Wednesday, July 8, 2020

PTSD and Metal detecting

Here is an interesting empirical report we need to pay attention to.  We already know that PTSD benefits from brain focusing therapies likely because it induces corrective rewiring in the damaged areas.

The trick is to source useful tools.  Only so many are ready to become machinists or even up to it.

This particular tool is almost ideal as it demands fine control and developing patience.  It also allows you to go out every day and work up your times as well.

All good and strongly recommended to victims.  It does not demand a shop or a partner and any old patch of dirt is prospective.  Even your dog will be happy.

Hope you are doing well. I work with Kellyco Metal Detectors and I'm reaching out about an article we recently published on metal detecting as a tool for PTSD recovery found here:

Throughout the years, we’ve had various customers open up about their battle with PTSD, as well as other mental illnesses, and how metal detecting has helped them cope. We wanted to create an in-depth guide for individuals experiencing the same struggles who are looking for an outlet, and included some of their stories about the positive role metal detecting has played in their lives.

This was a piece our team created with the utmost respect and consideration. I wanted to reach out and see if you would mind adding a link to the guide on your page found here:, because I believe metal detecting to be a great coping method for PTSD.

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