Monday, January 6, 2025

Bill Gates: The Ugliest Evil on Earth with Dr sircus

When it comes to Gates  I am inclined to keep a low profile.  his career looks way to much like a DEEP STATE Operative followng his parents globalist agenda.  Claims of intellectual talent have always been overstated.

Somehow he literally owns or controls the global vaccine industry.  Why him? We certainly understand that death rates do not bother him.  That was impossible at Microsoft, but here we have a eugenisists dream.  His parents were so deep into that.

He truly appears to be a plausible clone of hitler and equally convinced of his infallibility.  It all must end badly.

Yet we simply can only watch.

Bill Gates: The Ugliest Evil on Earth

Dr. Sircus

Jan 2

There is a sickness of the mind, a debilitating disease of the soul, that vexes the world’s ruling class. However, some stick out as being evil beyond the others, with Bill Gates probably taking the first prize. “I know most about Gates because I’ve written a book about him,” says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “He’s gotten control of the World Health Organization so that they mandate vaccines all over the world, and the companies that make those vaccines are, Gates’ and many of them the major shareholder.”

It is also notable that Gates linked vaccines not only to public health, but also to his other great project for humanity and planet earth—reducing carbon emissions.

John Leake

Kenndy, thinking about Gates, said, “I think the real tell is was what happened with the DTP vaccine, which is diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Because Gates is pushing this shot, it’s now the number one vaccine in the world, DTP. And it’s mainly given in Africa. It was that particular shot was discontinued in the United States because it was killing or badly injuring 1 out of every 300 kids who took it. We ended it in Europe and the United States, but Gates gives it to every kid in Africa.”

In a recent statement, Russia’s top general accused the United States of using Africa as a testing ground for medical experiments, including drug trials, and alleged that the U.S. is spreading pandemics through a network of secret biological laboratories. It smells like something Gates loves to be involved in.

What can we say about Gates’s friends and anyone who would listen to him?

Billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are funding schemes that seek to fight “global warming” by using “climate vaccines” in the food supply. Gates and Bezos are pushing plans to vaccinate livestock animals destined for human consumption to reduce “methane emissions supposedly.” Bezos, the founder of online retail giant Amazon, is investing $9.4 million to develop a “climate vaccine.” The “vaccine,” in theory, would be designed to reduce the number of methane-producing microbes in a cow’s stomach, Agriland reported. No such “vaccine” currently exists, despite scientists sporadically researching the use of vaccinations to reduce methane for over four decades.

Inciting Vaccine Violence

There is so much bad to say about Gates and knowing where to begin is hard. The Headline: Bill Gates goes full totalitarian: Insists AI could censor ‘threats’ from ‘vaccine hesitancy’ “Bill Gates often has expressed extremism in supporting his agenda that appears to include massive levels of one-world government, such as the submitting to World Health Organization agendas, and mandatory vaccines for people whether they help or not. Now, he’s stepped further into the morass. He is suggesting artificial intelligence, or AI, censor people who are “inciting violence” by expressing doubt about vaccines. The fact that vaccines are not always beneficial is no longer a question mark, given the tens of thousands of people injured by the side effects, which include death, of the COVID-19 shots that were mandated during the pandemic.”

A report at Slay News explains that Gates is now calling for “members of the general public to be censored by artificial intelligence (AI) if they question the official narratives regarding ‘vaccines.’ “He was discussing the ‘threat’ of ‘anti-vaxxers’ and promoting plans for handling ‘vaccine hesitancy’ using ‘real-time’ censorship imposed by AI,” Slay News explained. He charged that since “anti-vaxxers” are “inciting violence” by urging people to avoid vaccines, they therefore are a “threat” to the public.

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