Tuesday, August 11, 2020

quinine smartest drug?

.This is huge and it changes everything. Watch the item below.

Might it be possible that the ordinary cold happens to be a primary weapon against all forms of cancer?

What the data tells us is that COV 19 is blocked from attacking normal cells in the presence of Quinine.  Yet it is not blocked from attacking cancer cells.  We go further, the receptors are useful and likely selected.

Thus fending off the flue or a common cold or CIV 19 with Quinine will focus the Cold or Corona Virus attack on all the cancer  cells in the body.  This is too clever by half.

This means that over the  counter Quinine will help folks stop cancer.

It was commonly passed about that consuming a grapefruit a day would prevent cancer. This could turn out to be true.


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