Showing posts with label stalin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stalin. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Gagging of Henk Tennekes

What is so appalling was how easily an obviously competent scientist was turned out of a key position merely because he chose to simply point out the obvious issues with the emerging global warming theory.

This is a repeat of the Lysenko tale under Stalin.  We once thought we were immune.  Now money does what Stalin did.

In fact political groupings form around funding initiatives and there is obviously huge pressure to suppress consenting opinion mostly because the scientist involved likely have no respect for the granters of the funds.  After all we do not want to confuse these fine citizens with detail.

A simple call to arms to save the world – that they can understand.  The arrogance is breathtaking.

It is insane of course; science has never worked like that.

I want you to think about something.  A discovery was announced a month ago that just might outright cure all cancers.  This will, if correct, abruptly end that cost factor in health medicine.  I also think the adoption of other protocols will largely end most incapacity among the elderly within the next decade.

So as we face rising potential costs we have also major reductions appearing.

You know that everyone is focused on the cost part of the equation as if reduction was impossible.

We live in a profoundly imperfect world in which far too many interests try to rig outcomes to suit their narrow interests.  The only justice comes when this is revealed.  I will not voice a silly platitude about it been inevitable.  It was not until the climategate emails were released.  To that minute, evidence had been suppressed for fifteen years.  That is a long piece out of a good man’s life.

We have a society that wants people to win or lose.  That process ensures that half of the best are often sidelined as this man was.

Gagged! Thrown out on the street! In the nineties, Henk Tennekes was made to clear his  desk and resign as Director of the KNMI (Dutch Meteorological Institute).

His sin? In a newspaper column the world-renowned meteorologist had disproved all the bold claims about climate change. Swearing in high places! And in the meantime, “hard proof” for the greenhouse effect evaporated. After all the scandal surrounding the UN IPCC panel, the skeptics voice  can finally be heard. Time for the rehabilitation of Holland’s first climate exile?

Rehabilitation of the country’s first CO2-exile

By Edwin Timmer

ARNHEM - “I worry a lot these days. I worry about the arrogance of scientists who blithely claim that they are here to solve the climate problem, as long as they receive massive increases in funding. I worry about the way they covet new supercomputers. Others talk about ”stabilizing the climate“. I’m terrified of the arrogance, vanity and recklessness of those words. Why is it so  difficult to demonstrate a little humility?“ Is this a response to recent climate scandals? Sober criticism of the failed IPCC UN climate panel that exaggerated the melting of the glaciers? No, these are extracts from a column which appeared exactly twenty(!) years ago in a British scientific journal. When the then Director of Policy Development at the KNMI (Holland’s Met Office,) Henk Tennekes put the cat among the pigeons. Watch out for all the unsubstantiated claims about climate! “My role as research director was regarded by the people around me as primarily that of provider of the next even bigger computer. But I wanted to get to the heart of the problem. Are these forecast models reliable? Not funny, everyone thought. Looking for the truth?

You must be mad!

That means you have to accept the fallibility of these models. That’s much too dangerous. Most  of the KNMI researchers were happy if they could just sit in the cafeteria with their like-minded colleagues.”

Greenhouse Theory

The now 73-year-old scientist still persists in his fundamental criticism of climate modelling, for instance the often-heard argument that ‘95 percent of the greenhouse theory remains valid’. 

Tennekes: “Why does the IPCC ignore the oceans? The top 2½ meters of all sea-water contain as much heat as the total amount of heat in the atmosphere. Why has the topmost kilometre of the oceans turned colder during the last five years? We don’t know. Until we understand what is happening with the heat in the oceans, the models which aim to predict the climate are totally useless. Tennekes himself acknowledges that he has never been the easiest person to deal with. “I was a troublemaker, and have a horrible temper,” he says whilst gazing out over the snow from his home in the Molenbeke district of Arnhem. “I lose my temper and get angry easily. When that column was published, my associates complained behind my back to the big boss, Harry Fijnaut.”

Henk, within two years you’ll be out on the street“ said Harry. In fact, it took him three years because he first had to invent a reorganization which would make my position superfluous. That’s how those top level bureaucrats arrange things. He wouldn’t even allow me a dismissal on grounds of ’incompatibility of characters.’

