Saturday, July 25, 2020

Rising Chinese Nationalism

The real opposition to the CCP happens to be Chinese  nationalism.  Hong Kong has shown the way and CCP opposition is public now.

What has to happen is a China first movement acting in direct opposition to the CCP.  We already have folks hitting the bricks.  Hanging out banners is a simple step forward.  It is all there at the local level already.

Better yet everyone has likely read the USA Declaration of Independence and the Constition as well.  This puts on paper the population's claim for real freedom.  Thus a rise of sentiment can be associated with completely indigeouness aspirations.

What follows is complete rejection of support for cadres.  You stop serving then and ultimately the people make a practise of shunning them.  You soon learn that the majority can work around any Minority.

This is not scorched earth but a denial of service.  Cars and power are easily disabled.  The whole community gets on side so no one individual is singularly tasked with such sabotage.  Publically call out the threat.

All this are real difficulties htat inconvenience at least.  It also allows continued pressure to be applied until hte cadre resigns from the CCP.

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