This is advertising copy aimed at brain health from dr sears. There is \worthwile knowledge here so it is worth the effort.
Turns out that those other cells beside out neurons are central to sustaining out intyelligence. All this allows therapeutics to be refocused and better targeted. That is good news for everyone and the example of that cohort of 100 year olds informs mightily.
expect to see plenty of of concoctions made available soon.
World’s leading neuroscientist1 confirms…
Einstein’s Genius
Secret Revealed
Sixty-four years after Einstein’s brain was stolen and preserved, new brain imaging technology2 finally reveals the secret behind his genius.
And it’s making some ordinary people extraordinarily smarter.
In fact, one clinical study found it reversed over half a CENTURY of brain aging in 100-year-olds… and restored the mental faculties they enjoyed back in their 50s.
“This is a real bombshell in the field of neuroscience.” – Princeton
“A separate but parallel network to the neural network, influencing how well the brain performs.” – National Institutes of Health3
“Contributes not only to normal brain function but also plays key role in the brain's reaction to disease or injury.” – Baylor
By Al Sears, MD
This is an unusual story.
But for now, forget about who stole Einstein’s brain.
Because a shocking discovery inside it has solved the single biggest mystery about how your mind works.
And more importantly…
This breakthrough has led to a new — and entirely different — approach that can make you much, much smarter.
Why is it more powerful? Because we now know…
Typical “Brain-Enhancing” Therapies Only Help Half Your Brain!
And they may be ignoring the more important half!
Let me explain…
You have two types of cells in your brain.
But since the dawn of brain research, neuroscientists have focused exclusively on only ONE of these cell types.
(That’s why they call them “neuroscientists.”)
You have about 86 billion neurons. Combined, they work together and make up something called your “neural network.”
Scientists used to think your neural network was the source of ALL higher intelligence, and made possible things like:
• Speech
• Memories
• Problem solving
• Critical thinking
• Visualization
• Creativity
• Focus
And much more…
In other words, everything that makes you human.
But get this…
Only HALF the Cells in Your Brain Are Neurons!
And that’s where this discovery in Einstein’s brain comes in.
I’ll give you all the details in a moment…
But simply put, new imaging technology reveals there was nothing unique about the number of neurons in Einstein’s brain.
However, he had a LOT more of these other cells than the average human.
75% more to be exact.4
And Many Experts Say These Other Brain Cells Were the Source of Einstein’s Genius
It’s flipped everything we thought we knew about how the brain works completely upside down.
With a flurry of recent research showing new therapies that strengthen this other, ignored half of your brain result in:
✓ A steel-trap memory
✓ Improved IQ
✓ Lifting brain fog and “senior moments”
✓ Clear thinking
✓ Faster thinking
✓ And preservation of brain size
Incredibly, that doesn’t even scratch the surface.
Prestigious institutions worldwide are saying tapping into the dormant power of these other brain cells could unlock new levels of intelligence.
For example, Baylor College of Medicine says this other network of cells “permitted the development of a complex nervous system.”5
The University of California reports they are the “key to learning and memory.”6
And since we have many more of these cells than animals do…
Purdue neuroscientist Andrew Koob, PhD, believes they may be what makes us human, calling them “the source of imagination.”7
That last point may sound outrageous.
But I invite you to consider the findings of Dr. R. Douglas Fields.
He holds degrees from UC Berkeley, Stanford AND Yale.
He is currently the Chief of Nervous System Development at the National Institutes of Health.
He’s widely considered one of the world’s leading neuroscientists, and he’s confirmed these cells form…
“A separate but parallel network to the neural network, influencing how well the brain performs.”
Said differently, neurons are NOT the only game in town.
You have TWO separate networks of brain cells. NOT just one.
And while everyone has been focused on the health and performance of your neurons and neural network…
Research into these other cells – and the separate network that connects them – has been almost completely ignored.
Well, the potential of this was simply too great to be overlooked.
So I tasked my research team with the challenge of finding everything that can maximize performance in this ignored area of your brain. They found…
• Intensive and expensive clinical protocols that are pushing the limits of what we thought was possible with human intelligence...
• Painless outpatient procedures that have you in and out in less than an hour…
• And simple, at-home therapies that cost practically nothing…
I put those findings through extensive testing at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine to see what worked best.
I’ve put all of this information into a report I’m prepared to send you for free (more about that in a moment).
But tapping into my 30+ years of experience helping patients with natural therapies, I created a way to stimulate the part of the brain responsible for Einstein’s advantage.
Making it the first-ever, one-of-a-kind, at-home formula created specifically to maximize performance in the half of your brain that’s been totally ignored until now.
And just so we’re clear…
• This is NOT about drugs or prescriptions.
• This is NOT about the typical approaches to making your brain work better.
• This is NOT about neurons, neurotransmitters or improving anything else in your “neural network.”
That’s what everyone else has tried to enhance brain function in old age...
And just look at what a complete failure that approach has been.
Instead, this is about maximizing what I call “Einstein’s Advantage.” And improving what the world’s leading neuroscientist calls the other “separate but parallel network” in your brain.
The other half of your brain that’s been almost completely ignored until now.
It’s a totally new approach that’s giving my patients – many of them well past retirement age – the kind of mental power they haven’t seen in decades.
I’ll explain how it can do the same for you in a moment.
But first, you probably want proof it can make your brain work better, too. So let me share with you the most amazing clinical results I’ve ever seen…
100-Year-Olds Get New Lease on Life
And while the results I’m about to share sound almost too good to believe…
Keep in mind…
They were reported in the No. 1 most-respected journal for cutting-edge nutrition discoveries, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.8
And as incredible as these results are, what’s more impressive is WHO got them.