Climate Outcast

And so Tennekes became the first climate exile in the Netherlands. In retrospect the incident is illustrative of how during the past twenty years climate research – and accompanying alarming statements „appears to have fallen into the hands of a small clique that tolerates no contradiction, and equates dissenters to Holocaust deniers. Tennekes: “KNMI’ers still avoid me like the plague, because I say something different from the group dogma. First you must believe in something, only then you are allowed to participate in their discussions” In 1986, Tennekes unleashed a revolution in weather forecasting in a speech to the Royal Meteorological Society. That speech made him world-famous among his peers. The slogan he launched in that speech was: “No forecast is complete without a forecast of forecast skill. His eyes twinkle when he recalls that event. For the IPCC this was a warning of biblical proportions. Once Tennekes was out on the street, he was floored, a psychological wreck. Moreover, there were problems with his pension. “There are few professors who earn as little as me.” Teaching college-level courses for retired people (in the UK these are called U3A, University for the 3rd Age) and his passion for flying and birds helped him get through it. Not only did Tennekes write the first book ever about turbulence in the ’70’s, he recently rewrote his book ’The Simple Science of Flight’, used by high school seniors and college students the world over. The bartailed godwit flies non-stop over the Pacific Ocean in a week. Eleven thousand kilometers from Alaska to New Zealand! How is it possible? How can it feed itself? Other species of wading birds manage only 5,000 kilometers!

What is at hand here? The bar-tailed godwit has much better aerodynamics than we thought. Enormously efficient flying muscles. And it undergoes crazy physiological changes during the flight. All of its fat and half of its flight muscles are burned up by the time it reaches its destination. Even its heart has shrunk. People have no idea of the flexibility of living things! “ His enthusiasm falters when he thinks of the World Wildlife Fund or the Society for the Protection of Birds, which see climate change as a major threat to animals. Tennekes buries his head in his hands and moans: “That’s not science, that’s advocacy. Environmental Clubs are based on the idea that each bird and each territory must remain the same forever. But nature is not static! Put a bird on an island and within one hundred years you have a new species. I get really annoyed by the idea that we’re here to save nature. That’s a terrible overstatement of our  abilities”. “The notion that the climate is the biggest catastrophe of our time, is pure grandstanding.

Who’s taken in by all this climate talk? Moreover, the general public is systematically exposed to nightmare scenarios. I find that  scandalous. Yes, as far as the climate debate goes, I’m becoming blunter every day. When IPCC says that sea level will rise fifty centimeters in a hundred years, it’s an exaggeration, but I’ll let them get away with it. If Al Gore makes six meters of it, then I’ll swear loudly. If Rob van Dorland of KNMI then smirks and says that Gore was perhaps  ”exaggerating a little“, then I’ll swear even more loudly. You’re fooling us! ”

New Ice Age

“I am much more anxious about the cooling of the earth. The ultimate fate of this planet is a new ice age. If the main wheat belts of the Northern hemisphere fail to produce their much needed harvest, heaven knows how we will feed ourselves. Well, it could be that warming will lead to a disaster. I still want to accept that. But you must weigh this unknown risk against other problems. Why should we spend insane amounts to prevent CO2 emissions, while the risk is uncertain and any potential benefits of the solution unsure? With much less money we could eradicate malaria from this planet. Or fight HIV, before the entire African population decimates itself“.

Intimate clique

“No, I’m not surprised about the fuss surrounding current climate research. This storm has been brewing for years. The contributions of climate skeptics disappear unnoticed in the rubbishbin.

IPCC is run by an intimate clique of only a few dozen people. I believe that Minister Cramer (Environment) is a victim of the spin-doctors who surround her, people who believe ’good causes’ are served best by evil means. But these green bureaucrats do not understand the meaning of the proverb. It is the road to HELL that is paved with good intentions, not the road to HEAVEN. You can print that.“

Translation: Richard Sumner (UK)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thoughts on the Antichrist

One of the hardest things for a citizen to understand is the objective nature of the culture he is a part of.  We in the West are as guilty of this as anyone anywhere. Outsiders observe the externalities of the culture but are rarely made intimate to the internal workings.  From that conflicts will naturally emerge that are mostly innocent.

We in the West live in a Christian culture that continues to be in formed by centuries of thinking on moral issues and related custom.  The only significant change that has occurred in the past century is that a lesser proportion of the population accepts the divinity of Christ.  Yet in terms of custom and moral codes that is irrelevant.  A divine is unnecessary to establish a natural code of conduct for our society as any Jesuit will be happy to prove.

Even communism simply adopted the code in place while attempting to make the State the divinity.  It was at its heart, a Christian heresy.

The Orient is informed by the teachings of Buddha in particular and this framework was arguably the foundation for the original teachings of Christ.  Again the divine aspect of these teachers are accepted less in our secular world while the moral teachings continue to inform social behavior.

The sole significant exception is Islam.  Its code of conduct is informed as a codification and exultation of barbarism at the heart of its scriptures.  It is no accident that the devout Taliban imposed abject slavery on all women within their society.  Our difficulty is that we cannot comprehend the warping of one’s mind that this achieves.

