I am not a fan of this MEME. I have a lot of respect for the atmospheric energy ocean which is quite able to correct imbalances immediately. Yet it can be disturbed locally where local effects become possible. silver Iodine has its own use and it certainly allowed local weather management during the Beijing Olympics.
Can the jet stream be disturbed? Considering the amount of effort going out on this, it must be true.
Yet hold on a second. The jet stream is notably stable and acts as a fast regulator. That means that on average nothing really happens but that still allows us to disturb it and triggers an event. Which is then naturally countered to return to zero.
Trouble is that this can all happen on its own and has done so firever.
The Weather War
A hundred million Americans have freezing temperatures on May 9th and its snowing in New York City and 12 inches of snow in New England. At least twenty states are under a freeze and dozens of records of freezing temperatures are being broken by a freezing cold wave in May that is considered highly unusual. . After sending its disease worldwide I suggest China is using weather modification, financial disruption, tornadoes, and terrorism to attack the US and its allies. These attacks are hard to prove but very effective. An unusual May freezing spell is hitting the Midwest and Northeast this weekend. The Chinese weather control also brings larger and more devastating tornadoes and floods to the US and other allied countries. Cold is thought to help the spread of Coronavirus because the warm sun tends to kill the coronavirus within minutes, the US Department of Homeland Security claims. Several countries such as China, Russia have large scientific teams studying weather alteration bioweapons. The Beijing Weather Modification Office

The Beijing Weather Modification Office is part of China’s nationwide weather control effort, believed to be the world’s largest; it employs 37,000 people nationwide putting silver iodide or dry ice into clouds. We are falling behind in the weather control race; modern aircraft could drop chemicals or dry ice into Tornado forming clouds and greatly weaken their potential destruction. Dr. James E. Mc Donald’s a famous ufologist’s weather studies showed how weather modification could occur with devices like HAARP.
The government in the USA has failed to properly support basic scientific research and weather modification since the mid-1970s. China and Russia are working together to create HAARP to control the weather. Five experiments launched in June with the purpose of modifying the ionosphere above the Earth for both communication and military purposes. They were able to modify a zone more than 310 mile above Vasilsursk, Russia that experienced an electric spike, which carried 10 times more negatively-charged subatomic particles than other regions.
A second experiment heated that portion of the atmosphere – a portion roughly half the size of Great Britain – more than 200 degrees Fahrenheit, due to particle flux. Those particles were shot into the ionosphere from a Soviet-Era atmospheric heating station. This was done by an array of high-power antennae designed to spike the higher levels of the atmosphere with a large amount of 260 megawatts, microwave radiation. He who controls the weather – also controls the world, militarily, economically, socially, monetarily, completely. With HAARP they are supposed to be able to affect the Ionosphere and move the jet streams about at will – determining drought or floods wherever desired in the world.
According to a Popular Mechanics article, which called the Chinese chase for a HAARP of their own a chase for weapons instead of science?

China effected Polar Jet Stream
Small electrical and temperature changes in the Polar Jet Stream in China or Russia can create large changes in the jet stream when it hits the US. Weather weapons that are able to change the trajectory of the Polar Jet Stream can create record low temperatures unheard of in May that can have disastrous effects on the spread of disease and damage to the early planting of crops. High-energy microwaves, such as those recently discharged by Russia and China allow the controller to manipulate communication and weather patterns. In reality, they can penetrate ground or water as deep as 328 feet and even disrupt satellite communication.
Dr. James E. Mc Donald’s a famous ufologist’s weather studies showed how weather modification could occur with devices like HAARP. He wrote essays :(1953),
1 comment:
Ha! Coming from an American, the country with the largest weather modification program and its citizens terrified of contrails full of aluminium.
I'd suggest anyone interested has a look at an orrery, I use theplanetstoday.com and you will find the planets are gathering on one small quadrant of the solar system, something not seen for over 300years.
If you feel the solar system has no effect on the Earth, then don't waste your time. Otherwise, expect unusual sun conditions and unusual weather. Keep an eye out for the 4 horsemen- pestilence, famine.. plague... war...
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