What makes this really interesting is that he then acted. It was obviously not on the basis of this information. We know he has access to altetnatives and this must have been much more accurate and trustworthy. Of course we know just that.
We now know it was the right thing to do as it stopped stimulating the outbreak.
By the way, we know that a third of Stockholms population has COV 19 antibodes. Why do we not know as much anywhere else?
This happens to be critical information at the least and policy makers will use it. what is really going on?
4094Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 492c49 No.9015085
May 3 2020 15:42:59 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: de7ff8 No.9014676
May 3 2020 15:19:42 (EST) NEWClipboardImage.png

May 3 2020 15:42:59 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: de7ff8 No.9014676
May 3 2020 15:19:42 (EST) NEWClipboardImage.png


Intelligence has just reported to me that I was correct, and that they did NOT bring up the CoronaVirus subject matter until late into January, just prior to my banning China from the U.S. Also, they only spoke of the Virus in a very non-threatening, or matter of fact, manner…
…Fake News got it wrong again, as always, and tens of thousands of lives were saved by my EARLY BAN of China into our Country. The people that we’re allowed were heavily scrutinized and tested U.S. citizens, and as such, I welcome them with open arms!
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