We will need secure testing going forward. We are at least certain that the real numbers are awful and that we will need to apply protection systems.
1 End the lockdown forthwith.
2 enforce clear panel protection for all face to face communication needs such as counters and cash registers. This has already been showed to be easily doable.
3 All employees need to also wear basic masks. These stop you from naturally pawing your face.
All this allows just about everything to work. Otherwise, we also all learn to have our converstions at a modest distance. Restaurant traffic stops been problematic. The waiters all wear masks. The customers all know each other and can do their own internal checks as well.
Coronavirus tests are a LIE… false positives vastly outnumber real positives … official infection counts wildly overstated
Sunday, May 10, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Sunday, May 10, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, coronavirus, covid-19, disinfo, false-positive, infections, junk science, outbreak, pandemic, science clowns, testing
(Natural News) The African nation of Tanzania recently sent samples to the WHO for coronavirus testing. Among those items that tested positive for the coronavirus were samples from a goat, a papaya and a pheasant, all at once exposing the total science fraud behind coronavirus testing.
As we’ve warned for over a month, most coronavirus tests produce huge numbers of false positives.
The testing kits are largely made in China, and either through gross incompetence or malicious intent, China-made lab tests are notorious for being so inaccurate that they’re practically useless.
Notably, the infamous “Stanford Study” which was seized upon by the conservative media to claim that the coronavirus had already infected a large percentage of the population and therefore wasn’t very deadly also relied in China-made antibody tests that produced huge numbers of false positives. Those who touted the findings of the Stanford Study were actually getting hoodwinked by China, it turns out. And similar antibody tests have been run in New York, allowing Cuomo to spread total disinformation to the public, claiming somewhere around 14% of all New Yorkers have already been infected with the virus.
We now have enough knowledge of the “false positives” testing fiasco to be able to say, with confidence, that the official coronavirus infection numbers are wildly over-stated. Nowhere near that number of people have actually been infected.
And that means the coronavirus is far more deadly than what people are being led to believe.
Why the coronavirus actually kills about 10% of those who become symptomatic
In the United States, the official numbers currently show that 1.35 million people are confirmed as infected, while 80,351 people have so far died from the virus. If you take these numbers at face value, that would put the current Case Fatality Rate (CFR) for the coronavirus at 5.9%.
The infection numbers, though, are wildly over-inflated due to faulty testing kits that produce false positives. If we adjust the infection numbers down to a more realistic level, the CFR jumps significantly higher. And yes, there are likely some people dying from other things who have been incorrectly counted as COVID-19 deaths, but the Financial Times analysis of excess mortalities from all causes ends that argument by documenting a huge surge in recent deaths from any cause, regardless of what’s stated on death certificates.
If anything, the number of coronavirus deaths is being under-stated by perhaps 50% or so, while the number of coronavirus infections is being over-stated by a wide margin.
And we actually have a way to take a good guess at the degree by which those infection numbers are over-inflated.
We already know that many of these kits produce somewhere around 10 false positives per 100 people tested, or a 10% false positive rate (many kits are far worse). We can also intelligently estimate that right now somewhere around 2% of the US population has actually been infected. This is a rough estimate, but as you’ll see below, whether this is 1% or 4% doesn’t change the conclusions by much.
Now, if you test 100 people for the coronavirus, and 2 out of those 100 actually have the coronavirus, but the test kits you’re using have a false positive rate of 10 out of 100, then you will get, essentially 12 positives out of 100.
Notably, 10 of those positives are false, and 2 are real. This means the false positives are 500% higher than the real positives. And if you rely on those findings, you would incorrectly think that 500% more people have been infected than actually have.
This is precisely what the Stanford Study did. They ran tests that produced false positives, then they extrapolated that false finding to the entire population of California. From that, they incorrectly concluded that a huge percentage of California had already been infected, and therefore the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of the coronavirus was very, very small. As we show in this Natural News article, Stanford researchers likely produced 13 false positives for every 1 real positive.
That entire conclusion falls apart when you realize the testing kits they used were made in China. In fact, those particular kits were so unreliable that Stanford researchers tried to hide the origins of the kits in their paper, but internet sleuths found out the kits were actually made by Hangzhou Biotest Biotech, a company that ranked last place in testing kit accuracy. As ExtremeTech.com explained:
At the time Stanford did the study, there weren’t any FDA-approved COVID-19 antibody tests for clinical use. But for research purposes, the team purchased tests from Premier Biotech in Minnesota. Premier has started marketing a COVID-19 antibody test, but it doesn’t create it. The test listed on the company’s website, and that it appears Stanford used, is from Hangzhou Biotest Biotech, an established Chinese lab test vendor.
It also turned out that the Wall Street Journal writer who touted the stunning findings of the paper was one of the paper co-authors who failed to identify his obvious conflict of interest. So the entire study — and the subsequent WSJ editorial coverage of it — was a rigged scam, 100% science fraud parading around as breaking news to try to deceive America into thinking the coronavirus was no real danger at all. It was a propaganda con job, and sadly, most of the pro-Trump independent media fell for it and repeated the bad conclusions, misinforming their own audiences and causing many people to believe the virus was “no more dangerous than the flu.”
Peak Prosperity also explained this in a detailed video, which I covered in this important podcast:
If you really crunch the numbers on this, it turns out the coronavirus is 56 to 100 times more deadly than the regular flu. But to realize that, you have to weed through the deliberate disinformation being pushed by those who are trying to downplay the severity of the virus for political reasons. (A foolish ploy that will catastrophically backfire when the second wave of infections becomes impossible to deny.)
Bad tests and false positives: The upshot of what it really means
So what does all this really mean in a practical sense? Here are the bullet points of the rational conclusions:
The infection numbers are wildly over-stated due to false positives from bogus testing kits.
This means the infection fatality rates are under-stated, since far fewer people have been infected than we were led to believe.
It also means that herd immunity is far off, since the actual percentage of people who have been infected is much smaller than what researchers have been reporting. In truth, the real number of infections may be just 1/10th what researchers have estimated (or even lower). Any attempt to leap across the chasm and try to rapidly achieve herd immunity in the USA will result in disaster (and mass death).
This also means that reopening economies without taking proper precautions — such as wearing masks, which can end the pandemic if just 80% of the people participate — will lead to a catastrophic second round of infections and deaths.
Finally, and perhaps most worryingly, this means that people are being told they’ve already been infected and are therefore immune and can go back to work. When, in reality, most of those people have never been infected at all. This will result in many people having a false sense of security, which would likely lead many of these people to avoid taking adequate precautions such as wearing masks.
In effect, the result of bad tests producing false positives is mass confusion and the gross mis-allocation of resources to fight the pandemic. If that sounds like the precise scenario that communist China would be trying to unleash across America as part of a biological warfare playbook, you’re exactly right.
That’s why we believe the false positive test kits are deliberately manufactured to be faulty as a way for China to magnify the spread of the coronavirus pandemic outside of China as part of its multiple waves of biological warfare against the West.
Almost certainly, China reserved the accurate kits for itself while exporting known “bad” kits to nations like the United States, all while pressuring the WHO to claim there was no pandemic at all.
If you want to learn even more about China’s plans to attack and destroy America, listen to this bombshell interview with JR Nyquist:
Stay informed by reading Pandemic.news and checking new video news at Brighteon.com.
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