There is plausible reason to trace causation back to South West China were the bats do form a source of meat. Yet i would then go so far as to conjecture that it was isolated and added to the bioweapons arsenal in Wuhan.. My reason for that is that the release was timed and also responsive to China actually signing a real trade deal with the USA. I do think that CCP has operated with foreknowledge and intent to make it go global..
The problem is that the internal blowback is far more catastrophic that ever imagined. Thus the reversal and putting peole back to work as factories shutter with a collapsing order book. The take home from this is that lock down is ultimately a worthless option. We may well not be able to stop this disease.
Now the disease is circulating worldwide and we have climbing death numbers, particularly amoung the real elderly.
It remains also possible that they stole the feedstock from our facilities and upgraded it into a weapon. Now we simply do not know, but we do know that hte CCP knowingly operated to begger their customers once they understood the risks. That is also an act of war.
This all sets the stage for a real counter attack as we roll through all this. Way more important it provides the necessary pretext for banning all chinese owned sales to the rest of the globe and an enforced blockade to bring about the demise of the CCP.
China is at War with Democracies using Weather Control and Coronavirus
The world is sick? China’s Communist rulers made the world sick with assistance from, you know, WHO. The Communist stated goal is to make all nations Communist, but with the strong increase in US military strength Chin’s military Communists must attempt to attack the US and democracies in any way possible..They have infiltrated the press, gained control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures. Just listen to the world news constantly supporting China and being 98% against the current administration. The refrain is the same every evening: praise for China’s handling of the coronavirus and dire news of the US handling the Wuhan Lab disease. Interestingly a few countries are waking up. Australia is asking questions why the Chinese essentially spread the disease abroad. The latest spat started after Australia called for an independent inquiry into the origin of the novel coronavirus. Australia’s push for answers is receiving support from President Trump, who has raked China over coals for downplaying the severity of the virus It now seems unlikely that the virus destroying lives and livelihoods around the world began in a wildlife-for-supper market in Wuhan. More plausible: that it began in a laboratory in that same Chinese city.

Wuhan Lab of Virology
The evidence that has come to light so far suggests the pathogen was neither genetically engineered nor released as a bioweapon from the Wuhan Lab, although it is certainly a possibility. It may have gotten loose by accident or, by a deliberate plan. The truth is that the Chinese government willfully and knowingly concealed information about the severity while simultaneously stockpiling personal protective equipment. It ordered medical supplies from all over the world and claimed the disease was not spread by face to face contact. The U.S. and Australia intelligence agencies are investigating. Eighteen Republican state attorneys general are asking Congress to hold hearings on China like they did on Trump in January while the coronavirus was penetrating the country.
At least as early as December, China’s rulers must have been aware that they were dealing with a local epidemic that could become a global pandemic. If they’d shared what they knew, and prevented those infected from traveling abroad, less damage would have been done. According to a University of Southampton study, had interventions in China been conducted just three weeks earlier, transmission of COVID-19 could have been cut by 95 percent and saved hundreds of thousands of lives. The coronavirus has infinity for killing older people and with a billion population that is difficult to feed they may not have cared. One could suggest the COVID-19 was designed that way as it mainly attacks the lungs of older people. . .
President Ronald Reagan took an aggressive stand against the Evil Empire by backing freedom fighters from around the world that were struggling against the left-wing communist jackboot. As a result, the Soviet Union and its satellites imploded a considerable and unexpected setback to the international communist movement. The goal of Communism is to Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S. [Note: In his book, “Reagan’s War,” Peter Schweizer demonstrates the astonishing degree to which communists and communist sympathizers have penetrated the Democratic Party and US colleges..
China’s rulers lied. On January 14, they claimed the disease was not being readily transmitted human to human. On January 19, they declared the virus controllable and its spread preventable. They silenced those who knew better, including Chinese doctors, Chinese journalists and even Wuhan’s mayor. Some were arrested and charged with “fabricating, disseminating and spreading rumors.” Some have disappeared. Meanwhile a plume of crematory smoke from dead bodies hung over Wuhan, with many funeral homes each asking four 5,000 crematory urns indicating heavy losses of life in Wuhan.

The World Health Organization (WHO) a U.N. body funded largely by American taxpayers (our annual investment is ten times that of Beijing) echoed such statements and praised the Chinese government’s response, including the “very rare leadership” of President Xi Jinping. The WHO resisted recommending restrictions on trade with or travel to China. Not until March 11, did it declare the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.
President Xi knew the disease would seriously weaken China’s communist economy. He knew that if he helped other countries, those countries might suffer little or no damage. Why should China suffer the effects of a pandemic while others stayed safe – and increase their strength relative to China. The Chinese military may have taken things into their own hands sending Chinese delegations to many parts of the world such as Italy spreading the disease.
To spread the disease would be immoral and, one might argue, criminally negligent. But don’t expect the International Criminal Court to take up the case. China’s rulers continue to lie. Last week, MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute) reported that China’s Arabic language television network is still telling its 14 million viewers that U.S. Army personnel visiting China last October brought the virus with them. China is waging a “quiet kind of cold war” against the United States, using all its resources to try to replace America as the leading power in the world, a top CIA expert on Asia said
All are recent presidents except Reagan and Trump have managed to convince themselves that the Communist dictatorship is evolving into America’s partner and has given them billions in trade and technology. China’s spies are waging an intensifying espionage offensive against the United States some even work for our Senators. .
; The Trump administration is, however, the first to identify China as an adversary. It did so in the National Defense Strategy written and released in 2017. Beijing is building its military strength, violating maritime laws, incarcerating Muslim Uighurs, colonizing Tibet, suppressing freedom in Hong Kong, stealing intellectual property by the ton, waging information warfare and law fare, as well as hijacking international organizations.

Hong Kong Riots
Perhaps the current global health and economic crisis will prompt wider recognition of this one-party Communist state’s oppressive policies at home and hegemonic ambitions abroad.
As early as December 31, Taiwan began screening arrivals from Wuhan. They also warned the WHO about person-to-pers still have the courage to advocate public morality are denounced and viciously attacked. Most Americans are entirely unwitting regarding the motives behind this agenda
In contrast, the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has faced little resistance. Launched in 2013, the BRI is a trillion-dollar network of projects aimed at building land, sea, digital, and economic infrastructure across more than 100 countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America. The BRI, now enshrined in China’s constitution as an initiative of lasting importance, could help close the global infrastructure gap, providing much needed ports, railways, bridges, roads, and other critical infrastructure capacity throughout the developing world. It can transform lives and economies. Thanks to Clifford D. May is founder and president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) and a columnist for the Washington Times.
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