by flying above 35,000 feet, 10,668 m. Pilots decide whether to go through or around clouds and storms.

Rule of thumb: avoid bird, plane and drone collisions by flying at or above 10,000 feet, 3,048 m.

Altitude to Oxygen Chart – Oxygen Levels at Different Altitudes (

The oxygen part of air: sea level 20.9%, 10,000 feet 14.3%, 20,000 feet 9.7%, 30,000 feet 6.3%

At 30,000 feet there is only 30.1% as much air as at sea level.

At 30,000 feet a jet flying 3.3 times as the near surface speed ‘V’ will have the same air drag as the same jet flying ‘V’ just above the ground.

Jet Fuel Details?

Note that the tank in this smaller SkyMark truck trailer takes up less than half the trailer volume:

1 cubic foot is 1,728 cubic inches

1 US gallon has a volume of 231 cubic inches, 0.1337 cubic feet, 3.785 liters

inversely, 1 cubic foot is the volume of 7.48 US gallons, 28.32 L

Guesstimate of tank volume: width x height x length = (∏ x 1.6 x 1.6) x 3.2 x 10 = 257 cubic feet

257 x 7.48 = 1,924 gallon tank volume

Guesstimate of trailer volume: width x height x length = 6 x 6 x 16 = 576 cubic feet

tank volume compared to trailer volume: 257 / 576 = 45%

Other: hot water tanks have a glass container inside; since water will not squeeze into a smaller volume, your home water storage tanks use expanding rubber for 30 to 40 psi

From How Hot Does Jet Fuel Burn? | BitLux ( Jet fuel weighs 6.47-7.01 pounds per US gallon at a temperature of 59 F. 1 pound equals 0.143-0.155 gallons. It is estimated that most commercial aircraft have a capacity for 5,000 – 100,000 gallons or 30,000–700,000 pounds of jet fuel.

Image from Empowering Better Humans Club – LOVE THE WATER YOU ARE IN (

Note: a 767 (911 fantasy plane) had 2 jet engines; the 4 engine jet above is for jet calculations herein.

Guesstimate of trailer volume: width x height x length = (∏ x 3 x 3) x 6 x 30 = 5,086 cubic feet

10,000 gallons x 0.1337 cubic feet/gallon = 1,337 cubic feet

% of above guesstimate of 5,086 cubic feet: 1,337/5,086 = 26.3% of trailer volume is the fuel tank

(Side calculation: 3.8 tankers x 26.3% = 99.94% round to 100% or 1)

Round that to 25% and multiply by the 4 trucks in the meme = 1 full truck volume of jet fuel

From the meme image, 1 wing does not seem to have enough volume to hold 1 full truck of jet fuel.

Compressed Air Theory

For thrust or reverse thrust (braking) the jets use kerosene or jet fuel to take off but once at a certain altitude thrust comes from tanks of compressed air.

Common sense: It is safer to burn the same jet fuel in a ground level building controlled environment in the manufacture of compressed air tanks and use those for plane propulsion than it is to transport the fuel and burn it inside a plane; also for insurance purposes.

Burning temperature of kerosene: 1814 F or 990 C in air

Burning temperature of jet fuel: 300 to 3000 F or 149 to 1661 C

Melting temperature of steel: 2370 to 2800 F or 1300 – 1540 C depending on composition

The 767 200 ER Jet has fuel capacity of 137,015 pounds or max of 16,700 US Gallons

check 137,015 / 16,700 = 8.2 pounds (? above the 7.01 figure given above)

A full 767 fuel would have a volume of 16,700 x 0.1337 = 2,232 cubic feet or 1,116 cf per wing

Based on the above diagrams of a 2 engine jet which is a 767 or similar,

the dimensions, including the wings, of a Boeing 767:

maximum takeoff weight 315,001 lbs 142,882 kg

maximum landing weight 271999 lbs 123377 kg

difference 43,002 lbs 19,505 kg

yet above fuel weight info is 137,015 pounds??? 31.4%? inconsistency non explained

wheelbase 64 feet 7.2 inches 19.69 m

tall height 52 feet 11 inches 16.13 m

exterior length 159 feet 1 inch 48.5 m

wingspan 47.57 m or 156 feet 1 inch (tip to tip) – almost the same as length

2 seating capacities: 174 includes first class, or 214 seats with no first class

cargo volume 3037.6 cubic feet 86.9 cubic meters

range 3900 nautical miles 4488 miles 7223 km

body width 16.5 feet; fuselage diameter = 16 feet 6 inches 5.03 m

cabin width 15.5 feet 4.72 m; cabin length 111 feet 4 inches 33.93 m

wing area 283.3 square m or 3,050 square ft (both top and bottom); 1,525 per wing; 762.5 square ft per wing top

