Saturday, August 1, 2020

How I Discovered the Benefits of Quinine

This item is a conversation eight years old.  no controversy then.

He also clarifies making your own quinine fluid from grapefruit peels.  You want to use the whole rind including the bitter pith. Thus peel the grapefruit and collect all the bitter parts.  Chop it all up and simmer in water for two hours.  Drain out the liquid.  That is your quinine water.

Even better, consume the fruit then cut up the rest and bring to a boil and then simmer.  This is even less mess.

Store the liquid or even liquor in the fridge until you need to use it for a cold...

MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2012

How I Discovered the Benefits of Quinine

After my recent trip to Germany I developed a hacking cough which gave me headaches and made me dizzy at times. I very seldom get colds because I exercise regularly, take my vitamins and eat a healthy diet. Therefore, I wasn’t too concerned when the cough persisted for more than a week. When somebody asked me if I had done something for this bronchial cough, I listened up. I checked out natural treatments for bronchitis. One solution suggested making Quinine water which is a powerful expectorant for phlegm. 

Wow, there was so much to learn. First of all I came to understand that phlegm is produced by the lungs due to inflammation while the body produces mucus all the time. Second, I learned about bronchitis which is an inflammation of the mucus membranes of the bronchi, the airways that carry airflow from the trachea into the lungs. Since most of this inflammation is caused by viruses I started looking for a natural treatment (antibiotics don’t treat viruses). That’s how I discovered the benefits of Quinine.

What is Quinine?

Quinine is a natural white crystalline alkaloid. Quinine or Tonic water it is a good bitter and helps with digestion. It also helps to control bacteria, pain, fungus, inflammation, and stress. It also has a muscle relaxing agent and works well to treat leg cramps.

Where do we find Quinine?

Quinine is naturally found in the cinchona tree in the forests of South America and has been used successfully to treat malaria malaria. It is also found in the rinds of citrus fruits like grapefruits and bitter lemons.

What are the benefits of Quinine Tea?

According to a website called Earthtym and as mentioned above there are many:

Quinine has many uses and applications. It is analgesic, anesthetic, antiarrhythmic, antibacterial, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, bactericide, cytotoxic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, nervine, stomachic, tonic.

I want to focus here on the making of quinine water from grapefruit rind.

Take the rind of 2-3 grapefruits. Take the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. Let it simmer for about 2 hours. Sweeten the tea with honey or sugar since it will be bitter. Take 1 tablespoon every couple of hours to bring up the phlegm from your lungs. Discontinue as soon as you get better. 

Note: Excess quinine is toxic to the kidneys. Pregnant women should not drink quinine

There are other benefits of grapefruits.

If you encounter some of the nasty respiratory problems this spring, I hope you can find some solutions here.

Posted by RaySolutionat 6:17 AM


DWJ said... 

I am trying to find more information as to the effects of quinine as an anti-viral. I am trying to avoid the flu shot....

Unknown said... 

Tonic seltzer with quinine along with zinc is that not combination to control/stop malaria and perhaps covid 19

Unknown said... 

So please clarify... To me rinds are the white fibrous part separate from the fruit. To me the peels are the yellow zest. So why does vid say "use the rinds (not the sweet part)"... BUT your written part says, "Take the rinds of 2-3 grapefruit. Take the PEEL ONLY.." So do we need to remove the zest (peel)only & discard the rind. Or are you saying those two parts are what you boil? Obviously leaving the fruit refrigerated. It is very important as some plants you may not be able to eat rind... Only the outer dermis (peel) or vice versa. Asking for myself & my sister, round & round argument.

Unknown said... 

Notify me when this rind vs peel(zest) gets answered. Thanks

Unknown said... 

Doctor Merwick was the first chiropractor I went to in Los Angeles. Here is a recipe I got from him.

Wash 2 grapefruit throroughly, cut into small sections and bring to a boil in 1 1/2 quarts of water. Do not peel the grapefruit since the quinine is in the rind. Let simmer for 1/2 hour. Let the mixture cool tightly covered. Strain completely. to receive the curative benefits of the vitamin C and quinine, take about 1/2 cup of the liquid in a glass of water every 2 hours.I hope this will help.

Michele R.

maryjaneKS said... 

The quinine comes from the white part of the peel. Just simply take the fruit out of the peel & simmer the peal only NOT fruit!

Unknown said... 

you're notified. LOL Unknown.

Unknown said... 

Google question,results... The peel is the entire outer covering of any citrus fruit, including the colored, exterior portion as well as the spongy, white pith just beneath it. Rind or zest usually refers only to the thin outer layer that is colored.May 10, 1995

Unknown said... 

After boiling grapefruit rind in water for two hours and then you drain to get quinine water. How much quinine would be in that mixture

Unknown said... 

Sovereign silver (Amazon or health store) is an anti-viral.

Ghost Girl said... 

Quinine also found in Artemesia Wormwood. Best used as a tincture.

Unknown said... 

What about grapefruit essential oil

Unknown said... 

I too am interested in grapefruit essential oil as containing quinine, yet every reference manual I have on eo's doesn't list it as a constituent. Reading all of this, if the quinine is in the rind then of course it may not be in the eo. Still would love verification. I just make 17 half pints of grapefruit quinine, added some honey, only looked it one hour not two. Any way to determine the potency?

God said... 

You are part of the problem. What IF IF IF it helps? Where is the harm since the government doesnt know what to do. COVID-19 is a virus. Why not at least "try" a combination SCIENTIFICALLY known to fight viruses.

Lori said... 

So would this work well for Covid 19? Has anyone had luck with this recipe for with Covid 19?

G. Lee Aikin said... 

One of the symptoms of Covid-19 is a dry cough with the feeling there is an obstruction that needs to be expelled; the original complaint of the writer in 2013. Hydroxychloroquine and other quinine forms are what are called an ionophore (substance that opens cells so virus fighters like zinc or Kaletra can enter.) HCQ is like the gun and zinc or other antivirals are the bullets. For some reason both President Trump and Dr. Fauci make no effort to stress the importance of combining HCQ with zinc in treatment, so keep getting poor results with HCQ trials used ALONE. Since we may not be able to get HCQ from a doctor, then natural quinines or Quercetin are substitute ionophores. Vitamin D3 (5,000IU if low sun exposure) and high vitamin C amounts above 1000mg are other readily available immune strengtheners. Calcium/magnesium/zinc tablets are the easiest to find at Walmart and other stores.

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