Not knowing about Alcuin is like not knowing about St Augustine. It is hard to do unless you are brought up in a protestant bubble like I was. He was amazing and it turns out that he created our lower case script making transcribing much easier.
This was 700 years before Gutenburg.
Recall that Charleman drove the forced conversion of the Saxons in particular.after uniting all of modern France. Major policy that surely led to the conversion of Eastern Europe.
My own father's linage were saxon pioneers pushing east into the Carpatheans bringing Christiaity with them five centuries later.
Alcuin of York
The Medieval Genius Who Invented Modern Writing 📚 Uncover the secrets of Alcuin of York, the unsung hero of European education. Dive into the world of the Carolingian Renaissance and discover how this brilliant scholar shaped the course of history. From standardizing script to advising Charlemagne, Alcuin's impact was legendary. Join us as we explore the life of a man who bridged ancient wisdom with medieval innovation. You'll be amazed at how his work still influences us today! Want to know more about this formidable figure? Stay tuned as we unveil the epic tale of the medieval genius behind modern writing.
#MedievalHistory #CarolingianRenaissance #AlcuinOfYork #EducationRevolution #CharlemagneEra #MedievalScholars #EuropeanCulture
#charlemagnelegacy #alcuinofyork #intellectualrevival #culturalrevival #medievaluniversities
00:00 - Introduction
00:26 - Alcuin’s Early Life and Education
00:56 - Alcuin and Charlemagne
01:52 - Alcuin’s Script Reforms
02:20 - Alcuin’s Influence on the Frankish Church
02:32 - Alcuin’s Writings and Correspondence
02:45 - Alcuin’s Educational Reforms
03:09 - Challenges and Retirement
03:59 - Alcuin’s Enduring Legacy
04:31 - Conclusion
<iframe width="1349" height="480" src="" title="The Medieval Genius Who Invented Modern Writing 📚" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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