For the rough calculation(s) below I assume that the fuelless flaps are 20% of the wing area and that the wing shape is a uniform rectangle, cuboid.

flapless area top of 1 wing = 762.5 x 80% = 610 square feet

a single wing length = (wingspan – body width) / 2 = (156 – 16.5)/2 = 69.8 feet or 21.3 m

the average wing width = area of 1 wing / length = 762.5 / 69.8 = 10.9 feet or 3.3 m

in an assumed cuboid wing shape: volume = area x height

no wing height is given in the websites I visited

If the wing held only jet fuel with a volume of 1,116 cubic feet per wing as above

the average wing height = volume / flapless wing area = 1,116 / 610 = 1.83 feet or 0.56 m

So, it is questionable whether the fuel would fit in the wings.

Does anyone see a fuel storage tank in the ‘FLIGHT’ opening image? The wing looks like it’s merely metal structure for support. There is something that might be a small tank where the wing meets the fuselage but I don’t see a place with enough volume for 1,116 cubic feet of fuel in one wing.

I am not sure what the tubular objects are near the wingtips.

A pressurized cabin can only come from a compressed air source.

Samuel Pressure Vessel Group manufactures custom air receiver tanks of 60,000 gallon capacity.

60 Gallon Vertical Air Tank with Feet & Top Plate, (13″ x 30), Overall 20″ x 48″, 200 PSI ASME Coded | A10044

Maximum pressure from a tank of compressed air: In regard to ratings, compressed air receiver tanks have a maximum pressure rating that is measured in psi (pounds per square inch) The most common ratings tend to range from 125psi to 150psi, although the normal pressure for air brake systems ranges from 20 to 173 psi or 138 to 173 kPa.

from Cylinder_Chart_ENG.pdf (

50 L 3051 cubic inches of liquid air in a tank weighs 147.7 pounds 67 kg 59 inches tall 1.5 m 9 inch diameter 0.229 m about the size of a slim 5 foot 10 inch man

2,960 or so-called 3000 L 780 cubic inches of liquid air in a tank weighs 4,806 pounds 2,180 kg 112 inches tall 2.85 m 59 inches in diameter 1.5 m

Formula for thrust: T = P x A

T = thrust in Newtons, P = pressure in Newtons/m x m, A = area in square meters or m x m


Both 767 jet engine models had a maximum output of 48,000 pounds-force (210 kN) of thrust.

I square inch = 0.00064516 square m (inverse: 1,550.0 square inches in a 1 square m)

Using maximum number found above 200 PSI = 0.129032 pounds per square m

For T = 210 kN (kilo Newtons) or 210,000 N

and P = 200 x 0.129032 = 25.8 N / square m

A = T / P = 210,000 / 25.8 = 8,140 square meters

To achieve maximum output of 48,000 pounds-force or 210,000 N of thrust a compressed air tank of 200 PSI would have to have a valve opening of 8,140 square meters or 87,618 square feet which is 90 m by 90 m or almost 300 feet by 300 feet.

There is no way compressed air at 200 PSI can produce thrust similar to a jet engine.

From The Top 10 FAQs About Compressed Air – Fun Facts About Compressed Air (

Compressed air is a popular energy source for many reasons. The main benefits of using air compressors and compressed air are: cheap, safe when used properly, versatility, compact and easy to move.

Compressed air accounts for about 10% of the global energy currently used.

Jet Pack flying requires equipment seemingly too large to be adapted to a jet plane.


The public has been misled regarding jet planes. Jet fuel storage tanks and structures to support their weight appear to require more volume than that available in the wings, so they must be using another energy source, perhaps free energy devices.

Regarding 911 theories, no or little jet fuel in 767s means no melting steel on 911.

Besides, there were no planes, so no jet fuel:

128 x 9 x 125 = 144,000