Thursday, March 25, 2021

nifty Geodesic Dome connector

This is important and will soon be applied to a range of frame sizes.  Look at just how easy it is to assemble.  Better yet, it certainly makes yurt building fast.

It is no trick to also take this down and to rebuild quickly.

Just doubling the pole length will hugely increase  the available volume.  Better yet, a ten foot length should be sufficient to produce a reasonable doorway without having to build a purpose made doorframe to allow tractors in and out.

This can be a lot of convenient space that is not packing a box inside a box.  Even at ten feet, the maximum vertical is still convenient..

With the frame in place, preshaped canvas sheeting can cover and protect the contents readily enough.  The whole can be then put up in an afternoon.

This has been done with simple plastic pipe, but it applies to any other material.  THey even suggest rebar. - This video is about the design and fabrication of the Zip Tie Dome Geodesic Dome Connector / Geodesic Dome Hub. This Geodesic Dome Connector is very easy to use and allows the construction of a Geodesic Dome without the use of tools and in a minimal amount of time. The video describes the patented locking collar that surrounds the Geodesic Dome Hub, and how this outer collar controls the axial angles of the struts to create a much stronger geodesic dome than other types of Geodesic Dome Connectors. The video also describes how this is the only geodesic dome connector that can handle struts made out of non-standard size struts, such as metal rebar for concrete domes, or geodesic dome struts made from wooden dowels. This geodesic domes connector also works for building domes made from bamboo and other non-standard size struts.
Other Links:
Zip Tie Domes Australia:
Zip Tie Domes Australia FaceBook Page:

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