Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Bull Case for Tesla is Increasing Operating Leverage

What Tesla has is complete access to fresh cash.. When that happens, you concentrate on production expansion while driving operating costs down which allows selling prices to drop again increasing sell through.

The point in all this is to completely displace the whole automobile industry with the electic solution.  and it is obviously working and the legacy industry can only play catch up which they fully deserve for never leading.

We are actually over the hump here.  Technology is also catching up as well and this will continue to dtrive the end sell price down.  Right now it is dropping slowly while competing directly with the legacy industry.  What is going to happen soon is that the core cost factor which is the battery is going to drop in half.  At that break point, the whole legacy industry will abruptly go into its final collapse.

With operating costs obviously under control, Tesla will end up dominating the global auto industry with every competator  needing to license production in vorder to stay in business.  It is that close folks.

A Bull Case for Tesla is Increasing Operating Leverage

Brian Wang | August 13, 2020 

Rob Mauer of Tesla Daily provided a bull case for Tesla to Northwestern University Masters Students.

Tesla has grown revenue over the last four years by 250% but only increased operating expenses by 85%.

The cumulative electric vehicle targets of Volkswagen and other legacy car makers totals 10% of all vehicles by 2030. If complete electrification of cars happens by 2030 then 90% of the market is left to Tesla and some new Chinese electric car makers.

If you do look back at Tesla’s car production, Tesla has been growing vehicle production at a compounded annual rate of 50% per year. This has been the historical growth rate.

2:21 Background on Tesla Daily
3:52 Bull case presentation begins
7:16 Tesla’s lead in electrification
10:43 Tesla’s lead in autonomy
12:53 Tesla’s lead in energy
14:30 Is Tesla overvalued?
26:35 Competition has completely given up the market
28:37 Beginning of question and answer section
30:39 Will infrastructure scale fast enough?
33:33 Will people really want to share their vehicles for ridesharing?
36:36 Is Tesla prepared for supply and battery constraints?
40:58 Does The Boring Company come into play for mining?
41:53 Will Tesla’s innovation slow down as they enter a higher volume phase?
45:35 Is Tesla’s lack of advertising sustainable?
48:03 Who is a legitimate competitor to Tesla?
53:12 Thoughts on Rivian and partnerships?
56:05 How did you feel during the Cybertruck unveiling?
58:20 What are your thoughts on the new Roadster and will you be purchasing one?
1:00:46 Is Tesla’s executive turnover a concern?
1:04:29 Do you own a pair of Tesla short shorts?
1:05:00 Any thoughts on TSLA’s stock split?
1:06:55 How have you looked at Elon Musk’s actions and legal issues the last few years? Do you think he is comparable to Steve Jobs?
1:10:00 What do you think Apple’s ambitions in the space are?
1:11:58 What is your background?
1:13:15 What do you think keeps Elon Musk and Tesla’s management team up at night?

Written By Brian Wang, Nextbigfuture (Brian owns shares of Tesla)

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