Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Sanctum Chrisma Anointing

This is an ancient healing oil which made use of Hemp or CBD oils as the most likely active ingredient.  We now know enough to unde4rstand that species selection is helpful as well.  It is certainly beneficial.

In combination with powering up the spirit body as well, major healing should be facilitated.  So yes, all tnhis looks to be best practise and really needs to be made real.

Stimulating the Inner Sun is no easy trick and that is a key aspect of healing by the laying on of hands.

Sanctum Chrisma Anointing

Operation Disclosure | By Mr. Oxygen, Guest Writer June 24, 2020 SANCTUM CHRISMA 


Operation Disclosure | By Mr. Oxygen, Guest Writer

June 24, 2020



Sanctum Chrisma

Holy Chrism

Muron Oil, Oil of Thanksgiving, Oil of Anointing, Chrism, Chrism of Thanksgiving, Chrism from Heavens, Mystical Chrism, Myrrh, Divine Myrrh, Mystical Myrrh, Great Myrrh, Holy and Great Myrrh, Benedictio Olei in the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus. Today Holy Myrrh.

Apostle John’s own personal realization of His already possessing the ability of being able to control his own God's Gift of Creativity flowing out of His Heart, and His also being able to consciously direct that Source Energy Expansion as called for, was heretofore unknown to him consciously before his Friend Jesus arrived. Their meeting changed everything. It was not chance.

[  understand that we are talking about the impossible but possible as i have seen the inner SUN. The protective shell cracked open while i was meditating and i was flooded with solar level radiation.  It was ultraviolet so it did not damage me.  Guiding this flood of energy allows you to power up your spirit body and heal your physical body.  arclein  ]
After taking on the usual standard Earth incarnation Veil of Forgetfulness, and going along living Life like everyone else here, John met His special Friend and Teacher again in the form of a man in this physical space time expanse terrain 2,000 years ago. John’s Friend was a Direct Projection of SOURCE Example direct from Source, who once again changed John’s awareness and his world view forever.

John instinctively dropped what he was doing and followed. The rest is history.

After His teacher charged up and taught his inner circle how, they all began using their now unlocked gifts they were unaware of that they already had flowing out of their Hearts. The use of "Laying" on of Hands without touching - so they could better direct the Source Energy always flowing out of their Hearts - was one of them. A knowledge gift given by His Teacher that served John and all those benefiting well.

Their group of 12 and friends and supporters was helping to facilitate the growing expansion of people’s newly discovered Awareness. Recessive genes were awakening. It was time.

There was disturbance in The Force. Natural expansion in the people was being suppressed and hampered by their own judgment filled DNA & stunted senses. These were dumbed down on purpose by our local space "gods" own creator’s genetics, and the programs installed in us intended to control our beliefs. It was all coming from these same space gods who are themselves still using earlier models than WE have of our own physical vehicles. All of the vehicles discussed are full of untruth errors because they are populated with ancestor space god lesser sub creators DNA and beliefs.

The little gods wanted worship, they wanted sex with our women, they wanted to judge us, they wanted our money, our children, our adrenochrome and loosh. They wanted control. To criminally take away our free choice. Being more experienced and more tech savvy they could force it. But they still will pay the price for doing so. Their ego arrogance and worship practices keep them unaware of this truth.

All because long ago in their past, fear was genetically installed in them all. Somebody in their same species mind controlled each other, their own ancestors, to win a war. Genetics says they are originally winged ancient dragons, Through breeding, fear spread throughout dimensional creation including ours here.They thought they were not enough, so they needed more - they told themselves this. They wanted to tell US what to do so they could take OURS.

This breaks the Prime Law. As much as they thought they could get away with, they conspired and took away our joint indigenous True Ultimate Creator’s freedom to choose from His OWN children, US. WE ARE the response. They thought they could get away with it because nothing happened. Due to the operation of Divine Infinite Patience, it seemed like nothing did happen, but their expriment went too far.

They were being given every opportunity by Infinite Loving Patience to correct in their sandbox, but didn’t, so they arrogantly kept doing more and criminality got way overboard worse. The imbalance was out of hand. Now recently the perpetrators are becoming shark chum. Orders come down from the highest levels. Balance being restored.