You see, everyone in the study was at least 100 years old… and according to the research report, were ALL “characterized by decreasing mental health.”
And this was confirmed by tests…
Before starting treatment, they took a gold-standard test of cognitive function called the Mini-Mental State Examination.
The best score you can get is 30. And anything under 24 indicates decreased brain function...
Well on average they scored low. Just 16.4… indicating decreased brain function that’s typical of a person their age.
But then, researchers stimulated the part of their brain responsible for “Einstein’s Advantage.”
They ensured they took the dose by giving out carefully measured vials.
The 100-year-olds kept detailed diaries of what they ate, when they exercised, and recorded any changes.
Nothing was left to chance…
And what happened next in this double-blind, placebo-controlled study shocked everyone.
At the end of the study, everyone took the test again and they were…
Now 583% Smarter
Specifically, the placebo group experienced a 0.6-point increase, which researchers deemed “no significant difference with baseline.”
But the results from the control group were astounding…
Collectively, they scored 4.1 points higher.
That’s 583% better than the control.
Now I’m a doctor and I believe you should have all the facts.
So in the interest of full disclosure, let me point out that score is still below 24. Meaning their brain function was not perfect. But to put this into perspective…
Once this score dips below 24, it typically KEEPS DROPPING (two to four points each year, on average). But this group of 100-year-olds IMPROVED 4 POINTS in 6 months!
The cognitive scores of these 100-year-olds were now that of a typical 60-year-old. With a few outliers improving to the range of someone in their 40s!
That means, in the best of cases…
This Reversed Over HALF a Lifetime of Brain Aging
And even in the worst-case scenario, these centenarians had… at MINIMUM… reversed 30 years of age-related mental decline.
With the researchers noting an “improvement of performance levels” across ALL 5 mental performance indicators, including:
• Attention
• Orientation
• Focus
• Use of language
• And short-term memory
Leading the researchers to conclude this new type of therapy, “can slow cognitive deterioration that occurs as a result of the normal physiologic aging of nervous cells,” and “facilitates an increased capacity for cognitive activity.”
And that’s why this is giving my patients a new lease on life.
Because even if your neural network – which is made of nervous cells – has aged normally… tapping into “Einstein’s Advantage” can still make your brain work better.
And remember.
This dramatic improvement occurred in 100-year-olds who – and I repeat – researchers said were, “characterized by decreasing mental health.”
So, if they experienced a 583% boost in cognitive scores, imagine what it could do for you…
No more losing your keys or eyeglasses…
No more brain fog or “senior moments…”
No more lapses in memory…
No more struggling to keep up in social situations, as you find the right words when you speak.
And it all happened…
• Without drugs
• Without doctor’s visits
• And without side effects.
Which Is Exactly Why You Haven’t Heard About This Yet
You see, Big Pharma insiders are working hard to create a drug that can give you “Einstein’s Advantage.”
They are desperate…
Zero new Alzheimer’s drugs have won federal approval since 2003.
And only five (5!) drugs have EVER been approved by the FDA to treat Alzheimer’s. Those merely alleviate symptoms. They don’t prevent, slow or reverse the disease. And even the best drugs STOP working after just two years.
So if they could make a pill that…
✓ Hands you Einstein-like intellect?
✓ That reverses half a century of lost brain performance?
✓ Gives even 100-year-olds improved mental abilities?
✓ And improves every parameter of brain performance researchers can measure?
Well just imagine the flood of money that would pour in for the drug company that brings it to market!
Drug industry insiders are predicting it would be the world’s first trillion-dollar drug!
Which is exactly why this isn’t front-page news…
Until drug companies can develop a formula they can patent – and profit from – they are happy to keep you in the dark and let your brain waste away… even when there is a solution that is clinically proven to give you results like…
• A supercharged memory
• Improved IQ
• No brain fog or “senior moments”
• Crystal-clear thinking
• And preservation of brain size and function
Plus much, much more… all because it improves this “ignored half” of your brain.
So what are these other brain cells? How do they contribute to your intellect? And what does this have to do with Einstein’s stolen brain?
Let me explain…
How the Theft of Einstein’s Brain Revealed the Genius Secret Locked Inside All of Us
It all started with an act of rebellion…
In 1955, Albert Einstein died. He wished to be cremated – brain and all.
But the doctor who performed his autopsy – Thomas Harvey – ignored those last wishes. And secretly kept and preserved the brain.
Einstein’s family was furious.
But Harvey convinced them studying it offered an amazing opportunity for scientific discovery.
So incredibly…
For the next 40 years, Harvey kept Einstein’s brain floating in a jar. Occasionally cutting off small slices… and… doling them out to scientists around the world who then probed the tissue for clues to Einstein’s genius.

The Mütter Museum is one of only two places in the world where you can see pieces of Albert Einstein’s brain.9
In 1982, one of those slices ended up in the hands of University of California Berkley neuroscientist Dr. Marian C. Diamond. Well, what happened is, she put it under her microscope and ended up making…
The Brain Discovery of the Century!
You see, she got a part of the brain called the “association cortex.” And she’s the one who discovered Einstein’s was 75% bigger than average.
Saying the association cortex is a crucial part of your brain is the understatement of the decade. It’s what helps you understand language… navigate your house to find your keys… plan for the future… and all the other “higher-end” functions unique to humans.10 In other words, this is the part of your brain that separates you from animals.
But get this…
Einstein’s bigger association cortex was NOT stuffed with neurons. It was full of the other type of brain cells. They are called glial cells.