Recall the bright young boys in the Hitler youth who freely sacrificed their lives in the dying year of the Second War never breaking faith with their fuehrer. We know that if you are properly indoctrinated as a child that this is the natural outcome.  The majority will never rise above this.

I want my readers to understand a fundamental fact of Islam.  It eschews a moral code.  It is not a moral code at all.  It is indoctrination to submit to the authority of the prophet and his earthly minions.  Logical questioning is redirected to outright hatred of those who are infidels.  The recipient of this indoctrination may have faith in God but that was always secondary to the doctrine of submission. 

Yet the prophet in his actions is a consummate barbarian warlord whose excesses were awful and do not properly inform a civilized society.  He is the seventh century version of Hitler, Stalin and Mao, all of whom were informed by his methods.  We have yet to fully recover form the systems established by these three.

Hitler’s religion had to be extracted root and bough at the point of a gun.  Then it essentially withered in the face of economic prosperity and is today almost extinct.

Stalin’s religion collapsed economically and its remnants are presently withering in North Korea and Cuba.
Mao’s religion has expired in the face of rising overwhelming prosperity and is today an uncomfortable and brittle overlay on a society that is restoring traditional Confuciusist ethics or alternately similar doctrines including Christianity and Buddhism.

The Islamic religion merely has longevity as its raison d’être.  It is a doctrine that is a state based system as well as a presumed religion as are the other three.  Our error in the West is to write our expectations of our religious framework onto the forms of Islam.

We cannot imagine that adherents of this doctrine want to kill us and enslave our wives and children and think that this is right because we disagree with them and their right to do so.  Few may in fact be so vile, yet those that are find support in their scriptures for exactly this behavior and no one opposes them.  Once the rock starts rolling downhill, no Muslim will or can stand in its way.

The religion continues to shield abusive behavior among immigrants to the West and to indoctrinate their children with what is in our understanding immoral behavior and attitudes.

The hardest thing that Americans needed to overcome was their heritage of racism.  It is still not complete because it is difficult.  A parent has grown up believing and maintaining a set of racist beliefs.  It is in his daily language. This his child naturally adopts and unless social pressure is brought to bear, the parent will not correct his child when he parrots his parent.  Is it any wonder that these attitudes still linger?

All ethnic groups have a bit of that and parents must be careful in correcting the natural simplistic logic of these beliefs.  It is one thing to be proud of you heritage, it is quite another to hate the people living in the village down the road.

Understanding that the underlying barbarous doctrine of Islam is part of a child’s early education also informs us of what must happen to resolve these conflicts.

The victims are powerless to halt the process but the west is far from powerless.  It merely needs the will.  Explaining this need is difficult not because of the need but our own willingness to forgive.

The underlying doctrine of Christianity is remarkably simple.  It is that you must respect your neighbor to even showing love.  Many find this hard to choke down but that is what we teach our children.  It is sufficient that this is the expected conduct, even when the actions of a neighbor force a more severe response.

The opposite of this doctrine is also very simple.  You shall hate your neighbor.  That is the doctrine of barbarism and all the aforementioned ideologies. It is, to attach a mystic symbolism, the doctrine of the Antichrist.  For that reason, devotees of Islam imbibe a poisonous brew of hatred of Jews and Christians from childhood on.  Apologists attempt to cloud this reality but that is a lie from a culture that accepts that it is morally acceptable to lie to a non believer in order to get under his guard.

The great challenge faced down by the modern west has been this ideology of hatred however packaged.  In western mystical terms hatred is the true doctrine of the Antichrist.  Wherever such hatred is exposed we must confront it and root it out. 

We have had victory over both Nazism and Communism.  We have largely freed their victims.  The cost of Nazism and Fascism was the death of millions.  The cost of Communism was two generations of enslavement for tens of millions.

Islam has enslaved its populations for centuries.  Their doctrines continue to economically strangle their societies.  Yet the doctrine remains so seductive that victims continue to be entrapped by it while living in the west.  It is not changing unless it is confronted with its shame and made to adopt western liberal policies and the language of hatred is expunged from their scriptures in the same way we do not tolerate the promotion of Mein Kampf.

We today have a chronic war against radical Islam that they can sustain if nothing changes for thousands of years.  There will always be ignorant horny young boys to recruit and brainwash and send into the fight.

It can all end by confronting the Islamic States with simple demands and ensuring their imposition.

            That religious instruction be removed from the formal education process.

That the incitement of hatred be removed from all scriptural and Islamic literature.

That all children participate in the education process.

That all religions have unfettered right to teach their doctrines.

It is time to stop treating Islam like it is a religion only.  It is also a State building ideology that also promotes hatred and war.  There may be a peaceful religious life way to be discovered and honored within Islam, but it will not emerge under the flags of hate.