To counter the criminal error moves, and to reclaim this original Territory of TRUE Light for Source again, the new spiritual Sheriff was sent in. The job at hand, to drain the swamp and re-establish - by living AS the example - the Natural Ways of the True Clear Universe Of Light And Sound in these unnatural duality conditions we live under here in time and dimension.

The Example arrived. John’s Teacher’s Example Presence on our planet is a direct projection of Source Father Mother here all by itself and IS responsible for causing the consciousness expansion EVERYWHERE! And it is all coming directly from OUR unique specific location.

That’s why everyone from so many worlds and species is here now. To help us all celebrate in JOY! That, and perhaps possibly revealing a wee bit of an agenda of self interest concerning the best ones noticing they are all still dimensionally stuck themselves until they help us. Because their own species had caused it.

John is facilitating the impact of the expanding HOLY SPIRIT of TRUE LIGHT SOURCE ENERGY working through the people of his day. Along the way the patriarchs noticed the people’s traditional Old Testament old school practice of baptism was proving not strong enough to completely cope with the surrounding negative inflow anymore. Jesus barely had left before the space god slave system here was busy influincing people corrupting his message. Also, there were now so many new people arriving and choosing to identify as SOURCE aligned it was hard to physically keep up with the increasing demand of new adherants.

Eventually, John’s Apostolic ministry style of personally Laying On Hands - as he was taught- was an excellent start for propagating the flowing movement, but running up against reaching physical mortal coil limits. Apostles were teaching and passing on their Master’s wishes and egos, especially the further down the line ego belief systems, were automatically changing the message.

There was only so many Apostles and the need was growing as word of His teacher and His example spread. A Natural method of helping us to expand our own Spirits now reaching further out of our Hearts and out into our whole bodies and spreading through our societies is now found able to boost and expanded through the judicious use of Nature.

Discovering and utilizing special parts of the rest of the Creation manifesting as a pure Nature healing blend can help in increasing our abilities and is turning out to be both an available pre-existing solution and a nice doubling up and more effective bonus in itself as well.

WE now find that in our modern era WE can combine this previously lost or hidden biblical plant knowledge with OUR expanding Awareness and OUR Heart energy to OUR own world's benefit.

[ This is an assertion pay attention arclein ]

WE can use certain special combinations of Nature’s healing plants already with us and hidden since antiquity, both in and on us. Used long before Jesus arrived. WE can combine the influence coming from within our Hearts with these special fruits readily availale as a blend coming from OUR Ultimate Source’s Natural Environment Creation.

WE can combine this Sacred Nature blend with OUR ongoing Expansion of Spirit within OUR world’s territory by now making it become more available publicly through this writing,

WE can experience healing using this Natural Bounty through our choosing to use Source’s Anointing Oil in combination with our Hearts to expand mankind’s HOLY SPIRIT OF TRUE LIGHT ENERGY even more than previously physically available here.

Thus began the secret ancient traditions of always saving some of the old Sacred mixture and adding it into the new mixture, and so on, making the new mixture also Sacred, and continuing the unbroken energy chain from antiquity. We’re now coming out from under the veils of secrecy.

OUR local dimensional space time criminal fraud merchants kept this from US. The original exact recipe was lost when mistranslated in 3 BC. It is incorrect and has been printed worldwide. I now replace that with more accuracy as far as I can discern.

This is the ancient sacred recipe given by the space gods printed mistranslated in the bible, and as used by some for healing mankind during thousands of years of using Nature to heal people.

Sanctum Chrisma

13.22774 lb. Liquid Myrrh     - 2 parts                           
6.61386 lb. Fragrant Cinnamon - 1 part
6.61386 lb. Kaneh Bosem (THC free) mistranslated - 1 part
13.22774 lb. Cassia - 2 parts
11.79473 lb. Olive Oil Blend as fine pure perfume  about 2 parts likely to make it up properly.

Whatever touches this was considered and seen as SACRED
Ancient priests drenched in it
Tents altars tables utensils lamps basins stands

Healing use worldwide

Previously a BIG secret of space gods and their priests and rulers

Commoners forbidden any manufacture use access Transgression formerly meant death

IMO Reported to support improving or healing EVERYTHING

Happy Oxygen!

Mr. Oxygen

"Then You Will Know The Truth and The Truth Will Set You Free"

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