And this revelation sparked a monumental shift in brain research…
Now it’s not that scientists didn’t know about glial cells. They make up half the cells in your brain. They are visible in brain scans. And they were discovered way back in 1856.
It’s just that everyone ignored them. Why? They believed glial cells were mere “housekeepers” of the brain. That they built blood vessels, cleared out waste and maintained the infrastructure of the brain.
Said differently, everyone disregarded glial cells as mere “brawn.” And believed neurons were the true “brains” of the operation.
But the shocking discovery in Einstein’s brain challenged that assumption. And we now know it may be impossible to be smart without them. In fact…
More Glial Cells Double Your IQ11
Neuroscientists at the No. 1 brain-research institution in the country – the Department of Neurology, at a prestigious California university – wanted to see if having more glial cells made you smarter.
So they recruited 65 healthy volunteers, measured their brain size (both neurons and glial cells), and had them take an IQ test.
Here’s what they found…
On average, people with fewer neurons and glial cells score well BELOW average on IQ tests. Below 80 points. That’s bordering on intellectual disability.
But on the other end of the spectrum...
Those with the most neurons and glial cells top the charts with scores well over 140 points… that’s ABOVE average, considered high or genius-level…
And DOUBLE the IQ!
Bottom line: Without healthy fully functioning glial cells your wits… memory… problem solving… critical thinking… creativity… focus and intellect ALL take a nosedive!
Which is why traditional brain-enhancing therapies fall short! They only address HALF the problem. Neurons and your neural network are important. But that won’t do any good unless you take a TOTAL brain approach – and keep your glial cells nourished, too.
Only then will you have the opportunity to keep your wits at 70… 80… 90… and beyond (and even grow smarter).
But I urge you NOT to wait because by middle age…
You Are Rapidly Losing Glial Cells
You see, just like neurons, glial cells die off as the years tick by.
And the consequences are devastating.
For example, you have a thin sheath of protective material that surrounds every single one of the billions of neurons in your brain.
Think of it like the insulation around an electric wire. It allows the nerve signals inside – the signals that form your memories, words and thoughts – to run at optimum speed… keeping your thinking fast and sharp.
This sheath is called myelin. And it’s made up of glial cells.
Up to age 45, there are enough glial cells to produce fresh myelin to keep neurons protected.12 But after that it’s all downhill…

You can see in the graph by age 60 you’ve lost half your myelin. That means the sheath protecting your neurons begins to wear thin. What happens when these lines of communication begin to break down?
In a groundbreaking study published in the journal of Neurobiological Aging,13 researchers measured myelin integrity in a group of men aged 23 to 28… and then… tested their cognitive and motor functions.
Here are the results:

Across the board those with the least myelin performed the worst on the brain performance tests.
• Speech
• Memories
• Problem solving
• Critical thinking
• Visualization
• Creativity
• Focus
Everything suffered…
And here’s why. Researchers reported “as the process of age-related myelin breakdown overtakes the repair process the average performance of the [neural] networks will gradually and progressively decline at an accelerating rate.”
In other words, it doesn’t matter how healthy your neurons are. If the glial cell network that produces the protective myelin sheath degrades… your entire mind falls apart.
Leading the researcher to one final conclusion: “maximum performance depends on myelin integrity of the neural networks.”
Which is incredibly good news.
Because while neuroscientists have struggled for years to improve the performance of your neural network…
Using my 30+ years of working with highly researched and proven roots and herbs, I’ve scoured the medical literature in search of natural ingredients to supercharge the health of your glial network… the part of your brain EVERYONE has ignored until now… that the world’s leading neuroscientist calls “A separate but parallel network to the neural network, influencing how well the brain performs.”
And after months of studying… testing… and perfecting…
I’ve created a new formula that unleashes the full potential of your brain, and is, I believe, your best chance for gaining Einstein-like intelligence…
Introducing the First Formula for the Half of Your Brain Everyone Else Ignores
I call it Focus IQ.
And at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine in Royal Palm Beach, Florida, my patients are achieving amazing results with it. For instance:
Megan G reports, “After taking it, I went from lazy to ultra-productive. And by the end of the day, I’d crossed many long-overdue items off my ‘to-do’ list. But I wasn’t frantic. I was very calm and methodical… it was nice.”
Carolyn A says, “Within hours my vision was brighter and clearer – everything seemed sparkly. It really helps me concentrate and I’ve got energy all day.”
And Bob E – who says the pressures of work crush him with stress – reported, “I had a fast-approaching deadline for a big project. Normally email and the news can distract me easily.” But that didn’t happen. And instead Bob says he “felt more focused, confident and beat my deadline.”
It starts with an incredible compound that triggers glial cells to produce more myelin (a process called myelination).
In ancient India this special compound was revered for thousands of years by the Rishi Holy men.14
These Holy Men could memorize the entire Rig-Veda, an oral history of 1,028 hymns. Each one took eight hours to sing!
Some of these epics contained nearly 9,000 pages of text — but the Rishis could recite them word for word.
It’s called the ”elixir of life” in Ayurvedic medicine — because of the stunning way it enhances memory and learning.
It’s also known as a “longevity herb.”15 For thousands of years it’s been prized because it enhances nearly every aspect of mental functioning — but without unwanted side effects like jitters, energy crashes and overstimulation.
It’s called Centella asiatica.
And studies show it:
• Dramatically improves memory — it’s even better than folic acid (Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal)16
• Leads to a “marked increase” in the growth of new brain neurons — leading to higher brain functioning in terms of concentration, multi-tasking, verbal ability and short- and long-term memory (Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology)17
• Significantly increases your brain’s master antioxidant, glutathione — to help you maintain a high-functioning, high-performing brain (Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
• Provides “comprehensive protection” of your brain cells — so you don’t need to worry about memory loss, foggy thinking or loss of focus (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
But with Focus IQ I’ve taken myelination a big step further.
I’ve included not one but four myelination super-nutrients that upgrade your brain’s superhighway and speed up neural signaling.
The second is a nutrient that comes from an ancient tree that existed 270 million years ago — at the time of the dinosaurs.
These ancient trees survived the extinction of the dinosaurs — and they live up to 3,000 years.
In fact, they’re so resilient, one of them even survived the atomic blast at Hiroshima.
It was 1.1 km from the blast center — and was still standing and continued to flower, even though every building around it was destroyed.18
It’s called ginkgo biloba, and when it comes to super-charging your brain’s superhighway, it’s just as powerful:
• In a groundbreaking study on 1,200 patients, this ancient plant extract improved concentration by 25%. (Advances in Therapy journal)19
• A second study of 256 middle-aged volunteers showed it can lead to “substantial improvements” in working and long-term memory (Psychopharmacology journal)20
• And men and women over 50 with “moderate” age-related memory impairment showed “significant superiority” in cognitive tests after taking this plant extract (Current Medical Research and Opinion journal)21
Enhance Your Neural Pathways by a Stunning 211%!
And get this. One remarkable study found ginkgo biloba dramatically increased the speed of attention of volunteers — and their increased attention was sustained for hours.22

The second remarkable neural pathway enhancer is a natural super-antioxidant that has incredible powers when it comes to improving focus, memory and brain energy.
In fact, this compound is so remarkable, it has not just one but six brain-enhancing functions.
It’s called acetyl-L-carnitine, or ALCAR for short.
It’s the nutrient in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study I mentioned above.
That reversed up to half a century of brain aging… improved tests scores by 583%... and… helped give 100-year-olds a new lease on life.
I’ll reveal all six of its stunning benefits in just a moment, but first let’s start with myelination…
When scientists at the University of Manchester, U.K., tried using ALCAR to increase myelin thickness, the results were stunning.
ALCAR increased myelin by an astounding 211%!23
In other words, it spurred glial cells to produce the myelin that enhances neural pathways — which are the “broadband” of your brain — by 3 TIMES…
I’m talking about having thinking speeds that are 3 TIMES faster than you normally experience…
Imagine being 3 TIMES faster in an important business meeting. Or 3 TIMES faster in conversation at a social event… Or 3 TIMES faster at recalling names, dates and other memorized facts…
But the gradual decay of myelin isn’t the only reason for failing memory… brain fog…
and the embarrassing decline of your verbal abilities…
There’s another reason — and it’s even more scary… because it happens so fast…
Once you hit your late 20s, you start losing neurons — the cells that make up your brain and nervous system — at a shocking rate.
Some studies estimate you can lose up to 190,000 neurons every day — or 70,000,000 every year.
By the time you’re 40, brain-cell death has become so acute, your brain starts to shrink — by 5% every decade.24
That’s why it takes longer to learn new languages, and why it’s harder to memorize words or names, as you get older.
And it’s why important events you used to remember get wiped from your brain as if they never happened.
Not only that, but scientists now believe that factors that impair memory — including stress and disease — are directly linked to declining levels of neurons.
That’s why I’ve included a unique combination of nutrients in Focus IQ that can regrow billions of lost brain cells, both glial cells and neurons alike.
And this can lead to a dramatic increase in cognitive ability, attention span, verbal ability and overall mental energy.
Regrow Billions of Lost Brain Cells
“Bombshell” Study Shows We Can Now Expand Our Brains by 1,000%…
Remember More, Think Faster, Stay Alert for Longer.
Scientists used to think that the loss of brain cells could not be reversed — but the good news is, we now know that nothing could be further from the truth.
In the last 12 months, two remarkable breakthrough studies have revealed that NONE of this needs to happen.
These studies have finally blown up two myths scientists believed for decades — myths that have led most Americans to think that once you start losing memory, or start thinking more slowly, then it’s all downhill from there.
The truth is, no matter how old you are… if your memory is sluggish… if you seem to learn new skills slowly… or if you feel mentally exhausted… all of this can be reversed.
You can turn back your mental clock, and rediscover the mental stamina and IQ you had in your 20s.
So let me bust these myths wide open, once and for all:
Myth #1: Once your brain cells die, there’s nothing you can do to get them back.
Nothing could be further from the truth…
Stunning research by scientists at the Austrian Institute of Molecular Biotechnology discovered that it’s now possible to completely regenerate human brain cells — and that we even regrow an entire brain (Nature Protocols journal)25
“This is a real bombshell
in the field of neuroscience…”
— study co-author Terry Sejnowski26
It means that we can now regrow billions of new brain cells, glial cells and neurons… leading to faster thinking, faster memory recall, quicker verbal recall and a higher IQ…
In a moment, I’ll show you exactly how Focus IQ can do this for you — but first, myth #2:
Myth #2: After the age of 20, your brain becomes less “plastic” — and therefore much less able to learn new information, like new languages, names, facts and skills.
Scientists used to think that our brains were highly malleable in childhood, but in adulthood are resistant to change.

Again, nothing could be further from the truth…
A remarkable breakthrough study published in the Journal of Neuroscience shows we can now “lift the brakes” on brain plasticity in adults.
According to researchers at the Salk Institute, your potential brain capacity is 10 TIMES what scientists thought it was. The authors of this study say that most of us have the potential to contain thei inside our skulls.27
Einstein was right — we really are only using about 10% of our brains. This means it is now possible to improve your brain and make it 100 TIMES smarter. This is exactly why Focus IQ is so powerful…
We’ve included a special brain nutrient in Focus IQ that can travel directly to your hippocampus — the part of the brain which is essential for long-term memory, learning and regulating emotions.
Once it reaches the hippocampus, this remarkable compound supercharges cell production, and promotes the growth of billions of new brain cells.
It’s called baicalin, and was first recorded 100 years before Christ — in China’s ancient Shennong Materia Medica.28
In a groundbreaking emerging study, baicalin regenerated new brain cells by up to 67% in the hippocampus. (Scientific Reports journal).29

And that’s not all. In Focus IQ we’ve combined baicalin with a second neurogenesis super-nutrient called gotu kola.
In one remarkable study of human cells, gotu kola led to a “marked increase” in the growth of new neurons, and helped glial cells “accelerate” the growth of new axons (Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology).30
Here’s why that’s important…
The function of axons is to transmit information between brain cells — so gotu kola enhances this transmission. This makes it easier for you to recall memories, words, ideas and thoughts more quickly.
A remarkable new study in the journal Neuron shows that the strength of your memories depends on the strength of the connections between your neurons — and this is exactly what the unique combination is designed for.
In other words, this unique gotu kola-baicalin combination doesn’t just regrow billions of new brain cells — it also helps glial cells do their very important job of enhancing the connections between cells… which strengthens and enhances your long-term memories…
Even better, baicalin is highly targeted, which means it can fuel, protect and energize your brain in more than a dozen ways, including:
• Dramatically raises nitric oxide levels so that your brain gets more oxygen and more energy — leading to a sharper, faster and more focused mind (Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry journal).31
• Helps reduce brain cell death by up to 53% in stroke patients — where there is reduced blood flow to the brain (American Journal of Chinese Medicine).32
• Dramatically increases mitochondrial ATP — the natural brain energy that fuels faster thinking, quicker recall and sharper focus (Pharmacological Research journal).33
Are you starting to see how Focus IQ can enhance EVERY part of your intelligence system?
How it strengths your “separate and parallel network” of glial cells?
How it regrows neurons and increases brain energy?
How it enhances your brain’s superhighway and speeds up the brain signals that make thinking faster?
These are astounding benefits — and I haven’t even revealed half of what Focus IQ can do.
Especially when it comes to enhancing the all-important neurotransmitters in your brain…
Build Faster and Better Connections in Your Brain
Focus IQ Delivers the #1 Brain Secret of the World’s Smartest Men and Women
When I designed Focus IQ, I wanted to create a formula that targets every aspect of brain health — so that we’ve got your whole intelligence system covered.
That’s why I’ve included nutrients in Focus IQ that ramp up your brain’s natural production of every key neurotransmitter…
Focus IQ enhances:
• Glutamate — the neurotransmitter that helps you learn, understand and remember new knowledge and skills, such as a new language, or complex information.
• Dopamine — the neurotransmitter that helps you prioritize, set goals, multi-task and stay positive.
• Serotonin — the neurotransmitter that helps you regulate emotions and sleep better.
The Stephen Hawking Effect: How Focus IQ Ramps Up Learning, Memory and Logical Intelligence
Focus IQ achieves this by including the single most powerful neurotransmitter enhancer. It’s so powerful, it’s even used by the world’s smartest men and women.
Stephen Hawking used this secret34— and he had so much mental energy and such a high IQ he discovered the origins of the universe and the true nature of time…
A TV writer uses it35 — he’s a comedy writer for Jimmy Kimmel, and he has the 2nd highest IQ in the world. His IQ is 192 (the average is 100). On 20 IQ tests he had the highest score ever…
In fact, Stephen Hawking was so impressed, he claimed that a formula containing this incredible secret “will change humanity”…36
So what is this incredible secret? The secret of the world’s smartest men and women?
It’s the exact same compound Focus IQ also uses to enhance your neural pathways — acetyl-L-carnitine, or ALCAR for short.
The reason it’s so powerful is because it dramatically boosts your brain’s levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine is probably the most important neurotransmitter of all — because it’s heavily involved in brain plasticity, sustaining attention, learning and memory.
It also improves mood, mental alertness, concentration, focus and memory.
And in study after study, ALCAR has proved to have an astounding impact on raising levels of acetylcholine to IQ-enhancing proportions.
• In one emerging study, ALCAR dramatically reversed age-related memory loss (National Academy of Sciences).37
• Patients treated with ALCAR had better scores for logical intelligence, verbal critical abilities, long-term verbal memory and selective attention (American Academy of Neurology).38
• Patients with mild memory loss had a 50% response rate when given ALCAR – with better cognitive function and behavioral symptoms compared to a placebo (Current Medical Research and Opinion journal).39
• In a year-long clinical trial of patients with memory loss, those who took ALCAR showed markedly better scores on all outcomes, including logical intelligence, verbal critical ability, long-term memory and selective attention (American Academy of Neurology).40
Leading nutritionists are hailing the key nutrient in ALC AR— carnitine — as a “medical miracle.”
Richard Kunin, MD, calls it “the single most remarkable nutrient I have used…”41
In addition to boosting the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, ALCAR also:
• Maintains the health of your brain during stress.
• Protects against the loss of brain cell receptors that normally occurs with aging.
• Supports the healthy removal of damaged fats that clutter up your brain as you get older.
• Supports healthy amounts of nerve growth factor — an all-important brain-healing compound.42
But one of the most astounding benefits of ALCAR is its ability to boost your brain’s energy levels…
The Ultimate Brain Fuel Delivery System
Everything your brain does — recalling distant memories… learning new languages… finding the right words…

Everything your brain does — recalling distant memories… learning new languages… finding the right words…
…would never happen without one ultimate brain secret that literally supercharges the fuel that drives your brain.
This secret is nothing less than the source of life in your brain — because it unlocks the pure, natural energy that fuels every glial cell, neuron, axon, dendrite and cell…
It explains why some older men and women live into their 80s and beyond, with the mental energy, focus and memory recall of people in their twenties. And why others end up with brain fog, slow speech and fading memories.
It explains why Russian author Leo Tolstoy was able to learn to ride a bike at aged 67.

Or how Queen Victoria could learn Hindustani at the age of 68.
Or how the classical composer Giuseppe Verdi was able to compose operas well into his 80s.
Or why the poet Robert Frost wrote some of his best poems in his 90s.43
But there’s one major problem. These super-smart older men and women, with super-energetic brains… are extremely rare.
Only a tiny fraction of people can sustain youthful levels of this life source — the wellspring of pure energy that fuels the brain — into old age. For the rest of us, it’s the exact opposite:
As you age, your supply of this “inner elixir” weakens, sputters and dies out — leaving you brain fogged, struggling for words and grasping at fading memories.
Even worse, every symptom of an aging brain — including memory loss and slower verbal ability —is triggered by the breakdown of this inner elixir…
I’m talking about the tiny energy factories inside each of your brain cells — your mitochondria.
Mitochondria are tiny organelles in each of your brain cells that take in nutrients and break them down to create energy.
And I’m not talking about the “fake” energy you get from stimulants like caffeine, energy drinks or sugar.
I’m talking about the purest, most powerful form of energy in the whole of nature.
As you age, a deadly cocktail of toxins, stress and free radicals destroys your mitochondria, and switches off the energy flow in your brain.
That’s where ALCAR comes in.
You’ve already heard how ALCAR helps build faster connections in your brain — but it also does something even more astounding.
ALCAR has a stunning impact on mental energy levels — even among the elderly.
111% MORE Mental Energy — At ANY Age
In a breakthrough brain study, ALCAR had a remarkable impact on the energy levels of the elderly. It boosted mental energy by an astonishing 111% in centenarians (The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).44
This remarkable study of 66 men and women over the age of 100 showed significant improvements in both mental and physical fatigue. And it had the added benefit of increasing total muscle mass.
It’s all because ALCAR has yet another super-power — the ability to carry essential nutrients into your mitochondria, which turn this fuel into brain energy.
ALCAR fuels these tiny power plants in your cells, boosting physical and mental energy. But ALCAR is no ordinary, everyday fuel booster.
It’s so efficient, we call it the “perfect” brain-fuel generator.
In a groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Physiology, 45 patients were given a 15% increase in carnitine — but it didn’t just raise their fuel metabolism by 15%, as researchers expected.
Instead the carnitine raised their fuel metabolism by a stunning 40%!
In other words, ALCAR is the ideal brain-fuel generator — because it only takes a tiny amount of this super-nutrient to generate 3.5 TIMES the amount of brain fuel.
Focus IQ Delivers the Perfect Fuel for Your Brain
Focus IQ Creates the “Perfect Brain State”
Do you often need to do tasks that require extreme focus and concentration — sometimes for hours at a time?
If so, Focus IQ is exactly what you need.
Studies show that ingredients in Focus IQ create the “perfect brain state” for completing challenging cognitive projects.
Ingredients like gotu kola are able to harmonize the right and left-brain hemispheres — and this produces a heightened state of awareness…46
…a “flow state,” where learning and brain circuitry are significantly enhanced.
A “flow state” is where you become intensely absorbed in an activity, where creativity is heightened — but with none of the side effects of stimulants like caffeine.
It’s as if scientists had finally discovered the secret to nuclear fusion – the ability to harness limitless clean energy… energy that never stops… and that keeps on giving.
With Focus IQ you can generate this perfect energy deep inside your brain.
But ALCAR doesn’t only create more brain fuel by shuttling nutrients into your mitochondria.
It also gets rid of the waste, by shuttling the toxic byproducts of energy out of the mitochondria.
In other words, it’s the perfect energy system – completely self-sufficient, while also getting rid of its own waste.
And studies show it’s even better than what anyone could imagine.
In a randomized, double-blind study, 36 people were treated for 3 months with 1 gram of ALCAR daily.
Researchers found “significant effects of ALCAR” in reducing fatigue and increasing energy levels.
With this surge in pure mitochondrial energy, you’ll think faster, have sharper focus and be more productive and creative – for much longer every day…
In one study on 1,204 patients, University of London researchers reported a significant impact on attention, mental performance, memory and higher mental functions — and these stunning benefits increased the longer ALCAR was taken.
Imagine Being Able to Learn ANY New Skill As If You Were a Child
Imagine having the mental energy of a child — with the ability to learn any new skill at will.
Foreign languages, music, reading, memorization – everything at your fingertips.
Or imagine having a whole range of mental intelligence abilities – a quick wit, a sharp mind, mental agility, all-day mental energy and a perfect memory.
I designed Focus IQ to target every aspect of your brain. Glial cells, neurons, blood flow, brain energy, logical reasoning, verbal ability, memorization – we’ve got it all covered.
But ALCAR isn’t the only brain energy secret I’ve included in Focus IQ.
When I designed this unique formula, I knew it was essential to make sure you could have all-day energy without the after-lunch energy slumps people usually get.
If you’re living a caffeine-fueled lifestyle… getting early morning stimulus from caffeine… only to suffer a mid-afternoon energy crash… and your productivity is waning…
…then Focus IQ can help you escape this vicious cycle… and have all-day mental stamina exactly when you need it…
…so you can stay productive and creative all day long…
Surging Mental Energy Without Crashing
The Brain ENERGY Secret of NASA Astronauts and Silicon Valley CEOs
When it comes to staying sharp and mentally energized all day long, there’s nothing more important than increasing and sustaining the blood flow to your brain – so you have all-day focus and energy without energy slumps or crashes.
Here’s why it’s so important:
The brain consumes about 20% of the body’s oxygen – even though it only weighs about 3.5 pounds, or 2% your total body weight.47
In other words, your brain consumes 10 TIMES more oxygen than any other part of your body!
This also means that the blood in your brain has to work 10 TIMES harder – so that your brain cells get every ounce of oxygen they need.
In other words, your brain’s oxygen system needs to be like a high-octane jet engine that works on overtime and never breaks down.
Anything less, and you’re going to end up brain-fogged and sluggish – with no energy to talk, be productive or remember things past lunchtime.
That’s why I’ve included a special natural compound in Focus IQ that dramatically increases the blood flow to your brain…
It’s a 3,000-year-old brain energy secret that some researchers are calling “Viagra for the brain”…
Ancient Armenian Intelligence Secret Supercharges the Blood Flow to Your Brain
It comes from a rare flower that’s been used in Armenian folk medicine for 3,000 years48 – but the Armenians weren’t the only ones to recognize its incredible brain benefits.
It’s also used in Jamaican folk medicine. It appeared in an early Anglo-Saxon herbal “bible” from the 2nd century. And Germans call it the ‘flower of immortality.”49
And its incredible benefits are revered as much today as they were thousands of years ago…
Silicon Valley CEOs are using it to crush “brain tasks,” increase productivity and stay alert for grueling 16-hour workdays.
U.S. astronauts keep a stock of it in the Space Station Mir’s medicine cabinet. It helps them stay alert and focused.50
Even mountain climbers use it at high altitude – because it enhances cerebral blood flow, which in turn increases mental energy, memory function and concentration.51
Today more than 1,000 scholarly articles provide scientific proof that this ancient memory remedy is a potent antidote to forgetfulness, brain fog and mental confusion.
It’s called vinpocetine — and it works by opening up blood flow to the brain, so the brain can get more nutrients… and by improving the transport of glucose across the blood-brain barrier.
• One study examined the effects of vinpocetine on the cerebral blood flow of middle-aged and elderly people. It improved function so much that it even helped support healthy open blood vessel function in the brain.
• A second study found it boosted cerebral blood flow by 37% – leading to dramatically enhanced mental energy and performance of cognitive tasks (Journal of the Neurological Sciences).52
• In a third study of 112 men and women with an average age of 50, vinpocetine led to “significant improvements in memory and concentration” — after taking 5 mg twice a day for 12 weeks (Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research).53
• And a study on mountain climbers in the Peruvian Andes found it dramatically increased the brain oxygen and glucose levels of mountaineers.54
But vinpocetine doesn’t only support long- and short-term memory — it does much more than that.
It also enhances alertness, awareness and preparedness — so you can always perform at 100% in conversation or during challenging cognitive tasks.
Vinpocetine also acts as a powerful neuro-protector, protecting your brain against toxins and free radicals.55
But there’s an even more powerful reason vinpocetine is so special…
Vinpocetine also works as a nutrient “super-charger” for all the other ingredients in Focus IQ.
Vinpocetine ramps up the benefits of every other nutrient — and with this incredible superpower you can…
Build “Project Crushing” Focus — and Turn Your Mind into an Ideas Factory
Each benefit I’ve revealed is dramatically enhanced by the addition of this “fuel-injecting” ingredient, vinpocetine.
How does this superpower work? It works by improving your brain’s ability to absorb other nutrients – upgrading and prolonging all their brain-positive benefits.
By enhancing and perfecting every other benefit, vinpocetine is the nutrient driver that…
• Builds razor-sharp, “project-crushing” focus
• Turns your mind into an ideas factory
• Equips you with precise, lightning-quick recall
• Floods your mind with thought-creating energy
• Harnesses your untapped intellectual potential for success
• Fights nagging, straining mental stress
Focus IQ could well be the most powerful natural brain-enhancing formula ever developed.
It helps you maintain intense focus and have instant recall that comes with a normal, healthy memory.
It helps you power through unpleasant tasks — especially ones that are complex or mentally challenging.
No Energy Slumps, No Jitters

You’ll stave off the post-lunch lethargy – and instead have daily bursts of late-afternoon activity.
And you’ll be able to do all of this without the sweaty-palmed intensity of caffeine or sugary snacks.
There’s no mental over-stimulation with Focus IQ, and none of the jitters you get with caffeine. Instead you get natural all-day energy of the purest kind.
In a very short time after taking Focus IQ, you’ll feel a blast of intense focus surging through your mind. It will leave you feeling liberated and ready to take on the world.
But I must warn you.
Right now, your brain is being attacked by a dangerous double whammy of “brain killers”: toxins and oxidative stress.
Brain-damaging toxins are found everywhere in everyday life.
There are literally hundreds, but the worst are phthalates (found in plastics and household cleaners)55… benzene (found in vehicle exhaust, detergents and – yes – pharmaceutical drugs)… and pesticides (which are all over the fruit and vegetables you buy at your local supermarket).
For example, if you keep your food in plastic containers… use plastic wrap… or drink out of plastic cups… these toxins leach into your food and drink…and directly attack your brain cells…

Do this for 30, 40 or 50 years and you’ll feel the damage – brain fog, forgetfulness, slow in conversation, and slow to learn new skills…
Then there’s oxidative stress – which slowly destroys your brain cells as you age.
Oxidation is the waste produced as a result of the energy your brain creates. It’s like rust on an aging car – it builds and builds over time, and it can lead to memory loss, brain fatigue and a foggy brain.
Or it can lead to much worse… because studies show that oxidative stress is one of the prime causes of age-related brain malfunction as we age.
This two-edged assault is killing off neurons and making the blood flow to your brain sluggish and inefficient.
The end result? Your short-term memory fails. You walk and act slower. You talk slower.
The nerve tracts in your brain shrivel – leaving gaping holes in your brain.
That’s why I’ve included a trio of brain-protecting nutrients in Focus IQ that have a remarkable impact in fighting toxins…
Ultimate Protection Against Brain-Killing Toxins
Focus IQ Wipes Clean the “Brain Gunk” That’s Making You Sluggish and Forgetful…
The first is a naturally occurring flavonoid, widely used in China, Korea and Japan for thousands of years.
It’s also used in Focus IQ – as you’ve already seen – as a potent neuron regenerator.
I’m talking about baicalin, and when it comes to scavenging free radicals and reversing oxidative stress, it blows other antioxidants out of the water:

• In one ground-breaking study, baicalin was 67 TIMES more effective at scavenging xanthine oxidase – a dangerous free radical that accumulates in the brain – compared to another well-known antioxidant. (Anticancer Research journal).56
• And in one study, a mixture containing baicalin reduced hippocampal cell death by 53% and markedly improved spatial memory (The American Journal of Chinese Medicine).57
The second great toxin scavenger in Focus IQ is acetyl-L-carnitine, or ALCAR for short.
I’ve already told you how ALCAR can dramatically boost neurotransmitters to help you think faster, be more creative and ”hack” difficult mental tasks like a 20-year-old.
But ALCAR is also an incredibly powerful neuro-protectant – one that can literally halt age-related mental decline in its tracks.
In one study, a formula containing ALCAR reduced free radicals by 57% – and delayed the progression of age-related cognitive decline as a result (Nutrition Research journal).58
In addition, ACLAR reverses age-related cellular dysfunction by keeping your mitochondria healthy, so that they function at the highest level.
And that means a ton more brain energy, faster thinking and much greater mental stamina.
Plus, ALCAR also acts as a powerful antioxidant and prevents deterioration of your brain during stress.
But the most powerful neuro-protectant in Focus IQ has an almost perfect track record when it comes to destroying toxic waste and protecting your brain…
This Ancient Brain Healer Wipes Out 96% of Free Radicals
The leaves of this powerful compound are used in Ayurvedic medicine to restore youth, memory and longevity. In Chinese medicine, they’re used to combat mental exhaustion.

It was also prized as a potent brain healer by the ancient Maya in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.
The ancient Indian medical text, the Charaka Samhita, recommends this compound for managing poor cognition, lack of concentration and low mental energy.
Until recently, scientists had no idea why this compound was such a powerful brain enhancer…
But now a series of stunning experiments proves that it works by scavenging a wide range of dangerous free radicals in the brain – in some cases by nearly 100%!
It’s called bacopa monnieri, or BM for short – and scientists are stunned by its ability to wipe out dangerous free radicals.
• In a study in the International Journal of Research in Ayurveda, BM scavenged one of the most dangerous free radicals – lipid peroxidation – by 95.8%! In other words, it erased almost all the oxidative damage, which means it has almost total protective power for your brain.59
• And BM scavenged another potent free radical – called DPPH – with up to 60% eradication success.60
In this exclusive e-Report, you’ll have complete access to the everything I discovered about how to enhance glial cell function. That helps my own patients stay sharp, focused, energetic and alert, with total recall at their fingertips.
In Ageless Mind, you’ll learn how to avoid the three enemies zapping your brain power, and how to nourish your brain, preserve your brain cells, reverse brain cell loss… and in many cases restore youthful brain function.
You’ll be able to download my Ageless Mind e-Report right away. No waiting for the postman to bring your “snail mail.” You can get started immediately.
Hundreds of people paid $29.95 for this exclusive Ageless Mind e-Report. But I’d like to give it to you FREE when you join Focus IQ’s 3-month VIP Auto Delivery Program today.
Here’s What to Do Next…
After you’ve placed your order for Focus IQ today, and it arrives at your door…
Immediately open the bottle and take two capsules (you do this once daily).
What you’re feeling is a calming but razor-sharp focus settling in. I bet over the next few hours you’ll be able to work faster, follow group conversations much easier and avoid distractions.
And that’s just what you’ll feel happening. Inside, Focus IQ is working to maintain healthy blood flow to your brain, regrow your brain cells, combat stress, elevate your mood and protect your brain.
And even if, for any reason at all, you decide Focus IQ isn’t for you…
Within 90 days of purchase simply return the unused portion – or even the empty bottles – to me. As soon as I receive them, I’ll refund every cent you spend on Focus IQ.
That way there’s absolutely no risk to you.
So try the first whole brain formula Focus IQ. And start building an Einstein-like brain today!
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. Don’t wait I don’t know how long this initial offer for volume savings will be available. Click the button below and lock in your savings – and extra brain power – with no risk!
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